Me becoming a bondage slave-Part 2

Please read part one before reading part two as I t will make more sense as the story continues. All actors are 18 or older.

As I sat at the computer, I quickly realized that the next time I
dabble in bondage, I wanted my play times to last longer. I loved
what happened, yet wish that I would have prolonged my eventual
ending. Even while surfing the net, I found myself unable to keep my
hand off my erection while finding more and more different aspects of
It was then that I
came across a site containing self bondage. On this site, it showed
instructions using things around the house to bind a person. It also
showed what they referred to as timed release bondage. Simply
meaning, that once you were tied up, you’d have to wait a certain
amount of time before being able to release yourself of your bonds
and also release your sexual pressures.
I began finding the
items around the house and in my dads garage that I would need. I
remained naked while doing this enjoying the thrill of being nude and
the thought of how I could be caught if my dad or his wife came home.
Even when I went out to the garage, I remained naked which gave me a
particular thrill as I heard vehicles drive by the house wondering if
I was about to be caught.
Once inside, I
opened two keyed padlocks and then removed the keys placing them in a
little cup of water. I then placed the cup with the keys in the down
stairs freezer. After doing this, I collected the items and placed
them in a box eventually hiding the box in the bottom of my closet to
await tomorrow when I would try this new found excitement. I then
went back to the computer and continued to surf the net for more
ideas in bondage, yet making sure I didn’t masturbate myself to
another ejaculation.
I stayed naked all
day and waited for the sound of a vehicle in our driveway before
rushing to my bedroom and putting on some clothes. Doing this excited
me making it difficult to get dressed before my dad got home. As I
walked out of my room, I noticed that a little precum had seeped
through my underwear and sweats making a wet spot on the front. I
thought about putting on some different clothes, but my dad hollered
up asking where I was.
I went downstairs
and talked to my dad asking how his day had went. He answered as he
usually did just telling me that it was okay and then he glanced down
at the front of my sweats and asked smiling if I had a good day. I’m
sure I turned red, as I told him “Nothing special.”
The rest of the
night went without anything special to note. His wife got home, and
we ordered pizza to be delivered. After dinner, I went back to my
room and began to think of what I was going to do tomorrow with my
whole day to myself while they were at work.
The next morning, I
got out of bed as soon as I heard the front door shut with my dad and
his wife leaving the house. I stripped off my pajamas getting
completely nude again. I was instantly hard again as I grabbed my box
of supplies and carried them down into the living room.
I then went to the
laundry room and found the basket of dirt clothes Kristi had dropped
off this past weekend from school. Finding this, I dug through her
dirty garments finally finding what I was looking for, a pair of her
used panties. Luck was with me as what I found, was a bright pink
thong and a white thong. I grabbed them and took them with me to the
living room dumping everything in the middle of the room.
Once in the living
room, I opened the blinds of the front window thinking that knowing
it was open would add to the excitement of possibly getting seen by
someone going by. But in my heart, I knew that in order to be seen, a
person would have to walk up onto the front porch.
I then grabbed the
key that was frozen in the cup of water. I sat it in the middle of
the room and then proceeded to lie down beside it. I grabbed the pink
panties next and wadded it up and placed it over my nose and then
placed wadded up the white thong and placed it in my mouth. I I then
put on a pair of my bluetooth ear buds in my ears and then wrapped an
ACE bandage around my my mouth and nose securing everything in place.

