The high school kid who really liked going down on me [FM]

I want to start by saying that this dude was my age. I wrote about him before. The issue was I skipped a grade and he was held back, so I was a junior in college and he was a senior in high school. Technically I was 6 months older than him, but we were both still 19 in this story.

So yes, we hooked up when I went home with my best guy friend and met his brother, who happened to be a very hot high schooler.

*He fucked a lot more than me. He was much better at sex than I was at the time.*

So… One day I am in the library with my guy friend and he leans over and is like, “Hey V, my brother is coming to see me this weekend.”


“Do you want to hang with us?”

“We hang out every weekend, bro.”

“Let me rephrase: he really wants to hang out with you but I’m supposed to be playing it cool and not let you know.”

“I’m not going to hook up with your brother.”

“Again. You’re not going to hook up with my brother again.”

He had been enjoying this a little too much. Everyone in my friend group had been calling me Mrs. Robinson for weeks.

We did hang out though. TBF, it was a party I would have gone to anyway, but it didn’t hurt that this kid was going to be there. I sincerely had no plans to hook up with him, but a little flirting couldn’t hurt right?

He cornered me at some point in the evening and asked why I never texted back. I told him I assumed he was busy with homecoming court (yes, he was indeed homecoming king). I explained we just needed to be friends and we hugged and made up.

It all felt very mature.


The thing is, he was pretty fucking attractive and has the charming confidence of a high schooler who has fucked half of his hometown.

I looked over halfway through the evening and saw one of my friends leaning over him and smiling.


I stared at them for a while and he caught my eye and smiled. He whispered something in her ear and I’m pretty sure my mouth fell open.

*I am the only one here that gets to fuck a high schooler.*

I went to the bathroom so I didn’t have to watch and when I came out he was standing there.

“Hi,” I said awkwardly.

“Did you need something?”

“What? I needed to use the bathroom.”

“You gave me a look.”

“What look?”

“The ‘go to the bathroom with me’ look.”

“I promise you that was not the thing.”

“So you do not want to go into the bathroom with me?”

“No! Definitely not.”



*Whatever bro. Judge the fuck out of me.*

I threw myself at him and knocked him against the door. Mr. Football player straight lifted me off the floor and onto the counter before pushing the door shut with one hand.

He put his hands on my face as I wrapped my legs around him. I pulled him closer as he moved to kiss my neck.

*He was almost alarmingly good at this.*

“I thought about you so much,” he whispered.

“That’s really flattering.”

“You’re cooler than like any girl at my high school.”


“I was in my SAT prep course-“

“-Let’s talk after.”

He pulled my shirt down to my waist and put his hand up my bra. I pulled his shirt off.

*Damn it, why did he have such a nice fucking body?*

I awkwardly put my hands to his abs and let out a small whimper. He was very amused by this so he put my arms around his neck and lifted me fully off the counter so he could pin me to the back wall.

*I swear I missed whatever part of high school taught you this.*

The man could fucking grind. Apparently football hero had dry humping moves.

*Fuck, I almost forgot how big he was.*

“We can’t fuck in here,” I whispered.

“I know. Can I go down on you?”

“What? No! That’s… We can’t do that. What?”

“I jerked off to the thought of going down on you last time.”

“What? Really?”

He was kissing down my body as he got to his knees and pulled me towards him.

“I did. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after we hooked up. I like the way you taste.”

*What the fuck am I supposed to say to that? I mean, Jesus.*

He stared at me from the floor and ran his hands over my ass.


He reached up and took my underwear off before sticking his head up my skirt. He took one of my legs and threw it over his shoulder as he slowly licked me.

*Good god.*

I let out a moan and then remembered the party happening upstairs and tried to steady my breathing. When he reached up to play with one of my breasts I let my hand fall to his hair.

“I’m distracted,” I breathed. “I might take a while.”

“Good. I’ve been thinking of this for weeks.”

*Good? Who TF are you and why are you good at dirty talking?*

Bro, one of his hands was playing with my ass, one was on my breast, and his tongue was perfectly on my clit.

This kid deserves a damn medal.

I’m building quickly, pulling at his hair as I say his name and arch my back. I’m seconds away when…

His. Fucking. Brother. Walks. In.

“Damn it, guys!” He screams as he quickly closes the door. “I really could have gone without seeing that.”

*mother fucker.*

“I’m so sorry!” I scream.

High school boy looks at me from the floor. “We might as well finish.”

“No!” I say as I pull my dress down. “This can’t happen again.”

*Narrator voice: It would indeed happen again.*

I opened the door to find his brother smirking at me. “So are you coming to Thanksgiving or what?”



  1. *”We might as well finish.”* A man after my own heart lol. You’ve been killing it with the comedic timing lately.

  2. Ok so far in the “Battle for the Catchphrase: I’m very good at sex Sam Vs Viola,” it seems to be 2-0 in favour of Sam.

    Loving the underdog feel, can’t wait for the story when you come in clutch and win it all! Godspeed Ms. V!!!!

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