[MF] Hot Yoga with the Sister in Law

This story is part 4/5 and a continuation of the “Best Vacation Ever” series. We’ll try to keep this one a little shorter. All personal descriptions can be found in the earlier parts

And for those who have forgotten what Kate (Wife) and Jen (the sister in law) looks like


Again, Kate is a little meatier, no where near overweight but a nice healthy body. The pic above actually looks a lot like Jen, but I would say she is even more toned and slightly bigger boobs.

As well, for those looking to know us a little better, Kate wrote up a lovely “About Us” on our profile (more of a get to know us better then sexy)

Alright, lets get to it!

So after my Toronto work shift, me and Kate enjoyed an amazing Christmas break. We hung out with friends and families, it was our first Xmas at our new house so it was pretty big for us. We continued on with our flirty, playful ways but still only really with ourselves at home. We were both still poking at each other every time we go out, to see if we could find someone that would really get the motor running for the other. It was nice seeing Kate start to open up a bit more about her sexuality. Talking about what she liked and what she thought was sexy, I started to see her become more and more confident with her body. However though she has still yet to embrace another mans cock since she met me. I on the other hand have had the beach occasion with Jen and Maddy, and the fling with Sam. A part of me felt that I may be taking advantage of the situation, or taking advantage of Kates laid back, openness to please, super awesome wifey personality. I did try to push a bit more for her to go out and have some fun, but she kept saying that the time will come when she feels comfortable and that there’s no rush.

The first couple months of 2020 pass by, and well I guess you all know what is on the horizon…..Coronavirus. Things start to go into lock down, toilet paper, produce/meat restrictions, the full deal. My work had a fair component of field time vs office time, and it was deemed as “essential” work so nothing really changed for me, but my office days would be done remotely at home now. Kate also continued to work, but she was moved completely out of the office into a work from home situation. We were happy that we were in a larger space, so that for the days we were both home, we could at least set up our laptops in different parts and still get some privacy and jump on calls without disturbing the other.

Everything seemed to be fine (given what was happening around us) until March rolls around. We had some serious rain storms roll through, so I did a quick check of the gutters and storm drains around the house (perks of being a new homeowner, you’re constantly looking around the place for issues). We live in a two story split level home, that was built in the late 70s. Not in horrible condition but definitely a little dated. We did have some reno plans in place, to update the kitchen and bathrooms, but covid kind of stalled that for the time being.

A day or two after the big storms, Kate started to notice a musky smell coming from one of the bedrooms (her makeshift office). We could see a bit of staining on the ceiling, so we figured we probably had a small leak in our roof. I hopped up into the attic and noticed almost a quarter of the space completely soaked. Right away we called a roofing guy to come take a look, but he said that due to the amount of damage, he couldn’t pin point exactly where the leak came from. He recommended that for the time being, to tarp the roof (because apparently all roofing companies were booked up with jobs till like May) so there will be no more additional damage, and then have a restoration company come in and pull out all of the wet damaged drywall/insulation/trusts. We called a couple different restoration companies and they all gave us the same outlook as the roofing company, all booked up till at least May. Me and Kate, we didn’t know what to do. We moved everything out of the 2nd bedroom and sealed the door. We also brought in some large industrial fans and had them running up in the attic. We were able to book the roofers and drywall guys for middle of May. The whole repair process would take about 3 weeks, due to the fact that they were only allowed to have 2 people working onsite because of the covid restrictions.

As we counted down the days for the work to begin, we started to notice more and more stains on the ceiling as well as a damp, moldy smell sinking in throughout the whole top floor. We still had a couple weeks before the work was going to start, but we didn’t know how much more we could take. During dinner one evening, Kate brought up that Jen suggested we could stay at there place for a bit until after all the work was done.

“Really?? That would be awesome!”

