Romantic Roulette Part 3 (MF Oral Dubcon Bondage Creampie Breeding TPE)

Things continued like this for weeks between Jennifer and what she could eventually only describe as her new boyfriend. Every morning she woke up, surprised that she wasn’t sick of him yet. She knew the reason of course – no matter how often they saw each other he had managed to avoid getting clingy so far. She knew that it couldn’t last forever. But as long as it did, she was enjoying it. She ended up at his place after class most days now. It was a comfortable routine. If he was working she’d curl up on her phone or maybe prance around naked and be as distracting as possible, depending on her mood. If he was free, they’d spend the afternoon fucking like rabbits; the only question was whether they’d go get something to eat first, or if they’d order in after they were sweaty and exhausted.

Then one night while they were out having dinner she could tell that something was up. Before they left the house, he forced her to wear something nicer than usual, and then he took away her underwear when he realized she didn’t look quite slutty enough. The real give away was when they’d gone back to the place they had originally met on their first date – the one that had almost turned into their last date too before he found his balls. It started off normal enough, but she thought that Dan was a little more intense than usual. The conversation was normal enough until the waitress dropped off the check, but Jennifer knew something was different.

Then finally the other shoe dropped. “Oh, I almost forgot, this is for you,” he said, handing her an envelope.

“What is it,” Jennifer asked, eyeing it suspiciously. It looked like a card. If he was celebrating some lame anniversary, she’d probably have to dump him on the spot in a very public way to keep her self respect.

“I thought it was time to take our relationship to the next level, so I—” he started.

“So you got me a fucking card?” Jennifer interrupted, getting ready to stand up and storm out.

“Know your place, slut,” he said calmly, not taking the bait as he slid a few twenties into the bill folio. “Open it before you berate me.”

Jennifer glared, but took a deep breath to calm herself down. He certainly didn’t seem to have reverted into a sentimental bitch, so that was hopeful. She ripped the envelope open without ceremony, and pulled out the folded sheets of paper inside. As she skimmed over the first few lines she realized that this was the furthest thing from the lame ‘one monthaversery’ card she feared: it was a slave contract. Just those words at the top of the page sent a shiver down her spine.

“What is this,” she asked, setting the papers down as the waitress came back for the bill.

“You know exactly what it is,” Dan answered, smirking. “We’ve been seeing each other for a while now, and I like you enough to keep you around… but we need to better define our relationship if you’ll ever make a proper pet.”

“A pet?” Jennifer asked, her heart pounding her chest at the idea. She’d always considered herself a bratty submissive at best, but something about the reversal appealed to her, and she didn’t know why. Moments ago she’d been ready to dump another fuckboy that turned out to be nothing but a bitch with a decent dick, but now she was intrigued. “Why – why would I want to do that? In another couple years I’ll be a lawyer and then I’ll be able to get whoever I want.”

“And until then you’ll just be back to fucking random guys four nights a week?” he asked.

“Well, maybe one day, but I thought that this was working pretty good for now,” she said.

“Maybe for you it is, but it’s not meeting my needs.” Dan responded, standing up and putting on his jacket. “If you want to keep your place in my bed, then we’re going to need to lay down a few ground rules.”

“Like what?” Jennifer asked, genuinely curious as she followed her boyfriend’s example and got ready to go.

“You’ll see,” he said, smiling as he took her hand and started for the door. They walked outside in silence, and got in his car. It was immediately clear that they were heading the wrong way to head home. Jennifer sat quietly, seeing how this would play out, but it was only when he pulled into a parking garage that she got nervous. The feeling only got worse as he drove up level after level until they were on the roof, which was almost devoid of other cars.

“What are we doing here?” she finally asked, as he parked.

“Just going over the terms of our agreement,” her boyfriend answered, snatching the contract from her.

“Or what – you’ll leave me here?” she asked, trying to guess what this new game was.

