A Stop by the Office [MF] [BDSM] [DDLG] [Hypnosis]

I’ve never written for public viewing/posted anything before. Let me know if you like my work!

Edit: Fixed formatting

All characters are consenting, and over the age of 18.


Daddy and Little One were on their way home from dinner.

“We’re going to make a stop by the office. I have something for you.”

He spoke calmly, turning off at the upcoming intersection.
Her heart jumped, and then sank a little bit. This could be good or bad, and the anticipation over the next five minutes was going to drive her crazy. With nervous fingers, she fumbled through her coat pockets for her pack of cigarettes and quickly retrieved two, handing one to Daddy. He chuckled lowly and gently brushed his hand against hers as she sunk deep into her seat.

Wandering through the dark parking lot and through the front stairwell, the two made their way inside the dark office. A few streetlights outside the windows brought in a subtle light, enough to navigate through the maze of cluttered desks and bookcases. Daddy made his way to his workstation. He set his phone and keys down on the desk and booted up his computer, stopping to gaze over at Little One still lingering in the doorway.

“Come here, *Snap* **FuckToy**.”

*’Oh No.’*

Little One slowly made her way over to him, feeling the knot in her chest begin to tighten with every step. She flashed him an unconvincing, shaky smile as she stood before him.
Daddy chuckled and sighed softly, brushing a few strands of hair from her cheek before grabbing her by the chin.

“Remove your clothes. All of them.”

She hesitated for a split moment, watching an unsettled look grow on his face, before promptly removing her shirt, pants, and underwear.

“That’s much better. You’re such a very pretty girl, you need to be displayed.”
He smirked as he eyed the windows for a brief moment considering his momentary impulse, but then brought his gaze back to Little One.
“Maybe another time.”

He eyed her up and down and smiled brightly, his hand softly grazing up and down her spine. His other hand reached into a deep drawer that contained a canvas bag, and pulled out a small bundle of hemprope.

“Now Kitten, put your arms behind your back and grab your elbows. Hold onto them firmly. If you hesitate, or move, I’ll be adding more spanks to your total. You’re currently at 40, and I wouldn’t recommend going any higher. Understood?”

Little One silently obeyed and waited as he looped and wrapped the rope around her arms to bind them high up on her back with her petite chest pushed out. After carefully examining his knots for any slips, he seemed satisfied with his craftsmanship and practically glowed as he looking down upon his Prey.

“You look so pretty when you’re exposed.”

As Daddy grabbed his phone from the desk to snap a quick photo of Little One, she scrunched up her face and stuck her tongue out at him. Daddy grumbled and rubbed his forehead with his palm, but his heavy sigh slowly turned into an uncanny laugh, and a wild grin settled upon his face.

“I didn’t want to do this yet.” He spoke, backed with an intensity that immediately triggered goosebumps to cover Little One’s skin from head to toe. He rummaged through the bag within the drawer and pulled out a bridle gag.

Little One exclaimed, “When did you-!“

“Ah! Ah-“
Daddy shot a glare in her direction, proceeding to move in and strap the harness around her head.


She muffled back a few inaudible words.

“Good. I have a lot that I need to get through and I don’t need any of your interruptions. I’d suggest you’d pay careful attention, *FuckToy*, as this is your only warning.”

Daddy sat down in his desk chair and pulled Little One in to take a seat in his lap, facing the computer. He brought up the internet browser and shifted through a few webpages, wrapping his free arm around her midsection, his fingertips circling delicately against her skin. She trembled, fixating on his mouse cursor and gentle touch. Daddy began to snicker and laid his chin to rest upon her shoulder, holding Little One with a firm grip as he began to speak slowly into her ear, his warm breath lingering on her neck.

“I know you’ve been a very Good Girl lately. You’ve been so good, and I’m so proud of you.

You are my Princess.

But, that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten how bad you’ve been. You still need to be punished for your last bratty escapade. I wouldn’t be a very good Master if I let you go unpunished, would I? You know you can’t get away with what you want. Now you need to learn your lesson.

Luckily for you, I’ve had an absolutely wonderful evening enjoying your company, so I’m willing to make this easy for you so long as you don’t make this hard for yourself.”

He buried his teeth deep into her neck and she let out a small squeal.

“Now. This is what’s going to happen.
You’ll receive your spanks in Four sets of Ten. If you’re a Good Girl and take your spanks, and we both know you are such a Good Girl, I’ll only use my hand.

But if you’re not… Well, I picked up a few things. Let me show you.”

Daddy grabbed the bag from the desk drawer and dumped out the remaining contents, rearranging them neatly in front of the keyboard. Amongst the items were a pair of leather fitted gloves, a leather belt, a wooden ruler, and a wide-paddled hairbrush.