“Yea, they have that spare guestroom in the basement with its own ensuite. We could help out with watching the kids and cooking dinner. And yea we can offer to pay them a little too”

“Yea of course! Its suppose to rain again this weekend, not too sure how much more of this I can take” I said in a sad voice

“The kids miss seeing you too haha, it’ll be fun. I’ll let them know then? Maybe we can head over on the weekend or something and try it out”

“Sure, sounds good”

Honestly, I didn’t think too much about the upcoming living scenario. Like I said before, it seemed like Matt and Jen were happy again and that our little beach rendezvous was really just a one time deal. We’ve all hung out lots after the trip and before covid times, and its always felt fine and normal.

So the day comes and we are all packed up with a suitcase and a couple bags and we make our way over to Jens place. Its been about 4 months since we last saw them. We were welcomed with the kids running over and giving us the biggest hugs ever. We got settled in our room and made our way upstairs to hang out with everyone.

“So how do we want to do this?” I asked breaking into a beer and grabbing some lego, “Like we can help out with chores and cooking and helping out and watching the kids” I suggested.

“Hahaha yea watching the kids would be great, if we had places to go!” Matt laughed

“Yea I guess, but it seems like things are starting to open up again” Kate added

“Yea but really if they do open up, do you feel comfortable even going out? I’m just happy we bought all that gym equipment before everything jumped up to Covid prices!” Jen exclaimed while having a sip of her wine.

For those who are jumping in new here or need a refresher, Jen is an absolute gym nut. She loves working out, doing yoga (sometimes doing back to back classes) and going for runs. She is FIT, with the toned arms, back, legs and tight barely showing 4 pack abs to go along with it. Strong but yet still very feminine.

“Yea I miss going to the gym, need to find a way to get back into it” I said while working on some lego creations with the kids.

“Go for it, we just got a free standing pull up bar/dip machine off of fb marketplace! Take advantage of it while you’re here!” Jen exclaimed

“Yea cool, for sure! Maybe I’ll check it out in a bit”

We sat there, laughing and chatting, me playing with the kids. We also went into the work/living conditions. Jen would work entirely at home because she was a self contractor, she was able to make her own hours and drive and pick up the kids from school. Matt decided to work entirely at the office downtown, he had the option to work from home but he liked getting out….which I understood, you can get a bit of cabin fever constantly working and being at home all the time. Me and Kate would alternate, me going into the field or office to work Mon/Wed/Friday and Kate going in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Work plan, done.

Later that evening, Matt was putting the kids to bed and Kate jumped into the shower in our ensuite. I was helping clean up the toys in the living room, as Jen walks out after just taking a shower of her own. Her hair still slightly wet, she was wearing these loose grey sweats that hugged her hips and a light blue, tight tank top. Her nipples were hard and poking through, clearly not wearing a bra.

“Hey thanks for cleaning up”

“No problem, its the least I could do” I said, trying to focus and not stare too hard at Jen

“You wanna go check out the gym?”


We walked over and threw our shoes on, and made our way out to the detached garage. We walked in and I was shocked to see how much work was done to the space since I was last there. A rubber mat filled half of the garage. It had a work out bench, a full size treadmill, an elliptical machine, and the mentioned pull up/dip machine along with exercise balls and free weights lining the side. The other half was clear, with some storage stuff and boxes along the edge. Jen mentioned that they would park a car in here if they knew snow was coming or if they had an early morning and didn’t want to scrape the windshield for ice. Along the back wall was a small set of stairs that led to the upper loft/attic part of the garage. There, they’ve added some extra drywall and insulation, and had some luxury vinyl flooring installed. A yoga mat was at the center of the space with 3 mini space heaters at each corner and an air purifier.

“Wow, are you kidding me?? What a set up!”

“Thanks, yea I’ve always wanted my own gym. And with covid I guess that was the push for me to actually do it”

“I definitely have to take advantage of this while we’re here. This is great!”

“Yea do it! Its here, might as well! I normally work out in the mornings and then do some hot yoga at lunch. It helps break the day up. You should join in!”

“Yea for sure! Never done yoga before” Me trying to hide my excitement at the prospect of seeing Jen wearing her tight work out clothes, bouncing and stretching, sweating in front of me.

