[Part 18] Lisa Galaxia – Trails and Trials (Aphrodisiac, plant, vines, MF sex, Sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Previous chapters and a story summary for those who’d like to get caught up!

Previously, after landing on Nova, Rachel attempted to request entrance into the long deserted Solium temple from one of the robot caretakers. While she was successful, a poor translation by the millenia-old machine led to herself, Lisa, and Anity being led away to take an ancient coming-of-age trial for military recruits. After changing into some topless and skimpy ceremonial armor the women found themselves led into a sunken arena with several crew members from a pirate vessel that had also landed nearby. After a brief announcement four doors with cryptic names at the far end of the arena opened and the trial goers were implored to take one.


“Do you think maybe ‘arms’?” Lisa asked the other two who were just as confused as she was.

“I was thinking maybe ‘teeth’?” Anity admitted.

“Why is that?” Rachel asked.

“I don’t know, maybe teeth can’t reach out and grab you like the other three can?” Anity offered half-heartedly as she shrugged.

“Arms can be inviting though, like a hug?” Rachel countered.

“Yeah I don’t think anything in there is going to hug us.” Lisa admitted rather doubtfully, “At least not in any good way. It does sound a little less scary though.”

Their short debate was interrupted by shouting from across the arena. “Fuck your damn trial!” One of the pirates was starting to curse at a robot above him in the otherwise empty observation area. “Let me the fuck out of here!”

He threw his pistol in the direction of the robot. It sailed up, and nearly out of the pit, before a flash of blue light from hidden force field sent it ricocheting back to the ground with a thud.

With that an alarm went off and the wall behind the trial goers began to advance.

“Um… thinking we should make a decision fast.” Anity warned as the three of them began jogging towards the doorways as the wall moved towards them.”

Rachel called out to the pirate group, “do you want to work together on this?”

“Sure!” One of the pirates called out, jogging after them, “Which door?”

“Arms,” Lisa called out as she neared the doorway.

“No fuck that! I’m in charge here!” The hot-headed pirate called out from farther behind them. “They can tag along if they can listen. Go in the teeth door.”

The pirate nearest the women turned around, “Don’t you think we should trust them, they’re archeologists after all?”

“That just means they can’t fight worth shit,” the hot-headed pirate called back.

Lisa, Anity and Rachel ducked into the “Arms” doorway and waited a second inside. There was a bit of commotion outside as some of the pirates seemed unsure of what to do. There was a flurry of swearing and shouting then quickly advancing wall ended all debate in a hurry, leading several trial goers to simply dash to the nearest entrance. Most ended up going into the “Teeth” door with the hot-headed pirate, but at least two, a man and woman stumbled through the “Arms” doorway nearly slamming into Anity as they fell in just ahead of the approaching wall.

“Are you two ok?” Rachel asked, helping them up.

“Yeah, thanks” the young man replied.

“What is this wild place?” He asked.

“It’s some kind of arena where they hold a coming of age trial,” Rachel explained. “Whatever it is we need to pass it if we want out. Some people never returned from these.” She warned.

“Great, just great.” He replied. “Don’t worry babe we’ll make it out.” He tried to reassure his companion.

“Come’on let’s get moving,” Lisa urged them from a little ways down the tunnel.

“I agree,” Anity chimed in. “Don’t need another surprise like that moving wall out there. Let’s get this over with.”

“Yeah ok, I’ll follow your lead.” The young man said. His gaze bounced around the room quickly now, it was obvious he hadn’t been around this many topless women before. As his gaze lingered uncomfortably long on Lisa’s bare chest.

Lisa crossed her arms over exposed breasts, feeling very self-conscious now. “Okay… well let’s get moving then.” She said, turning away and heading around a corner and up and beginning up a stairwell.

Rachel made introductions as they walked. Tom and Amanda were the names of their two new companions. Tom had apparently been trying to negotiate entrance into the temple when their captain got impatient and opened fire on the guards. That caused them to counter-attack and capture the vessel outside along with all its crew.

