Dancing Queen Ch. 3: Realizations [M/F]


=== ***Queen*** ===

Right. I spent the night with him.

It’s weird waking up in a place you’re not familiar, with an arm around you that you’ve only seen a handful of times. But when it registered in my head, I smiled. I spent the night with Bryn, just making love and nothing more.

This is wonderful. I have to teach him the difference between sex and making love.

I gently stroked his face and he stirred, opening one eye and then the other.

“Morning sleepy head,” I said, and he groaned and picked himself up.

“Good morning. I hope you slept well,” he answered, and I stretched up and the draped an arm around him.

“I did,” I answered, realizing that my stretching was probably lost to him. “Shower before breakfast?”

He smiled at me and nodded.


The water is warm as it cascades around my chest and belly. What’s even warmer are his lips around mine.

“We gotta be careful. You wouldn’t want to slip, now, would you?” I laughed and he agreed. I’ve never had shower sex before, but I know slipping in a shower is a good way to break an arm or a leg.

He pressed me against the wall, on my belly, and I could feel his hands crawl up my sides and then around to my tits. He gave them a squeeze while he kissed my back and shoulder. He’s shorter than I am, so he couldn’t kiss the back of my neck.

His cock pressed behind me, and I could feel it grow and harden. I pressed my ads against his crotch and wiggled it around and that seems to quicken the process.

I lost count of how many times he and I came last night, not that I was keeping track. I’m not even sure what time we fell asleep, just that we did. I washed my pussy out first, then stepped out and he went in and washed himself clean.

Of course, I couldn’t help myself and hopped into the shower with him, and now here we are.

“Tell me about your Asperger’s,” I asked as I looked back at him.

“Well,” he said while sliding his cock in and making me take a deep breath as I felt my pussy become full, “it’s a fairly mild case. Like I said, it’s hard for me to comprehend social cues and most facial expression. I have a slight OCD. As you can tell, I sound fairly normal, as some on my spectrum sounds almost robotic, but there’s times where I don’t even realize I’m shouting. I’m fairly empathetic, but I’ll admit I haven’t experienced most things that evoke the need for empathy such as a funeral.”

While he talked, he kept thrusting into me, pulling me into a sense of mind fog. I couldn’t understand some of the things he said, I’ll admit, having lost it on the wake of pleasure.

“In comparison, I’m leaning more towards a societal norm than Asperger’s, but my doctors have diagnosed me with such. I don’t exhibit some of the characteristics, only some, and I’ve made up for some of it as well.”

“Uh-huh…” I droned on as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. “Baby, I’m going to have to ask you to repeat that because I couldn’t focus on what you said.”

“I’ll make sure to tell you later,” he said, “I think I understand why, and I’m glad.”

“Keep fucking me honey. Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”

“Turn around. I want to look at your face,” he said, and I gladly laid my back against the wall, thrust my hip a little forward and rolled my hip up. I watched him take his dick up to my pussy, and I reached down and spread my lips for him. He came knocking in, knocking in so hard, and then his hands went to the small of my back.

We looked at one another, relishing the way our faces contort to the pleasures we give to one another. I leaned towards him lift a leg up, which he then carried, and we started kissing.

The fact that I’m taller than him made this easier for us to stand and fuck. If I was shorter, I would have to go on my toes. His cock is long enough that he’s able to fuck me properly without having to do so.

How’d I get so lucky. How’d I find someone like him?

“Who’s your Queen baby?” I asked with a soft laugh.

“You’re my Queen,” he replied in kind. Our lips wrapped around one another once again. I cannot get enough of him!

“You’re my King, baby!” I moaned out and I climbed over him and wrapped my legs around his waist and locked them in place. He grabbed my ass, and my arms went over and around his shoulder and onto the back of his neck.

I’ve never said those words before. I’ve never asked “who’s your Queen” before or told any one of my VIPs that they’re my King. Even when I first started in the VIP room, those words never crossed my mind.

