The Adventures of Frank and Karen. [Part 2] [MF] [MM] [BDSM]

 Thanksgiving with my friends was as always a major party.
Friends I haven’t  seen in a year came out of hibernation. 
The food was laid or should I say heaped upon the sideboard.
Along with a very liberal helping of alcohol made for an evening of drunken merrymaking.

However much fun this evening had been that is not what I wish to tell you about. 
What is important to this chronicle is the phone call I received around 10:30 that evening. 
It was Karen calling.
“Frank, Hi it’s Karen I hope I’m not calling you to late, am I ?
I just couldn’t take the chance that you might leave tomorrow without me getting a chance to see you again.” She said.
“Karen, I’m going to be in town until Monday afternoon.
Is there any chance you will also be around until then?” I asked.
“Karen I’m glad you called I haven’t been able to think about anything else since last night.
Never have I met anyone as free and exciting.

When I sat at the dinner table only the table cloth hanging over the edge prevented everyone from seeing the hard on I’ve had all night.” I responded.
“Frank, I feel the same way.
Look last night I was feeling rather how shall I say rejected and dejected.
I know that seems just the opposite of my actions on the train.
However earlier that morning my boyfriend dumped me for my best friend.
So when I headed out I wanted to prove to myself that I was desirable.
That is why I set out to seduce the first good looking guy I found.
The truth is I had only intended to tease someone without mercy. 
I never intended for it to go as far as it did, I just couldn’t help myself.
There was something about you that said you needed this more than I did.
All night long I kept thinking about you, not the sex we had just you.
So do you think we might have lunch this afternoon?” She asked.
“Absolutely, I’m staying at the Marriott in town why don’t we meet at the restaurant there at eleven.”
Was my instantaneous answer.

 Sitting in the lobby wondering if my date would show up and thinking maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
I mean yeah, I had fun but was it better to leave this as a one night stand or get involved with a girl who basically slutted herself for a moment of pleasure. 
Lost in my thoughts I missed seeing Karen enter the lobby.
Only to become aware of her when a shadow fell across the newspaper I was reading.
Standing and offering her my hand I said.

“Karen, I’m sorry I was wrapped up in thought and just kind of zoned out for a moment.
“That’s OK Frank, I’ve been kind of zoned out myself thinking about the other night.
I was in a deep funk from the breakup and as I said I wanted to prove to myself that others found me desirable.”
“Karen when I boarded the train I had no idea what the night would bring.
I sat there thinking how alone I was and wishing there was someone in my life.
What I wanted was a hand to hold.
Someone I could care about and someone who would hopefully care about me.
I haven’t been in a relationship for more than a year.
After my last breakup I retreated into myself refusing to get involved again.
I was tired of getting hurt, tired of girls who mistook my introspective nature for indifference. 
Tired of girls who thought I was, well, to vanilla.
What I did last night was so completely out of character for me I’m still not sure it wasn’t all a dream.
I have never been so forward as to drop a blanket over a beautiful girls lap and begin to diddle her clit in public.
That being said when I saw you walking down the aisle my heart sunk into my chest.
I saw you and thought there’s a girl who would probably spit on me rather than talk to me.
Never in my life did I think what happened would ever happen to me.”

 “Frank there were three seats open for me to choose.
I sat with you because when I was scanning the open seats I looked at your face and thought this guy looks lost and his heart needs to be lifted up.
As we chatted I saw there was far more to you than I first thought.
That is when I thought I would have some fun and kill two birds with one stone.
I would feel better about myself at the same time brighten up your life a bit.
When I flashed you my panties your reaction was so cute you took a hard swallow and I could see that you were embarrassed even while sneaking looks at my panties.
Even when you figured out that I did that intentionally, there was a sweetness to the look on your face.
Truthfully I was almost ready to change seats, I didn’t want to spoil you.
I didn’t want to add to the hurt I saw deep inside you.”

 “Karen first off I am so thrilled that you called me last night.
I was going to head back to Chicago and chalk that evening to a once in a lifetime fluke a, “Felix Culpa” if you will.
To be honest while the sex was unexpected yet remarkable I have never met anyone who has enraptured me like you in so short a time.

I know this is short notice and I would understand if you walked out right now but, well would you like to see each other when we get back to Chicago?”

 “Frank I would like that very much.
I need to feel a connection with someone at this point in my life.
When I was with my last boyfriend he was there in person yet not there for me.
I think in his soul I was just an adornment to hang on a hook and to take down when he needed to show off.
Well I’m not a trophy or a show pony.
I ended our friendship when he decided that I was just to much trouble when I needed a real friend  while I was having a hard time coming to grips with my internal demons.
Along with that he was a bit vanilla when it came to his sexuality.
His idea of daring was making love with the lights on.
While I on the other hand want to explore everything I can.
I want a companion who will take this journey along with me.
So if your libido is willing to expand it’s horizon I would love to have you join me on my search.”

