Life for a Teenage Futa – Ch. 01 [Futa][Harem][Incest][Overcoming Adversity][Domination]

**Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of the following (Loosely ordered from most to least prevalent): Futa (Transexual), Amazonian Futa, Futa on Female, Giant Cock, Cervix Penetration, Domination/Submission, Excessive Cum/Fluids, Incest, Corruption, True Love/Romance, Cumflation, Pregnancy, CNC, Freeuse, Size Difference, Harem, Humiliation, Futa on Male, Cuckoldry**

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite description, demeanor, or appearance.*

Life For a Teenage Futa

Written By: Rebecca

**Chapter 1: An Unexpected Change**

“Bridgette!” Alexa called to her daughter through the open front door to their house, “Get your stuff down here!”

The low, rumbling hum of a large moving truck’s engine filled the air outside of the Mayfield’s house. Today was the day that Bridgette had both never expected and now fully dreaded; moving day. It had come so out of the blue, when her parents had told her and her older sister that they were moving several states away, to be “closer to family”. Bridgette didn’t care about any of that, life was hard enough as it was for her, but now, it was going to be even worse.

Bridgette grumbled to herself, holed up in her room, hoping perhaps that her blatant dissatisfaction would prove enough to sway her parents’ decision. She had begrudgingly already packed up all of her clothes and personal effects, but was refusing to bring them down to the moving truck. The front yard was a mess of boxes and furniture that were slowly being loaded into the large vehicles. Alexa, Bridgette’s mother, sighed to herself, knowing that Bridgette wanted nothing to do with the move.

“‘Scuse me.” Nancy said politely as she slipped past her mother with several trash bags of clothes in hand.

Nancy was Bridgette’s older sister, and was thankfully taking the move much more peacefully. There was certainly a reluctance present in her, but that was normal with such a big change, especially for a girl her age. Alexa took a look at her husband, who was busy assisting the movers load the larger boxes and items into the trucks, before turning and heading back inside. As she made her way through the house to her daughter’s room, she took in the surroundings.

They had lived in this house since before Nancy had been born, which was 20 years ago, and seeing it completely empty was more melancholic than she had expected. Due to family matters, the move was out of their control, and even Alexa was having a hard time hiding her sorrow. She stepped up the stairs, and gave Bridgette’s bedroom door a couple light taps before pushing it open and entering.

The room was empty except for the bags of clothes and boxes of random items scattered about the floor. Bridgette was curled up in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest, and crying quietly to herself. Her dark makeup that matched her gothic aesthetic ran down her cheeks as her tears flowed from her eyes. It hurt Alexa to see her so worked up, knowing full well that the move would be harder for Bridgette than anyone else.

Unlike Nancy, who had been born and grew up fairly normally, Bridgette had been a much more peculiar child. Not only had she been born with both male and female, fully functional genitals, but she also grew much more rapidly than the average girl or boy. Now, at 18, she stood at a staggering 8 feet tall, and possessed a cock and balls of unbelievable size. Thankfully, no one outside of their immediate family was aware of Bridgette’s cock, but that did little to stop the barage of discrimination and humiliation that Bridgette received from her peers on account of her unnatural stature.

Alexa walked over to her sobbing daughter and sat down beside her, resting her head against her side. Being only five foot seven, the size difference between the two made nurturing challenging, but Alexa made due. Because of brigette’s size, her position, and the fact that she was wearing a skirt, her 14 inch cock was on full display, it’s flaccid weight pressed against the floor beneath her bent legs. Alexa reached down and grabbed a cock sock that was nearby, and pulled it up over Bridgette’s cock and balls.

“You know the rules, young lady,” Alexa said playfully, “Don’t let your father catch you with it out.”

Because Brigette looked and identified as much more of a girl than a boy, she understandably wore women’s clothing. Unfortunately for her, skirts and skin tight clothing were difficult to wear gracefully due to her endowment. She could hide it with some contortionistic adjustment, but it was fairly uncomfortable for her. As a way to allow her more comfort while in the privacy of her own home, Bridgette’s parents had decided to allow her to let her genitals hang free, so long as she covered them with a cock sock when it made sense to. 

As a result, glances of her massive, hefty privates were extremely commonplace in the Mayfield household. Nancy and Alexa had grown accustomed to it, but Brigette’s father, Alan, never quite showed the same level of acceptance. Nonetheless, he put up with it only on the account of understanding that it was painful for her to hide it, but he secretly wished she would be a bit more conscious of just how on display she often made it. It was fairly typical to find her lounging on the couch, tapping away at her phone with her cock flopped over the side or resting on her stomach.

“S-sorry…” Bridgette mumbled as she sobbed, “I just don’t really like wearing it.”