We returned back into the house, Jen making her way to her room and me back downstairs to our room. I found Kate brushing her teeth in front of the mirror, wearing loose cotton shorts and nothing else. I moved in behind her and kissed the back of her neck. I grabbed her exposed breasts and bent her over the sink. I watched as she covered her mouth with her hands, trying to hide the moans as I pumped my cock hard from behind. I finished fairly quick, in which she looked back with a huge smile

“Wow, what has gotten into you??”

“Haha just checked out the gym with Jen, yea she was wearing a pretty tight tank top on and her nipples were rock hard”

“Ahhhh I see” Kate laughed as she grabbed some toilet paper to clean herself up. “Well you better behave, don’t want to get us kicked out of this place!”

We both laughed and got ready for bed.

The next couple weeks was fairly straightforward. I never did end up meeting Jen for a work out or a yoga session, as my office work really picked up and the restoration job was starting up back at our place. I would still go for a workout in the evening here and there, but mostly we would all hang out in the evenings on the main floor, cooking dinner together, playing with the kids and watching tv.

On the monday of our third week there, I came home from a late day at the office. I was greeted by the kids and pizza on the table. Matt was playing videogames in the living room, while Kate and Jen were at the dinner table.

“Oh yum, I love pizza! But I think I’m going to grab a quick snack and go quickly work out before dinner if that’s alright. Been sitting in the office all day, need to get out and move around.”

“Yea no problem!” Kate said “I’m going to take advantage of the sunlight and take the kids to the park for a little bit”

“Oh fun!” I said as I grabbed a banana off the counter

“Yes please, tire out the kids before bed” Matt chimed in, not even breaking eye contact from his game (actually, now that I think about it, the whole time we were staying there Matt was ether out working or playing video games lol)

Jen rolled her eyes, “Hey maybe I’ll join you for a work out, I overslept this morning so didn’t get a long enough one in”

“Sure, sounds good, see you out there” I made my way downstairs to put my bag down and change. I threw on some shorts and a tshirt and made my way over to the garage. I got some music going on my phone, and I grabbed the jump rope and started warming up.


About 5 minutes into my warm up, the door opens and in walks Jen. She has on these loose, super short black running shorts, the bottom of them probably a couple of inches below her tight butt cheeks. On top, she was wearing a hot pink sports bra and a loose sleeveless tank top. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail.

“Hey, nice outfit, looking good!” I said, slightly out of breath from my jump rope

“Thanks!” Jen smiling as she struck an innocent pose, and then made her way to the treadmill.

After another 10 or so minutes I made my way over to the bench and started on some free weights. I could see Jen bouncing along on the treadmill, her beautiful tiny B-Cup boobs giving just the slightest bounce in her sports bra. Her face was flushed, with little beads of sweat just starting to form along her hairline. I tried to realign my focus to the work out, not really knowing if it was still right for me to be thinking about Jen in this way. I know me and Kate kept on the teasing about Jen after the whole beach incident, but I didn’t know if that card was still on the table or if it was just playful joking around. I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing and kept going ahead with my reps. Another 20-25 minutes go by and I’m nearing the end of my free weights portion of the work out. I grabbed a pair of 50 lbs dumbells and went back to the bench to finish off with a few sets of bench presses. Jen hopped off of the treadmill and made her way over to the pull up station, which was just in front of the work out bench. She had her hands on the bars, and proceeded to stretch out. I finished my first set and sat up, with a direct view of Jen, maybe 6-7 ft in front of me, bent over facing away from me, grabbing her ankles. With how short and loose her shorts were, I could see the bottom of her smooth butt cheeks and what appears to be red panties. I shook and loosened up my arms, closed my eyes and went at it for my second set.

8….9…..10…..11……..12. I placed the weights down ether side of me and sat up again. Jen had moved on from her stretch and she was now doing pull ups facing me. With her body fully extended, this only amplified how hot and sexy she looked. Her shirt lifting up slightly to give me a hint of her tight tummy, her toned arms straining as she lifted herself up and down with each rep. I sat there fixated on her perfect body, and to be honest also extremely impressed at how easy she was making those pull ups look. She hopped down and looked over at me, clearly catching me staring at her.

