How a run-in with my ex made me a submissive man for the night. [MF]

I’ve been thinking about writing this story for a while. It happened about five years ago but there is a bit of drama and backstory related to this. If you want to skip the backstory in which I will likely pour my bleeding heart out, skip to the line of ====== further down. If you are, by any miracle of chance, actually interested in my life story then please read on. Either way, I hope you enjoy since this is my smut writing debut. I might ramble off a bit but hey.

When I was 17 years old I went on a holiday abroad with friends of mine. It was a post-high school holiday in a sunny part of Europe filled with loads of booze-loaded nights out, hungover daytime activities and most importantly, girls who were just as willing to find out what life is all about as we were. Think of a real-life version of The Inbetweeners, but with less awkwardness. The holidays were moving along well up until a certain point I ran into what would be my first love ever – Julie.

We met in a club on that holiday and it was exactly as depicted in a movie; girl and guy lock eyes and an intangible spark flies throughout the room. She was beautiful and actually from the same country as I was. The only thing I will describe what happened was this; we danced and talked to each other, kissed and I got her phone number. Anything more than that would technically be considered illegal since we were both underage at the time (sidenote: I don’t know if it’s illegal but I feel uncomfortable writing about that. Also I like to keep that memory to myself. Don’t worry, Ill get to the legal stuff).

When we returned from our respective holidays we decided that we wanted to start dating. I won’t lie – it was a rocky relationship. I was a dumb teenager who barely knew how this thing worked and it turned out she had some issues that stemmed from a pretty messed up family and upbringing. The whole relationship lasted less than a year and the straw that broke the camel’s back was me moving abroad for 6 months. We’d experienced some amazing highs but also monumental lows during that time and although I will never forget our time together, it was interesting to say the least. After we broke up we never really kept in touch, althouh I know she moved away to persue a degree in hospitality management and I myself ended up traveling for a bit before I moved back home to get into dentistry.

Fast forward a couple of years and broken relationships down the line. I’m currently 21 years old and things were going okay, but that’s not really all that important is it? Anyway.

It’s September of that year and my parents had decided to book a long weekend in a fancy hotel at the seaside. We were supposed to attend a theatre play that weekend with the five of us – parents, myself and my younger sibling with their partner. My parents decided to take the opportunity to take some quality time off and get pampered in a hotel. Sidenote, the hotel was really fancy. I’m talking kingsize beds, separate bathtubs in every room and personalized service for every guest, it was great. It’s the kind of hotel where rich businessmen take their sidepieces to cheat on their wives for an entire weekend. One night we decided to go out for dinner in a restaurant that was near our hotel and was supposed to be really nice, as it got raving reviews.

For some reason I was feeling uneasy about the whole night, I couldn’t quite figure out what it was though. I had no reason to be however, since up until that point our weekend had been nice (if a little boring). I put on my nice clothing and some dress shoes and went off. I guess this is a nice time to describe what I look like, I suppose. I’m half-black, half-caucasian. My dad’s white and my mother’s family is from Africa, therefore making me a mixed bag. This has worked in my favour pretty well as I’ve turned out to be 6’0, olive skin, curling hair and a fair bit of muscle as well without ever lifting extensive weights (I did do a lot of calisthenics when I was younger, though).

Back to the main quest. We arrived at the restaurant and it was indeed a nice place. Very modern with an aquatic theme, since it was a seaside restaurant. One thing that immedeatly stood out to me (which may have been due to the fact I was single at the time) was that the waitresses all looked very similar and also very familiar. Waiters that have a uniform is nothing new but they all had the same hair-do and similar make-up as well. Weird. What I also noticed is that they all looked a bit like Julie. The maitre d’hotel assigned us our spot and sent one of the waitresses our way. “Hello and welcome to the restaurant, can I get you started with some – Oh.” I looked up. Mother-arsing-fucker.

It was my loving ex, Julie.

“Oh, h-hello Julie” I stammered. Now I remembered what I was feeling uneasy about. The restaurant we were visiting was the place she worked at when we were dating. The reason I’d forgot about it was because the restaurant was a subsidiary to another hotel in that same town and she was technically employed by the hotel and not by the restaurant. However, all staff were sometimes required to work shifts at either establishment for flexibility and what have you not.

So this was fun. My ex, who I’d had a rocky falling out with and hadn’t spoken in four years to up until that point, was now our waitress. I looked at my parents in panic and thankfully, my mother saw my panicked glance and shortly after she was gone, asked if we could have a different waitress (my parents never liked Julie).