Alexa noticed Bridgette’s cock twitch a bit as she slid the sock over it’s smooth skin, but didn’t think much of it. Bridgette’s cock was every bit as ideal as it was large. It had a smooth, nearly veinless surface and was perfectly thick. Despite being circumcised, it still had a fair amount of loose skin, especially when soft, even though it didn’t shrink much in size. It was certainly a sight to behold, having much the same majestic quality as a perfect, tailor made dildo, though Alexa tried not to think of it in that way, considering it belonged to her own daughter.

As Alexa slid the sock up Bridgette’s length, the tip quickly became saturated in Bridgette’s precum, which was flowing rather steadily from her urethra. Alexa, as well as everyone else in the family, knew that when Bridgette was emotional, her cock became exceptionally leaky, regardless of the emotion. Alexa often used this as a way to gauge how Bridgette was feeling, and upon seeing it, quickly leaned in and wrapped her arms as far around her daughter as she could.

“I know you’re not happy about the move sweetie,” Alexa said, trying to comfort her daughter, “But please understand that me and your father really do want you to be happy.”

“Then why…” Bridgette asked with a teary voice, “Why couldn’t you just wait until I graduated…”

“Don’t give me that, Bridge,” Alexa softly scolded, “You know full well why the move has to happen sooner rather than later. At least you’ll be starting off at the beginning of the year rather than halfway through.”

“Do you really think that’ll make a difference?” Bridgette asked.

“Please sweetie,” Alexa begged, hugging Bridgette tightly, “Please don’t make this harder on us than it already is.”

“I feel like I had just gotten to a point where everyone was at least somewhat nice to me…” Bridgette explained, “Or at the very least just not mean, it’s honestly hard to tell when someone’s being nice to me, it happens so infrequently…”

“Bridgette Mayfield!” Alexa snapped, “You take that back this instant! I know you have a very hard time making friends and socializing, but don’t for a second discount the fact that everyone here, in this house, is very nice to you.”

“Oh yeah, making me move halfway across the country to a whole new group of people who will treat me like the freak I am is suuuuuppper nice…” Bridgette scoffed, “You guys never think about me first.”

It was a moment of weakness, caused by her emotional state, and Bridgette regretted it the moment it left her lips. A massive spurt of precum, around a cup in size, spurted quickly from her cock as she braced herself for her scolding.

“I want to see your things packed and you waiting in the car in the next five minutes, or you will get to see just how unpleasant this move can really be.” Alexa parentally threatened, standing from her daughter’s side.

Alexa strutted away, upset with both herself and her daughter. She didn’t like being so harsh on Bridgette, especially now of all times, but it was hard to resist after such a rude statement. 

“Bridgette will come around eventually,” Alexa hoped silently, “It will just take some time.”

To Alexa’s relief, Bridgette obeyed her command, and was ready to go shortly after their talk. It would have been nice for her to help load the other truck, but Alexa didn’t want to push her too far so suddenly. A few hours later, the family was fully packed, and en route to their new house. The drive was exceptionally boring, cramped, and uncomfortable, especially for Bridgette, but after a grueling 10 hours, they were arriving at their destination.

The Mayfield’s small convoy of vehicles, consisting of a sedan, an SUV, and two moving trucks, pulled up and stopped on the steep San Francisco street in front of their new home. Having fallen asleep, Bridgette was nudged awake by her mother. Nancy had ridden with their father, to ensure he wouldn’t nod off while on the road late at night, and the two could be seen stepping out of their car and stretching their legs after the long journey. Bridgette stirred awake and looked out the windows. She had been to San Francisco before on numerous family trips so the sight was not immediately thrilling.

“There’s our new house!” Alexa cooed, looking at it in amazement.

Bridgette craned her neck to look at it through the front windshield. It looked nice, but small, similar to all the other houses in the area. She only hoped it wouldn’t be too cramped inside, much like their previous house had been. The Mayfield’s were not particularly wealthy, but their previous home was ample enough for most. The only problem it posed was the same problem posed by most buildings to Bridgette. Eight foot ceilings. Eight foot ceilings were the bane of Bridgette’s existence, and being as common as they were, she spent much of her time indoors hunched over.

It was a miracle that she hadn’t acquired a hunch back over the years, which she was incredibly thankful for, but regardless, low ceilings were every bit as unavoidable as they were annoying. It didn’t help that with her favorite platform boots on, she stood at an astonishing eight feet eight inches tall.

“Looks nice…” Bridgette said half heartedly, both from grogginess and lack of appeal.

“Just wait till you see inside!” Alexa said proudly.

The summer night was cool and crisp, and a breeze would occasionally blow through that made it just a bit too cold for comfort. Bridgette was thankful it was night, as it meant fewer people would see her. The family shuffled up the steep steps towards the front door, and waited as their father unlocked it. Bridgette ducked under the doorway as she made her way inside, and was instantly met with an unexpected sensation.