“Karen that is a hell of a lot to drop on someone you just met.
That being said I find myself excited by your proposition.
Myself, while I’ve not had the chance to explore much of my sexuality I have felt trapped in a world where I would be limited to the mundane.
Inside me is a hedonistic animal that needs to be born.
Every girlfriend from my past were much like your boyfriend.
When I look at porn I find myself delving deeper and deeper into the depths of the internet.
It’s the odd, its the strange and the most taboo that attracts me.
If anyone found my search history I think I would die of embarrassment.” I said.

 “Well now Frank I am becoming intrigued what could make your face turn as red as it is now.
Your beginning to strike me as a fellow perv.”
Karen was talking while her bare foot began to travel from up the length of my leg until it came to rest on my cock.
Hence the reason my face was red as a beet.
“Karen are you hungry after last nights festive meal?
If not let’s get out of here.”
“Your on.” She said.
As we left the hotel Karen took me by the hand and started walking towards downtown.

This town had seen better days but you could see that the town counsel was trying to turn it around.
They had improved the streets and installed new cobble stone sidewalks and crosswalks.
You could see this town had pride in their shopping district. 
“Karen you said you were studying psychology, what are are you interested in and what do you plan to do when you graduate?”
“Frank this may shock you or maybe not after last night.
What I’m interested in is human sexuality.

When I was in High School I found a copy of the “Kinsey Report”.
I’m surprised they had this in the schools library however when I read this I was utterly fascinated.
I was raised in an overly strict Christian home and even saying the word sex was a mortal sin.
Hell I didn’t even masturbate until I was a senior in High School and I discovered that by accident.
Due to that kind of upbringing when I discovered that book a world that was utterly foreign to me opened up and I decided that I was going to explore every avenue of sexuality I could.

 Walking through the town hand in hand I was greeted with a feeling of lightness in my soul.
Here was a girl I met just the other night and I am willing to collaborate on a journey that will take me places I never would have dared to venture towards.
“Karen I had heard of the “Kinsey Report” but I have to say I never had the chance to read it.
This is something I plan to remedy as soon as I return home.
I think you are going to need a subject to base your thesis upon.”
As I was saying this Karen turned stood on her tip toes and planted a kiss on my lips.
This was a short simple kiss, no tongue just a quick peck upon the lips.
So surprised by this action I froze in my tracks.

It suddenly dawned on me that we were standing in front of a pet store window and an older lady who was looking out at us sprouted a massive grin and quickly covered her mouth with her hand as she turned back to finish whatever work she was doing.
I have to say that was the best kiss I ever had.
It held the promise of something more.
What and where that promise will lead was beyond my comprehension.
However I was willing to go for the ride and see where it will take me.

 As we resumed our walk Karen reached around and placed her arm around my waist.
With the occasional pat on my bottom she had my cock straining against my pants.
Now I have never been one to be aggressive as far as flirting is concerned.
This time I took the initiative.
Running my arm around her waist I returned the pat on her bottom.
Karen took my hand and placed it back around her waist.
Together we sauntered down the street looking for all the world like a couple who have been together far longer than one night and day.

 Walking into a park we located a picnic grove with a series of tables and a beautiful gazebo that had a raised platform and a table in the center.
We sat there watching the park for a few minutes before Karen turned towards me and threw her legs over mine while leaning back on the bench.
I ran my hands along the length of her legs while kneading the muscles in her thighs and lower legs.
I think she was enjoying my treatment at least her moans said so.
Pulling her up I lifted her upon my lap and brought my lips to hers.
Doing my best to deliver an earth shattering lip locking kiss I went in for the kill.
Have you ever had a kiss where the only thing moving was the tongues of the two lovers?
That is what I discovered once we began to delve into our exploration of each others kiss.
This kiss alone was the cause of my cock rising to attention.

 Sliding off my lap Karen knelt between my legs and began to fumble with my belt.
“Karen, what are you doing?
People are going to see, we are going to get caught and get in so much trouble.” I said.
“Well you’ll just have to keep watch.
I don’t plan on stopping until I have a mouthful of cum.” She told me.
“But Karen, I.”
“Shush, just keep your eyes open and let me know if anyone is coming.
Until then just enjoy.”
finally she managed to undo my belt and lower my zipper.
Reaching in Karen freed my cock and balls from the confines of my jeans.
The assault begun upon my cock was relentless.
Right off the bat she took me to the base of my cock.
Holding there her tongue began swirling around the base. 
Causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise and my toes to curl.
Just as fast as she went down she went upwards.
Her tongue tracing it’s way along the underside of my cock on it’s way to the tip.
Once there she consecrated the head with a long sloppy Bj that stayed right on the head with her tongue occasionally dipping downward to lap around the underside of my cock.
All the time this was happening I watched people wandering around the park none of them thankfully were headed in this direction.

