He Made Me Cum So Hard I Passed Out [F]

Full disclosure: This story’s a little hazy, cause I was pretty intoxicated for it, but I wrote the events down as soon as I could. This weekend I met up with David again for our second date, and it was absolutely lovely. If you want to catch up, check out my stories about when he asked me out, and about my first date (they’re almost as hot as this one was) for context, but they’re probably not really necessary to enjoy this. I’m not going to bore you guys with the cutesy details (cause I feel like that’s not why you’re here) so to skip ahead, we ended the evening with quite a few drinks at a pub before he drove us back to his (he drank responsibly, don’t worry).

Once we got to his house, we sat on his couch. Like a gentleman, he fixed us some drinks and we chatted and cuddled for a bit, talking about some nerdy nonsense as usual. He was really really good at putting up with my inane drunkenness tbh, cause I get annoying and a bit aggressively stubborn when I’m drunk. I know, I’m working on it. But, he took it in stride, so kudos! Things started to take off properly when he suggested we smoke some weed. Now, to be honest, I don’t really smoke at all. No real aversion to it, it just isn’t what I do in my spare time. Which means, my tolerance was non-existent. But, I was really into him so I said sure. He pulled out some pre-rolled joints, we walked out to the balcony and smoked. He tried (and failed) to do some O-rings with the smoke, which made me giggle and tease him. The mood was mostly goofy, until he asked to shotgun me. I didn’t know what that was, so he showed me. Apparently it’s when he takes a hit and blows it in my mouth. That sounded normal, but maybe I was already high because it didn’t feel normal. He pulled a huge hit into his mouth, grabbed the back of my head, leaned me backwards, placed his mouth just nearly on mine but not, and breathed a cloud of smoke into me which I gasped up.

FUCK that got me so hot.

Immediately I was so hazy, things were so intense, and I could barely think. He put out the joint and I almost immediately started kissing him after we finished smoking, pushing him back on the couch. I wanted to be in control, I remember, so I straddled him, grabbed his face and put my mouth on his. I was really intoxicated, so I wasn’t great at being my usual coy self, this was more desperate and passionate. Sitting on top of him, I angled till I could feel him through his trousers and ground myself into his dick through our clothes. I think he was at least semi-hard, but it’s hard to tell, even though he’s really thick. Regardless, I considered this a little victory after last time.

We made out like that, me dry humping him for a bit, before his hands started exploring and massaging. One hand dipped beneath my dress, grabbing my butt and at that I moaned into his mouth like a slut. He took that as encouragement and he started massaging my ass, which was so very nice. His fingers were just a bit rough, but always shot tingles through me. It always felt like a bit of a competition with him (or maybe it’s just my one-sided competitiveness) but to fight back I ran my fingers through his hair with one hand, teased his ear with another and stuck my tongue in his mouth.

I felt him throb, clearly enjoying himself more, but I was definitely also losing myself to the pleasure with just all this. But then, I felt the fucking strong, expert fingers of his right hand on my back, massaging into my shoulder blades and spine. I felt him find my sore muscles and just attack them. This drove me over and I lost control completely. I couldn’t counterattack, I couldn’t wrestle his tongue, I couldn’t be dominant at all. All I could do was moan in ecstasy as he massaged my ass, my back, and started to lick and nibble my neck. He honestly is incredible, I don’t understand it. When I’m focused on one thing, I neglect the others. Like, if I’m making out with him, my hands stop really doing a good job rubbing his scalp. But this man never stopped using every part of him. Top notch multitasking – I recommend everyone practice that, goddamn.

Anyways, I don’t know how long that went on for, but he then pushed me down on the couch, I assumed for a massage like last time. This time though, he grabbed my dress and slipped it off me completely. Unlike last time, this time I skipped the bra, so I was laying there in just my little thong. I expected something, at least a gasp. Annoyingly, it almost didn’t faze him, and he mounted me, getting to work on my back immediately. If his stiff cock hadn’t been pressed up against my barely covered pussy I would have been so offended by his lack of reaction.

However, his administrations were amazing, so I wasn’t about to complain. I was in absolute heaven and could feel my stress melting away – but still a bit desperate not to lose my dominance completely (as if I had any at this point). So, I complained that his trousers were too “rough” against my skin, (they weren’t) and told him to take them off. Everyone alive knows what this means and even though I had my back turned to him I could feel his goddamn grin burning into me from behind. Regardless, he got off my butt, stood up and started to take off his pants, but I told him to stop. Trying to be a tease, I told him to turn around, walk to the side of the couch my head was on, face me and slowly strip. I was laying on my stomach, my head on the couch, staring right at his bulge as he stepped close and placed it within a few inches of my face. I felt like being a lazy pampered brat this whole time (I blame the weed and alcohol to be fair), so I didn’t move an inch. He unzipped his jeans and I tried to subtly tease my clit from underneath (lifting my butt a bit so I could play with it) as he sloooooowly pulled his pants down right in front of me eyes.

He chuckled as his cock flopped out, but I don’t know if that’s because he noticed my fingers working my clit, because his heavy dick slapped onto my face as it fell out, or because I moaned as it happened. The cock rested on my face for a few seconds and let me tell you I really really wanted to grab or suck it right away. It was soooo hard (both him and my willpower) but I told/commanded him to get back to the massage. I genuinely don’t know how I resisted, but you’ll be proud of me cause I stuck to my guns and told him “well aren’t you going to get back to it?”.

