I [M] went from a virgin one week, to a dom being bitten, scratched, and begged for sex the next week [F] Part 8, Very Long

[Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/slmt65/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 2]( https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smedcz/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smi0xi/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/?)

[Part 4](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/smxo7r/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/?)

[Part 5](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/snaton/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/soubb7/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)

[Part 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/spe88d/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being/)


I wish I could say I was dignified about it. But when Cat pulled my cock out and grabbed it fully in her hand for the first time, the first time any other person had ever touched my dick, I almost [jumped out of my skin.](https://youtu.be/5VBriRtl_aM)


Alright, here it comes. I’m fine. My size is fine. 6 inches is slightly above average and I’m very content with my girth. Very.


So was Cat.


“Oooohhhh.” She said as she took it out. Then she touched it and my body literally involuntarily jumped up like I’d just been electrified. Cat was terrified for a split second then started fucking laughing.


“Holy shit.” I could barely breathe. I have no reasonable scientific explanation for my reaction. Just a totally new physical sensation on my most sensitive erogenous zone, on top of the hours, or days, of build up and anticipation.


Cat was giggling, it didn’t ruin the mood but it was a detour.


I was simultaneously floored and humiliated.


“Please, don’t laugh at me.” I said softly.


Cat, still smiling, trying to get herself under control held up a hand as if to say “gimme a sec” (she was experiencing a crazy chaotic and intense swirl of emotions too, we were both a little hysterical at this point).


“I’m sorry, hahahahaha.” She laughed. “I swear I’m *not* laughing *at you*.” She emphasized. “I’ve just… ***NEVER*** seen that happen before.”


I grinned too. This was insane. What the fuck was going on? Who was this person I’d become in the last few hours? Was I actually going insane?


Cat’s smile shifted, became more sly. The break in tension/shift in energy had sobered her a little bit so to speak, though it didn’t slow her down at all or change her plans. Instead the mischievousness and confidence was returning to her expression.


“If *THAT’S* how you reacted just from a *touch,* i wonder what you’ll do…”


She didn’t finish the thought out loud. She let the implication hang there in the air between us for several seconds. Then she looked at me with a wolf’s grin.


She pulled her shirt off and was finally completely naked.


“It’s not fair that you’re still dressed… I want to see all of you, all of your tattoos, when I…” she raked her nails from my chest all the way down to my pelvis. Then she did something I completely didn’t expect and shook me even further. She gave my cock a kiss. Like a sweet little kiss, more than a peck, less than putting it in her mouth. It was… soo fucking sensual and sweet and endearing and hot and sexy and cute. It was Literally all the things. “Claim this…” she purred.


I was trembling slightly. Literally trembling. The power she had over me was terrifying and exhilarating. I almost wanted to cry. I’ve *never* felt more vulnerable. Never felt more at the mercy of someone else’s whim. Which was… so bizarre considering that a minute ago the power had been totally 180ed. I was having whiplash, I was reaching my emotional/mental tolerance limit. I suddenly felt so tired. I almost told her to stop, that I couldn’t do it.


Then she grinned, leaned over, and ripped my fucking shirt open, sending buttons everywhere.


… I didn’t like that shirt that much anyway…


She pulled, no, really, more like yanked my jeans and boxers off. All the while wearing the same grin that made her look like she had something delicious devious and evil in mind.


“Oh baby,” she purred soothingly as she straddled me at last. “Feel me, feel my wetness, feel how much I want you…” she guided my cock to her entrance and played with it, running the tip up and down, just coating me with her juices. My cock was a fucking spear at that moment. I could probably kill someone with that thing right then.


I groaned, like, not in a cool way, in my mind anyway. I was on the verge of dissociating. Cat however must have been pleased by my reaction, because she was doing her best seductive, husky, Jessica Rabbit voice.


“Ohh? You like that baby? It must feel sooo good, the first time your cock has ever gotten the attention it deserves. And it’s all mine.”


She guided it into her, my head penetrated, and the beginning of the silky, warm, inviting wetness of her pussy was almost magnetically drawing me in.


“Are you ready baby?” She asked me. I couldn’t get the words out before she sank down onto me, fully engulfing me inside of her.


What struck me was how fucking *effortless* it was. I mean, I was coy earlier, but I’m not small, just not comically big. And she was *tight*. But my cocked *flowed* straight into her, so perfectly. Cat was drenched and slick with desire. I didn’t have a basis for comparison obviously, but I’d read more than enough to know lack of anticipatory wetness and/or lubricant make sex hard sometimes. That was not an issue here.


