MMFF? I think? An AI generated story from with a surprise twist at the end.

Samantha woke up feeling horny, her hand drifted between her legs and she began to masterbate.

Thinking of Brian and how much she wanted to put her pussy in his face, she began to squirt onto her fingers.

It was then that she heard the first set of feet.

She was frozen as her fingers went from her pussy to her mouth.

Her pussy felt warm and wet and her fingers were covered with a thin film of her thick cream.

‘Phew, that was close’, she thought as she realized the footsteps were no longer in the hallway but were coming from the bedroom.

This made no sense, in the house they only had two bedrooms; it would have to be someone in the spare room, which was next to the bathroom.

As the feet got closer she saw the figure.

It was Brian, naked and masturbating.

He watched her as she slowly raised her finger to her mouth and licked her hand clean.

‘What is going on?’ she thought as she watched him.

He couldn’t know what was going on in her mind; she could feel a slight stirring between her legs.

She quickly got out of bed and began to put on her robe.

She had to explain what was going on to him without totally freaking him out.

“Brian, I have something to tell you, about last night”.

She began and stopped before finishing, “I think that I enjoyed last night.

It was an experience I will never forget and I want more.

Please meet me in the bathroom in five minutes, ok?”

He stared at her for a moment, she was already crossing the room to the door.

He could hear her get out of bed and walk toward the bathroom and her door shut.

When he heard the door close, he sat up in bed.

There was something about her that he liked.

He had never seen her naked before.

In the world that he knew she was just another girl, but for some reason he had really enjoyed the night he and Natalie had spent together.

Maybe that’s what he was waiting for, an opportunity for more sexual adventures.

Whatever it was, he knew that he needed to spend more time with her.

This morning he woke up with a hard – on and realized that he would be even hornier for Samantha if he didn’t get to spend time with her.

He got out of bed and took a shower.

While he was in the shower he thought about last night.

He wanted to be with Samantha.

He was tempted to throw on his robe and join her in the shower.

After his shower he found a pair of boxers and went into the kitchen to make some coffee.

As he sat down to drink his coffee he heard the door open, Samantha came out into the kitchen.

They had made coffee at about the same time yesterday morning, so she was surprised to see him sitting there.

It was his responsibility to fix coffee in this house.

As she got closer to him she could smell the coffee and recognized it as a smell she knew well.

Her nipples got hard in her tank top as she got closer to him.

He was still naked from last night.

She looked at him as he sipped on his coffee and saw his cock growing in the front of his boxers.

She stood in front of him and looked into his eyes.

She could tell that he had noticed the tent in her tank top.

She wanted him to feel her skin against his and knew that she had to make it happen this morning.

“Well, I think you are beautiful and last night was incredible, but there is something I have to tell you.

I have had sex with another guy before.”

She knew that this could mean trouble and that he could walk out of the room and not stay.

“But I didn’t think that it would be this soon, but I think I might want to try it with you”.

She could see the disappointment in his face, and a little bit of sadness.

“But, I don’t know if I should tell you, or you will think I’m some kind of slut”.

This was not the reaction she was hoping for.

He wanted to know, so he would stay, that was all she had to worry about.

“I’m not a slut, ok?

I’ve only had sex with one guy before, I was a virgin.

I’m not having sex with you because I’m a slut.

I’m having sex with you because I want to.

I think you are the best guy I have ever met and I am having sex with you because I think you are the best guy I have ever met “.

She turned around and faced him as she said this and his heart skipped a beat.

She was standing there completely naked in front of him and the look in her eyes was telling him everything that he wanted to hear.

He sat there, naked in front of her, mouth slightly agape.

“Ok, I can see why that would disappoint you, but you are a great guy and I’m sorry if I led you on”.

She smiled and took his hand.

“We can still be friends, you seem to like me and I like you.

What do you say?

Do you still want to go skinny – dipping?”

“I still want to go, but I have some things I need to do before we leave.

So, after we swim we can go for a ride on your bike, I’ll show you the path through the woods and you can show me where you like to park the Jeep when you want some alone time with her “.

He turned on the hot water in the sink as he waited for her to finish her coffee.