 This simple treatment of my cock threatened to cause me to pull her away from her appointed task.
“Sorry Karen, if I allowed you to continue I would blow far to early.”
pulling her up I turned her and sat her on the bench.
“Now its my turn.
Keep your eyes peeled.” I told her.
Thankfully she had on a short skirt.   
This allowed me quick and easy access to her treasures. 
Pulling her legs apart my first task was to drive her insane with want, want to have her toes curl, want to cum and lastly, want to never have my lips and tongue leave her pussy.
Never once touching that place she wanted me to go.

I spent the better part of ten minutes just kissing, licking and generally nibbling on her inner thighs.
As predicted she was having quite a bit of trouble sitting still.
It was immediately apparent I was going to have a battle keeping her legs from clamping around my head.
Just as I was ready to go in for the kill she made a noise that caused me to pull away and look around.
Coming up the path were a couple of teenagers walking their dog.
Dog? This was a moose!
I recognized the breed as some kind of mastiff.
It had to be around three foot tall and must have weighed around one hundred and fifty pounds.

 As they came upon the gazebo they stepped onto the platform looking for a place to sit.
When they settled in Karen and I struck up a conversation.
My first question was about their dog.
The young man who I would guess was around our age told us that Bruce as they named their dog was a breed called “Dugue de Bordeaux”.
A few minutes Karen began tugging at my arm indicating her impatiens.
Making our exit we bid the couple goodbye and headed off to one of the trails through the woods. 

For this time of the year the weather had been rather chilly.
Today however the wind was still and the air a bit warmer.
How woman survived with only a skirt was beyond me, not that you see me arguing. 
As I watched Karen I noticed her scanning beyond the path and into the woods.
After a few minutes she found what she wanted and dragged my off the path.
Working our way through the woods we found ourselves far from the path and any casual observers.
Finding a tangle of fallen trees Karen stopped and pulled me into her while delivering another of her patented killer kisses.
Tossing off her jacket, shirt and skirt she stood before me naked as the day she was born.
Taking the belt from around her skirt and handing it to me she walked up to an oak tree and wrapped her arms around the trunk.

“Tie my arms around the trunk.” She said.
Never having played in the realm of BDSM I was a bit uncertain and apprehensive.
Yet I was turned on like you wouldn’t believe.
Pulling her arms around the trunk I bound them with her belt.
Returning to her side of the tree I gave her bottom a light slap.
A moan issued forth from her throat.
Taking that as an affirmation of her desire I began to spank her bottom.
My first hits were rather mild until I heard her say.
“Do it, spank me harder, as hard as you want.”
Moving my hand so I didn’t hit the same spot twice in a row I began turning her bottom red.
After about twenty five whacks I stopped and reached between her legs and began to play with her sex.
Running my fingers back and forth with an occasional dip into the holy of holys.
Her knees began to buckle.
Dropping my pants I pushed up and into her.
With both of us standing it was difficult to gain a rhythm.
So instead I just began to pound away.
With each forward push Karen was jammed up against the rough tree bark.
Some minutes into this Karen spoke up between her moans.
“My ass fuck me in the ass Frank do it hard!!!”

Stepping back I altered my aim and pushed inward.
Followed by a muffled scream from Karen as I broke through the barrier of her little ring.  
Pounding her bottom Karen was alternating between moaning and muffled screams.
Remembering the other night I placed my hand around her throat and began to squeeze.

When this began to affect her she began shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm overtook her.
This in turn set off my climax.
The results of this caused me to pump her full of cum.
In just moments Karen slumped down held upright only by the belt binding her the tree.
Pulling away I was suddenly concerned with her safety and well being.
Untying her hands I gently lowered her to the ground and cradled her in my lap as she came to her senses.
Eyes opening and a wicked smile crossing her face she pulled me down for another of her deadly kisses.

 Spending the next few minutes taking care of her, holding her tight and wiping her face from the sweat that had gathered upon her face she began to drift off into a short nap.
While watching her face I noticed a look of peacefulness that I hadn’t seen during her waking moments.
After maybe five minutes her breathing normalized and her eyes fluttered open.
With her head in my lap when she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was my face and a look of concern that was on my face.
Her first reaction to seeing my ugly face a wide grin grew and swallowed the entirety of her face.
Pulling me down she locked her lip to mine while exploring my mouth with her tongue.
Finally allowing me to breath by pulling away she sat up and looked around our wooded hideaway she said to me,
“Damn Frank, that was intense I loved being out in the cold bound to the tree as you plundered my body like a pirate captain taking his prize.

