Me 23[f] completing slutty tasks so my dom [f] might let me cum.

You know that feeling of sudden shock and alertness when you realise you’ve forgotten something, well imagine that, and imagine that what you’d forgotten will dictate whether or not you are allowed, or forced ;) to cum in the foreseeable future.

My dom (22f) set me the challenge of eating fruit that a guy had cum on by 12 Noon today (UK time). I had thoroughly wasted that time reading other people’s stories on reddit and at 11:53, when i was maybe 7-8 seconds away from cumming to a confession, that jolt of realisation hit me like a freight train.

Fuck what do I do? Ok fruit first, what’s nearby? An entire watermelon, maybe a bit practically difficult for all involved, they’re heavy, an apple in the back of the fridge…rotten to the point of sentience. What else, that cucumber in the bottom veg draw…no, thats for me, later ;) . Wait, the gin orange, orange for gin, in the bowl and already cut in half so i wouldnt have to waist time peeling, that’ll do nicely despite being a bit old and pale.

Now i need cum, which means i need a man, unfortunately there isn’t one in the fridge. What time, 11:54, fuck!

Pulling on a hoodie and leggings (i was naked) i run down the hall, thankfully this is a larger apartment building with neighbours i know. Landlord was first point of call, I bang on his door nearly yelling through the wood what i needed from him before realising people might get the wrong idea. No answer, fuck!

Next door, Aiden, 23m i’ve booty called a couple times, cute but timid and in need of being coaxed out of his pants. Thankfully he answers quickly, bemused and questioning. I stick the orange in his face!

“I need you to cum on this orange!” I demand, staring angrily at him despite him doing nothing wrong, he stares back, i check clock, 11:56!

“Now!” I say, stepping through his door and pushing him back and around so his back is against his hallway wall. He stammers out an ‘ahh ok yeh..’ before pulling his pants down to reveal a thoroughly shrunken and soft cock that was clearly as nervous and out of its comfort zone as its owner. Aiden pitifully starting tugging on it, probably didnt help me stood squared up to him, hip cocked, eyebrow raised and angry expression staring through him, the palpable urgency manifesting as performance anxiety of the highest regard.

“Oh let me!” I shouted, exasperated already, unfairly expecting him to be in high gear within 10 seconds. I get down on my knees and begin to give the most enthusiastic but reckless blowjob i can. I put the lemon down between my knees, resolving that if he moved his feet and squished it I’d destroy him orally in a way one would think they’d enjoy but most certainly wouldn’t. Before setting my hands to work i pulled my phone out and held it out of his sight to check time, 11:58, jesus fucking christ this is close.

Making it worse i checked and sure enough she’d just come online. I doubled down, my tongue licked at the sensitive spot underneath the head when i was at the tip and stimulated his balls when i got down to the base, one hand was tickling and fondling his slowly descending ball sack as it started to realise i wasnt as much of a threat as initially perceived (yet!). My other hand went around and massaged his arsehole which caused him to gasp and his knees to tremble, my lips were pulling double duty of forming a tight, warm, wet seal around his length and performing the stroking motion as both hands were busy.

A glance down and I realise she’s typing, 11:59, he’s breathing rapidly now, i realise neither of us closed his door and it was just out of reach for him.

“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” He stammered out in between moans, thank god, about bloody time (barely a minute since i started). I feel him put a hand to the back of my head. What the hell, i told him wear it needed to go, obviously on the orange! I made a move to pull off but he was holding my hair bunched, who the hell does he think he is, the audacity.

Desperate times, so with the hand stroking his balls, i moved it forwards, in between his legs and almost to the wall behind him and then brought it straight back in an admittedly too harsh ball slap that i knew hurt like hell the moment i’d done it. He yelped and let go but otherwise didnt move, clearly deciding he’d whinge about the pain after he’d cum. I’ll make it up him later :)

Like a master juggler i pulled my mouth off his cock, stuck the orange in it and held it in front of his leaking, rock hard cock with my teeth, the hand from his balls went to his shaft and started milking him for all he was worth whilst the hand from his arse came down to his balls and did damage control, already trying to alleviate the pain i’d caused him and keep the momentum up for his imminent orgasm.

12 Noon struck.

“Oh fuuuuck” He grunts loudly, his empty hands flattening themselves against the wall behind him as his body shudders around the focal point of his groin, shivering from toes to lips and back again.

The first rope that comes gushing out clears the orange, and lands straight in my fucking eye, my fault i’ll admit, i’m the one aiming the barrel, holding the target and with ten fingers on the proverbial trigger. My eyes instinctively slam shut but i resist the urge to flinch my whole head, another shot hits me in the bridge of the nose and across the forehead, need to adjust fire.

I angle him down slightly, not too worried yet if he was running dry, through my teeth i feel a slight impact vibrate through the orange, bullseye, i hold it there and feel two more strikes on target.

Mission complete I let go and snatch up the phone, she’s still typing as it’s really only been 15 seconds since she started.

“Hey (dom).” I type proudly and smugly getting in there first, satisfied at both a job well done and from weaselling out of forgetting my submissive-homework. With one hand on my phone the other comes round, takes the orange out of my mouth and brings it roud so I can bite a satisfying and hearty chunk out from the side with two-and-bit long splashes of cum running down it.

“Nailed it.” I think to myself as i come to the realisation that the fairly compact and slightly pale orange is in fact a deceivingly spherical lemon.



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