Daughter home from University Part 1 [taboo]

Sometimes, it is good for the soul to spoil yourself, especially if you have worked hard all your life.
My wife, Fiona and I have high powered jobs and the associated big pay packets. We have put our only daughter through school and she is now studying interstate at the country’s leading university.
We live away from the coast and our Summers are long and hot. In reality a swimming pool is more a necessity than a luxury, so it was an easy decision to put in a pool and make the most of Summer life.
We found the builder and the contract was drawn up and perfectly, the pool was installed and ready to go as the weather was warming up. Our backyard is very private and the wife and I saw no reason to wear swimming costumes in the pool. After all there was just the two of us living at home. Every day we had a swim after work, drinking beers and white wine, all the while getting that all over tan.
Life was good.
Along with the rest of the world, Covid-19 had upset our family life. Interstate borders were closed and we had not seen our daughter Nicole, except by Skype for nearly 12 months. It was very hard on all of us. Nicole was our only child and we missed her dearly. But covid case numbers were dropping and a glimmer of hope arose that border restrictions would be eased and so it happened. The university year had ended and Nicole was free to come home for a few weeks. We were delighted. The flight was booked and Nicole would be arriving Friday.
We met her at the airport and I didn’t want the hug to end. Poor Nicole was squashed between her mother and myself and I’m sure she was struggling for breath. We grabbed her bags and carried them to the car and set off on the 2 hour trip to home.
It was late when we arrived. We were all starving and we didn’t feel like cooking so we grabbed a meal at the local club. We didn’t stay long after the meal as we were all exhausted so it was home and bedtime for us all.
Saturday morning heralded in a forecast for a hot dry day. Nicole had a bit of a sleep in and there was no way we were going to wake her early. Fiona and I took the opportunity to have a bit of a lie in ourselves and lay in bed until we heard Nicole stirring.
We made our way down to the kitchen to get breakfast underway. I just slipped on a pair of loose shorts and Fiona threw on a long t shirt. It was our custom not to bother with underwear as there was no need when there was just the two of us at home. We could hear Nicole coming down the stairs and soon she appeared. She must have felt the change in temperature to what she was used to down south at university. She had on a singlet top and boy shorts. She didn’t bother with a bra and I was glad that she could be as comfortable as she liked around us.
Breakfast was light, just toast and juice, which is best for the hot weather.
“So”, Nicole piped up, “How are you enjoying your new swimming pool, I bet you are getting plenty of use out of it.”
“We sure are,”I replied, “we swim every day in fact its that hot we are going for a dip after breakfast.”
“Perfect” Nicole replied, “Count me in.”
Fiona and I had decided that we were not going to change our habit of swimming in the nude. It had become a passion with us. The thought of wearing a costume in the pool was unthinkable. We worried how Nicole would take the news. But our attitude was, our house our rules and we hoped that Nicole would understand. She was not a child, she was 20 years old now so we hoped that she was mature enough to cope with a bit of nudity.
“Nicole, we have something to tell you. Since we got the pool, your mother and I have decided that it just makes sense not to worry about wearing swimming costumes in the pool, so we swim naked.”I managed to splutter out.
Nicole’s jaw dropped and the colour drained from her face. She sat silently and I worried that she was going to run from the room in embarrassment.

“Really?” she said.” You’re not joking are you… are you?”
There was no going back. “No Nicole, we aren’t joking, We love the freedom of not having costumes clinging to our bodies and the sun on our skin is the best feeling.”
Nicole sat looking straight ahead. “My parents are nudists, I never thought I would see the day. I guess if that is what you want to do I can’t stop you, but there is no way that I am going to join you.”
“That is fine Nicole, we would never force you to do anything that you would be uncomfortable with” Fiona replied.
“Good” said Nicole “especially as I bought myself a new bikini to wear here. I guess I’ll go upstairs and put it on and I’ll see you in the pool.”
So off she went upstairs. I looked across to Fiona and we both heaved a sigh of relief. Nicole, although shocked had not dismissed the idea out of hand. The first hurdle had been crossed. We quickly washed the dishes and grabbed a towel each and headed to the pool. I dropped my shorts and Fiona pulled her t shirt over her head and naked, we both jumped into the refreshing water. It was absolutely heavenly this time of the day.