Dan grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her towards him. “You know, you’d be better company if you spent less time mouthing off and more time celebrating the only part of our anniversary worth remembering.” As he spoke he unzipped his fly, which made it very clear exactly what he wanted her to do.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned involuntarily. She always loved a little force, but needed no urging to sink her head into his lap as he unfolded his little contract. She’d play his game until he made it clear what he really wanted.

“So what we have here is a document that defines our relationship.” Dan started as she pulled his cock out of his underwear and started to lick the tip teasingly. “If you want to spend another night in my bed, you need to sign it. If not I’ll fuck you ragged on the hood of the car so that anyone with a window pointing this way can see. Then I’ll drop you off at your place and you can find a new dick to cum on from now on.” There was a note of mirth after his last statement. She’d never told him how hard of a time she had finding someone she enjoyed fucking, but he’d obviously read between the lines on enough of her stories to put it together.

Her only response was to inhale the head of his cock to make him gasp for a moment before continuing. “I, your name will go here, agree that I am a worthless whore, and that going forward, my sexual satisfaction and body will belong solely to my owner. I agree that he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, up to and including piercing, branding, and other activities with permanent consequences so long as he keeps my shameful secret that I am a pathetic little toy. I further agree that I’m not even a real person, but he will pretend that I am when company is over.” Throughout the whole statement, Jennifer could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, but each time he used a word like worthless or pathetic, she felt her pussy twitch and clinch at the idea.

Before this relationship she’d known plenty of things about herself, but one thing that Dan had taught her was just how much she enjoyed shame. It made sense of course given how much she hated normal romantic gestures, but she reluctantly pulled her mouth from his dick and asked, “That’s a little extreme don’t you think… sir.” She added the last word sarcastically, and he responded as she expected, by forcing her head back down onto his dick.

“Why don’t you wait until I’m finished before you complain cunt.” he said, basking in the feelings she was creating with her tongue for a moment before he started reading again. “In return my owner agrees to take care of my needs: financial, physical, and sexual. He promises to give me the one thing I’ve never been able to find on my own: a form of commitment that doesn’t dry out my broken little pussy.”

Dan paused for a minute, stroking her hair as he appreciated just how enthusiastically she was bobbing up and down on his dick. She couldn’t help it. As fucked up as it was, he was hitting all the right notes with this screwed up love letter. It might be horrifying for most women, but it was music to her perverted ears.

“The rest….Mmmmmmm, goes on for specifics for another page, Unngh… That’s the general idea though, cunt. So W-what do you say? Are you ready to sign on the dotted line?” Dan asked, obviously having a harder time keeping his cool in the midst of her lustful assault. Jennifer’s only response was to increase her tempo. All she wanted to do at this point was to push him over the edge.

She didn’t have to wait long, because moments later he started to erupt in her mouth. She swallowed every drop without complaint while her lover moaned and groaned before she finally curled up against him, hugging him tightly.

“Well?” He asked after catching his breath.

“Just shut up and give me a pen,” she answered. She wasn’t good at emotional conversations, but she was great at doing exactly what her pussy told her to do.

Dan smiled and started the car, letting the defrost clear away the fogged windows a bit. “You still look too decent to be my pet. Even when you look like you just got fucked in the back seat. Pull down your dress to your waist so I can show everyone what a whore you really are on the way home.”

“But we’re still downtown” Jennifer whimpered, blushing bright red at the idea. “Someone will definitely see me…”

“I hope they do cunt,” Dan answered. “Not that that makes it optional. If you want to be my slave you need understand that no isn’t a word you can use anymore, and now is as good a time as any. So you can pull your dress down or I can tear it off and you can go home naked. Your call.”

After only a moment’s hesitation she removed the straps and tugged her outfit down to her waist, revealing her perky breasts for all the world to see. “Yes sir,” she murmured. It didn’t make her feel any better to know that there was no one to see her now, because soon enough they were driving, and behind every corner she feared there would be people to gawk at the naked slut. At least it was night out though, and the windows were slightly tinted. Soon enough Jennifer started to relax. No one would notice her, would they?