“Like what you see?” She smirked as she gave me the biggest smile while having a sip of water.

“Yea….well you just made that look so easy….its…that’s impressive” Me stumbling to find the words

Jen let out a chuckle, “you should tell your little friend to calm down a little, its distracting my work out”

I quickly looked down between my legs and found that my cock has somewhat come to life and was pushing up against my shorts. “Oh….haha, sorry”

Jen laughed and hopped back up to complete another set of pull ups. I closed my eyes to try and calm myself……..nope not working. Screw it. Just finish the set and hop on the treadmill to cool down, I thought to myself. I laid back down on the bench, pitching my rock hard cock even higher upwards in my shorts.

8….9…..10…..11……12. Done. I quickly sat up, didn’t even tried to look over at Jen and placed the weights away. I then hurried over to the treadmill to have a quick 10 minute cool down jog.

Jen after her pull ups, went over to grab an exercise ball and started doing some ab crunches. In that moment, all I could think about was bending her over that exercise ball and ramming her from behind. My hard cock bouncing in my shorts with every step didn’t help the cause. Yea I needed to leave now and jump into a cold shower. My jog ended at the same time Jen wrapped up her crunches.

“K I’m all done, gonna hit the showers. You going to stick around for a bit more?” I asked, head down and barely making eye contact with Jen.

“Yea I’m going to do some weights and then probably stretch out for a bit more”

“Cool, well have a good night!” I walked past her towards the door, huge hard on still bulging between my legs.

Jen looked over, and confidently reached out and grabbed my bulge through my shorts. “Hmmmmm I missed this”

“Hahaha, yea……”

Jen licked her lips and gave me a wink “You should join me tomorrow morning for another work out”

“Oh I have some early morning calls to make” Me trying to find an excuse

“Oh well, then you should join me for a yoga session. You look tense, it might be good for you, help you relax a little bit”

I let out a small chuckle “Yea maybe. See you later”

I walked back quickly to the house and retreated into my room. Kate was already back and in the showers, so I figured I would join in.

“Hey! How was the work out? Holy Shit, you’re rock hard!” Kate laughed

“Yea….things got…..a little weird” I said softly

“What did Jen do???” Kate said as she was now massaging my cock with soap

“Nothing…..nothing really. But yea there was just soooo much sexual tension in there”

“Oh yea?? You guys didn’t do anything?” Kate now teasing me, “You guys didn’t…..fuck?” She leaned in and whispered into my ears.

I swear I thought I shot a load out right there in her tiny soapy hands.

“Nono! Nothing happened. But like did you guys ever talk some more? About you know….her and Matt? and the beach thing?”

“No, nothing about Matt. But I have a feeling its more or less the same as before, especially with everything going on. She’s probably not getting any and due for another good “Relief” session, if you know what I mean” Kate joked

“Hmmmm” I did know what she meant, but I wasn’t going to be the one to say it

“And yea she did bring up the beach thing right after the trip, she just apologized and said it was out of line and that something just took over her at that moment. I said it was fine and ok, and not to worry about it. My husbands huge cock can have that affect on people hahaha”

“You didn’t say that did you????”

“Hahahaha, no of course not. But yea it was all good.”

*Again, for those new to this story or need a refresher, Me and Jen fucked on the beach, Kate knows about it, and Jen knows that I told Kate. But Jen thinks that all I told Kate was that I got excited and she “helped me out” with a handjob.*

“Ok…..soooo what’s next. I think we should lay out some ground rules here, since its your sister and not just some random person”

“You can fuck her if you want” Kate now returning back to washing her hair, eyes closed, “just I don’t want it to be a regular thing. And don’t get caught! I like staying here”

“Yea no for sure…but are YOU sure this is what you want?” me now wrapping my arms around Kate, massaging her soft, wet boobs, my rock hard cock sliding up along her soapy ass.

“Hmmmmm…..Yea its fine, just get it out of your system. And then come back to me with all the juicy details. Then I can reclaim you” she turns her head towards me, her eyes now open and giving me this sultry look.

“Now I have an early day tomorrow…..so you need to take care of this yourself” Kate giving my hard soapy cock one last tug and got out of the shower.

