A long weekend of frustration. [M/F] [Femdom] [Edging] [Orgasm Control]

“I’m bored, Ian!”

Chloe was sitting slouched over the dinning table, resting her head against the cool wood.
“You could help me tidy up, you also had breakfast as far as I remember,” answered Ian mockingly, looking down at the back of Chloe’s head.

“We could go out for a walk once I’m done. Some fresh air would be good for you.”

“No, Mom! I had enough ‘fresh air’ already.” Chloe turned her head towards Ian, straight black hair falling all over her face. “I don’t want to go outside, it’s too cold.”

Ian only saw a pointy nose and a pair of small pouting lips peaking out of a mass of hair. He leaned down towards his girlfriend and flicked her nose playfully.

“You are as sluggish as a old cat. Maybe I should pour some water over you to you wake you up.”

“Nooooo~! I will melt.” Came the immediate answer from Chloe, waving one arm aimlessly above her head to defend herself from the glass of water Ian jokingly lifted above her head until he went back to the kitchen.

She watched as Ian continued cleaning up the table in silence.

“Thank you for clearing the table,” she mumbled meekly under her breath which gave her a vigorous head pat, which made her unkempt hair look even more messy, and a smile from Ian.

“Say,” continued Chloe with a sudden smirk that made Ian uncomfortable, “When was the last time I allowed you to cum?”

Ian faltered for just a moment too long before he answered, “Nine days, Chloe. Why do you ask so suddenly?”

“Really? Only nine days, I thought it was longer. Are you sure?” Asked Chloe with a playful smile across her face.

“Yes, I’m sure! You are still sending me daily reminders with nudes of yours, and expect me to answer every one of them.”

“Hehe, don’t you like it when your girlfriends sends you nudes?”

“Sure, if she would let me have my fun with what I see when I come back home…”

“Aww, do you want this so badly?” Chloe straightened herself up, turned herself towards Ian and seductively spread her legs while stroking the inside of her thighs. “If you do what I tell you, maybe I let you have some fun tonight.”


“Of course, when did I ever lie to you about your orgasm.” Chloe turned away from Ian with a wink and rested her head against the table again before she ordered in a playful voice while staring at his crotch, “Take it out. I want to see how excited it is to get the chance to feel my pussy tonight.”

“Uhm, here? Can’t we go to the bedroom first?”

“Yes, here! It’s your decision if you want to get a chance to cum or not.

And I won’t let you cum for another week too if you don’t listen, just to drive home the point.

I know that you are still new to being dominated by your girlfriend, I think it’s really cute that you are trying.

But you also promised me that I get to decide when you are allowed to cum and that I’m allowed to punish you if you break that rule, so I have to make use of that as much as possible.

I hope you remember what happened last time when I caught you rubbing your toy without me, ” teased Chloe with a smirk.

Ian blanched slightly and subconsciously turned his midsection away from Chloe, “I said ‘I’m sorry’ often enough, no need to bring it up again. I had problems walking the whole day after your ‘massage’.”

With a bright smile on her face, Chloe giggled at his flashbacks. “Don’t be such a baby, I even gave you a safe word, it’s your problem that you didn’t use it.”

“I just didn’t want to disappoint you,” retorted Ian quietly.

“It’s OK. I love you just how you are and you are doing a good job pleasing me.

You were so cute, whimpering ‘I’m sorry!’ over and over again until I let go of your balls. Your groans made me so wet that I barely could stop myself from squeezing them even tighter.

So what is it, take it out so I can have my fun or be pussy free for another week?”

Reluctantly Ian opened his pants and presented his limp penis to Chloe, looking away to hide his blushing face.

“Good decision, we will have such a fun day” exclaimed Chloe excited, finally having found something to alleviate her boredom, “Come, put it on the table.”

Ian lowered himself slightly to let his penis rest on the table, having it lie eye to eye with Chloe.

“Oh, it’s so tiny. Are you sure you can even pleasure me with that?”