Relaxing was a mistake though, because as soon as they stopped at the first stoplight Dan reached over and started to finger her unprotected pussy. “Please, don’t” she pleaded, “Don’t I already look like enough of a …Mmmmmuhhh… whore for you master?”

“Maybe I don’t care what you look like, and I just want you to know how wet it makes you to be treated this way.” he answered, not bothering to take his eyes off the road. For her part, she was more focused on the car next to them, and just a little bit ahead. If that driver turned even a little he would see her. He would see a stupid slut moaning in heat with her tits out. The thought combined with the two fingers twisting in her cunt was almost enough to make her cum, but just before that happened, the light turned green, and Dan withdrew his hand to drive.

She wasn’t sure if she was frustrated or grateful that she hadn’t been allowed to cum, but after a couple more repeat performances, she was definitely frustrated. At one of them some guys her age actually saw her, making her flush red in shame. She managed to lower her head before they could get their phones out to hide her identity with her shoulder length dark hair, but they honked their horn several times to try to get her to look up. They followed their car for half a mile before Dan managed to shake them, and while Jennifer might not have known them, and they didn’t good look at her, she was still glowing red with incandescent shame by the time they pulled into her boyfriend’s garage.

He made her take off the dress entirely before she could come in the house, but he quickly pushed her away when she tried to kiss him as soon as they were inside. “Please – please fuck me,” she begged.

“Not so fast slut,” he answered, pushing her away, and slamming the crumpled papers down on the coffee table. “If you want to fuck me, you’re going to have to sign.”

Jennifer didn’t have to be told twice. She didn’t even bother to read the rest – she just flipped to the last page, reached for a pen, and signed. At that moment he produced a small leather collar with a metal ring in the front and put it around her neck. “There – now you’re mine for as long as I feel like keeping you.” The feeling of being owned affected Jennifer far more than she thought it would, and it sent goosebumps cascading across her naked limbs as she embraced her lover. Soon she was kissing him hard and grinding against him even harder, and after a minute or two of making out he reached into his pocket for a pair of handcuffs and snapped them around one wrist and then the other, locking her hands in front of her. The loss of freedom, however symbolic, made her tingle all over as he pushed her back down onto the couch. From there his pants were around his ankles, and he was guiding his cock between her thighs like his life depended on it.

“God I want to fuck you, slut,” he growled hungrily as he crushed her beneath him.

“Wait, wait, master,” she cried out, “you forgot to wear a condom?”

“No I didn’t,” he laughed, “You’re mine, I can fuck you raw all I want.”

“No, please,” she pleaded, “I’ll get pregnant. I’ll—” Fear was surging through her. Clearly she hadn’t thought this new arrangement through. Was she really going to let any guy, no matter how good he was at fucking her, breed her and screw up her whole life?

“Pregnant, slut? Is that really your answer?” Dan demanded, pulling her hair and giving her head a good shake.

“Yes, I—” Jennifer started before she was interrupted. He suddenly got off of her and yanked her to her feet as he pulled her toward the bathroom.

“On your knees you lying cunt,” he said, forcing her down before he left the room. For a few seconds she wondered what was going on, and then it occurred to her when he came back into the bathroom with her purse. He knew!

“Master, please – I can explain, I—” she tried to placate him, but he just gave her a hard stare until she retreated into silence. Once she was quiet again he started tossing stuff out of her purse and on to her floor. First went her makeup, then a phone charger, and finally her little orange bottle of antidepressants. Finally he found what he was looking for and dropped the rest of her purse unceremoniously on the ground. In his hand he held up a partially used sheet of birth control pills.

“You’ve been on these for what – a week?” he asked. “Two weeks maybe.”

“Yes master,” she sighed, lowering her head

“And why didn’t you tell me?” he asked coldly.

“Because I was scared,” she answered honestly. “I knew that if you knew I was on something you’d stop using condoms and—” As she spoke he took the sheet and popped one of the pills out through the foil and into the toilet.