Their conversation worried Lisa a bit, who’d rather Rachel not share so freely to someone who would normally be their enemy, but now didn’t really seem a good time to bring that up. As the 5 of them reached the top of the stairs their wristbands came to life suddenly. A bunch of symbols started flashing on the small display, and Rachel began to translate.

“Okay, wait I got it. It’s a shield generator!” Rachel exclaimed as she pushed a button on the armband. A small blue force field, around 2 ft in diameter, materialized from it. Rachel held it out in front of her and examined it. “Press the triangle symbol.” She told the others.

As they walked their shields started popping up one at a time as everyone learned their controls.

“Well that’s pretty neat,” Anity remarked as they rounded the last corner and stepped through a doorway into the light, “Wonder what they expect us to use it for?”

Outside the doorway a small balcony welcomed the trial goers. There was a railing going around the balcony which sported three impressive looking laser cannons. There was also a crate that held several smaller blue orb-like objects with a green button on top. Their balcony overlooked a large open room which resembled an arboretum. From the dirt floor sprouted many varieties of flowers and plants. Small insects zipped between the blooms and crawled along the many vines happily ignoring the newcomers.

The most impressive bloom was on the far side of the enclosure. It appeared no less than 5 stories tall and as big around as a large tree. It appeared to be slightly open near its top, a dark pink color of the bloom nestled inside an outer light green leaf.

Rachel was the first to spot the others. Up above them and slightly to the right on another balcony two pirates, a man and woman were sitting. They each had a large length of rope slung over their shoulders, and appeared to be discussing what it was for. Another balcony to their left appeared empty.

Down on the floor of the arboretum was a fourth doorway by which most of the pirate group was congregating. Four of them were holding implements that resembled pitchforks, but had a very long handle. They also seemed a bit confused as well, Rachel noted.

She tried talking into the comm on her wristguard, “Hey can you all hear me?” She asked. “You can push the black black button to talk.”

There was silence for a moment as heads all around them turned to glance at their wristguards. “Well guess you are useful after all,” the voice of the hot-headed pirate captain came in over the comm. “Any idea what we’re supposed to do with these things?” Rachel watched him wave a pitchfork as he talked into his wristband.

“Um… hang on,” Rachel replied, “I think we just got a message on our bands.” Rachel appeared to be reading something. Her brow scrunched up a bit as she mouthed a few words silently to herself.

“Well? What’s it say brainiac?” The captain asked in a mocking tone.

“Um…” Rachel stuttered, “We’re supposed to place something inside that big plant I think. Like a blue egg or blue fruit?” She seemed a bit confused as she read the instructions. “Something about a door opening open when we use that to make it go dormant, or dead maybe? I’m not sure which one really.”

“What the hell? Where the fuck we gonna get a blue egg?” The captain asked.

“Um…. it doesn’t say,” Rachel replied.

“But all we gotta do is kill that giant plant to open a door?” The pirate gestured to the huge bloom across the room.

“Um… I guess? That’s as near as I can translate at least.” Rachel shrugged. “Sorry.”

“Fuck, well that’s an easy trial,” the pirate laughed. “Well hang tight missy, come on ya’ll let’s get chopping.” He motioned to his companions on the ground and they started walking towards the plant.

The crew watched from the balcony as the group on the ground walked towards the plant. “I got a bad feeling about this.” Lisa muttered as she took a seat at one of the guns and fiddled a little with the controls.

“I agree,” Anity replied as she took up a seat at another turret, “ Can’t believe they’d put a gun like this one here if we weren’t supposed to use it.

Tom jumped forward and sat himself down on the center gun. He called into his wristband, “Hey be careful captain, there might be more to this place.”

The captain stopped walking and spoke into his wristband, “You think I’m not being careful now? Fuck you, you need to learn to trust your captain already.” With that the captain took his pitchfork and thrust it into the side of the bloom.

Everyone on the balcony held their breath for a moment, but nothing happened. “Ha, imagine being afraid of a fucking flower. Come’on already!” The captain motioned to the others who stabbed at the plant and cut into it with their knives. After a moment they tore through several outer layers of deep green leaves and tore into some white inner layers.

