Family, Friends, And Other Lovers.


The characters in this story are purely fictional.


I’ve been married for nearly twenty years to a man
That gives zero affection.
And sex,,forget about it!
All he ever wants is for me to suck him off.
I wouldn’t be bothered by at all if, he returned the favor.
He just refuses to it.

Any way, we have had sex during our marriage.
Just always on his terms, when he wants it.
I would try to talk to him about it calmly hoping we could resolve this .
Unfortunately, he just gets angry and walks away.

It’s going on four years now, I have not been touched
by a man
Felt warm skin against my body.
I need to be fulfilled desperately!

My sister’s marriage is the same way, except it’s her husband that is starving for affection.
She’s been so cruel and cold to him.
She told me that “ he can’t even get it up”.
Poor guy!
He deserves so much better.
My sister is a very unkind person in general but,
Since he lives with her , he takes most of the punches.

We live about an hour apart, just enough distance to
Avoid seeing her when she’s having one of her many
Mental issues.

Sometimes, she falls into deep depression and speaks to no one for over a month.
Her behavior has driven away all of his friends and he has no family close by.
I never used to answer his phone calls or even return
Text messages.
I feel bad . but, my sister is a very jealous woman.
He’s been loyal to her during the course of the marriage.
However she has cheated on several occasions.

When her state of mind seemed somewhat stable she
Would invite me up for a visit.
I usually spend a day or two at their house.

I love taking the long way there when the weather
Is nice.
Beautiful scenery.
The water on one side, tall redwood trees on the
It’s a curvy winding road more fun to drive as well
As dangerous.
Especially in the rain or heavy winds.

I felt my anxiety building as I approached her driveway.
I never knew what to expect from my sister
During the course of these visits.
She seemed to Change her persona and values on
A weekly basis these days.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad my sisters enjoying
Her inner cougar activities.
It just seems so cruel to practically flaunt it about

How humiliating for her husband.
I’ll never understand it.

I parked my car along the street by her driveway.
Took a deep breath and a Xanax .
Here we go!

I walked towards the door and before I could knock it opened.
Kris welcomed me in with a warm hug and a

Your sisters getting ready, I’ll let her know that
You’re here.
His words rattled out so quickly, I didn’t have time
To say a word.

He returned swiftly and sat down on the couch.
He spoke softly while he grabbed the tv remote from the coffee table.
I don’t know what he said but, I’m not sure I was meant to hear it.
His face looked perplexed, all the while he was trying to force a smile when he glanced over at me.

My sister came around the corner of the hallway.
Arms stretched out wide “ how are you “?
She s reached as she gave me a quick hug.
I’m good, I responded with a smile.
She was wearing the latest bohem style.

You look great!
I told her as she gestured towards me towards
The couch to sit back down.
She started talking lunch right away which made
Me happy because I was starving!

She wanted to bring me to this new Greek restaurant.
I’m game as long as it’s edible, I’m eating it!
We both faked a little laugh.
It wasn’t really that amusing .
I’m nervous already!
That Xanax didn’t help at all.

She grabbed her purse and keys then signaled towards the front door.
As I walked out , I looked back at him.
So much sadness in those eyes.
She never was allowed to go anywhere with us.

We arrived at the restaurant both famished.
We made small talk while we waited for our food
To arrive.
She seemed so hurried and tense.
Her phone dinged .
Apparently indicating a text message.
A big smile washed across her face as she reads

Her mood lifted and we enjoyed a delicious lunch together.
Suddenly, her phone rang.
Her eyes squinted in a concerned manner.
“ ok, ok I’ll be there as soon as I can”
She told me her friend Susan was having a breakdown and needed help immediately.

We raced back to the house, my sister ran to her
Bedroom and was back out in a flash.
She gave me a brief hug and headed for the door.
I automatically followed her.
“ I’m sorry, this is not a good time to meet Susan.”

Do you mind hanging out here for a while?
She never leaves me here with Kris.
I waved her off telling her no problem.
I’ll see you when you get back, I yelled as she closed the door behind her.

Chapter 3


I sat back down on the couch feeling a bit awkward.
My brother in law Kris continued watching his show.
I didn’t have a room to escape to, not that I felt a need to escape him, I was not used to being left alone with him.
I actually felt very comfortable with him.
They had been together for about seventeen years.
I had enjoyed the brief conversations we have shared in the past.

He turned his head towards me and smiled.
“ Do you want me to go to my room “? He kindly asked .
I didn’t want to make him go sit in his tiny room instead of watching whatever it was he had invested time in viewing.
I’m not tired.,you should Finnish your show.
“ Actually I thought you might want to find something for us both to watch “ He said with a smile.
I responded with hesitation in my voice.
Sure , that sounds good.
I told him I wanted to put on some sweatpants to get more comfortable.

I came out of the bathroom and grabbed a soda from the fridge.
I took out two and handed a can to him.
He smiled brightly as he took it from my hand.

I sat down on the far end of the couch, keeping my distance as I always had.
He was scrolling through the choices of movies waiting for me to select something.
I tried to pick something that wouldn’t contain sex or romance, trying to avoid any uncomfortable scenes.
I decided on a horror movie.
I stopped watching scary movies a long time ago.
I thought real life was enough of a fright for me I didn’t need to see it in a movie as well.

The film began.
I didn’t have a very good view of the screen from where I was sitting but, I said nothing about it.
He noticed anyway though.
He gestured for me to come sit next to him in order to see the movie better.
I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea but, I moved over next to him.