 Helping her stand I retrieved her clothes and began to redress her.
Karen began to help but I swatted her hands away telling her to stand still that it’s my pleasure to pamper her a bit by doing the dressing.
Sliding her shirt across her shoulders I took my time re buttoning each button with slow deliberation.
When her shirt was done I turned her around and bent her over.
In doing so her backside was presented to my view.
Raising the bottom of her shirt I ran my hands over that magnificent bottom.
With a slow tender touch I spreed her cheeks open and played a moment with her little ring.
This elicited a little gasp from her as I pushed inward a bit.
Taking my hands away I lifted one leg and had her step into her skirt followed by the other leg.
Making our way from our hiding spot we retraced our path to emerge from the woods back onto the trail that brought us here.

 Walking hand in hand we took in the fresh air and began to talk about our respective pasts.
I began telling her about my part time job with the railroad while I was taking my courses and working towards my electrical engineering degree.
One great thing about working for the rail line was the freedom to travel for free.
Unfortunately my studies and work left little time for myself and this trip was a kind of gift to myself.
As to my earlier days I grew up in a house that was rather pedestrian and old fashioned in its attitude towards things sexual.
As an only child I didn’t have siblings to talk to or confide in while I was discovering my sexuality.
What I told her was that growing up I had a fascination with both boys and girls bodies and paid attention to the guys when I was in the showers after gym.
I did have a girl cousin with whom I once at around the age of eleven compared our bodies in a game of “show and tell”.
That was the first time I had seen a girl naked outside of a picture in one of my dad’s Playboy magazines.

 The next time I saw a naked girl was the night I lost my virginity to a girl I went on a date with.
We were both fourteen and both sets of parents were out together for a new years eve party.
We had been watching a horror movie in the rec room when a scene on the screen caused her to curl up against me for protection from the creature on the screen.
Being this close and having her holding on to me I sprung a boner.
After a few minutes she looked down and spotting my condition made a remark asking why I had a boner.
I found myself tongue tied and tried to stutter out an answer.
This I failed at and taking matters into her own hands (literally), she put her hand over my pants and felt my erection growing.
“Can I see it?” She asked.
It took about five minutes of her badgering me I relented.
She didn’t even wait for me to take my pants down.
She grabbed my belt and yanked both my pants and underwear down to my knees.

 Sitting there with my cock waving in the air she became fascinated with my penis.
To that end she began to explore it with gusto.
Tracing her fingers along its length and toying with the pre-cum oozing from the tip she was like a kid who was just handed a new toy.
With velvet like touches she lightly stroked my balls causing my cock to pulse at her touch.
Moments later she leaned over and touched her tongue to the tip to taste the pre-cum.
Licking her lips she took me into her mouth and began to give her first blow job.
Now while she wasn’t “seasoned” at this she was a quick study.
In no time at all she began to develop a rhythm that left me sitting there cross eyed.
Suddenly she pulled away and stood up and began to drop her skirt and blouse.
Standing there in front of me in just her bra and panties I took in her body and decided that I wanted to play with it.
As I reached for her bra she said.
“I think you’ll be disappointed, there isn’t much up there, I have to wear a padded bra if I want to look like I have boobs.” She confessed.
Unhooking the bra in question I lowered the straps and found to my delight a pair of itty bitty titty’s, 
with pencil eraser sized nipples.

 Taking one between my lips I began to suckle and tease it with my lips and tongue.
This brought forth a sharp hiss from deep inside her.
Pushing her back onto the couch I worked the panties down over her hips and then down and off her legs.
Kneeling between her legs I began to explore the very first pussy I had the pleasure to have offered to me.
Kissing and licking up the length of her inner thighs was driving her insane.
When finally I zeroed in on her pussy my tongue buried as deep as I could manage her legs clamped around my head as she exploded.
“Frank, fuck me, fuck me now!!” She pleaded.
Rising up I positioned myself to lose my virginity.
Working my cock into her I stretched her open and slid the rest of the way inward.
At that moment I had to stop least I blow to soon.
Holding myself inside her I finally understood what all the fuss was about.
My cock surrounded by an incredible warmth I began to feel her pussy contracting and then relaxing as she accepted my cock inside her.
OH my god, this was the most incredible feeling.
I never wanted to leave this warm wet holy place.

 “Frank, fuck me please, do it hard.” She begged me.
Pulling outward I slammed back inside over and over.
I was out of my mind with pure carnal animal lust.
There was no thought involved, no conscious decision was made.
I just relied on a million years of DNA to take over my mind and body for the next few minutes.
As I heard her reach her climax, my own was seconds behind.
And then it happened.
A feeling that began at my sphincter then rushing forward past my prostate, pulling my balls tight against my body the rubber band that had been winding up inside my body let go.
Pulse after pulse shot out the tip of my cock to splash against her insides.

