The Stockroom [Coworker] [M/F]

*This story was originally posted on my previous account under the name u/Remember-The-Account. The text of the story is largely the same; however, I did correct some grammatical errors and well as improve the overall pacing. Over the next few weeks, I will continue to revise and re-upload more of my old work as well as upload new stories that I have been working on since I last posted over two years ago. Thank you to everyone who kept my stories alive while I was gone. It feels great to be back and I can’t wait to show you all what I’ve been working on!*

—Original Story Starts Here—

So this happened a couple years ago and, despite me never intentionally keeping it a secret, I have never really told anyone outside of my immediate friend group. Please bear with me as I’m not really much of a storyteller nor am I that good of a writer, but I will do my best to include as many details as possible. And rest assured that even though it did happen a little over four years ago, I remember every detail of it like it was yesterday.

It happened when I was eighteen. I was just out of high school and I had a clear goal to accomplish before the fall semester of college started. I wanted to save up enough money over the summer to not be constantly stressed about finances on top of the countless other things I would be undoubtedly worrying about during my time living on campus. I had it planned out perfectly in my head: If I worked a full time job during the day and a part time job in the evenings for my entire summer, I would have just enough money to afford food and other necessities for the entire semester without having to go to school and work at the same time.

It was a really good plan but apparently I wasn’t the only one who had thought of it. I submitted countless applications and emailed dozens of resumes to local construction companies, warehouses and even some garages with no luck. It seemed like everyone was trying to get hired for similar schedules throughout the summer and my applications were getting lost in a sea of other post-adolescent high school graduates. I was trying to avoid working in food or retail because I had heard horror stories but as my summer ticked away it seemed like that might be my only option. Reluctantly I submitted my resume to a local fast food chain online, and to my surprise, someone called me after only about ten minutes.

The older man on the phone sounded rough and tired. He introduced himself as the general manager and asked me if I wanted to come in for an interview. As If him calling so quickly wasn’t already a bad enough sign, he then pretty much guaranteed me the job as long as I was willing to work evenings and help clean the kitchen after close. All of my inner alarms were going off but what choice did I have? I accepted the invitation and decided that if worst came to worst I would work at a burger joint for the next two months just to make enough money to get the fall semester started.

The next day:

When I walked into the restaurant I noticed two things: Everyone that worked here looked like they wanted to be anywhere else and they were all significantly older than me. The later wasn’t really an issue it just shocked me to see so many people in their mid-to-late thirties working food service jobs. I wondered if I would have anything to talk about with these people considering the age gap.

I introduced myself to the disinterested cashier and she told me to have a seat and assured me that the manager would be out momentarily. I had arrived about five minutes before our scheduled time at three o’clock but he didn’t make an appearance until about fifteen after. Another alarm. When he finally did walk out from his office I couldn’t help but notice he looked even more disheveled than he had sounded on the phone. He had to at least be in his late fifties and appeared to be worked ragged. His grease covered polo embroidered with the word “manager” was untucked and his pants were an inch too short at least. His eyes begged for rest and it was obvious that the “15 proud years of service” pin was worn as a requirement instead of pridefully.

He introduced himself as Mike and said he would be conducting my interview. It only lasted about five minutes before he offered me the job as it seemed he just needed a warm body to fill the position of cashier. I cautiously accepted only because I knew that if it didn’t work out for me I could always be looking for another job while I worked here temporarily.

What happened next would change my opinion of the restaurant entirely and make my summer job a blessing in disguise. Mike told me he wanted me to meet his assistant manager, Tina. He said that she was the closing manager for the store and would be who I reported to most of the time. He left to go find her and when he returned my heart actually stopped for a second and my throat dried up instantly.

If there was ever an exact opposite of Mike, it was Tina. She was young, blonde, and all smiles. She stood confidently and comfortably and said she couldn’t wait to be working with me. Her demeanor was professional and I couldn’t help but wonder why she wasn’t the general manager since she obviously seemed to take more pride in her position than mr “15 proud years of service” did.

Other than just being generally attractive, I couldn’t help but notice she also had a very sizable pair of breasts that, despite trying to hide them by buttoning up all the buttons on her shirt, she just couldn’t keep them pressed down enough to keep me from noticing. The bottom of her shirt seemed to fit perfectly around her tiny stomach but as it tried to form around her boobs it was stretched and morphed beyond it’s normal capacity giving her breasts the appearance that they might pop out any minute. I could only dream.

She told me she wanted to set me up for a training day so that she could go over some of my responsibilities and get me working on some of the company mandated online training.

