My first year in college, taking part in a drinking and stripping game was worthwile [M]

So this happened over six years ago a few months after I started attending university, so I was 18 at the time (it was like a week or two before my 19th birthday). I have to say I was always viewed as attractive by girls and had lots of action during my school years already, despite not having been in a serious relationship ever. Naturally, this trend continued when I started attending university so I have no shortage of stories I could post here (and maybe I will) but I have to start with something and as I have recently reminisced about this, I decided to post about a party at the flat of one of my fellow students and her two housemates to which I was invited.

The fellow student was one of the girls I occasionally hooked up with during that time but nobody (aside from my roommate) knew since she was a little bit prude and didn’t want people to think she was slutty. She invited many people we were studying with but since she had two roommates, there were lots of people at the party that I didn’t know before. Her female roommate studied sports so there were also quite a few sports students, girls and boys, with pretty athletic bodies.

And in my experience, from all the sets of students, sports and med students are the ones who are most open about their bodies and most willing to lose clothes, especially when drunk. Makes lots of sense if you think about it since they mostly have great bodies and nothing to really be ashamed about when showing off. So at some point, everyone was fairly drunk and maybe a little high at that point, most of the sports students wanted to play a game they called “21” in the room of the sports studying party host. They asked everyone to either join or leave the room since it would be a game involving stripping and they didn’t want anyone only receiving the rewards without risking anything (I think, not so clear memories about every detail). Most of the non-sports students decided to leave but I was among the handful who decided to take part. Among those also were a friend of mine who decided to leave early because he was visibly uncomfortable and the little sister (18 years old and at her last year of school at that point) of my fellow student who was taken out of the game by her elder sister when she was only in underwear because her sister – who didn’t participate but was looking for her – didn’t want her to strip in front of other people.

It was between 10 and 15 players overall and from like half way through the game, I was one of two or three non-sports students left. The game itself was simple: We had to sit down in a circle and one player started counting, the person next to him went on with the next number and so on. Whenever the number 21 was reached, the person who’s turn it was at 21 was allowed to introduce a rule. The first rule had to be at what numbers to drink, but after that it was things like “you have to clap at even numbers”, “every number containing a 7 is skipped” or “at 13 we go the other way around”. You get the idea. Whenever someone violated a rule and the other caught it, he or she had to get rid of one piece of clothing which was only allowed to be taken on again temporarily when going to the toilet. People who were completely naked had one life left and were eliminated after their next mistake. The game ends when only one player is left.

So although we were a fairly big group, people were losing clothes fairly quickly since the game was getting harder the more often we got to 21 and since we were all some level of drunk, lots of mistakes were made. Some players went out of the game early because they never returned after going to the toilet or because they didn’t want to continue playing, but in the end we were 9 or 10 players who wanted to play the game to the end, 4 girls and 5 or 6 men. I think all of the other players left were sport students but I am not sure about that.

So after some time the first player (one of the male sports students) got naked because he was too drunk to really play the game and basically had to drop a piece of clothing every other round. He wasn’t hesistant to strip naked though and it seemed like most of the others were no strangers to seeing him naked. The next one to get naked was the girl co-hosting the party and after easily over an hour, I was the only guy left in the game, along with two of the girls. I was in my pants and briefs, one of the girls was in underwear on her bf’s lap (the bf was out of the game and naked) and the other had just lost her socks at that point because she seemed to be invested in winning the game and maybe wasn’t as drunk as the rest, I don’t know. However, the girl in underwear was out fairly quickly after that and it was only the other girl and me left. Everyone was following closely with the girls wanting her and the boys wanting me to win because we both are attractive (at least I’d say so) and also I seemed to be the only guy the girls there haven’t seen naked before.

Long story short, I was able to get her to take her top off and although the game was full of multiple rules at every number we managed to get to 21 another time but she was just better and so I was in my briefs quite quickly. At that point – I was drunk (but not too drunk) and there were three attractive naked ladies present – I had a half-boner and I could see some of the people there looking between my legs. When I had to strip off my briefs, everyone was of course looking at me and especially the girls seemed to anticipate seeing my dick, which – as they probably were able to guess from my bulge – is pretty big. When I unpacked it, they seemed to be surprised by how big it was though and were visibly delighted. The one with the boyfriend just had some sort of “nice” look on her face but the other ones, especially the party co host, commented about how nice and big my cock is. The guys also seemed to be impressed by it but also maybe a little jealous. The last round of play was over pretty quickly, partly because I concentrated on not getting a full-on boner from the attention my dick got.

After the game, people started to get dressed again and left the room but some of us were still talking for a few minutes naked. Two of the girls, the party co host and another one, were iniciating conversation with me while coming closer to me physically, I could really sense a change in thei behaviour towards me. Especially the party co host got really flirty and a bit touchy (but “only” on my aps and arm etc) but after a few minutes the others who were still there got dressed and so did we because we also didn’t want to block one of the rooms for the other guests. But we continued to talk dressed and the party co host asked me if I wanted to stay at her place for the night later to which I said yes. That didn’t happen though because we got really drunk and I also kinda forgot about it so nothing other than flirting happened at the party.

The next day though, I got a text from her (she got my number from her roommate aka my fellow student) and asked if we could meet up that evening but I already had someone coming over so she came to my place a few days later and we fucked like rabbits. She had brown hair and a really athletic body with a beautiful face and small tits. She also wasn’t really shy and fucked around pretty often (just like me) so it was just fun sex with no feelings involved. Her having many guys was also making her compliments for my dick even better.

She gave my number to the other girls from the game too and I had some fun with all of them. The other one who I was talking to directly after the game had blonde hair, a darker (but still white teint), also a nice athletic body and normal-sized tits. She wasn’t fucking around as much I think but still was no stranger to casual hookups so it was similar to being with the first one.

The one who won the game was a little shorter but very cute with black hair, normal sized breasts and a nice ass. We only met up twice because my dick hurt inside her and she obviously didn’t enjoy the sex that much because of that. The second time she just came over to suck my dick since she said she liked sucking on a dick as huge as mine.

The last girl was of course the one with the boyfriend so nobody else could know about her coming over to my place and she didn’t visit as often in frequency but we met up from time to time for about a year. She was blonde, slim with small breasts, a pretty good butt and a great face. The first time she came over you could tell that she unsure about all of that because it was her first time cheating ever. But she couldn’t resist my dick and when she saw it again she suddenly seemed to be in a different mood. I knew from the game that I was comfortably bigger than her bf and made her comment about that since having girls cheating on their bfs and turning them from their girlfriends into mine is one of my favorite things. Because of that, I had the most fun with her out of the bunch and we stopped seeing each other when she moved to a different town.

Sorry for the long post, it was just the experience I felt writing about the most. Maybe I’ll post about more of them, I have quite a few since I have come to be with quite a high number of girls.