Chloe slowly started to run her pointy fingernails along Ian’s penis, leaving slight red lines behind, watching it get harder with every second. “I think it knows I’m talking about it.”

“Please, it’s embarrassing enough. Can you stop talking about my penis like it’s an animal?”

“But it’s cute to see you embarrassed, you get so restless.” With a snicker, Chloe suddenly started to press her nails harder into his erection. “And if you don’t want me to embarrass you, you can always ask me to hurt you for a bit, that’s even more fun.”

With a loud gasp, Ian quickly pulled his hips away from Chloe by reflex, causing her nails to scrape against his skin, leaving dark red lines behind, making him cry out.

“That was your fault, why did you pull it away while I was playing with it?”

“It hurt… ,” said Ian abashed lowering his head slightly. “Sorry…, I was just surprised.”

“Don’t worry, you are cute when you are so meek. Just place it down again and I promise I will be more careful.”

Observing as Ian stepped back up to the table, Chloe placed her head comfortable on her arm while she started to caress his erection again with the fingertips of her free hand.

“Do you like it when I do this?.”

“Yes, it feels good. I just wish we could do it in the bed room…”

“Aww, so shy. You could think that you are the princess in our relationship and I’m the bad dragon that kidnapped you to eat you up. At least your toy is honest, it’s twitching already.”

Chloe kept going, slowly running her fingers up and down his shaft until she suddenly pulled her hand away and watched his penis twitch helplessly.

“Chloe, please, I was so close,” complained Ian frustrated.

“Well, YOU said you want to fuck my pussy. So I can’t make you cum with my hands can I? That’s enough fun for now, put it away.”

“We aren’t having sex now?” Ian slowly put his still erect penis back into his pants disappointed and closed his zipper.

“No, we haven’t even started yet. I have the whole day in front of me to have fun, I don’t want to ruin it.

If you behave and play along, I will reward you with an extra special night though.”

With a strong slap to Ian’s backside, Chloe stood up and ignored his pleading look towards her seductively shaking butt.

After Ian loaded up the dishwasher, he sat down to continue reading a book he started just a few days ago, having finally calmed down from Chloe’s teasing. It was a decent story, not too exciting but interesting enough to keep reading.

“Can I help you?” asked Ian as he noticed Chloe sneaking up on him, squatting down besides his chair not even an hour after he started reading.

“Keep reading, I just want to spend time with you.”

Lifting an unconvinced eyebrow at Chloe’s behavior he continued reading while he sipped from a cup of coffee from time to time.
The silence held until he suddenly felt a pair of hands open his zipper and pulling his underwear down.


“Shush, just keep reading, I want to play with your toy. It’s not my fault that it’s attached to you,” she retorted with a pout and flicked his tip lightly with her finger and watched it bounce around for a while until Ian got hard again.

He had a difficult time trying to concentrating on his book while his girlfriend was pawing his penis like she was a cat playing with a toy.

“Sigh, please. We can even do it right here and now,” Ian pleaded, having problems forming his thoughts as Chloe’s teasing felt better and better.

“Why are you twitching so much?” asked Chloe cheekily and stopped her pawing and just watched Ian’s dispirited face as his erection slowly started to recede.

She ran her fingernails along his shaft again after a few moments until he got close to an edge and she stopped a second time.

“Come on, just let me cum, It’s over a week already.”

“Aww, are you getting desperate? But this is too much fun to just let it end,” Chloe chortled as she pulled his underwear back up over his shrinking erection and closed his pants.
“Go on, keep reading. I’m done for now.” Chloe stuck out her tongue towards Ian and left the room.

It was a long day for Ian. Every time he started to calm down after Chloe had her fun, she sneaked up on him and ordered him to let her play with his penis.

He lost count on how often he was close to an orgasm before Chloe denied him his release and scuttled away to leave him alone and frustrated.

But the night was even worse.

After they had dinner, they cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie together. Only that Ian couldn’t concentrate.