I was definitely being as much of a tease as I could be.

He just gave me a smirk, and slowwwly pulled his hips back, dragging his cock (and its pre-cum) along my cheek and down my lips. He was a cocky little shit here, and teasingly rubbed his dick on my lips for a second or two before he moved back to his position. He did give it a little half-hearted push against my lips and I contemplated letting him in for split second, but he pulled away before I could even make a decision. Not going to lie, I turned my head and inconspicuously licked the pre-cum off my lips when I thought he wasn’t looking. Mounting me nude this time, he wedged his cock against me, and went to work on my lower back. The only thing separating his dripping cock and my leaky, desperate pussy was my little thong. Somehow the man could not be distracted though, and pretty soon I was in bliss again, moaning as his strong hands dug into my spine.

After a while I guess the situation was too much even for him though, and I jumped a bit as I felt one of his hands leave my back and grab my thong. I was certain he was about to rip it off. Instead, he just pulled it away (I felt it cling to my slit cause of how wet I was) and got his first unobstructed view of everything. I fully thought this was when he was going to finally fuck me and got so excited as he moved it to the side and put his cock right up against my bare pussy.

I held my breath as he swiped his dick up and down my slit a few times, coating it in my juices. I kept expecting him to plunge into me, but he just teased me. He slapped my pussy assertively with his dick, put it underneath and slapped it against my clit a couple more times (I squealed at that), but then he just pressed it up against me and let go, moving both his hands to my back and went back to the massage. He kept working my back, and started moving up from my lower back. As he worked up my back, he leaned forward to reach further. And his rock hard, slick cock slid forward.

I felt it start to slowly push my lips apart, unbearably slowly. Maybe a millimetre at a time. He’d never stay consistent though, moving ever so slightly back whenever he made a bit too much progress, insisting on giving me this massage. I started to get even more desperate. I was fully spread, his dick was literally touching me, but he was taking soooo long to enter me. I tried pushing my ass back against his dick a couple times, and I might have got a cm of it in, but he was so strong and pushed on my back, holding me down and pulled back. He was adamant about doing this his way. When he got to my shoulder blades, I could feel the head of his cock juuuuust barely in the opening of my pussy.

This. Drove me. Wild. I was an incoherent, tipsy, high, sloppy mess at this point.

It felt so so so so so so amazing, I was losing it.

I’m pretty sure I was begging him at that point, but it wasn’t very convincing at all.

Just lots of “pleeeeeease fuck me, please please please pleeeeeease!!!!”

Tragically, he couldn’t be convinced. Once he was done with my shoulder blades, he bent forward even more, sliding his hands over my shoulders, and then down my arms. He moved his hands under me and grabbed my tits with both hands. About half the tip of his cock had slipped inside me at this point, and I honestly thought I could cum right there as he flicked and teased my nipples. After a (frankly unacceptable) amount of fondling, he squeezed both my nipples (hard) and thrusted maybe a full inch or two into me simultaneously. I’m so happy his roommate wasn’t home cause I’m pretty sure I scream/squealed.

Suddenly, he pulled the tip of his cock out and let go of me completely. I was momentarily super confused until he grabbed my hips and lifted my bottom off the couch. A second later I felt his tongue on my clit and whimpered. This man ate me like his life depended on it. He was tonguing my clit, both hands spreading my ass to give him access, my butt up in the air while my torso was mashed against the couch.

I needed to do something or I’d completely get swept up by this I reasoned. I pushed my ass back against him to make him lie onto his back and lifted myself on my elbows so I could have some leverage. I kept my pussy pressed against his face as I moved back. I crawled backwards, pushing him back until we were in a 69ing position so I had access to the cock that had been teasing me all night. I said something dumb (tipsy me probably thought it was clever) like “my turn for payback” or something stupid and grabbed his dick. It was soaked, leaking pre-cum and presumably my wetness. I massaged his balls with my hands and tongue and then I moved onto his shaft. I licked and rubbed from the bottom of his shaft up to his tip. I kissed and worshipped that cock as much as I could, intent to blow his mind and have him cum quick and hard this time. I cleaned it completely before I kissed his head and started to properly suck him. I bobbed my head on his thick dick, flicking my tongue on the underside of his head every time I went up, and tried to go as deep as I comfortably could on the way down. I was dedicated to getting that cum.

Then it went to shit haha

I felt his tongue slide all the way from my clit, up between my pussy lips, swirl around and tease my asshole, before he stuck his meaty tongue in my pussy while teasing my asshole with his fingers. I completely froze in pleasure. I moaned into his cock as he slid his mouth down, sucked my clit into his mouth and attacked it with his tongue. I was already breathing hard and completely forgot to be sucking at this point, I could feel my orgasm building. Then he kicked it into overdrive, pumping two fingers into my pussy as his tongue flicked my clit from every direction. I screamed into his dick as I came all over his face and passed out.

I woke up like three hours later in the middle of the night haha. I was naked underneath the blankets in his bed, there was some water on the nightstand and he’d even put my underwear in the wash. That was the first (and only) time in my life I’d ever cum so hard I actually passed out. I guess the drugs and alcohol finally caught up to me, and he must have carried me to bed. I felt simultaneously really fluttery cause he’d obviously taken care of me after, and awful cause I am 100% sure he did not cum at all.

I did make it up to him right away though 😜

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/spk8wk/he_made_me_cum_so_hard_i_passed_out_f