“Of course, while your receiving your spanks, you’ll be listening to your *favourite* song. Focus on your music instead of the spanks if you want to be a Good Girl. Remember?

Bad Girls get punishments,

but Good Girls get rewards.

Now, you do want to be a Good Girl, don’t you?”

He was referring to a classical composition she cherished. Daddy had been experimenting with methods to achieve heightened arousal and orgasms through not only command words, but also musical association.

“YesSir.” Little One muffled quietly through the gag.

“Excellent. I’m happy to hear that. You make Daddy SO happy, Kitten.
Now, in-between your sets we’ll take a short break. As much as I love watching your flesh turn multiple shades of red, I want to break my toy slowly. Watch as your mind disappears into a blank state of total submission. You don’t need to think. Only do as your told. Let the warm, pleasurable feelings overtake you, and bring you to your happy place. You want to go there, don’t you?”


“Say It.” *Snap*


“Good Girl. You’re such a Good Girl. It brings me so much pleasure to hear you say that. So while you’re taking your break, Kitten, you’ll be watching this.”

Little One immediately responded to the glittery pink spiral he opened on the screen and locked in, enthralled by the flashing mesmeric swirl. This wasn’t her first experience with it. Daddy had previously explored hypnosis with her before, and the positive response inspired him to test her deeper states of trance.

With her attention captured, Daddy took the final item off the desk. A textured, silicone finger vibrator. He turned the device onto the lowest setting and slipped it onto his finger, bringing his hand down to rest gently against her folds. His other hand gripped her breast firmly, and he sank his sharp teeth once more into her neck. Little One cried out a moan through the gag as her eyes rolled back, and Daddy laughed deviously before he spoke, stroking her clit in circles with the small massager.

“I’ll be here with you, Kitten. The whole time. You’re safe. I’ll be here holding you, mentoring you, bringing you to your happy place. You don’t need to think. Only obey.”

Little One moaned and kept her eyes focussed on the pink screen, and his voice.

“Do you want to be a Good Girl? *Snap*


“Good. And when do Good Girls come?”


“That’s right. Only when I allow it. Have I allowed it yet?”


“Very good! So no coming, Kitten. Not yet.”

He continued to stroke and tease her gingerly for another moment, letting her sink further into the submissive spiral, before carrying on with the instructions.

“Your first set of spanks is followed by one minute of the spiral, the massager on Low.

After your second set, it’s two minutes on Medium. Third set is three minutes on High.

And the fourth set… Well. That’s up to how good you’ve been. But after the fourth set, you’ll be watching this.”

Daddy quickly shifted the mouse over to open up another screen loaded with the latest Mindwash Upgrade; A series of hypnoerotic videos Little One had started to become familiar with.

“After all, Good Girls get rewarded. Greatly.”
He looked nearly overjoyed as a sinister grin curled up his cheeks, moving his hand back down to press the vibrator against Little One’s clit.

She stared hopelessly upon the screen and attempted to whine through the mouth gag.


“Yes. Yes, you are a Pretty Girl. You’re a *very* Pretty, Good Girl.
And Good, Pretty girls get to come over, and over, and over again. But don’t worry Princess, I’ll only stop when you’re done watching your movie, crying and pleading for me to make you apart of the floor.

You look so, so pretty when you’re begging for my cock.”

Daddy shifted in his seat slightly, grabbing a small blanket which had been drapped across the back of his chair, and chucked it to the floor.

“That blanket? I’d suggest getting on top of it to limit your rug burn. I won’t be holding back, Prey. I am going to fill you to the brim until your a sobbing mess, flip you over, and paint that beautiful face of yours. Shame you won’t be able to taste any of it with that thing in your mouth.

Of course, I wouldn’t forget to take a photo of that refined moment. My masterpiece. My pretty FuckToy, lucid, used, and covered in Daddy’s seed. Now that’s a great picture for the collection, wouldn’t you say so?”

Little One squealed, and shot him a pleading look.


She squealed again as he rubbed her mercilessly.

“Good Girl.”

Propping Little One up to her feet, Daddy slung her across his knee with her firm backside elevated. He placed the wireless headphones from his desk over her ears and queued up the music. As his hand grazed across her soft cheeks, admiring his prepared canvas, he slipped two fingers into her dripping wet cunt and chuckled as he brought his fingers to his lips and cleaned them off.

“I knew it.

**My** Perfect FuckToy.

Let’s begin.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/snakbw/a_stop_by_the_office_mf_bdsm_ddlg_hypnosis

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