I won’t lie – dinner was hell. The entire time was spent looking over my shoulder and generally with a knot in my stomach. To ease my nerves I decided to go outside for a smoke after the main courses were finished. Yes, smoking is bad and I know it’s hypocritical for a dentist-to-be to lecture others about this but hey, sometimes a casual cigarette is just nice. Especially after a drink or two. Don’t smoke, kids. It’s bad for your gums.

I stepped outside and searched for my cigarettes. Just as I was about to light one up, I hear a familiar voice behind me. “Can I bum one off you?”

I turned around. “Oh! Hey. Yeah. Umm, sure”. I extended the opened package towards my ex, who was now standing three feet from me. “Hi, by the way.”

“Hey. Long time no see. I didn’t know you guys were coming in, otherwise we could have avoided that back there.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. We were caught off guard. I didn’t know you were still working here, I thought you moved away”.

“I did, for a while. But I moved back in with my mother. Turns out that hospitality management isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be.”

“You quit school?” “Yeah and I’ve been working here to save up some money until I figure out what I want to do with my life.” That was a surprise. I never expected her to quit her dream college, she was always very enthousiastic about the whole thing. I took a long look my ex-girlfriend. She’d gained a few pounds since we broke up but honestly, it looked good on her. She’s about 5’10”, auburn hair and a sizeable pair of 85D breasts. She was the kind of girl that induced breast envy in other women. Her waitress’ outfit was basic but formal, a white shirt with a pencil skirt, black pantyhose and stylish, black flats. The only thing I didn’t like was her hair-do, it was styled in one of those horrid buns that airliner
stewardesses tend to have.

“I thought you guys weren’t allowed to smoke during work.” “Well, service is almost over and this is my last weekend here. After tomorrow, I quit and I have no plans om coming back here so I don’t really care anymore.” Elite dining experience, huh?

Thankfully, I’d almost finished my cigarette at this point and since it was cold out, I decided I wanted to head back in. “It’s been great but I’m going to head back inside if you don’t mind. I’m getting cold.”

“Yeah, sure. See you.”

I headed back inside and we finished dinner. The entire time walking back I could finally vent to my parents and my mother apologised profusely for booking that particular restaurant, having overlooked the detail that there could be a chance of this happening. It was over now, so there was no further need for dramatics. My parents headed up to their hotel room and my sibling and I went to the hotel bar.

The hotel bar was kind of boring, since my sibling was too busy ogling their newly acquired partner and there were only three of us. Looking around and the majority of the patrons were either older couples since anyone under the age of 40 could probably not afford this place or older men that were being outrageously inappropriate with the staff. If you ever plan on being that person, please don’t.


After two drinks I decided I’d had enough of the night so I went to my room to listen to some music. Minutes after I’d turned up the music to Nickelback (fuck you I like Nickelback) my phone buzzed. A text from an unknown number.

“Hey, it’s Julie. New number. You up?”

“Hey. Yeah I’m up. You still have my number?”

“I found it somewhere a while ago, turns out phones save a lot of stuff. Listen I know this sounds weird but I want to talk to you. We didn’t get the chance at the restaurant and we have some unfinished business. My shift’s almost done and I can probably sneak out a bottle of wine. You game?”

“Isn’t that theft?”

“Likely but like I said before, it’s my last weekend here and I’m not coming back so I don’t really care.”

I was hesitant at first. On one hand, a dreaded meeting that I’d hoped would remain nothing but a scenario in my head for the rest of my life. On the other, free expensive wine.

“Yeah, I’m down. I’m staying at the Blue Moon Hotel, room 624.”

“Ooh, I’ve heard that place is nice and it has a great spa.” It did. I went there in the afternoon and although I was too awkward to get a massage, I did visit the saunas. Great stuff. “Alright, I’m coming over after my shift. Be there in 20.”


I guess this was happening. I quickly threw on the clothes I was wearing earlier that night, brushed my teeth and tidied up the room. 20 minutes later, a knock on the door signaled her arrival, still wearing her work clothes, except her hair was down. “Hey.”

“Hey. Can I come in?”

I grinned. “I don’t know, can you?”

“Don’t give me that shit, I’ve just had a nine-hour shift and my feet hurt.”

“Fine, fine. Come on in.” My parents would kill me if they knew I was doing this. Which, to be fair, was a pretty fun prospect. My parents are lovely but who doesn’t like to antagonize them sometimes?

Julie walked in and put her bag down. “Huh, this place really is nice.” “Yeah, it’s nice. Although probably not as nice as the place you used to work at”. Julie’s hotel was supposed to be the best in the area, although I’ve never actually been there. “Eh, not a very large difference. Wine?”

“Sure.” I took the two plastic cups that usually come with a hotel bathroom and put them on a table near the window.