This time Chloe didn’t allow him to pull up his pants at all. He had to be exposed the whole night, being relentlessly teased by Chloe throughout the movie.

She didn’t even bring him to the edge more than two or three times but just played with ‘her’ toy until it was hard and then she lost interest, over and over again until the movie was finally over and Ian decided it was time for bed.

He shooed Chloe into the bathroom to get herself ready and quickly brushed his own teeth after Chloe spend an agonizing amount of time in the bathroom just to annoy Ian.

After he was finally done, he came into the bedroom just to find Chloe being wrapped into her blanket, pretending to sleep.

“You promised me you would let me cum if I do what you want and I did that. I let you bully me the whole day without complaining even once.” He energetically pulled her blanket away from her, leaving her exposed to the cold room in underwear.

“Hey! It’s cold. And I said you get a CHANCE, learn to listen,” Chloe shouted back in fake outrage.

“You don’t even need to do anything. Just keep pretending to sleep. I will find my way to your pussy on my own.”

“Wow, how romantic. I think I just lost any interest in sex for the next two weeks.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Please, just let me cum, it was already such a hard day, I can’t take another night like that.”

“Too bad that you seem to have forgotten who is in charge here. I will be merciful and don’t spank that cute butt of yours this time.

I’m just too tired after you took so long in the bathroom. I promise you I will make you cum first thing in the morning when I wake up, if you can endure one more night for me. OK?”

Ian pouted and with a annoyed look at Chloe’s half exposed breasts, Ian acceded to her demands and plopped down heavily onto his side of the bed, presenting his back to Chloe as he was sulking.

“Don’t be like that, you didn’t even give me my good night kiss yet.

And my pussy is lonely too. Why not give her a good night kiss, I didn’t have my daily orgasm yet.”

“Dream on, Your orgasm will be banned too from now on as long as I don’t get mine,” declared Ian.

“You can’t do that. That’s not how this works,” pouted Chloe. “Hey, don’t ignore me!
Fine! Be like that, but at least cuddle with me, I know you like to be the big spoon.”

Reluctantly Ian turned around and put his arms around Chloe, who started to press her firm butt into his groin as soon as his arms closed around her.

“See, isn’t this nice too? I even get to tease my boyfriend without moving an inch.”

“At least one of us has fun…”

“Don’t be so grumpy. It’s just sex. Here, I will compromise,” offered Chloe in an insincere voice. She reached behind her and pulled Ian’s underwear halfway down his legs. She then slightly lifted her leg and placed his swelling erection between her thighs before she closed her legs again.

Ian instantly started to slowly hump his penis between her thighs, enjoying the feeling of rubbing it against Chloe’s underwear.

“Hey, stop that. I didn’t say you were allowed to hump me like a dog in heat. I will just keep your little dick warm for you as a treat.

Nothing more! And if I wake up with sticky thighs, I will put your balls under the toilet seat next time I have to use the bathroom and sit on it with my whole weight. Do you understand?”

Shocked, Ian instantly stopped moving his hips and firmly pressed himself against Chloe to make sure he wouldn’t keep moving. “You are so mean!”

“You knew that from the start, and you still love me,” giggled Chloe, “Good night, and make sure to keep my thighs warm, I don’t know what would happen if I wake up and see my little heating rod is back in your underwear.”

“Night…” Ian was in a bad mood, especially because Chloe kept grinding her thighs together whenever he started to calm down again. That kept going for almost 20 minutes until Chloe finally fell asleep.

After Chloe was sound asleep, Ian managed to get some relief from her teasing. After some adjustments, he manged to pull his hips away from Chloe’s thighs, although he didn’t quite dare to pull his underwear up again, concerned what would happen if Chloe woke up.

It wasn’t the best sleep he had but at least Chloe left him alone for the night. He woke up, now lying on his back and startled as he saw Chloe’s cheeky smile beaming down from on top of him.

“Good morning sleepy head. I thought you would never wake up. I really had to hold myself back.”