“Your vagina feels wonderful,” he moaned, “warm, wet, slick, snug around my cock, it’s really a good feeling.”

“Thank you honey,” I smiled, “but we gotta finish up. Mama’s getting hungry.”

“Your mother is here? Where? When did she get here? Is she angry?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “No, silly goose! I meant me!”

“I see. I was too focused on our intercourse that I didn’t even think about the word usage. So, you’d like to finish?”

I nodded.

He pressed me against the wall and released one of my legs and that free hand went to the small of my back. He started thrusting up, hard and rough, and the slams reverberated against the tile wall. “Jesus, fuck! Keep going, keep going! I’m almost there! Keep going!!!”

My whimpers escaped my clenched jaw as we both came. He joined me in my moaning symphony, as I felt my walls squeezed his cock, milking his sperm out from his cock.

“You’re amazing,” I moaned as I looked down at him. He looked up, panting heavily, and we kissed again.

I kneeled down before him and cleaned up his cock the only efficient way I know: with my mouth. He rubbed my cheeks while I flushed out his cum from my snatch.

We got dressed and checked out. He took me to brunch, and I enjoyed eating with him. He had a particularity about him: he picked apart the food and didn’t want to eat the bacon, which I took for myself, and he kept spinning his orange juice cup three times before drinking.

He drove me back to my car, and parked next to it. I sat there with him for a couple of minutes, because I wanted to say my piece before departing.

“Can we keep this casual?” I asked. I need to reign in my emotions before making a big decision.

“Casual? Elaborate, please,” he replied.

“Um, it means we’re not official. You can see someone else; I can do the same. We’re not committed to one another, but we can go on dates and stuff.”

He took a moment to himself. “I can see someone else, and you can as well, but we can date one another? I see. Agreed, then.”

“Great! I’ll call you later, okay?” I gave him a kiss and hopped out of his car. I waved goodbye and he did the same as he drove off.

Queen, let’s figure ourselves out girl…

=== ***Brynjar*** ===

A casual relationship. The premise is interesting. I think it was too forward for me to hope for a committed relationship, but I am not one to impose myself on others.

The nights event is fresh in my mind. Repetition, she said… hmmm. I would assume she means I should practice more. Maybe I should go out and look for other women with whom I can practice intercourse with.

I got to my home and noticed the outside lights are still on. It’s almost noon and at this juncture, I’m just wasting electricity. I opened the door and I felt frustration.

“Skye, I have informed you multiple times to please shut the outside lights.”

“Sorry bro!” Came her voice from her room. She bounced down from the stairs and flicked the switch. “There, happy?”

“Sarcasm I take it?” I asked and she nodded.

Skylar is my older sister. My older adopted sister. My parents adopted her because they didn’t want to have their own child because my mother’s genealogy makes her biological child susceptible to Autism. When they had me, accidentally I may add, they were scared that I might have it.

They were extremely relieved that I turned out more normal than they hoped for.

Skye is Asian. Korean, to be exact, whom my parents adopted in their younger years when they were traveling and exploring the world. She’s two years older than I am.

Skylar lives with me, and she refuses to move. Being the big sister, she supposedly takes care of me, but I am the one who makes the money, pays house and the bills, and buys the food.

What does she do? Absolutely nothing. I don’t understand her not wanting to work, to contribute to the household, or anything. She loafs around in her room all day, eats the food I prepare, and retreats to her room. She gets an allowance from our parents that allows her to partake in parties, friendly gathering and what not.

I would like for her to at least clean up after herself.

“You didn’t come home last night,” she said. I didn’t notice her wardrobe, or lack of. She’s wearing a loose-fitting low-cut tank top with no bra, and tight shorts.

I’m not sure why she’s wearing what she’s wearing because it’s fairly cold out. Not cold enough to require a heavy jacket, but a light jacket should do.

“Skylar, you should wear a jacket. It’s cold,” I informed her, and she just stuck her tongue out at me. “I was with someone last night.”