We spent about an hour chatting and catching up. Two years after we’d broken up she went through a personal crisis that caused the shift in her life. Dropping out of school and extensive therapy resulted in a simply lovely person that was always hidden underneath. I myself hadn’t quite done that yet (although I have since then) so I was still the dickish boy she fell in love with all those years ago.

Finally I decided I’d had enough of the small talk. “Alright, so why are you really here?” I said out of the blue.

“What do you mean?” “You said we had unfinished business, something I wasn’t
aware of. So spill it.”

“Alright, fair enough. It’s about how we ended things.” Jesus Christ please. “Okay, what about it? We broke up because we weren’t working out and I moved away.”

“I just wanted to make sure you don’t hate me.” This took me by surprise. Yeah our breakup was messy but I didn’t hate her. I just didn’t want to be involved with her again. “I don’t. I never did. I always felt that we were both flawed people. I was a dumb teenager that wasn’t ready to commit to a full-time relationship yet and it showed.”

I took a sip of my wine. “And I guess you had some things going on as well.”

She sighed. “I did. I was insecure and angry because of all the shit that was going on at home and I took that out on you. That wasn’t fair. But to be honest, you weren’t always a saint either, you raging dick.”

I laughed, albeit kind of awkwardly. “Yeah, I guess.”

“So what do you think of our relationship then?”

Fuck. I hate these kind of questions.

“You want the honest truth?” I said nervously. “Yes.” I downed my glass of wine for courage (or foolishness). “Fine. Looking back on our relationship, I think we might have made a mistake. We were both not ready for each other and although it was nice that we had a few firsts here and there, we should have left it at what it was. A vacation romance.”

“I’m sorry – a mistake? You thought I was a mistake??” Way to go, asshole.

“No I didn’t mean it like th—” “Then what did you mean by it, asshole?! That the eleven months we spent together was a joke? That it meant nothing to you?!” Julie was furious at this point and I can’t blame her. “That’s not true! I—” Julie stood up.

“The only mistake was me coming here. God I should’ve known you hadn’t changed much.”

“Julie, please! Wait! You’re not a mistake!” I grabbed her by the wrists. “Then what am I?!”

“I – fine. I want to apologize for what I just said, that was not right.” “Ya think?” I deserve this, I suppose.

“Look, we just had some bad experiences. But we had some great ones as well. It’s just that for a first relationship we kind of dropped the ball sometimes and I wish we hadn’t. I have loads of fond memories that I truly cherish and I just wish there weren’t so much bad ones as well. I’m sorry I upset you.”

Julie raised an eyebrow “Fine. You’re lucky you’re still attractive.”

“Wait, what?”

Julie rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, did you seriously think I’d steal a bottle of wine and come all the way out here just to talk?” Then it dawned on me. Fuck. This girl wants to do me.

“You know I can be a bit aloof sometimes.” “Yeah, you haven’t improved much, have you?”

“Hey, fuck you.” “You wish.” Julie grinned. I won’t ever admit it to someone I know, but secretly I enjoy this kind of verbal back and forth. That was always something she was good at, speaking her mind. If somebody is willing to tell you to go fuck yourself to your face, at least you know they’re being honest.

My mind, however, was in overdrive. I had to salvage this situation at all costs. The prize was this gorgeous girl standing before me. It was either that or continue on my ongoing dry spell. I had to think fast. “We can make that wish a reality, if you’d like.” Not the smoothest thing you’ve ever produced but hey, it’s something. “Hmm, I don’t know. You’ll have to convince me.” She said coyly. “And how do I go about doing that?”.

“Beg for my forgiveness.” What. This was new. Julie always enjoyed compliments but she was never this… dominant. And I certainly never enjoyed being submissive. But I was raging horny at the time so I did something I thought I’d never do, and went on my knees in front of her without asking her to marry me.

“Please, my dearest Julie. Will you forgive me for being a dick to you?” This was
painful. I hate groveling. Julie leaned over so that her face was inches away from mine. “Hmm, I’m not quite convinced yet. Beg.” Fucking hell. I decided that I’d had enough so I put on my Shakespearean accent “I beg of thee, my autumn flower. Forgive me for past grievances and accept my humble apologies”. Julie burst out in laughter. “That’s your idea of begging?” “I’m not very good at this, I’m afraid.”

Julie sat down and leaned back in her chair. “Fine.” She said. “Then we’ll play this game differently. I’m going to sit here. You are going to crawl over here and for every apology or compliment you give me, you may undo one button of my blouse.” That I can do.