I then turned on my
cellphone to start playing music loudly so as I couldn’t hear
anything else and turned on the video camera. I leaned it against the
couch on the other end of the room aimed at me in the center so it
would record everything that took place.
I stepped back to
the middle of the room and sat down. I grabbed a short length of dog
chain that I had cut into various lengths and wrapped one end very
tight around my ankles. I padlocked the chain in place securing my
ankles together and pulled the other end of the chain up behind me. I
confirmed the cup with the keys were still beside me and once I knew
exactly where it was, I grabbed a bandanna and tightly wrapped it
around the top part of my head covering my eyes so I could see. I
secured that in place with a single wrap of duct tape making sure
that it didn’t fall off while I waited for the ice to melt.
With the music
blaring in my ears, my sight completely blocked, I bent my body
backwards forcing my stomach and hips forward and grabbed the
remaining end of the chain. I managed to loop it around my wrist
pulling it tight. Once I felt it was tight enough, I grabbed the
remaining padlock and locked it into place securing my until the ice
melted enough that I would be able to grab the key.
I moved around a bit
finding being bound was exciting and although I couldn’t see or
feel it, I know my penis was as hard as I’ve ever felt. It also
excited me knowing that if someone looked in the big front window of
the living room, I’d be seen in a very awkward position.
After a while, I
found an uncontrollable urge to get some kind of satisfaction from my
penis. I tried to move in a way where my penis would rub on
something, anything, but no matter how much I tried, It remained hard
sticking out of my hips like a missile ready to be fired.
After a while, and I
don’t know how many songs played, the excitement wore off and I
started to really become worried that someone might walk by and see
me. How would I explain this? What would they say? What would happen
if word got out that I did this?
I reached for the
cup with the keys but felt that it still hard and still frozen. It
then struck me that I didn’t see how long it would take for the ice
to melt to where I could get to the keys. I pulled the cup closer to
me and pushed the cup up against my butt cheeks hoping that this
would cause the ice to melt faster.
I tried to relax as
I now knew that I was stupid for trying this, but I was sure that it
wouldn’t take too long and the ice would melt, I would grab the
keys, and I eventually be out of this position. It was warm in the
room and I must have fallen asleep when I was awoken when I thought I
felt something touch the end of my penis.
I strained to hear
anything, but the music was much too loud. I concentrated with all my
being trying to sense is someone was in the room, but eventually
settled down concluding that I must have just dreamed it.
Suddenly, I again
felt something brush against the end of my penis. Was someone else in
the room I quickly pondered as I attempted to be able to sense what
it was. Then suddenly I felt something brush against my butt cheeks.
I attempted to yell for help, but all that came out was muffled
sounds from my pantie filled mouth. I rolled over on my back onto my
arms and hands, but doing so, the chain caused my legs to bend
pushing my feet closer to my ass, and resulting with me spreading my
I’m now on my
back, my knees spread wide with my penis and balls on display to
whoever was in the room. I then felt something touch the base of my
balls gently grabbing them and lifting them up uncovering my asshole.
I again tried to say something, but I’m sure all was heard was my
muffled sounds.
It was definitely a
person as I felt a hand lift my balls, and using their other hand, I
felt something brush across my asshole. I then realized just how
vulnerable I was in which I wouldn’t be able to stop someone from
doing whatever they wanted to me. As I thought about what a person
might do, I was brought back to reality as I felt someone else grab
both my nipples and begin to twist them. I cried out in pain but
again, I’m sure all that was heard was my muffled cries.
Just as quickly as I
felt their presence, I was left alone again. I cried out for help,
but no relief was granted. I lie there for an unknown time and was
beginning to think that whoever it was, that they may have left so I
began to feel around for the cup containing the ice and key. My guts
began to churn as my grasps for the cup came back empty. I scooted
around the room running into furniture, yet found nothing.
It then dawned on me
that whoever it was that was here, that they might have taken the key
with them leaving me to be found by my father. I found some comfort
knowing that at least it would be him who found me. He’s always
been understand around me. I’d be embarrassed, but I’m sure he
wouldn’t say anything.
My thoughts were
interrupted as I felt two sets of hands, one on each side of me as
they picked me up. I was then carried for a short while and placed on
a hard surface. I then felt someone doing something at my feet and
then felt my feet become free from the chains. As quickly as they
were loose though, I felt someone grab my legs and pull me turning me
as they pulled, pulling me over an edge, what I imagined may be the
kitchen table. My feet hit the floor but were immediately pulled
apart and secured to the table legs leaving me standing with my legs
spread wide apart.
A hand then pushed
me in the middle of the back pushing me forward landing my chest on
the surface. With my hands still locked behind my back, I couldn’t
stand or move. Yet, now I was really in fear as I can only imagine
how I look. Me bent over the table with my asshole, balls, and cock
hanging below clearly visible to whoever was doing this.
A hand pressed down
on my lower back as I felt another hand begin to apply a cool gel to
my asshole. Oh shit! I thought as I now know that I’m about to lose
my anal virginity. And as stupid as it sounds, I’m angry that I’m
losing my anal virginity before I lose my other virginity.
The hand leaves my
back as I come to the realization as to what is going to happen and I
Continued in Part 3.