I proceeded to finish myself off with the vision of Jens rock hard body doing pull ups in front of me. It was lovely.

The next day, Kate woke up early to head out for work. I got up shortly after, got cleaned up and went upstairs to grab a coffee. Matt was giving the kids a hug and about to head out as well, as Jen was organizing lunches for school. I gave them all a quick good morning and went back down to my room. I figured that if something was gonna happen today with Jen, I better get the bulk of my work done this morning. The house goes silent for a bit, as everyone is off. Roughly a couple hours later, I heard the upstairs door open. I decided to head up for a refill of coffee and see Jen. She was unloading some grocery bags into the fridge when she saw me.

“Hey! How’s the morning so far?” She said half looking up and half focusing on putting stuff away

“Yea its good, getting a lot done. And about to jump on a call. How bout you? Get that work out in this morning?” I asked as I popped a coffee pod into the machine.

“Yep! So refreshing, really helps wake you up in the morning! You should have joined in!” Jen said while folding the bags and putting them in a drawer.

“Yea maybe next time. Still doing your yoga thing at lunch time?”

“You know it! You gonna come and give it a try?” Jen finally settling down, hands on the kitchen island, looking over at me with a little smile.

“Yea I think I will, see what this yoga thing is all about haha”

“Really???? Yay! Ok, yea just come over around 12ish. Bring a towel, cause you’re gonna sweat!” She had the biggest smile on her face as she skipped off.

I went back down to my room to finish off my work and calls. Around 1145 I got changed into some loose work out shorts and a dry fit tshirt. I normally wear these active/sweat wicking boxer briefs when I work out, but they were all dirty in the hamper, so I ended up going commando. I grabbed a work out towel and went upstairs to fill a water bottle. I didn’t see Jen around, so I figured she was already in the garage. I made my way over and up the stairs to the yoga area. As soon as I reached the top two steps, I could feel a rush of heat engulfing my body. It was hot in there, not insane death valley hot…..but like maybe 25-30 degrees, you could feel the heat when you breathed in. There were two yoga mats laid out on the ground, one above the other. Jen was sitting on the one farthest from the stairs, looking forward, smiling as she saw me walk in. I swear if it wasn’t for the heat I would have pitched a tent right there. There Jen was, wearing this tight white sports bra and what could only be described as a pair of skin tight fluorescent orange booty shorts. She was seated with her legs stretched far apart, almost like the splits, with her hands alternating reaching out from one ankle to the other. I could see her nipples poking out just a tiny bit, her core tight, as she moved side to side. She got up to greet me, her shorts bunching just a little giving me a perfect outline of her pussy slit.

“Hey! Namaste” Jen put her hands together and bowed. “You ready?”

“Yep, just go easy on me haha. Never done this before” I placed my towel and water bottle to the side and stood on the mat in front of Jen.

“No worries, just go at your own pace. I’ll try and explain all the moves and everything.”

Within a few minutes, I could feel a couple lines of sweat running down my forehead. I barely did anything but I’m sweating already!

“Focus on your breathing, palms facing the front. Make a large swoop up over your head and hands together, hold, and down, down to your sides”

I stared intently at Jen, focusing on every movement. Her hard body standing in front of me, her perfect breasts tucked away in that tiny sports bra, moving up and down as she raised her arms and placed them ether side. I knew it wouldn’t be long before all of this becomes too much and starts to have an effect on my tucked away member. I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing and continued to listen to Jens soft and calming voice.

We worked through a few different poses, holding our stance while staring deeply at each other. We got into Warrior 1, in which I had some trouble with my foot placement. Jen came over and placed her soft warm hands, first on my back, then kneeling down and helped rearrange my feet to the proper position. Her light touch sending small ripples throughout my body. I could feel my cock start to come to life, filling up in my tight shorts faster and faster. Breathhhhhhhh.