I went on hands and knees and crawled over to where she was sitting and sat down on my knees in front of her. Julie put one of her feet on my shoulder so that I could almost look inside her skirt, were it not for the fact that everything was obscured by the dimmed lights and dark colours. “Okay, here goes. I’m sorry for that one time I almost made out with that other girl when I was going out.” (My bad but I never cheated on her) “Hmmm-hmm. Fine” One down, five to go. I removed the bottom button on her shirt. “I’m sorry I lied about staying at home when I was really going out with friends.” (She didn’t like me going out because of the previous thing) “Apology accepted.” Four buttons. “I’m sorry I had this weird texting relationship with your step-sister without telling you at first” (we just chatted, honestly. She was seeing somebody as well) “Yeah, that was weird.” Three buttons. “I haven’t seen you in years yet you still look as lovely as you did the first time I met you.” “I do, don’t I?” Two buttons. “Your eyes are still gorgeous.” I was running out of ideas at this point. “Really? Hmm. Fine.” One button. Her bra was starting to show.“And lastly, I’m sorry for toying with your feelings with my inconsiderate attitude, for every bit of harm I ever caused you, all the things I’ve said and done. I was wrong too sometimes and I never intended to hurt or make you cry.” This was actually true. I had a tear in my eye as I was saying it. Julie leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. “Apology accepted. Now, undo my blouse.”

I undid the last button and her shirt fell open, revealing a very stylish black bra that contained the two things I’d probably missed most about her. Julie stood up. “Take off your shirt. I’m not going to be the only naked person in this room.” I took my shirt off and threw it across the room. “Now, you’re going to remove my pantyhose. If you so much as cause a single tear or rip, I will leave you hanging dry. Understood?” “Yes, Julie.” At this point I’d accepted the dynamic of this interaction. While I certainly never enjoyed being submissive, I’d at least was open to experiencing it.

Slowly but carefully I took her pantyhose off, revealing a matching black set of panties with a gold bow at the front. “Good. Now, remove all your clothes.” “But you’re—” “Did I stutter? Off.” I groaned. “Fine.” I stood up, took off my pants, underwear and socks to reveal a raging erection. Julie giggled and touched my cock with the tip of her finger. “Hello there, stranger. Long time no see.” I shuddered. “Now, I’m going to sit on this chair. You’re going to sit in front of me and remove my underwear and then..” My heart skipped a beat with anticipation. “..You’re going to eat my pussy and you better make sure that I get an orgasm. Understood?” I grinned.

What Julie didn’t know is that since we broke up, I’d acquired a taste for eating pussy and had gotten quite good at it. I sat in front of her and leaned forward, gently tucking my teeth into her underwear without applying too much pressure. I moved my body back and slid her underwear off, revealing a very cleanly shaven region. She always was clean shaven.

“Now” Julie said “Start eating.” And I complied. A few years of enthousiastic training have made me familiar with the concept of cunnilingus and although I will never claim to be the best, I can certainly make a girl orgasm. I started by slowly kissing the inside of her thighs and moving towards her vagina, but never quite touching it. Then the kissing turned to licking. Julie moaned softly. “Hmm, that’s good.” I decided that this was the moment to go in. I stuck my tongue out and licked her outer labia. First softly, then after a while I picked up the tempo. After a while I moved upwards where her clit was and started to lick the area surrounding the clitoral hood. Julie’s moans became more audible “Hmmmm, that’s good.” She moaned. I decided this was a good moment to bust out my secret weapon.

I have a very deep voice and I’ve been told that when I hum and moan when I’m eating somebody out, it creates a nice additional effect. I’ve no idea if it’s true but hey.

I started with a slow, low hum whilst furiously licking away. Julie put her hand on my head and pressed it down harder towards her vulva “Oh, that’s nice. Yes, keep doing that!” I increased my tempo of licking while simultaneously humming more intense. Julie was at this point moaning loudly. I went in for the kill – I took one finger and started to ever so slightly play at the entrance of her vagina. Julie’s body started to shake violently and I knew her orgasm was nearing. “Ohhhh yes!” she clawed both her hands in my hair and forced my head down as her orgasm washed over her. After about fifteen seconds, she was done and left a panting mess and I was left a soaked mess.

“That. Was. Great.” I got the feeling she lost her ‘dominant’ composure there for a second. “I needed that.” “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, what’s next?” Julie grinned. “Lie down on the bed and close your eyes.” I lied down on my back and felt a bit nervous. I’d never done this before, what was going to happen? I tried to peek through my eyes but I couldn’t see her in the room anymore. Had she left the room?