“Hey look up there!” Anity pointed to the top of the flower. There appeared to be a commotion of some sort. There was a rustling of leaves and the flower appeared to open a little.

“Hey capt…” Tom called into his wristguard.

“Seriouly, just shut the fuck up already!” came an angry response.

Several small objects appeared to be moving at the top of the plant now. They looked like leaves that were crawling along the bloom. “What are those?” Lisa asked Rachel.

“Um… I don’t know, let me look and see if there’s any information.” Rachel began leafing through screens again.

“There’s a lot of them, whatever they are.” Anity remarked as she fiddled with buttons on her turret. She smiled a satisfied smile as it appeared to power up. “Red lever turns it on.” She called to Lisa and Tom.

“Oh my god…” Rachel gasped from the balcony behind them. She was sitting on the balcony floor and staring at the display on her armguard.

“What? What is it?” Lisa asked, a bit more worried now.

“That’s a Novian Blood Flower!” She continued, “A real one! I didn’t know they were real! They were supposed to be either symbols of fertility or death for the Novians depending on which professor you asked. It was a hot debate topic in school.”

“Is it dangerous?” Tom asked, worried about his compatriots down below.

“Some transcriptions would say yes, others didn’t describe them that way at all.” Rachel replied. “The Novian gods were said to farm them and use their nectar as an aphrodisiac. Their gods had some dangerously wild parties with those flowers apparently.”

“Seriously?” Anity looked at the flower in disbelief not sure what to make of it now. “This is going to get interesting then isn’t it?”

Just then some of the moving leaves fell from the top of the plant. They opened as they fell revealing a small white body with a large mouth filled with long teeth that looked a bit like a venus fly trap. The leaves flapped like wings as the creatures descended towards the unsuspecting pirates below.

“Look up captain!” Tom yelled in his comm.

There was no response from the other end as the captain ignored him, but a couple of the pirates on the ground by the captain glanced upwards and faint shouts were heard all the way up on the balcony as these creatures touched down all around them. One leaped forward and lunged at the captain. The fly-trap like jaws clamped down on his arm and he screamed in pain.

“Shit they’re dangerous, shoot them!” Lisa called out in a panic as she spun her seat and pointed her turret in their direction. She gritted her teeth and squeezed what she assumed was a trigger. A bright yellow flash lit up the arboretum briefly. A bright beam intersected one of the creatures, searing it cleanly in half. Tom and Anity quickly joined in with their own cannons.

There was chaos now. The captain regained his composure and smashed the creature against the ground before stabbing it with his knife. Another pirate screamed as she was bitten too and the captain charged towards her to help as the creature flew off. Those two had been separated in the chaos from the others who were now retreating back towards the arboretum entrence.

Lisa and Tom were shouting about targets, Rachel was desperately trying to explain how to turn on their personal shields over the comm, Amanda who had been mostly silent was helping the two pirates on the ledge above them climb down to join the others on gunnery platform; commotion was everywhere with flashing lasers and other ancient weapons.

In the chaos the fighters had all lost sight of the captain. Those creatures didn’t appear to be harassing him any more though. Finally turning her attention back that way Anity witnessed a scene that surprised her. “What are they doing?” She asked between blaster shots.

“What’s who doing?” Lisa asked.

“The captain and that other pirate,” She responded, shooting another blast.

Lisa turned to view a confusing sight herself. “Are… they making out?”

Tom looked too now, “Captain are you okay?” He called out over the comm to no answer. The captain and the other pirate who had been bitten were locked tightly in each other’s arms now. The captain seemed to be tugging at his companion’s bikini bottom. While Tom initially feared for their safety, it appeared the creatures were acting hostile and almost looked to be guarding the two as they locked lips in a passionate frenzy.

“Rachel, is there any description of those creatures in your armband somewhere?” Lisa asked as the two pirates managed to remove each other’s pants now. The woman leaped up into her captain’s arms and locked her legs around him as they fell crashing to the ground. The pirate captain rolled on top of her and let out a satisfied groan as the two of them joined at the hip.