We agreed to meet back here the next day at two o’clock to sign some paperwork, start some basic training, and take a tour of the restaurant. We shook hands, said our formal goodbyes and I walked toward the door.

For some reason I was possessed to look back as I walked away from her to see what she looked like from behind. Maybe it was my male brain or maybe it was destiny that caused me to do it but when I turned around I caught a glimpse of her looking back over her shoulder at me as well. Our eyes locked for a brief moment before we both quickly looked away. I felt an electricity pass through my chest.

That night I couldn’t stop thinking about Tina and her giant breasts. They were permanently burned into my mind and try as I might I couldn’t stop thinking about them long enough to make myself fall asleep. My mind kept imagining what her nipples might look like and all the varying shapes they might be when released from their prison at the end of the night. So I did what any man my age would do: I masturbaited furiously to the thought of her.

Big mistake.

The next morning, despite my long session the night before, I woke up with a rock hard with the thoughts of her body still lingering in my mind. I jacked off again until my dick was tired and limp. Surely this would keep the beast at bay until I got used to being around her and and my sexual appetite for her lessened.

I arrived on time and in semi formal attire; A collared shirt and some dress khakis matched to a set of shined brown loafers. I’m not sure if I was trying to empress her or if I just wanted to look nice for my first day but looking back I was definitely overdressed for a fast food orientation.

After greeting the same lackluster cashier, I was told to once again have a seat and someone would be out in a moment. After a few minutes Tina came around the corner from the back into the lobby with a laptop in hand.

“You look nice today.” She said glancing at my attire. I could have been wrong but I could swear she was subtly checking me out.

We went through the pleasantries, made some small talk and she gave me a tour of the building. It was overall unremarkable but just getting to be around her was enough to make anything she was saying interesting. She could have been talking about the Black Plague and I would have been listening with eagerness.

After a meet and greet with the staff we sat back down in the booth and and she logged me into the training account for the store. She left me with a smile and said she would check on me in a bit. I spent the next several hours learning the proper way to great customers, fill orders and wipe tables. Every topic was covered in excruciating detail.

All was going good until I got stuck on a quiz about the proper way to make the restaurants milkshakes. I went up and asked the cashier if Tina was available and she popped out from the back instantly to see what I needed. She followed me back the booth and sat beside me.

Here’s where my little masturbation mistake because a huge problem.

She was sitting beside me reading over the question and thumbing through the training manuals to find the correct answer. As she did this I couldn’t help but stare at her chest because with every page flip her breast seemed to bounce just enough to catch my attention. I knew I should stop looking but I just couldn’t. The mental images i had conjured up the previous night flooded my mind and I was mortified to feel my penis begin to stiffen.

I looked away trying to focus on something, anything, outside the window to take my mind off her but I just couldn’t get her naked chest out of my head. My cock was getting harder and harder by the moment and I was about to go into a panic. Try as I might I couldn’t stop myself from looking at her boobs again and thinking about how good it felt to stroke myself to the thought of her. She was still fumbling with pages and her boobs continued to flow with every slight movement.

“Oh! Duh! I should have known that!” She exclaimed pointing at the answer she had found. To my horror she loaned her torso my arm to got to the computer keyboard and begin typing her answer. He boobs were now resting heavily on my forearm and I was going mad trying to think of anything besides how warm and heavy they were.

Without even realizing it completely I had gotten fully erect and my penis was now making a tent in my thin khaki pants. My only hope was that I wouldn’t have to stand up for any reason and maybe she would just go away after helping me.

She explained to me the proper process and the easiest cleanup method for the milkshake station. I pretended to listen very intently as the information went in one ear and out the other all the while I was painfully aware of my fully erect cock.

But bad just kept getting worse. She had decided that i had done enough training for the day and it was now time for me to fill out my on-boarding paperwork. I was instructed to follow her.

As I stood up I was hoping my pants might somehow conceal was I knew was very obviously engorged. It didn’t. Anyone who looked in my general direction would probably loose an eye to my extreme pointed penis. My only hope was to follow close enough behind her to ensure that if she looked back her eye-line wouldn’t even be able to see below my belt with her looking down purposefully.

I waddled through the door and past the kitchen staff hoping none of them would notice was was probably the saddest thing they would ever see. A grown man who was just hired on as a cashier following his boss like a lost puppy with a hard on. I breathed a sigh of relief as I was fairly sure they were too wrapped up with their orders to notice.

