Step Sister Corruption Part 219 – Day 119 Ginger Has Her Cake and Eats It Too Pt 3 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I stared at the man who had just given me an ultimatum stop fucking him or become his *pet*.

Either I destroy my relationship with my son or I keep my relationship with my son is how he worded it.

Can he be serious?

There was other ramifications with the choice as well.

On one hand I *could* simply stop this and get up securing my relationship with my son….and Jason as well.

Or I could destroy my relationship with my son….and Jason. And all I had to do was lean back and accept the cock perfectly angled towards my pussy and relish in the orgasms that was guaranteed to *cum*.

That can’t be my only options. Could it?

I pulled down my gag so I could speak and hopefully get out of this.

“Why can’t I have both?”

Gabe looked at me, “Because mom. I’m tired of *you* trying to seduce me and all the fears that come with it. Either you remain my *mom* or you become my *pet* plain and simple.”

I spoke trying to get the best of both worlds, “I would rather us keep our relationship ***AND*** keep fucking one another.”

He smiled and shook his head, “It’s *either* **or** mom you can’t have both.  Now choose.”

I looked at him, “Please sweetheart.  I need both.”

He looked at me skeptically, “Why?”

I looked at him and nearly yelled out, “BECAUSE JASON CAN”T MAKE ME ORGASM AS WELL AS YOU CAN!!!”

I watched as my son looked at me startled at my revelation, which was true.  I loved Jason but he currently couldn’t make me orgasm nearly as hard as Gabe could.

I looked at him with teary eyes, “Please honey.  Just one more time and I promise to go see a therapist.  I’m just so damn horny right now.”

I looked at me before he shook his head, “No. What happens the next time you’re horny and desperate for big orgasms?”

Crap!  He knew me.

He knew I would get horny as early as tonight as I might *try* to convince him to fuck me again seeing how Jason was out of town.

This was a crap deal.

My son spoke, “You call a therapist right now and make an appointment in front of me for tomorrow.  I don’t care if you have to lie saying it’s an emergency but you **will** start seeing a therapist.  This isn’t healthy mom.  I can’t keep fucking my own mother without accepting that Jason will find out eventually….and killing us both.  I don’t want that on my conscience that I was the reason for your and dad’s eventual break up.”

I looked at him skeptically, “But you’re ok fucking your sister?”

He looked at me, “Step.”

I squinted at him as **he** was trying to make *my* situation different than his and Kelly’s.  


If I needed to see a therapist then **HE** needed to see a therapist as well.

Before I could speak Gabe spoke, “If you’re trying to convince me that I need to see a therapist because **we** are fucking or because, seeing how you pointed it out, that **I”M** fucking Kel that I need to see a therapist.  Ask yourself this.  Who has more to lose if *our* secret is found out….**you** or *me*?”

Crap he had a point.

*If* Jason found out about Kelly and Gabe, sure he would be pissed and *maybe* disown them but as time went on there was a good chance he *might* talk to them again…..shortly after hell froze over but he would eventually talk to them. Especially if Kelly have him his first grandchild.

*If* Jason found out about **me** and Gabe.  He would just divorce my ass and everything that *we* had together would be gone.  I could fight him in court and *could* possibly walk away with *some* of the assets. But my relationship would be done and my cushy lifestyle would be gone too.

Then there was Samantha and Jasmine as I’m sure they wouldn’t look at me the same *if* they found out that I had hurt *their* father who they currently idolized.

I sighed as I spoke, “Fine.  I’ll call a therapist but can we still fuck please?”

Gabe folded his arms, “Call and make the appointment then we will see.”

Looks like Gabe was adamant about me seeing a therapist to work through my *intimacy* issues.

I sighed and got up, walked over to my purse where my cell phone was hiding and did a basic search looking for a therapist in my area.

I blinked not realizing exactly how many therapists there were in our little homey university city.  But seeing how this university spits out medical professionals more than anything else seeing so many therapists shouldn’t have been a big surprise to me.

I looked through the names and thought I would have an easier time with a *female* doctor over a *male* doctor might help tackle my issues better.

I looked at each one seeing their area of expertise as most had a *general* practice but the further down I went the more their expertise was advertised.  Family counseling.  PTSD Trauma Therapy.  Psychotherapy.  Child Therapy.  Anger Management Therapy.  Addiction Therapy.

Then one name seemed to call to me.  Dr. Regina M. Hill PhD.  Seems she specializes in general therapy, drug addiction therapy, alcohol addiction therapy, addiction therapy, child therapy, family therapy, marriage therapy, sex therapy, **and** *hypno*therapy.  I clicked on her webpage and saw that she listed the different areas she focused on along with all the insurances she accepted…..including the insurance Jason had us ALL on.