I could instantly feel the heat between our bodies
I could tell that he felt it as well.
My muscles began to tense up in every part of my physical being.
I knew I should find some reason to get up and move away from him.
I just couldn’t, I was frozen like a deer in the glow of oncoming headlights!
I could hear him breathing, feel his breath heavy on my neck.
Neither of us budged.
We sat like statues side by side , eyes fixed on the tv screen.
I don’t think either of us cared about the movie at this point.
We were simply trying to avoid eye contact with each other.

I decided to finally make an excuse that allowed me to exit without being too obvious or awkward.
I need to run to the bathroom, I’ll be right back, I said walking towards the hallway.
Once inside the restroom, I was trying to get a hold of my racing pulse.
Talking to myself inside my head.” YOU CAN’T let anything happen with him”!
He’s your sister’s husband.
I splashed some water on my face and made my way back to the living room.

He was fluffing a blanket out over himself where we had been sitting.
He smiled that boyish smile and held part of the blanket up signaling there was enough for both of us to share.
It was a bit chilly, I nestled underneath beside him.


Next thing I knew , I was laying on my side still on the couch.
I must have fallen asleep.
I felt so warm and comfortable.
I began to shut my eyes then, I realized that he had also fallen asleep right behind me.
What time is it?
Did my sister come home already?
So many thoughts!
I’m panicking, I need to relax.
If she had come home and saw us asleep together on the couch she would have woke us up.
It’s likely she’s not back yet.
That means she’ll probably come home anytime!

I sat up swiftly while trying to appear casual and calm.
Touching his arm gently, I spoke his name softly..Kris?
Kris .
Eyes still shut, he smiled and exhaled with a sigh.
I’m going to have to get a little more aggressive if I’m to bring him out of slumber.
I shook his shoulder, not hard but enough to wake him fully.
He was groggy and confused.
“ what time is it?” He asked while rubbing his eyes .
I answered with a noticeable panic in my voice, I don’t know.
He reached down under the blanket feeling around the sofa cushions and pillows.
“Ah ha! There it is “ he said with a satisfied tone .
It’s 2AM.
I have a text from your sister he began reading out loud.
“ I’m going to stay the night with Susan as she is very depressed and needs my help right now. Please tell my sister that I’m sorry and we’ll go out for lunch before she leaves tomorrow “.

We looked each other directly in the eyes for the first time this evening.
Both of us were aware of what she was actually doing tonight.
I saw a look of embarrassment wash over his face.
It’s nice of her to take care of her friend I said in an attempt to free him from the awkward silence.
He shook his head slowly.
“Thanks for trying but , I’m not that Nineveh “.
His words hung heavy in the air.
He placed his hand on my shoulder gently and started to get up.
“ I’m sorry I caused you to have a bad nights sleep , I didn’t intend to fall asleep here beside you “.
“ I’ll let you go back to sleep now”.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my arms .
I knew he desperately needed to be comforted right now.
I held him and stroked the back of his head and neck in a calm , soothing motion.
“ this feels so good “. He whispered quietly into my ear.
He began to pull away slowly and looked into my eyes.
“ Good night”. He said as he He pulled the blanket up over my body tightly tucking it under the couch cushions.
I smiled at him, and watched him walk away.


I decided to lay back down on the couch.
My body felt so tense, so wild.
My eyes starting up at the ceiling all I can think about
Is him.
I desperately wanted to run to him right now, bust into his bedroom and touch every part of his warm , smooth brown skin.
I have never actually touched his skin for any length of time.
I just imagine it would be warm and soft.
The brown , well that’s obvious.
I’ve been laying here arguing with myself for way too long .
I need to decided .
To give in to my raging desire or try to sleep and stay put until my sister comes back?

I can’t take it!
I leaped off the couch and ran for the hallway
Towards his room.
We collide into each other.
We both smile awkwardly.
I tried to speak but , words failed me completely.
Our eyes met.
We were both running towards each other.
That’s why we crashed.

He leaned in and kissed me softly.
Then more passionately.
I became weak in my knees.

It sounds corny I know.
But, I guess it can really happen!
I started to unbutton his shirt exposing his bare
Brown chest.
I ran my hand up and around his neck and shoulder.
He shook off his shirt and lifted my top up over
My head.
I felt awkward , but more so I was turned on!

And apparently so was he.
I could see the bulge in his pants, this excited me
We both shed ourselves of clothing and fell to
The floor.
I’m so wet already, it’s been so long.
He slowly slides himself inside me.
Oh God!
He feels so hard and long.
He starts pumping then, he stopped.
What’s the matter Kris?
Do you feel guilty? We can stop.
No!No . He said.
“ it’s been a very long time since; you know.
I’m going to cum fast , I can’t help it”

I gave him a smile and told him that I understood.
Go ahead and give it to me as fast as you need to.

After you cum, I’ll make you a sandwich
and an hour later, you’ll be back in business.

He started up again.
Faster and harder I watched his face.
He cried out so loud I thought someone might
Call the police!
He needed that release badly.
I stood up and went to the bathroom.
When I returned, he held two glasses of white wine.
He handed one to me and it tasted so good.

Suddenly, he poured some wine down from my
It ran down slowly over my breast.
He leaned over and suckled the sweetness from
My nipples.
Then, he did exactly what I was praying he’d do.

Wine drenched my already wet pussy.
He went down to drink it.
My God!
This feels amazing!
I’m not sure if he’s super great at oral or it’s just
Been so long .
I’m cumming!
Oh! oh uhhh!
He looked at me and smiled.
His lips glistening with my nectar.

Then he put his cock inside me and began fucking
This time , I came first.
He came a close second though.

You’re not going to tell my sister about this are
I asked in a timid voice.
“ Not as long as we can do this again”
He replied, once again wearing that charming,
Boyish grin.

To be continued