“No, Master, please… don’t” she begged as he popped two more into the toilet, ignoring her pleas.

Pop. Pop. Pop. She begged while tears rolled down her face, while he disposed of her pills one at a time. When he was done, he flushed the toilet and then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Where he tossed her onto the bed.

“Please,” she said, tears running down her cheeks, “I’m – I’m not ready…”

“Well I am, slut,” he said, spreading her thighs and crawling between them. He held out his cock smeared in precum as he knelt just above her dripping pussy. “You see this cunt? Look at it. That’s enough cum to make you pregnant before I even blow my load inside you.”

Jennifer looked, and was horrified to see that he was right as a single drop fell from his wet and sticky cockhead to her shaven mound. It sent a shiver down her spine as she watched him reposition and bring the head of his cock down to rub it up and down her slick lips. She wanted to stop him even though she knew she couldn’t. At least part of her did. The other part of her spread her legs just a little wider as she prepared for what was coming.

She didn’t have to wait long. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the head of his raw, dangerous cock enter her pussy. It was the first raw cock she’d ever had inside of her, and as it slid deep within her in one long smooth stroke she was surprised how much better it felt than with a condom. Even with the same man fucking her, it still felt more sensual. “God you’re wet tonight, cunt” Dan hissed as he bottomed out inside of her. “Careful or I’ll think you want to get bred.”

“Noooo…” Jennifer whined, even though that was exactly what her body wanted. She wanted to finish school and take vacations in places where she could show off her tight little body in a bikini, but her body had other plans.“I don’t. Not even a little bit. You have to pull out. Please promise me you will.” As certain as she sounded though, her body was much more conflicted

That request only made Dan laugh though as he started to pump in and out of her hot little hole. He gripped her hips and made sure to push extra hard just when he reached the deepest point of his stroke This caused a little jolt of pain as the head of his dick ground against her not-quite-deep-enough vagina, making her squirm and jerk like a puppet with her strings tangled with every stroke. It was a brutal, frenzied fuck, and she would have cum in no time even he had been wearing a condom. Without one though she didn’t last much longer than a minute before she was writhing and bucking in ecstasy as he battered her unprotected womb.

“Ohhh… Oh fuck… Mmmmm…” Jennifer moaned, lost to the world for a few seconds as Dan reminded her why he was the longest boyfriend she’d had in years with his perfect dick.

“That’s right baby,” he whispered, leaning down to pin her beneath his body as his strokes started to get shorter and more urgent. “Cum for me.The more you cum, the more likely I am to knock you up.”

Those terrible words brought Jennifer back to her frightening reality. Any one of these strokes could be his last. Any moment he would just bottom out inside her, and instead of filling up a condom he would fill her pussy with hot, dangerous cum. Tonight was going to be her first crampie, and there was nothing she could do about it.

“Please,” she murmured the fight almost completely fucked out of her. She didn’t even know what she was begging for at this point. As much as the idea scared her, it turned her on even more. “Please…”

“That’s right cunt, beg for my cum,” Dan gloated, getting closer and closer. “Those pills might protect you tonight and tomorrow, but I’m going to keep fucking you… Mmmmm… Keep pumping you full… Long after… Unnhhhh… They’re gone!”

And with that promise, he forced himself inside her as deeply as he could one more time, and exploded. Jennifer felt the warmth spreading inside her immediately as she felt the cock inside her start to jerk and throb. It caused another wave of pleasure to cascade through her body, and she wrapped her legs around his ass as her body spasmed and she lost complete control.

After he caught his breath Dan got off of her and rolled onto his side, spooning her as she felt his thick cum start to ooze out of her. It was an alien sensation that reminded her just how dangerous what they had just done was, but right now she couldn’t bring herself to care. Right now she just lay there, safe and satisfied, blissed out by the feeling of being truly owned by someone inside and out.

“Don’t worry pet,” Dan whispered into her ear as he hugged her close, “You aren’t pregnant yet, but you definitely will be soon.”