I heard a sound coming from the bathroom, then a door closing. “Don’t open your eyes, yet. But, before we go forward with this I need to know. Do you trust me?” Odd question. “I.. guess so?” “Not good enough. Do you trust me, yes or no?” I was little afraid but I wanted to find out. I took the plunge. “Yes, I do.” “Great. If you want to stop, just say ‘spatula’.”

A safeword? What was she up to? “Now, give me your hands.” I extended my arms in front of me and felt a very soft thing touch my wrists. Then the soft thing was tugged at hard and it locked my wrists in place. Motherfucker. She restrained me! I winced. “Don’t move. Trust me. And keep your eyes closed.” I hesitated for a moment but complied. Fine. “What are you doing?” Julie took my hands and moved them in an upward position, then moved around some more. Before I knew it, I couldn’t move my hands away anymore. Then she took my head and wrapped something around it. The courseness of the fabric told me it was a towel. Specifically, my microfiber towel that I use to dry my hair. At this point I realized I was being bound and blindfolded. Interesting. “Are you okay?”

“I am, for now.” Julie kissed me on the cheek. “Don’t worry. And if you do, say spatula”. “Alright.” I’d decided that I was now completely in her waiting hands. I could only move my legs at this point but since I’d risk kicking her or something, I decided against it. Then I felt a finger on my chest. “Hmm, I’m going to enjoy this.” Julie moaned. “And I hope you will, too.” The finger trailed downward over my stomach towards the base of my cock and slowly I felt two, then three fingers gripping it. She started stroking it slowly. “Did you miss me?” “I uhhh..” “Yes or no.” “Yes, yes I did!” I didn’t. Why the fuck was I saying that?. “Good boy.” Then a warm sensation enveloped my cock. From the sounds I could tell she was giving me a blowjob.

Blowjobs aren’t my thing. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I don’t enjoy the feeling. What I do enjoy, is the pleasure somebody else experiences whilst giving me one. At this point I was too nervous to tell her that. So Julie kept going. About thirty seconds later she stopped. “Are you okay?” Julie asked. “Yes, I am okay.” “Good. Then prepare yourself.” I wasn’t sure for what so I just lied there and OW!

“Still okay?” Julie had inserted a finger in my asshole. “I uhh. Oh. Oh my.” I’m not sure how to explain this but..

It was kinda nice.

Julie kept blowing me whilst very gently moving her finger. To be honest I can’t quite tell what she did, but it felt great. I don’t know why I didn’t try this earlier, this felt great. I let out an audible moan. “Hmm, that’s hot.” Is it? I don’t know. “Do you want me to keep going?” “Yes!” Damn. “Yes what?” “Yes, please!” “Good boy.” It’s almost embarrassing how good this feels.

After about a minute, she stopped. “Now, let’s have some fun.” Julie climbed on top of me and straddled my waist, then took my cock and pointed it towards her. “You still okay?” “Yes!” I almost shouted. Julie inserted my cock inside her. It was great. What happened next is a bit of a blur. Julie started riding me like a madwoman. I was still lying there with a towelblindfold on and my hands tied with god knows what. Julie started slowly, then increased her tempo. From slow, gyrated movements to fast exaggerated bouncing. After a while, I felt her hands behind my head to take off the towel and I could see her in all her gorgeous glory. Her tits were just as great as I remembered them to be, with the only downside being that I couldn’t toch them.

I tried to move my upper body and head towards them but Julie pushed me down “Nah-ah. You’re not going anywhere near them yet.” I groaned. Guess that will have to wait. Julie increased the tempo and threw her head back “Fuck! I’m so close!”. I felt my orgasm approaching as well. Girls getting off gets me off, what can you do. Julie leaned back and while she did, grabbed my balls and gave them a very, very light squeeze.

That was it. Done. From zero to one hundred in less than a second, I felt my sperm racing through my body and started to shake violently. I unloaded everything inside her. This, in turn, got Julie off as well and after she came for the second time, she looked down at me. “That was great, didn’t you think so?” “It was. I never thought I would enjoy that”.

“Well, I sure did. Want me to untie you?” The dominant woman was gone. “Please, I would like to move my hands again”. Julie untied me and gave me a long, passionate kiss on my lips. “Thank you”. As I could move freely again, I checked to see what she’d used to restrain me. “Hey, that’s my silk tie!”

Julie giggled. “Oops, sorry.” “Yeah right, you’re not sorry.” Julie giggled again. “Nope, I’m not.” “Wanna take a shower?”

“Sure, but I have one more question.” “What is it?”

“Can I stay the night?”

“I don’t know, can you?”

Julie gave me a playful punch on my shoulder. “Dick.”




  1. Sorry for fucking up the format. Reddit’s text editor isn’t very nice.

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