But just as I though I might be getting control of myself everything went south. Someone stepped out in front of Tina causing her to stop short in front of me. My attention was on the kitchen staff still and I failed to notice that she had stopped until my fully erect cock pressed firmly into her soft, shapely ass. I muttered a soft “excuse me”

I wanted to run or scream or just die. I couldn’t believe what had just happened and it seemed like an eternity before she began to walk forward again. She didn’t even acknowledge it despite me knowing for sure that the feeling was surely unmistakable.

She walked past the managers office and into the dry stock. Not the dry stock was shaped like an L. As you walked into it both sides were lined with boxes and cups for packaging food however when you got to the end of it made a sharp ninety degree turn to the left which led into the catering supplies and other lesser used paper goods. This area was completely secluded from any cameras or direct line of sight but barely 20 feet away from the kitchen area. For all intents and purposes we were still very much in the same room with the rest of the staff but just around the corner.

When we got to back of the dry stock she turned around and looked directly down at my cock which was still standing proudly at attention. I felt my face flush red with embarrassment and I was awaiting whatever awkward conversation I was brought back here to have.

What happened next happened before I could even open my mouth to apologize. She reached down and cupped my balls and and began stroking my shaft on the outside of my pants. I looked down to make sure what I was feeling was really happening but when I looked up her eyes were staring directly into mine and she was biting her lip playfully.

“You didn’t actually think I didn’t notice did you?” She seductively whispered in my ear to ensure that nobody would hear and come to investigate.

My cock was now angry and I wanted nothing more than to feel her soft hands rubbing me. I still couldn’t believe what was happening and I was too stunned to even move. She sighed and brought my hands up to her chest. She planted my hands on her breasts and crushed my fingered into them. They were even bigger and firmer than I thought. They were everything I had imagined the night before and more.

She smiled widely while unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out carefully. I am not a small man when it comes to penis size but even I was surprised at how absolutely full and stiff my erection was. Apparently so was she as she took it in her hand and began to stroke it hard while looking all while never breaking eye contact. Long slow strokes sent shudders of pleasure through my body.

People were busily making orders and taking payments in the same room as us with nothing more than the fact that nobody had come for a restock had kept us from being caught.

How far would this go? How far did I want it to go? Should I start rubbing her clit? All these questions were answered at once and she grabbed my hand agin and slip it slowly into her rough work pants. Past the the pants and into the silky panties I went. My hand found her pussy and to my surprise she was absolutely dripping wet. I slid my finger inside her with ease and she let out a soft moan. For the first time since we entered the dry stock her eye contact broke from mine as her eyes rolled ever so slightly slightly back into her head.

We continued to play with each other for a minute or so longer until we were both ravenous for more. Her tugs were becoming faster and more aggressive an I was now aggressively massaging her clit. I knew if I didn’t do something to change things up a bit I would loose myself before scoring the final goal.

I kissed her deeply and this seemed to surprise her a bit. She didn’t kiss back right way as if fingering and handjobs were ok but kissing was too intimate. Finally she gave in and kissed me back. Before long my tongue was in her mouth and vice verse.

“Fuck me” she whispered.

Without a second though I was in control mode now. I knew what she wanted and I was more than willing to give it to her. I dropped my pants completely revealing my cock in all its glory and she slid her work pants down but stopped before removing the panties. She kissed me again and gave me playful smile before sliding them down to her ankles.

She bent down over revealing a beautifully shaven pussy that was absolutely dripping from the anticipation. I took my cock in my hand and guided it to her. I pressed the tip of my penis against her vagina and massaged small circles making sure my head was fully lubricated before going in. With one soft push I penetrated her and her head went back in pleasure. Neither one of us made a sound as I fucked her. Slowly at first but then very roughly to the point where she started waving her hand in the air as if to say slow down. I could slow down and I sure as hell wasn’t about let her off that easy after all the sexual torture she knowingly had put me through over the last two days.

I picked up the pace even more and she made a slight moan. Barely audible yet very distinct. The kitchen stalled and once and came to grinding hault. You could hear a pen drop in that room but I still wasn’t going to miss a beat. I was a man on a mission and at this point I couldn’t care less about the job I just wanted to cum.

Despite the obvious change in atmosphere she had to be feeling she said quietly “keep going I’m going to cum”

And there with the entire kitchen listening her body started shivering and shaking uncontrollably. She let out a barley audible moan as her orgasm reached its full climax boded tapering off. Without even thinking she pulled me out of her, dropped to her knees and began blowing me. It took me by surprise and within seconds I busted in her mouth and let out my own slightly more audible moan.

We worked together for several months until classes started and had a few more encounters but this was definitely the most exciting. Nobody I worked with during that time ever mentioned it either.