“Chloe, it’s Sunday. Please, just let me sleep some more,” mumbled Ian, still tired, and tried to push Chloe away from him.

“Did you forget my promise? I said I will make you cum first thing in the morning if you behave and you did.

I will even use my mouth, I know how much you like a morning blowjob. But if you don’t want to…”

“No! I want to,” interrupted Ian, suddenly wide awake.

“I thought so, I just need to tie you to the bed first. I really dislike it when you push my head down on your cock and I have to gag.”

“I never did that?”

“Really, must have be my ex then who had a way bigger cock between his legs than you.” Chloe stuck her tongue out, knowing she hit a nerve, and quickly tied a slightly moping Ian to the bed, having his arms well out of reach.
“Any last requests before I start?”

“No, I’m happy as long as I can finally cum.”

Ian didn’t had to wait long. Without pause, Chloe swallowed his morning wood in one go and started slowly moving her head up and down along it, while trying to keep Eye contact with Ian to see his expression.

Ian was overwhelmed by the sudden sensation and pressed his head back into his pillow, groaning lightly from the pleasure of Chloe’s tongue running around his tip.

Wet noises entered his ear as Chloe’s drool slowly ran down his shaft, he looked down and saw Chloe’s brown eyes looking back at him happily while she brought him closer and closer to his well deserved orgasm.

Feeling Ian twitch in her mouth more and more, she started to gently caress his balls in her free hand and increased the speed even more provoking a loud moan from Ian which made her even more excited.

Ian tried to hold back as long as he could, to enjoy the pleasure for longer, but he couldn’t hold it in anymore, his hips starting to buck as he was so close to cumming that pre cum was already mixing with Chloe’s drool, as she suddenly sprang up from bed and ran out of the room shouting, “Damn it, I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer for tonight’s dinner.”

“CHLOE! Come back… please… ” Ian shouted after her in dismay to no avail.

He watched as his still twitching penis slowly pumped one string of cum after the other across his body, being denied the high of a full orgasm.

Frustrated, tears started to fill his eyes as he slammed his head back into his pillow.

Chloe quickly came back with a devious smile on her face, “My bad, you already took it out yesterday.”

With a devilish grin on her face, she scooped up the last few drops that leaked out of Ian’s sad morning wood and licked her finger clean. “Too bad you banned me from my own orgasm yesterday. But I kept my promise, I made you cum,” she giggled.

“You bitch, you planned that from the start!” shouted Ian out of frustration.

“Aww, you naughty boy, insulting your own girlfriend after she gave you a blowjob.
Seems like you need to be punished some more. And I know the perfect punishment for your infringement.”

Chloe quickly made her way back into the bed and position herself on top of Ian’s face, her wet pussy mere inches above his mouth. “Maybe I will untie you once you gave me my rightful orgasm from yesterday plus interest. And while we are at it, today’s orgasm too.”

“No, please untie me. At least let me jerk off…”

Ian’s plea was interrupted by a sudden warm feeling of Chloe’s crotch pressing down on his face, covering his mouth and nose.

“Better start liking bitch, or you won’t breath until I’m done with you,” ordered Chloe sternly, having forgotten her playful attitude in the heat of the moment.

Ian tried to struggle but her surprisingly strong legs kept his head in place. He gasped for air but only smelled Chloe’s excitement.

He tried to hold his breath but she wouldn’t relent so he finally gave up, opened his mouth and started to run his tongue along Chloe’s pussy.

Feeling him submit to her, Chloe moved her hips back so Ian was able to breath again while his tongue kept bringing Chloe closer and closer to her first orgasm of the day.

“That’s a good boy, and who knows, if you do a good job, I might let you lap up all your spilled cum from my fingers once you are done and then give you a chance of another orgasm next weekend,” groaned Chloe excited, grabbing Ian’s hair and roughly pulling his head deeper into her pussy, moaning loudly as her first Orgasm of the day was wrecking through her body.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/slfvaj/a_long_weekend_of_frustration_mf_femdom_edging