Jen moved back in front of me, her eyes moving down….then back up. She had a devilish grin on her face. We worked through a couple more variations of Warrior pose, then Planks and Downward dog, then onto Tree pose. By then I was soaked with sweat. I honestly couldn’t believe how much I was sweating, while really not doing too much at all. I stared ahead at Jen, as she begins to describe what to do with Tree pose. Her eyes closed, palms together. I could see that she was also now glistening all over. Her nipples were protruding out just a little bit more through the thin fabric of her sports bra. She begins to lift one leg forward, then out to the side. She then raises her ankle up and inwards, resting on the inside of her standing leg above the knee. My eyes were wide open, staring at what looked like a small dampness in the middle of her outlined pussy lips.

I licked my lips, and proceeded to attempt the pose. Leg out…..to the side…..and inwards. My cock was now straining hard against my shorts. Jen looked forward at me, I could see her breathing pick up just a bit, before she tries to control it back down.

“Great, now lets try the other side, we’ll do each side a few times”

I placed my raised leg down, my cock shifting in my shorts. Slightly flustered by how wet my shirt was, I took it off and threw it to the side over by my towel. I could feel Jens eyes staring intently at my chest and abs.

“Good and hold. Andddd back down. Alright now back to the other side, leg up and over…..and inwards, anddddd hold”

I took a deep breath, lifted my leg into position. I held the pose for a bit, then slowly placed my leg back down so I could switch. Only this time though, when my raised foot met back on to the mat, I could feel the front of my shorts ride up high in front of me. I look down and completely exposed was my rock hard cock, which had slid over along my leg and down and out from the bottom of my shorts. Not really knowing what to do (and not really wanting to do anything so I could see Jens reaction), I continued doing tree pose with my hard cock fully out.

I closed my eyes to try and focus on my balance. When I opened them, I could see Jen, eyes wide open, staring hard at what was between my legs. She bites her lips, sweat slowly dripping down her face, her hair looked matted as the temperature in the room skyrockets with all of the sexual tension in the air. Still in Tree pose herself, she pauses, nipples rock fucking hard poking through her sports bra, not breaking any eye contact off of my throbbing cock. I start swaying just a little bit as I tried to hold my balance.

“Here let me help”

She walked over to me and placed both hands on my hips. I hold the pose as she then slowly moved her left hand down and gave the head of my cock a small touch. “Take off your shorts”. I nodded and proceeded to lower my shorts to my ankle, my rock hard cock finally bouncing freely upwards. Jen knelt down, and grabbed the shorts and threw them to the side. Her face directly in front of my cock, she reached over with one hand and wrapped it tightly over the head and gave my cock one long, slow stroke down to the base and then back up. Precum leaking out the tip of my penis, she lets out a soft “mhmmmmmm”. She uses her thumb to rub the head softly, then she released her grip, got up and returned back to her mat facing me. She had her palms facing forward ether side, her breathing deep….but controlled. She closed her eyes….then opened them. And then proceeded to lift her sports bra up and over her head. Her boobs popping out one at a time, nipples fully erected. She then slowly slides her shorts down, exposing her soaked, fully shaved pussy. I could see little strings of wetness coming out of her slit as its stuck to the other end of the thin fabric of her shorts. We stood there, facing each other, fully naked.

“Now….we’re going to try dancers pose, follow me” I continue staring as she contorted her body beautifully, showing off her impressive core. Sweat running down her neck and over and between her breasts. My attempt was less graceful, as my hard cock was flailing side to side with every movement. This was a trickier pose, and part of me was thinking she chose to do it so that she could get a better angle of my cock.

“Next, we’ll try the bridge pose. Lets turn and lie down on your mat, feet planted shoulder width apart. Arms to the side, palms to the ground, lift your hips up and hold” Again, I stared hard as Jen was now basically presenting her fat puffy pussy right in front of me. Her pussy lips wavy and parted, shiny with creamy wetness.