Now, in this moment, it struck home like a ton of bricks: “I’m not wearing a fucking condom.”


I almost panicked. I hadn’t even considered it. Oh dear, what a complete and utterly impossible to solve moral quandary. This felt *fucking incredible*. How do I use words to describe the complete stimulation of my entire cock, an already extremely sensitive erogenous zone, designed by millions of years of evolution to provide enough pleasure to motivate the survival of the species?


I’ll deviate to a rare disclosure about what my drug addiction was like. I did almost everything under the sun that didn’t involve a needle in my arm or crack. But I did nearly everything else. I ate drugs. I once took a dose of MDMA so strong I walked around my old College campus (not the one this story takes place at) in only my shoes, boxers, a fedora, and sunglasses. At 3 AM. AND I SOMEHOW TALKED MY WAY OUT OF A CONFRONTATION WITH CAMPUS POLICE.


Cat’s pussy taking my virginity was a far better, more potent, more captivating feeling and experience. Not even close.


I watched my cock disappear into her. I couldn’t take my eyes away. Guys, it felt so fucking good. Cat had not been lying to me. If you know, you know.






“Mmmmmm?” She smiled as she began slowly rocking herself on me, starting off very gently to begin.


“I… I… ahhhhhh…” it was my turn to lose the power of speech. How did people ever leave the bedroom when this was an option? And they just *let* people do this? It’s not illegal?


“Baaabyyy… Ssshhhhhh…” she moaned, then tenderly reached over, stroked the side of my face in the gentlest gesture I’ve ever received, took both of my hands in hers, and placed my hands on her waist.


“Hold on tight baby. I want bruises.”


Oooohhh ***FUUUUUCK***


I was lost. Fuck it. How many guys get to fuck for the first time without a condom? I had no shits to give anymore about anything. If Cat wasn’t worried about it why the fuck should I be. That was stupid. But I’m still child free, so I guess it’s ok.


Little did I know getting filled with cum was like, maybe Cat’s biggest kink. Like, for the rest of our relationship we maybe used condoms 4 or 5 times, if that. It was a terrible idea and set a terrible precedent for whoever I end up with next.


So I squeezed and squeezed, I held her delicious slim waist like I was drowning at sea.


“Harder baby.” She moaned as she started lifting herself slowly up and down, up and down. Up. And down. I could have actually died, that wouldn’t have bothered me. Just. Don’t. Stop.


“Babbyyyy…” was all I could manage to say. My usual endless quips, banter, and witticisms failing me completely. I was squeezing her as hard as I dared, or could, but she was making my entire body weak, I could barely hold my arms up. And there was so much I wanted to touch.


As she pumped herself up and down, up and down, I couldn’t stop my hands from sliding up her waist, down to her hips, over her thighs, and back again.


Okay… I’ve described a lot of emotions and thoughts etc. But I feel like I’m doing a disservice and avoiding a compelling
challenge if don’t at least make one serious attempt at describing the physical sensation of what it’s like to have your cock inside a perfect, warm, wet pussy. Fuck, it’s difficult. It’s almost ethereal, like trying grab hold of fog or mist. Try describing what it feels like to be alive?

Okay, it’s soft, like surprisingly soft. Like a warm, moist soft pillow made out of lotion and coconut oil is compressing on all sides with the exact right amount of pressure and massaging you, coaxing you, swallowing you. You’re cometeky surrounded and enveloped by pillowy soft, wet warmth, that is squeezing you in exactly the right way, and massaging you back and forth with perfect tension and pace. Fuck. That’s the best I can do. It was embarrassing to try but artistic integrity demanded it.


I’ve seen actual geniuses painting new work in their studios. I’ve shaken hands with award winning authors. I’ve met brilliant psychiatrists and counselors to the terminally ill that has more wisdom in one finger than I could hope to ever accumulate in my entire life.


I’d toss all of them and the content they produce in the fucking trash to get what I was getting and see what I was seeing. This gorgeous, pale, creamy skinned girl… no… this woman… her long blonde hair falling over her shoulders as she leaned over me, her pussy making euphoria seem like an juvenile word for the talentless poets who lack imagination. I was in love.


Wait… what?


Oh fuck. **Oh fuck.**


***OH FUCK.***

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sppu92/i_m_went_from_a_virgin_one_week_to_a_dom_being