“Oooh is it a girl?” She said in a sing song fashion.

“Yes,” I answered, and her face turned serious.

“Oh. So, what did you do last night?” Her tone is different. Not so innocent, but a little heavy and harsh.

“We drank coffee, we talked, we had sex, ate breakfast and went home,” I summarized. She nodded along and then her eyes suddenly went wide.

“What was that? Repeat the last part!”

“We ate breakfast? I don’t understand why that’s hard to believe”

“No, before that!” She repeated.

“We had sex,” I clarified. Her face told me she’s constipated, and her clenched fist says it’s been a while.

“You… you had sex? With a girl?”

“I would assume so… I hope she’s a girl,” I tried my hand at humor, but she didn’t laugh. I might’ve missed the point.

“Who is she? What’s her name!?”

Her tone is dire. She approached me threateningly, but I dare not strike her. “Kimberly Queen,” I answered in a moment of panic. I don’t know her surname, so I just used her stage name.

She huffed and paced the floor in front of me. She looked at me, and then back on the floor. Finally, she stomped her way up to her room, slammed the door shut, and then I heard a shrill yell.

I wonder what that’s all about.

My phone chimed and Queen has made it back to her place safely. I’m glad. I lay in bed and I think about what “casual relationship” means, and of course I look it up.

She’s free to pursue other romantic interest, and I am too. But at the same time we’re loosely tied to one another? It’s quite confusing. We’re in a relationship, but at the same time we’re not? I would like to ask her to clarify further, but at the same time I don’t like being a bother. My head is having a hard time wrapping itself around this subject.

I replied, “good to know, take care,” to her message before locking my phone. It has been a busy day, a productive day, but a busy day.

I need to make lunch, otherwise Skylar is bound to starve. Cooking is relaxing for me, land it helps me focus.

Well, I intended to cook but I ended up making a couple of sandwiches instead. I will need to go to the store and restock the refrigerator and buy some essentials. I need to ask Skylar to send me texts about essentials we need.

I went up to her room and knocked on the door, telling her that I’ve made a sandwich for her.

“Go away!” She yells through the door.

“I don’t understand why you’re angry. Can you explain please?” I pleaded.

“No, just go away! Leave me alone, Bryn!” I swear I heard sniffles and cries. Why is she upset?

“I refuse. I’m coming in.”

The doors all have a simple lock, and I have the key to all of them. I hear her protest when my keys made their noises, and as soon as I came in, she hid behind her oversized pillow.

“Skylar, I’m not sure what I did to make you upset. You know I don’t like it when you’re mad.”

She turns away from me as I sit on the bed. I placed her sandwich on her table and turned to face her. “Skylar, I will only ask this once. If you do not tell me what’s wrong, I will be forced to call mother.”

“No! Okay, okay,” she relents, and I breathe a sigh of relief. This is one of the things I dislike is unresolved issues. It eats at my brain, and I can’t think of anything else unless it’s solved.

“You said you had sex,” she started, “you didn’t tell me you weren’t coming home last night, and I was really hungry.”

Now I’ve been upset before. I’ve felt anger, and I know how it burns in my chest. But her selfishness is going too far. Before I say anything, I will surely regret, I got up and left her room, making sure to close her door.

I have a headache. I need a nap.


I had to force Skylar to come with me to go shopping. I could tell she didn’t want to go, her face says it all and her hesitance was obvious. But I told her that I’m not going to buy any snacks for her unless she comes with me.

I got the essentials, some chicken breast, peanut butter, jelly, and a few boxes of dried pasta. I’m no chef or anything, but I can cook an authentic Alfredo. I got some parmigiana reggiano, and since Guanciale is hard to find, so have no choice but to settle for thick cuts of bacon.

I took her to a coffee shop afterwards and we talked.

“How was your first time?” She asked and I’m white perplexed that she’s interested in my sex life. She’s been telling me about all the sex she’s been having ever since she turned 18, one of the reasons I was interested in the subject, and I’m not sure how to go about this. But, as mother says, honesty is the best policy.