My cock was so swollen, I could feel it throbbing with every heart beat and breath. Similar to the beach incident, it honestly felt like my cock has expanded a good 1-2 extra inches in length and girth from what I was normally use to achieving. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I quietly moved over to the front of Jens mat. Her eyes were still closed as she was holding her pose, her perky tits pointing straight up. I placed my right thumb just over the entrance of her pussy. I could feel the heat radiate out from her. I start rubbing little circles around the opening with my thumb, as I leaned in and flicked her soaked clit with my tongue. She lets out a soft moan….her eyes still closed. Her hands starts to raise up and grab both of her breasts, massaging and squeezing them. I could feel her body start to lower to the ground. With my free hand, I reached around to grab her firm ass, pushing her hips upwards back deep into my face. I continue licking hard, teasing her. Her breathing starts to pick up, her face turning a dark rosy color. I lifted my face off her pussy, and started kissing her thigh, her hips, the spot right above her pussy. I then slowly inserted one finger, then two…..then three. She was so incredibly wet, I think I could have slid my entire fist into her no problem. I start fingering her hard, finding her engorged gspot and stroking her hard and deep. Jen starts to moan louder and louder, breaths getting shorter and shorter. Her eyes still clenched so very tight, she lets out a final groan, her abs flexing with every convulsion, she squirts hard spraying up my arm and all over the mat. I slowly lower her hips to the ground as she lays motionless, her breasts rising up and down fast as she tries to collect her breath.

“Wow…..I don’t think I’ve ever made anyone do that before!” I laugh looking at my soaked hands.

Jen, speechless, still laying there, the back of one hand covering her mouth, the other over her boobs. I lay beside her, surveying the mess. I start lightly doing circles over her abs, dragging beads of sweat over the soft ridges over towards her belly button. I could see her pussy pulsating with every breath. Jen sits up and lays a deep kiss into me. Tongues intertwined, we make out for a minute or two, my hands now wandering over to her perky breasts and still hard nipples.

“I think that may be the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my life” Jen said softly as she pulled her mouth away from mine. “I didn’t think it could honestly get better then what we did on the beach”

“Yea, that was amazing” I said, as I leaned back. I started to stroke my hard cock. Jen caught the hint and made her way down, and started sucking and kissing the head of my penis. I laid completely back, and allowed this to continue for a few minutes. I then sat up, and pulled Jen off of me “Hmmmm I’m not done with you yet”. Jen let out a small giggle as I pushed her back, and I quickly switched over so that I was now on top of her. I teased her pussy with the head of my cock for a bit, before plunging deep inside of her. She let out a shortened groan. Her pussy was still soaked from before, but tight, everything still swollen and engorged. I started pumping slow and soft, but then I started to pick up the pace, thrusting harder and faster, I could feel her hands pushing up against my abs and my chest. Her eyes looking up at me, almost pleading for me to slow down. The next thing I know, her legs straighten and tenses up, and her whole body starts to shake, I could feel warm fluid gush from between her legs.

“Damn girl….did you cum again?”

Jen didn’t answer, her face was completely flushed, eyes rolled slightly back and body limp on the ground. Her pussy juice was all over my lower abs and starting to form a small pool underneath us. I was still rock fucking hard and ready to go. Its hard to explain, but its like I had this primal, animalistic hunger, I’ve never felt this urge before. It was almost like I popped a few viagras and could fuck for hours. I wanted to fuck Jen so hard, to the point where she wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.

With my rock hard cock still inside of her, I grabbed her tiny body, arms around her back and lifted her up. Her legs instinctly wrapped around me. I carried her and pinned her up against the wall, fucking her tight wet pussy. Her legs wrapped tightly around me, her moans getting louder and louder. I held her arms above her head, drilling inside of her for what felt like hours (it was probably only a few minutes). She starts to cry out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me harder, harder, yes, yes!” She was screaming out so loud I could have sworn the neighbors heard. “OMG, OMG, Yes right there! Fuck, fuck, AHHHHahhhhhhhhhhFuckkkkkkk!” Her body shakes again hard, her legs loosen and dangle behind me. Her face buried into my chest.

