Deliberately stuffed my [M] boxers to create a bulge years ago for a reaction

Many years ago in college, back when MSN/AIM were popular, I used to chat via webcam with friends all the time.

Before smart phones you actually had to sit down and type at a keyboard and sit there with your webcam on.

One incredibly hot summers evening i was on MSN with a girl from school whom i’d always been flirty with and she had been flirty with me.

We were chatting about beating the head and she referenced she hadn’t got much on besides a pair of shorts and small pyjama top.

I referenced the fact I was just wearing funky boxers and curiosity got the better of her and she wanted to see them.

I’m average/small in that department and didn’t have a hugely prominent bulge, or at least not one that would show on the crappy webcam I had at the time.

Before turning my cam on I put some socks down there to create a sizeable, but no unrealistic bulge.

I showed her the boxers and deliberately gave a side in view to accentuate this

Seeing her type ‘oh my gosh… big bulge babe’ and ‘i didn’t expect you to have one that size’ was so fucking hot.

This tactic worked a treat many times over the years as plenty of girls who I chatted with told me they were ‘totally ok if you wanna just cam in your boxers babe’