A devilishly wicked idea entered into my head as that last field of Dr. Hill’s expertise might *help* with my issues. Also might *help* fix some of Jason’s issues…..and Gabe’s.

I looked at Gabe, “I found one that might work.”

Gabe looked at me flatly not looking at my choice, “Call them and put them on speaker so I can hear when your appointment is.”

I pointed my phone at him, “*IF* I do this you have to agree to come to a few sessions yourself.  AND I want to be fucked after the call.”

Gabe was about to speak but I added, “**And** I’m not becoming your *pet*.  I’m still your mother for fuck’s sake.”

Gabe gave me a wolfish smile, “You sure you don’t want to be my *pet*?”

Before I could answer or retort Gabe shot up from his position and quickened the distance to stand in front of me. 

He spoke plain and had a commanding voice, “You know you enjoy having your nipples played with,” as he quickly pinched my nipple causing me to yelp and pull away from him giving him easy access as he quickly spanked my ass, “or having your ass spanked.”

I jumped away from him turning as I knew I was blushing but was fully ready to tell him off but I was too slow on both thinking and movement as he quickly wrapped his arms around me.  His hands firmly massaging my breasts.  With a low guttural growl he whispered, “Or having your breasts played with.”

The only thing I could do was moan out from the sensation and moaned even louder as one of his hands let go of my breast and traveled down quickly slipping a digit into my aching pussy.

God damn it!  

Why did my body have to respond to *his* touch as well?  

I was putty in his hands.

He was right. I did enjoy **ALL** of that.

But I couldn’t let him know that as I *tried* and failed to push him away as his finger gently caressed me.

He whispered in my ear, “Make the call.”

I hit the number on the page as I simultaneously moaned out in pleasure.

The phone rang one….twice….three….ten times before I was sent to your typical answering service.  The answering voice stated I had called Dr. Hill’s office during off hours as their regular working hours were Monday through Friday from 8am to 8pm.

I already knew that as that was what was stated on Dr. Hill’s site that I clicked on to see all that Dr. Hill specialized in.

I waited until the beep so I could leave my information and tried *desperately* to not moan out loud as I spoke.

“This is Sarah Michaels.  I was hoping that I could possibly make an appointment with Dr. Hill at her earliest convenience.  My number is…..” I spoke my number and repeated, “Once again this is Sarah Michaels and I’d like to become a new client for Dr. Hill.  Thank you.”

I hung up and Gabe growled, “Good *pet*.”

I moaned out, “I’m not your *pet* Gabriel….”

That’s far as I got as he pinched my nipple and slipped a digit in my pussy and pulled on my nipple causing me to scream.

With his digit in me he put his hand over my breast and simply lifted as he effectively picked me up forcing more of his finger into my pussy.  He walked himself and me towards the bed before simply letting go as I flopped onto the bed.

After my mini bounce test on the firm bed I looked up at him as he smiled and commanded, “Now resume your position *pet*.”

I got on all fours and re-inserted the gag into me.

And I screamed through the plastic device as Gabe once again smacked my ass.

I looked at him, “You going to answer when they call back?”

He raised his hand showing he was about to smack my already red ass and I quickly nodded.

He kept his hand up, “You going to make an appointment?”

I quickly nodded.

He looked at me like he didn’t believe me, his hand still in the air, “Promise?”

I nodded so much I knew I was giving my head a work out.

He smiled and his hand slowly went down, “Very good my *pet*.  Once you have received your appointment I want it emailed to me.  Or…”  

Gabe got onto the bed behind me and quickly tapped his hardened flesh against my asshole causing my eyes to go wide, “This is mine by Wednesday.”

I tried to think as today was Saturday.  Meaning I had three days to have Dr. Hill’s office call me back and get an appointment.

I wonder if they can send me an email with the confirmation so I can send that to Gabe.

Really don’t want my ass de-virginized as no one.  I mean no one has ever taken my asshole.

And I wasn’t about to lose it to my son.  Not even Jason had that privilege.

Gabe smiled at me as we were back to where we started, “So *pet*.  You’re back to your decision.  Get up and be my mom.  Or lean back and become my *pet*.”  He shrugged, “Or at least until you start your therapy.”

I looked at him and down at the thing that was sure to bring me orgasm after orgasm.

I silently made a vow to myself as I whispered in my head *I’m sorry Jason.  I’ll make this up to you later.*”

And I made my decision.



1 comment

  1. God fucking dammit your perfect writing is killing me with this build up fucking. Love the stories keep up the god tier writing. Your killing it

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