An unforgettable valentine’s Day [MF]. part 1

The engine of L’s car rumbled and stopped as she pulled onto the driveway, unlocking the front door she yelled her usual “I’m home” before kicking off her shoes. Unaware of the night of food, frolicking and fucking she was about to experience, L made her way towards J’s office door. Before her hands had a chance to reach the handle, J yanked open the door, pulling her into a warm embrace. Their lips brushing at first with whispers of “happy valentine’s day” exchanged before meeting for a second, third and fourth time. Getting longer and more passionate with each and every kiss.

“There’s a hot bath and a glass of champagne waiting for you upstairs” J breathed in her ear, “go relax and get ready while I make us some food”. She kissed him one final time and with a smile decorating her now slightly blushing face, she headed up the stairs unbuttoning her shirts as she went.

5 minutes before the food was ready, L made her way back into the kitchen, her figure accentuated by a tight skirt and black satin top. Leaning forwards over breakfast bar her low cut top swung forwards revealing her total lack of bra. A twinkle in her eye showing she knew exactly what she was doing.

Over dinner and champagne J and L talked, of previous valentine’s days , of favourite date nights, even venturing onto hints of their past sexual exploits. Their feet corresing one another’s as the chatting turned to flirting. Finaling their plates were clean and the first bottle empty. J stood up and slowly walked round the table towards L, never breaking eye contact. Turning her seat to face him, his finger slid under her chin lifting her face to meet his. Her lips millimeters from his waiting for the kiss that didn’t come. “Come and join me by the fire” L said in barley more than a whisper. She followed him reaching for the hand which had supported her chin and brought hope of a kiss.

By the fire sat a chocolate fondue already set with an assortment of dipable treats. Next to the fondue lay a board game, not one that L had ever seen before but one that none the less sparked her interest. With cards labeled ‘passionate’, ‘intimate’ and ‘steamy’, her imagination started to grind into action.

The dice rolled, the pieces moved, a card was picked. “Straddle him, teasing him with the promise of a kiss for as long as you can hold off”. L didn’t have to be told twice. Crawling across the floor on all fours towards J, her low cut top giving a sneak peak of what was to come she straddles him, throwing her arms around his neck and getting her own back for J’s previously withheld kiss. The tention unbeatable to J, his hands made their way down her sides and along her legs, then slowly back up and round two her perfectly proportioned arse. Grabbing a cheek in each hand was too much for L to take and she gave in, planing her lips across he’s, her tongue waring with his for dominance over the newly connected mouthes. She could feel the swelling under her which could only mean she was doing her job right.

Several turns later and J sat naked having landed on the ‘strip’ space several times in a row while L somehow had managed to maintain everything bar her top. Her breasts round and perky, nipples hard and asking to be kissed and sucked. The dice rolled. J read his card silently a smirk creaping across he’s face, without another word he reached for the fondue and drizzled a line of warm chocolate along the length of he’s now rock hard cock. He didn’t need to say anything, she knew what was needed. Again she crawled over to him on her hands and knees, a hungry look in her eyes. Ever so slowly her lips passed over the top of his cock, tongue circling trying to get at all the chocolate. With every centimetre she cleaned, his cock slid towards the back of her mouth, her tongue still circling although it could no longer reach past his cock to get the chocolate at the end closest to his stomach, instead it teased him as she made eye contact and moaning she slipped off her skirt.

Her thong, so thin it served little to no perpose other than to act as the wrapping paper to his ultimate valentine’s gift, was soaked between her legs from the anticipation of what was to come.

Part 2 to follow