“Um… I’m checking.” Rachel replied as she started pressing buttons.

“There’s some coming this way now!” Anity warned. Sure enough a group of those creatures had begun to fly up towards the balcony. Anity began shooting at them, but they buzzed around quickly, mostly evading her fire. Lisa turned her gun towards them as well to help.

“Here it is!” Rachel interrupted, and began translating, “Flying… bite, mouth, add… love juice, no wait… venom. Plant… food or eat… no maybe swallow, sorry I’m not really sure.”

Another flash came from Lisa’s turret as she asked, “So those two got bit and they’re all horny now or something?”

Rachel thought for a second “Umm, yeah okay, that seems like it.”

“What’s the part about the plant?” Tom asked.

An orgasmic sound from the captain echoed through the arboretum as the two pirates held each other tightly. The couple paused only a moment to bask in their afterglow and then resumed their erotic romp.

“Umm, I don’t know.” Rachel replied and ducked as one of the flying creatures buzzed overhead. Amanda fired her pistol and sent the creature tumbling to the ground below.

“These are getting too close,” Tom cautioned in a worried tone.

“No shit, want to tell us something we don’t know?” Anity replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Less talking, more shooting!” Lisa warned. “I don’t want to end up on some horny romp.

“What’s so bad about that anyway?” Tom asked, seemingly in a genuine tone. “I mean I’m kind of jealous of the captain right now. I’m here shooting flying leaf creatures and he’s over there fucking and…”

“…Getting dragged away!” Anity interrupted.

Rachel peered over the edge of the balcony. Down below the captain and his female companion were still locked in a passionate embrace, but seemingly unaware they’d been wrapped in vines. Vines that appeared to be hoisting them up towards the opening at the top of the flower while the humped away unconcerned.

“Focus and shoot please!” Lisa commanded as another creature flew overhead. Two more landed on the railing nearby. One was blasted immediately by Rachel and the other lunged at Tom and nearly bit him before Amanda shot it dead.

To add to the chaotic scene there was screaming in the comm now too, “He’s been bit! Get it off of him!”

“We’re going to get overwhelmed before much longer!” Anity warned as she fired her turret again. “I can’t keep them both off of us and the group down below!”

“We really need to free the captain from those vines!” Tom shouted as he swung his turret and began shooting at the vines hauling the Captain up the side of the plant. He hit one causing the procession to pause briefly, but Lisa was forced to swing her turret wildly to shoot another creature that nearly bit him.

“Lisa what do we do?” Rachel asked in a stressed voice as she blasted a creature crawling along the railing towards Anity.


Option A: We need to focus on keeping ourselves safe first and foremost. Keep our balcony clear of those creatures!

Option B: Shoot the captain and his companion free before those vines drag them inside that plant!

Option C: That group on the floor is being overwhelmed already, we can’t afford to lose them too. Keep them safe!

Option D: This is getting out of control! Grab what you can and let’s retreat into the hallway we took to get here!”


Hi again everyone. 👋

Things have turned into a frenzied fight between the plants and our adventurers. Let me know your thoughts on what they should do next!

So my initial plan was to have a different type of trial down each corridor, but with one vote for teeth, one for arms, and a DM request for ropes, I did my best to incorporate them all into a single fight (which isn’t over yet!). Hope it works for everyone! 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, hope you all have a happy and sexy day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/skyuza/part_18_lisa_galaxia_trails_and_trials


  1. Yeah, That is a Clever Combination all Three. BUT, WOW, a Tough Choice…I Vote Option B, I am Worried that if they Get Eaten By the Main Plant, It will Rapidly Reproduce Much, Much, More Leaf Creatures!!!!

  2. So my prediction managed to be both true and wide off the mark at the same time, well played…
    I doubt that the creatures can reproduce that fast (don‘t giver her any ideas dude!) and both A and D sound like a bad choice: less allies, with the problem unsolved. So C it is, maybe together they can save themselves while the vines drag the couple to a romantic king size bed?😅
    Perhaps space Santa gets them all to safety!

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