“It was fine. My partner was understanding and she was patient with me.”

“Did you make her orgasm?” She probed as she took a sip of her Frappuccino.

“She said she did, so I have no choice but to believe her.” I answered. The signs are there that she did orgasm, but I’ve read that women can fake it.

“Is she someone we know? Do I know her?”

“I don’t believe so, and I’m not at liberty to divulge her information.”

She nods in understanding, but I believe she’s holding back. “Was she good looking? Sexy?”

“I believe she can be categorized as such,” I’m not one to judge someone’s appearance. She is beautiful to me, I believe that.

Our conversation diverted to what our plans are and the rules I’m setting. If she is to stay with me, she needs to be more helpful. She just nodded, but she looked distracted.

=== ***Queen*** ===

I can’t stop thinking about him. I wanted a casual relationship between us, but I really want us to be exclusive. I just need to gather my thoughts and tie up some loose ends.

First, I talked to my boss and told her my situation. She understood me, and was sad for me to stop being part of the VIP package since I brought a lot of customers in, but this is good for the other girls because they’ll have more chances of being in there.

Secondly, I need to talk with my parents. While they disagreed with my choice, they’ve been nothing but supportive of me. My mother was a prostitute, and when she had me she stopped her own work. Thankfully my biological father married her when she told him and they’ve been together since.

Last but not least, I need to get an STI check up. I should be clean, but a girl can never be too careful.

Serenity is off tonight and I’m on the floor. She’s FaceTiming me now and we’re talking and being our usual self. She’s in a coffee shop, drinking whatever it is she drinks.

I’m putting on my make up, and we’re talking when I notice something behind her. Something familiar.


Who’s that next to him. A girl. He’s already found someone!? So fast!

I didn’t want to alert Serenity because she’s a bossy bitch and she’ll ask Bryn a shit Tom of question. I kept it cool, but I made sure keep an eye on them.

She looks so pretty! Dear god, she’s adorable! I can’t believe he found someone to hook up with already.

My chest feels tight. I’m starting to sweat. I looked in the mirror to find a scared, young girl. What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore? What if he likes her more than me!? I can’t! I can’t do this!

I think I’m having a panic attack.

I ran to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. Destiny and Serena called for me but I begged for them to go on stage without me. I went to my boss, and begged to be sent home, and thank god she understood.

I cried on the way home, and I cried while staring at his name on my phone while laying in bed. I called him and waited for his sweet voice.

“Hello, Brynjar speaking,” came his voice.

“Who is she?” I asked.

“Queen? You sound I’ll, is everything alright?”

“Bryn, who is she?“ I sniffled and cried out.

“Are you in tears? What happened? Is everything alright?” He sounds so sincere.

“Can I see you? Please?”

“It’s late in the night, but okay. Where would you like to meet?”

“I want to see you,” I stammered for a bit.

“I see. I’ll send you my address then.”

Within seconds I got a text of his address. I took a shower, reapplied my make up, put on a pair of leggings, a long sleeve shirt and a jacket, and I drove over to his home.

He lives about 10 miles away. He already has a house, at 22!? I knocked on the door and he opened it in seconds and I leapt into his arms.

“Queen, what is wrong? Why the tears?”

I just cried. I didn’t like what I saw and I felt constant pangs of pains in my heart. Not my chest, my actual heart!

“I need to know who she is. I need to know,” was all I said.

“Who? What girl are you talking about? I am so confused right now.”

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure.

“Bryn, who’s that?”

I looked at her. A pretty Asian girl with nice ties, wide hips and thick thighs, and a slim waist. Her hair is long, smooth and black and her skin is immaculately fake. She has on a low cut tank top that accentuated her tire, a gray sweatpants with the garters folded down so I can kind of see her hip bone.

“Bryn, her! Who is she! You’re married, you lied to me!”