He looked around the kitchen and was reminded of all the things he loved about being here.

He started thinking about last night and Samantha.

There were so many things he would have liked to do to her, so many things he wanted to do to her.

He was trying to be patient, but this was the longest it had been since he had been intimate with a woman.

He was starting to think that it was never going to happen again.

He did not know what it was, but he could not shake the feeling that she was his girl.

Not a girl that he would have sex with, but a girl he wanted to be with.

He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower and heard Samantha in the kitchen.

He walked over to her and put his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead.

He hugged her tightly.

“I will be back in a little bit.

I have a lot of stuff to do “.

She let him go and he headed for the bedroom.

Samantha finished her coffee and put it in the dishwasher and started cleaning up the kitchen.

She did not want Tim to come back into the kitchen just to see the mess.

When she was done with the dishes, she dried her hands and grabbed her clothing bag and headed out the door.

She pulled up his driveway and he was just pulling up behind her.

She pulled her bag onto the ground and began to remove her clothes.

Tim came over and joined her.

He started to strip down as well.

“We are going to go in the woods and skinny – dip.

How does that sound?”

“It sounds great.

I would really like to stay naked too.

I think that I could take my top off too if you want.

My bra is already off “.

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

He reached out his hand and she placed hers in his.

He led her around the back of the Jeep and into the woods.

Samantha was a little nervous about the whole ordeal, but excited as well.

She just hoped she could keep up with Tim.

They walked through the woods and up to the picnic table.

Samantha sat down on the table and Tim stripped off his clothes and sat down next to her.

He pulled his suit over his head and sat there completely naked.

Samantha watched as he leaned over and untied his shoes and removed them.

She was drawn to him.

His body was so muscular and his erection was huge and beautiful.

She noticed that his balls had shrunk a little.

She reached out and touched them gently with her finger.

She licked her lips and could not help but to lean over and kiss his testicles as they hung from his body.

Tim removed his underwear and laid back on the table.

He took Samantha by the hand and led her over to his feet.

He sat down in the middle and pulled Samantha over his lap.

She was expecting him to spank her.

This was a situation that they had never talked about, but she was sure that he had done this with the other girls that he had dated.

She positioned herself between his legs and looked over at Tim to watch.

She looked at his feet and saw his cock immediately grow hard.

She had been holding onto his cock all day, wanting to feel it in her hands.

She cupped his cock and pulled it into her hand.

She stroked him slowly, relishing in the feel of his large shaft.

“Tim, I would like to touch you too.

I want to make you feel good.

Please show me how to touch you “.

“Oh my God”, she said.

“You are huge!

I am so sorry.

I have never done this before.

You are so big.

I promise, I am not going to hurt you “.

She smiled and lowered her eyes and leaned forward and gently kissed him on the mouth.

He kissed her back as their tongues met and danced.

His hand gently cupped her head and held her there.

She heard his breathing quicken as he leaned into her.

He had not expected to get this far, but he was not going to let her slip through his fingers.

He kissed her deeply and lovingly, letting his hand make its way up to her breast.

He let his hand rub her nipple over her bra.

Samantha broke their kiss and smiled up at him.

“You are so good at this.

I am enjoying this so much “.

Tim lowered his head and began kissing her neck.

He bit her ear lobe softly and swirled his tongue around it.

He moved his hand back down her body and felt her thong gently rubbing against her clit.

He pushed her thong aside and ran his finger between her lips.

He found her clit and gently rubbed it.

Samantha broke their kiss and looked back at him.

She moved her hips to rub against his fingers, now delving further into her body.

He was shocked at how wet she was.

He pulled his hand out from between her legs and pushed her thong aside.

She lifted her hips up off the table and sat there on his hand as he rubbed her clit and massaged her breasts.

Samantha was bucking her hips against him as he felt her body begin to quiver.

Tim knew that this was all he had been waiting for.

His daughter was laying naked in his lap, massaging his body and sucking on his cock and he wanted to give her everything that he had to give.


1 comment

  1. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ?! I was cracking up about all the goofy AI incongruities and the “tent in her tank top” and then WHAT.

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