Soon, Nicole appeared. She indeed did have on her new bikini, a brilliant yellow that complimented her blonde hair. The top was tiny and struggled to contain her ample breasts. The bottom was a g string, which separated her arse cheeks. I had to admit, that she looked stunning and I was all I could do, not to look at her lustfully. Fiona and I were standing in the pool, so for all intents and purposes Nicole could not see that we were naked, although we were.
She dropped her towel on one of the sunlounges and gracefully dived into the pool. She let out a squeal of delight as she appreciated the cooling effect of the water. Nicole was a good swimmer so she started on a few laps of the pool as her mother and I floated on our backs, enjoying the sun on our bodies. I could hear that Nicole had stopped swimming and out of the corner of my eye, I could see she was looking towards her mother and me. Floating on my back, my cock was out of the water. As was her mothers breasts and pussy. Neither of us made an effort to cover ourselves as our plan was to be as open as possible and try to make the experience as normal as we could.
“The water is beautiful isn’t it.” Nicole finally said. “It sure is” I replied, “We love our early morning dip.”
Nicole moved a little closer. I was pleased that she was not so horrified that she would stay up one end of the pool while we were at the other. “It is definitely a good investment Dad” she said. “I would be in it every day too. I forgot how hot it gets here.”
“We love it and it is the best exercise, no way will I go for a run these days” I answered.
I set off to do a few laps myself as Nicole chatted with her mother. After a while, I had had enough and decided it was time for a bit of a sunbake. “I’m getting out” I said and made for the ladder. Fiona followed but Nicole stayed in the pool. Fiona and I dried off and laid our towels on the spare sunlounges. Of course, we had to apply sunscreen so as not to burn. Being naked, of course meant that no part can be left unprotected and I dribbled the sunscreen on my chest and let it run down my body. I rubbed it into my shoulders, chest and stomach and then gently caressed it into my cock. I could see that Nicole was watching as I was doing this. This was fine by me as this was going to be a normal part of our routine while she was visiting. The sensation of rubbing sunscreen on my cock is a pleasant one and I could feel my cock swell just slightly. I subtly turned away for a second to allow it to subside. My situation was not helped by seeing Fiona rubbing the sunscreen into her lovely breasts. I could swear that she was doing it seductively in an attempt to tease me.
Fully protected, we both lay down on the sunlounges to soak up the sun. Nicole stayed in the pool for a good while longer, swimming up and down and stopping occasionally and glancing over to the both of us. I was wondering what was going through her mind. How was she coping seeing her parents naked? She seemed to be accepting of the whole situation which was such a relief.
Eventually, she had had enough and climbed out of the pool. Her body was glistening from the water and as she pulled herself up the ladder, her muscles flexed, showing that she had clearly spent time at the gym. She sat on the sunlounge next to me and sensibly started to apply some sunscreen. I watched as she gently rubbed it in. Then she said, “Dad, can you put some on my back?” Of course, I would and took the lotion from her and squeezed it on to her shoulders and massaged it into her back. It was a very sensuous experience, being naked and feeling my daughter’s soft youthful skin. Again, I could sense a swelling down below. It was all I could do to make my mind think of anything else. Exercising self control that I thought was beyond me, I finished helping Nicole and sat down on my sunlounge. My cock was at half mast but I raised my legs to cover it and I don’t think Nicole noticed. We all three lay in the sun in silence, enjoying the sun on our bodies.
The sun had a bite in it and soon I dived back into the water, followed by Fiona and Nicole. After a while we decided that we had had enough and decided to go inside. The air conditioning was on and it seemed a bit chilly compared to outside. I put my shorts back on and Fiona put her t shirt on as well. Nicole decided to stay in her bikini. I think she was enjoying not having to worry about wearing a lot of clothes.
The rest of the day was spent listening to music and playing board games. We were all very keen on Scrabble so countless games were had. Nicole loves a beer, just like her dad and Fiona cracked a bottle of white wine. By mid afternoon, Nicole was a little weary and decided to go upstairs for a nap. Fiona and I took the opportunity to do a bit of reading so got our books out. Time was passing very pleasantly and the drinks were making us both feel a bit mellow.