Bryn looked over and the girl went to us. “Bryn, who is this girl!?”

“B-Both of you -“

“Answer me, who is she!? Have you been married all this time!?” What did I care if he’s married? I never asked any of my VIPs if they’re married even when I see a wedding band. But somehow I’m starting to get angry.

She and I started to argue, and shout at one another demanding who the other one is. Then she gasped as she looked towards Bryn.

“Bryn? Bryn! Calm down, calm down ok.”

When I got a look at Bryn, it horrified me. He started gnashing his teeth, scratching at his neck, and clenching his fist.

“Oh no. Grab those pillows! Hurry, we gotta hurry!”

“Why? What’s happening?” I asked and she shook her head.

“Just shut up and grab the pillows!”

So we ran over to the couch and grabbed the pillows. Within seconds, she placed one of her pillow on the side of Bryn’s face and instructed for me to do the same.

“Watch his fist,” she said. What?

Then, it started. Bryn punched his fist together, and it would’ve been so much worse had it not been for the pillow softening the impact. Then, he punched the sides of his face. I flinched whenever I felt the impact, and I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if the pillows aren’t there.

“When he’s extremely stressed out and very frustrated, he starts punching himself. He can’t control it. He can’t process his feelings, so he becomes agitated and self harms unintentionally. When he was a kid, we noticed bruises on his face and his fist are all gnarled up every once on a while and we thought he was being bullied. It got worse when he went to the gym and he got muscles.”

Bryn’s eyes are glossed over and he continued. I had to steer clear of his swinging by standing behind him. She, however, stood up front despite close calls.

“Don’t worry. He’s never hurt me or anyone else.”

In a matter of minutes, he finally calmed down and life went back in his eyes. He’s panting hard, and the girl went and brought him some water.

“Who are you anyway? Why are you coming all up in our house and demanding all of these questions!?”

We got Bryn onto the couch and laid him down, with his head flat against her thigh. She stroked his hair and rubbed the top of his hand.

“She’s the girl I had intercourse with,” I hear from Bryn.

“Oh, is that so?” She said through a clenched jaw, “she’s the one who you gave your first time to?”

“And Queen, this is Skylar. She’s my older sister.”

“*Adopted* sister,” she clarified and instantly I knew where all the hostility is coming from. I see it, and it’s so painfully clear. I see through her innocent clothing, innocent but utterly sexy, and I know what she’s trying to do. She’s in love with Bryn.

“Queen, why are you so angry? I don’t think I’ve done anything to cause you any distress.”

Bryn sat up and looked at his knuckles, which are best red. “I did it again, huh?” He said and Skylar just nods.

“He only remembers bits and pieces of his fits,” she remarked, “and he hasn’t had one in such a long time too.”

I looked down in shame. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t foresee it. I mean, how could I have known that she is his sister? Anyone couldn’t have known that! An Asian girl and a white guy, you wouldn’t think they’re siblings!

“Well? Explain, bitch,” she spat out. For once, I can’t argue back because this is all my fault.

“I… I got jealous,” I answered truthfully. “I saw you two when I was talking to a friend over FaceTime in the coffee shop.”

“Was that the lady that talked rather loudly?” Bryn mused, “I thought I heard someone familiar.”

“Yes, that’s one of my coworker. I just felt hurt, and I had a panic attack, and I’ve never had a panic attack and I left work and cried and…”

I sighed loudly. I thought I was mature for my age. I thought I had a handle on my emotions.

“So you thought I found another woman with whom I can have intercourse with, and that caused a panic attack? I don’t understand, Queen, you wanted a casual relationship. Am I not allowed to pursue other casual sexual relationship?”

He’s got me trapped. What is with this guy and him causing me to paint myself into a corner? I need to dig myself out of it. I must.

“W-Well, I didn’t think you’d find someone so fast. It made me feel like you just used me,” was my answer.

“But it was your idea. It matters not how fast I found a partner, but to me it looks like you’re upset because I found one.”