Not satisfied, I carried her over to the stairs and walked her down to the gym. The cool air was a nice embrace on our sweaty skin, I could feel her nipples get even harder against my chest. I walked her over to the work out bench and laid her down on her back. Without any warning, I start thrusting hard into her again. Both of her legs now up over my shoulders as I straddle the bench. Jens arm over her head, gripping on to the bars of the bench. Her eyes slightly glazed over, mouth wide open and sucking in as much air as she can. Her body clenches hard again, showing off every ab muscle in her tight tummy, legs squeezing hard together around my neck. She shuts her eyes tightly, her mouth wide open, but nothing comes out. She then lets out a loud “Fuckkkkkkkkkk” as her body goes limp again, arms falling to ether side.

“No more….no more” she mutters under her breath. Her body spasms as she tries to regain some form of control of her extremities.

“Not yet” I smiled and looked down on her. I grab her arms, while her legs were still resting over my shoulders, and folded her inwards. My hard cock still inside of her, I wrap my arms around her back and lifted her up. I’m looking around the gym, wondering what other dirty things I could do with her. I move over to the exercise ball and dropped her down on it. She bounces and I position her so that her lower back and ass was on the top but the rest of her body was arched over top, legs dangling down towards the front. I enter her once more with my still throbbing cock, drilling deep down inside of her. The exercise ball acted like a spring, forcing her pussy back up into my cock with every thrust.

“Omg omg omg omg omg” came out of Jens whimpering mouth. I grabbed her breasts hard, squeezing her rock hard, pointy nipples tightly between my fingers. She screams loudly, I was close, soooo close. I continue to thrust harder then I’ve ever thrusted before, as Jen lets out one final “Fuckkkkkkkkkkk”. Her hips and stomach starts to shake violently as I feel another warm gush come from underneath. That was finally enough to send me over, as I brace myself on top of her, shooting rope after rope after rope of hot cum deep inside of her.

I slowly lowered my head down on her chest, feeling her boobs lift up and down with every breath as her body continues to have mini spasms. Hot cum and creamy goodness dripping out between both of our legs, we stayed like this for a couple minutes. We then both fall to the side, off the exercise ball. Jen curled up, eyes closed and still trying to catch her breath. I crawl in behind her, embracing her warm body against mine. We laid silent and still, Jen giving out the slightest shiver every little bit here and there as I held her close.

“Wow….wow, now that’s a work out!” I joked as I turned over onto my back

“You think?” Jen gives out this broken laugh as she lays back. Her stomach now showing a tight eight pack with every breath inwards as she moves her hands over top of her head. I could see a small tear come out from the corner of her eye, but she still had the biggest smile on her face. She starts to laugh as she finally starts to collect her breath and composure.

We both slowly got up, Jen slightly wobbly as she tries to regain her balance. I grab her arm so she doesn’t fall over, she smiles and leans in for a kiss. Thick white cum still dripping out of her, meeting her soaked legs. We walked around to survey all the mess we (Jen) made. We toweled ourselves off, cleaned the mats and everything. Jen was definitely moving a little slower.

“You alright? That wasn’t too rough for you was it?” I laughed.

She looked over at me with this exhausted look, “That was amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever been fucked like that before”

I gave a small chuckle as I took a sip of water.

“But yea you’re going to have to pick up the kids today. I think I’m going to need to ice my vagina” We both broke out laughing. I gave her a hug. “But seriously, that was the most intense fuck I’ve ever had” Jen said softly

“So I’m guessing it felt good?” I laughed as I grabbed my stuff off the ground and started to get dressed

“Soooo good, like I’ve had multiple orgasms before, but never like that. I’ve never ever squirted like that in my life. I think we should definitely schedule another round again”

I just gave Jen a smile, and a nod. We went back into the house to take a shower in our own separate washroom.

I waited a couple days before telling Kate what had happened. I waited till late in the evening when everybody had gone to bed to tell her. Her eyes glistening with lust the whole way though as I described every detail. I started massaging her wet pussy and pinching her hard nipples as I got to the good part. When I finished the story, she leaned in to give me a kiss and then said “Show me where you fucked Jen”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sq4s32/mf_hot_yoga_with_the_sister_in_law


  1. Amazing story but I’m sure you just ‘forgot’ to wash the boxers and the only choice was commando 😛.
    Thanks for these stories. You’re an amazing writer!

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