“How about another swim”I said and Fiona was quick to agree. We chucked off our clothes and strolled to the pool, diving in and feeling the immediate cooling effect of the water. I swam to Fiona and hugged her, planting a big kiss on her lips. She reached down and grabbed my cock and gently stroked it, while I massaged her breasts. Soon my cock was rock hard. I slipped behind her and parted her legs and easily slipped my cock into her velvety pussy. Fiona leaned against the side of the pool and I fondled her breasts while gently pumping my cock in and out of her juicy cunt. It was not long before I came with a shuddering orgasm as did Fiona, her trembling body making small waves around her. I grabbed her tight and kept my cock inside her as we floated away from the side of the pool. The feeling was exquisite as our bodies touched from head to toe. We floated around oblivious to all around us.
Our attention was taken by the sound of the sliding glass door opening. We both looked up and to our absolute astonishment, Nicole was walking to the pool completely naked.
“What’s the old saying?”she said, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do? I guess if you two can nude up I can too.” When yesterday, Nicole’s jaw dropped it was our turn now. Nicole stood in front of us, naked as the day she was born. It was impossible not to notice and admire her toned body. Her pussy was shaved and her labia were exposed. It was a delightful sight. My cock, that had subsided after sex with Fiona was now growing again. Fortunately it was underwater and I don’t think Nicole could notice it at this stage.
She dived into the water and swam to the other side of the pool. “I’m thrilled Nicole that you decided to give a nudie swim a go. I’m sure that you will find it relaxing and your mother and I will certainly feel more comfortable now that you have.” I said. “Thanks, Dad” said Nicole. “ I’m a big girl now and I have experienced a bit of life, I think I am mature enough to handle it.”
We swam around, chatting and laughing. The afternoon sun was setting and the pool area was covered in shade, but the temperature was still high. We all got out of the pool and lay on the sunlounges .
“Who would like a drink?” I said. Yes please they both replied so I went to the fridge to get a white wine for Fiona and a beer for Nicole and myself. Nicole was sitting on the edge of her sunlounge when I returned with the beer and as I gave her the drink her face was on a level with my cock. I handed the beer over and hovered there for a while as I took the top off my beer and had a big swig. All the while, Nicole never took her eyes of my cock. I was secretly enjoying the attention.
Nicole sat back on the sunlounge and wriggled to make herself comfortable. She sat with her legs very much apart and it was impossible not to steal a glance at her gorgeous pussy. I quickly sat down on my own sunlounge, but the damage was done, my cock was slowly rising and I was unsure what to do.
Fiona could see what was happening. She could also see that Nicole was staring at my rising manhood. Fiona reached across and took my cock in her hand. I was absolutely shocked. She said, “Greg, I’m sure Nicole doesn’t want to see you that way.” She was pretending, unsuccessfully I might add to be hiding my rigid cock from Nicole by covering it with her hand. The ruse was fully exposed when, she proceeded to stroke my cock slowly. I did not know where to look. Here was her mother stroking her father’s cock in full view of her daughter. I looked across to Nicole and she was totally absorbed in watching what was going on before her own eyes. Her legs had slipped further apart and I unashamedly stared at her pink labia.
Fiona increased her tempo. I lay back on the sunlounge, no longer caring what Nicole could possibly be thinking. The intensity of the situation soon had me cumming hard and even though I had fucked Fiona in the pool only an hour earlier, I spurted a small amount of cum on to my chest. Fiona slowed her stroking and my hard on gradually faded in her hand.
Nicole did not say a word. The fact that she did not get up and run away screaming was a bit of a relief. I mumbled, “Sorry Nicole, I’m not sure what came over us.”I felt my face was bright red and I could not look her in the eye.
“It’s ok mum and dad, that was hot and I rather enjoyed it.” Nicole replied. “We have always been a close loving family and I think a certain intimacy is quite healthy. May I dad?” Nicole reached across and took my soft cock in her hand. “It’s a lovely cock, dad.” She gently held it for a while, but it was spent and despite the amazing fact that my daughter was fondling my cock, it was not going to get hard again for a while.
“Anyway” said Nicole, “what’s for dinner, I’m starving”. Fiona and I laughed our heads off. What a daughter we have we thought. This holiday is going to be more fun that I could have imagined.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ss6t9x/daughter_home_from_university_part_1_taboo


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