“I don’t care. Don’t invalidate my feelings!”

“I’m not, I’m just asking questions here as to why you’re feeling what you’re feeling. I don’t understand why you’re upset!”

Then she moved next to him and whispered something in his ears, all with a wry smile as she stared at me.

“Is that true? She was jealous? Interesting. So, Queen, if you were jealous when why ask for a casual relationship. If you would like to be exclusive, then why not ask for it.”

“Because, little brother, she probably wanted to sleep around some more until she was ready for you! Isn’t that right?”

“Actually, Queen apparently had a body count in the hundreds.”

I slapped his upper arm. “Why would you say that to her!?”

“I-I thought it wasn’t a secret! You declared it proudly the other day!” He replied back while rubbing his arm. “Was it a secret? I didn’t know.”

“The hundreds!? That’s your body count!? What are you, a prostitute!?”

Bryn was about to say something but a glare from me stopped him. I sighed. I might as well tell her. “I work at Mars Lancet, and I’m an exotic dancer.”

“Oh Hoh! No, no, no, no, NO! No brother of mine is going to be in a relationship with a whore! Are you even clean!?” She accused while folding her arms over her chest.

“Of course I’m clean! I… ever since he and I had sex, I’ve been thinking about my job. About everything really. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Oh, so you wanted my brother as your little romantic piece and you want another guy as your stud? You want someone else to bang your brains out while my brother is oblivious to the fact!? I know your type. I know it al too painfully well.”

Oh if only she knew. If only.

“Is that true? But isn’t that what a casual relationship is?” Bryn piped up but Skylar just walked between him and I.

“It’s a little more complicated than that. You see, she didn’t want you hooking up with someone else because you might fall in love with another girl and then she’d lose you.”

God damn she hit it right on, kind of. I couldn’t help but stand up, mostly for myself, and I stood up proudly. “Yes, that’s exactly what I did. But I wasn’t going to sleep around anymore. I told my boss to get me off the VIP catalogue. I was just… I wanted to really think about you and I.”

That seemed to get the winds out of Skylar’s sail.

I walked up to Bryn, going around a slightly stunned Skylar, and kneeled before him. “I just wanted to get my head straight before I make us exclusive.”

“Huh, a whore making it exclusive. Don’t make me laugh. You’ll just get bored of Bryn and you’ll be back to sleeping for money.”

I turned to her and I could feel her venom laced words. Such hate. “No, believe me it won’t come to that.”

“That’s what the other slut said before she cheated on him, and my bro didn’t even get his dick wet.”

I turned to him, shocked. “Did someone cheat on you?” I asked and he nodded silently. His face was as calm and quaint as usual, though, and I’m struggling to find his pain.

“Pearl, yes. That was… last year I believe?” He said like he was trying to remember an old acquaintance. “I couldn’t figure out why, so I chose to forget before it causes me any more harm.”

I took his hand within mine and practically begged. “Give me a chance, please? That’s all I’m asking.”

He then took his other hand and rubbed my cheeks gently. “I was always going to give you a chance. I was just waiting.”

With glee, I threw myself at him and he took me in his arm.

“You’re going to regret this,” Skylar said as she stormed off. I’m not sure if it’s directed at him, at me, or both. He just held me for a bit and I buried my face in his chest.

Well, my horny self wants some action. Eventually my lips found his and we made out for a good minute or two. “Remember, you can grab my ass if you want,” I giggled, “you can even slap it as hard as you want.”

I bit his lip softly and I felt one of his hands come away from my back. Then it tore through the air and slapped my ass. Hard.

“Annh! Again, slap my ass again!” I begged and he slapped the other cheek. “More, slap it harder!” My crotch grinder against his knees as he continued striking my ass, over and over until my face is red. Little squeaks and squeals of pleasure escaped my mouth.

“That was pleasurable for you? I was spanked as a child and I did not enjoy it,” he said plainly as he rubbed the back of my head.

