Realizing [T]he Possibilities of my Body are Endless

Hello! Some of you may know me by now, but for those who don’t, I am trans femme and have been on HRT for over a year, and my transition has made my body **extremely** responsive to touch.

**Before we begin, I would like to put a content warning for this one. This story isn’t dark in the slightest, however I do describe my dissociative disorder in pretty strong detail during this, so if you are sensitive to descriptions of dissociation please scroll away and read something else.**

*I will mark that section with XXXXXX if you choose to read ahead so that you know it’s coming, and a YYYYYYYYY when it’s over so you can remove the section, or so that you can skip to how we dealt with what happened to ease your mind*

I have a limit testing kink. It developed long before I transitioned and it basically means I very frequently test all of my soft mental limits, as well as some of my physical limits to have absolutely mind blowing sex.

This kink is responsible for the orgasm record posted in another story, as well as the toy mishap story from a couple days ago.

*A quick disclaimer; please be careful if you decide to try this kink. Due to its nature, it squarely falls under consensual non consent, and can lead to some complications if you don’t have a long conversation beforehand. My partners know losing consciousness is a possibility, and we’ve had many discussions about kink and safewords to make sure we’re doing things as safe as possible. As always aftercare is* **huge** *but it’s especially important for CNC. Don’t do this with someone you don’t fully trust with your life. I’m serious*

Anyway, Serious Vi aside, I find limit breaking to be really fun! I do it just about every day, even when masturbating. One time sticks out a bit more than all the others though, even my current orgasm record; the night I actually blacked out.

*as a quick, relatively personal aside, I’m diagnosed with OSDD. I have… several different people in my head. They were all making first contact with me around this time so it’s still fuzzy on whether I switched or simply blacked out from orgasm and lost the memories of what happened before but it’s a WILD story nonetheless*

Anyway I was dealing with a lot at the time and as a way to de-stress my spouse and I decided that we should have sex *we’re very smart when we work together.* We start warming up with some good foreplay, then we break out the vibe and I start working my magic. Within minutes spouse’s on the edge and I toy with them till they’re speechless from orgasm after orgasm. They tap, things relax, and we cuddle for a bit to help them decompress

*aftercare is important, even if you plan to go at it again pretty soon.*


*Here’s where things get hazy, as when I try to remember this part on my own I only get a void where a memory should be*

From how it was described to me, we were cuddling and I started getting handsy and acting like I was ready to go. So spouse does what they typically do and flip the script on me

*I LOVE when they flip the script on me, and am pretty sad that I can’t remember them doing that tbh*

They put me in a sort of half headlock as they started to tease my body and prep me for the vibe, and then when I was good and ready they started in, and I got to the edge relatively quickly, and eventually I was being rocked by consecutive orgasms

*here’s where the gap in memory ends*

I started writhing like crazy, registering that I was in a sort of headlock. The rush is amazing so I submitted very quickly and just continued to orgasm

I didn’t bother mentally counting at this point cause I felt so spaced that I could barely think, but I was in a world of pleasure so far beyond what I was used to.

And then I browned out.

For those who are unfamiliar with that term, browning out is sorta like a dissociative blackout. You’re not quite **out** but also definitely not conscious when it happens. How you’re aware you aren’t conscious? I have absolutely no idea, it’s just an innate feeling. It’s basically like the most intense out of body experience you can imagine.

Then suddenly I was thrust back into my body by the most powerful orgasm I’ve felt to date, and I ended up choking out a scream that made my spouse tap for my safety. It was pretty clear by then I had zero idea what in tarnation just happened to me, but them stopping abruptly **really** pulled me back to reality. Idk if you’ve ever felt someone abruptly stop a vibrator while you’re cumming, but that empty feeling is **agonizing**


Immediately after removing the vibe, spouse cuddled up next to me and held me close. We talked through what happened and I eventually told them I was not able to remember our foreplay. It was a bit of a touchy situation at first, but when they told me, I thanked them and praised them for how well they did. I told them how much I love them, and that I was thankful for their presence.

Since that day we haven’t even come close to me losing consciousness again. I still love pushing my own limits, but have also gained a healthy respect for my own body because of this experience, and it’s made everything that much more amazing.

*Cumming your brains out really is so much fun*