Not only was the house much larger on the inside than it had looked from the outside, but the ceilings were 11 feet tall! She reached up with her hands as high as she could, and even she couldn’t touch the ceilings. She looked down at her mother and father and gave them a big, thankful smile.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cheered, as she crouched down and smothered them both in a big hug.

The two hugged her back, thankful she was finally showing an emotion that wasn’t negative.

“We never think about you, hmm?” Alexa said, proving Bridgette wrong.

Bridgette broke the hug and stepped back, tears welling in her eyes.

“I-I’m really sorry…” Bridgette said sorrowfully, “I never should have said that. It was rude and untrue…”

“I’ll let it slide this once,” Alexa said, “But you better be careful in the future, got it?”

Alexa walked up and gave her daughter another hug. Now, since Bridgette was standing with her boots on, her mother’s face was right at crotch level. Alexa clearly didn’t mind the positioning, as she rubbed her face into the fabric of Bridgette’s skirt, and hugged tightly against her thighs. Bridgette felt herself start to stiffen at the contact, and the room was suddenly filled with the sound of liquid slapping against the floor. A big glob of precum oozed from her tip, soaking straight through her cock sock and splashing against the floor with an audible slap.

“S-sorry,” Bridgette mumbled, “I’m j-just…. happy about the ceiling!” She lied.

Bridgette didn’t have particularly strong sexual feelings towards her family members, but her naturally high libido made her pop hardons from little stimulation, regardless of who was causing it. She had thought about them sexually before, and she couldn’t deny some amount of attraction, but due to her negative self image, never considered herself good enough for them. Plus, the fact that they were family meant they were off limits anyways. Despite this, anytime she felt her horniness begin to rise, her precum was always close behind.

“Don’t worry about it, Bridge,” Alexa said, “You can wipe it up when we unload the towels.”

“Right… Well, we need to hurry this along and start unpacking.” Alan said, avoiding eye contact with Bridgette or the massive puddle of slime she had created, “I don’t want to have to pay the movers’ overtime fee.”

“Alright, I can help in a bit, I just need to go to the bathroom first.” Bridgette lied.

“I think there’s one upstairs and to the right.” Alexa informed her, “Nancy don’t step in the puddle.”

“I know.” Nancy sighed, joining her parents to help unpack as Bridgette made her way upstairs.

Bridgette found her way to the bathroom and quickly closed the door behind her. Her cock was already mostly stiff by the time she got there, and she wasted no time pulling off the completely saturated sock. She didn’t bother removing her skirt, and simply got to work stroking her massive dick with the aid of her precum. It was such a new and pleasurable sensation to stand at full height, with her boots on, while she jerked off.

Her balls swung underneath her legs, filling with fresh, steamy cum as she worked closer and closer to climax. The fuller they got, the heavier and hotter they became. Precum continued to spurt and bubble from her urethra, and she threw caution to the wind as she humped against her own hands. She felt a little guilty that she was avoiding her duties of helping the family unpack, but it was impossible to ignore her raging hormones currently.

Finally after about fifteen minutes, she felt her orgasm hit her, and she crouched down taking aim at the toilet, ready to unload. Like always, the first few seconds of orgasm were continuous, and her cum erupted not in spurts but in an uninterrupted stream. The duration of the continuous stream varied, depending on how horny she was, and how long she had spent getting to orgasm, but she had never had it last longer than ten seconds. Eventually, the stream stopped and the spurting began with thick, long ropes, ejecting towards the filling bowl at high velocity.

The pressure of her orgasms was impressive to say the least, and the water splashed as it got hit with the powerful streams of hot cum. By the time her climax had ended, the bathroom was a mess of water and cum. She had tried to keep things clean, knowing that there weren’t towels or toilet paper in the house yet, but the strength of her orgasm had proven too intense for that. With no other option, Bridgette removed her left boot and subsequently her left thigh high sock, and used it to wipe up the mess she had made.

Thankfully it worked well enough to disguise what she had done, but it unfortunately had littered the sock with blatant cum stains. She removed her right sock to make the left’s disappearance less out of place, and stuffed them both in the end of her cock sock before stretching it back over her cock and balls. She put her boots back on and exited the bathroom, hoping no one would realize what she had done. While she was still unhappy with the move overall, she felt better after getting a much needed load out.

Hope you enjoyed chapter one of this new series! If you can’t wait to read more, up to chapter 7 is available on my subscribestar! I’ll continue to post them here over time, but you can get access to them all sooner by supporting my work! Thanks!


1 comment

  1. Definitely great. Looking forward to more.

    The only thing I would say is that futa =/= transexual. Futa is basically a gender positive hentai version of hermaphrodite, while transexual is someone who is changing their gender.

    Outside of that nitpick, overall the story is well written.

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