“Hmmm, some of us grow up to like being spanked, I guess.”

“I see. Queen, would you like to take this someplace more private?” He asked with a gentle whisper that tickled my ears.

“Ooooh, baby you didn’t have to ask,” I giggled shyly. He took me by my hand, and we went upstairs, past what I assumed is his sister’s room and into a fairly large room.

His room is pretty plain. No posters, a bookcase with a lot of books, and a small desk with a book sitting on top of it and some notes. I picked up the notes and was surprised to see it’s mostly about sex and about positions and what not. He has two other doors that lead somewhere, and me being the nosy bitch that I am decided to open one of them. It leads to a shower room that’s immaculate and clean. Nothing extraordinary about it, and I just nodded to admire the cleanliness. The other door leads to his business attire and clothes and stuff. A huge walk-in closet! It’s bigger than my living room!

“Are you fucking rich or something?” Escaped my mouth as I took a step back from the closet.

“I wouldn’t say that. I’m fairly frugal,” he answered, and I just softly laughed. “I’m smart with what I earn.”

He sits on the bed where he took his shoes and socks off. I sat next to him, and we started making out. His hand went up my shirt while the other stayed on my hip, but I pushed into him and sat on his lap, facing him.

“Your favorite position,” he remarked.

“It is, and I haven’t even used it in a long time. Well, not since you and I did it.” I answered with a laugh. He started kissing my neck and my cleavage and I started softly grinding against his growing dick. “Do you like your sister?”

“I do,” he answered,” but sometimes she can be irritating.”

“No. I meant, sexually,” I corrected and that kind of got his attention.

“Sexually? Hmm. I never considered her because she’s, my sister. In the technical sense, she’s really not. What are you leading this conversation to?”

I stood up and took his hand. “What I mean is, your sister is in love with you! I get that you don’t see it, but to me she is throwing up a lot of ‘fuck me, please’ signs.”

He tilts his head for a second, “Elaborate, please,” he said with a scrunched-up nose and leery eyes.

“Baby, the clothes she wears is pretty obvious. Does she do things that make you just a little mad? Does she hang around you with cute little clothes?”

He ran it through his head for a second, “I believe so,” is his answer. “I’m still confused.”

“Well, come on, let’s check out what she’s doing.”

I winked at him as I took lead him out. I don’t know why it hasn’t registered to him yet, but ever since she left us and went to her room, I’ve been hearing the unmistakable sound of a vibrator. It’s eerily subtle, but it caught my ears when I walked past her room.

So, we walked up to her door and slowly opened it. Sure enough, she’s lying in bed, spread eagle, with a vibe stuck under her panties. But what I’m seeing is a completely different scenario than what I was thinking: She has a camera pointed right at her.

“Oh yes. Oh baby, that’s good. Oh, harder. Harder!” she moaned, and Bryn just gasped and I softly giggled.

She’s facing away from us, clutching and massaging her nice breast. “Oh, deeper. Deeper. Bryn, deeper!”

“Did she just say my name?” Bryn said, a little too loud than what I liked. Skylar’s attention immediately shot towards us, and she covered herself with her blanket. She then turned the camera off and growled and fussed at us.

“See? What did I tell you,” I laughed as we walked in. “Skylar’s got the hots for little bro. That’s why she was so mad that you and I slept together.”

“Get out! Get the fuck out! Bryn, get your slut girlfriend out of my room!” she screeched but the fact that she’s still covering herself, red faced and embarrassed, isn’t giving her any power.

“Oh, kitten it’s far too late to be like that,” I smirked as I advanced toward her, “you want your brother, well, let me help. Think of it as my way of making up.”

~ End of Chapter 3 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/svjrha/dancing_queen_ch_3_realizations_mf


  1. OMD Teososta you are a literary genius … May whatever gods have blessed you with such a glorious mind be praised for eternity

  2. Another amazing story. You had me waiting for the next chapters of your other stories and now I’m stuck on this one. Awesome stories

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