I hooked up with a high schooler (who was my age) [MF]

Well this is awkward. It really took me a long time to name this story. This is also more comical than sexy.

He was- so weirdly- some of the best head of my life. I think I’ll always have a tiny crush on him.

I usually don’t name people in my stories but it got confusing so I’m calling high schooler “Sam.”

Technically Sam was six months younger than me, but I believe we were both 19 when we met. However he was a senior in high school and I was a junior in college. I skipped a grade once and he had been held back… A couple of times.

One weekend I had nothing to do and my good guy friend (who I’m going to call “Dave”) was like, “Come see my brother play football. He’s really good.”

“Like your high school brother? We’re going to your hometown to see him play?”

“Yeah! I’m telling you it’s fun to watch and he’s so cool to hang with.”

“I don’t want to go hang out with high schoolers,” I laughed.

“It’s not like that. We’ll hang out alone after if you want. But seriously, you might change your mind when you meet my brother. Everyone fucking loves Sam.”

So I go home with Dave and we go straight to this football game which had already started. We sit with his parents and they are cool AF. I mean that sincerely. They’re old southern hippies who are sneaking shots of whiskey in between plays and have a joint rolled for later.

Also, this high school kid I came to watch play football was REALLY good. Holy shit, Sam played offense and defense, and basically scored every other play. I had a fucking blast getting drunk with that family and cheering for this kid I didn’t knowZ

*Of course he was great at football. He was older than everyone.*

Their mom turns to me. “Are you dating Dave?”

“Oh no! I realize it’s so weird he took me home but I’m just here to hang. I had nothing to do this weekend.”

“Omg! You should date Sam! Y’all are about the same age.”

“You’re awesome,” I said, “but I am absolutely not dating your high school son.”

“You say that now, but everyone loves him when they meet him.”

“That’s what Dave said. He must be quite popular.”

His dad turns to me. “He’s the full package. Just like you.”

I like these people.

So after the game, Dave and I go get ice cream. They live in one of those small towns where everyone chills in the same place. We are still a little drunk.

Bro, when Sam walks in, heads turn and I see why. He’s not just high-school-hero-hot, he’s objectively hot.

*Yes, I realize I sound like a creep.*

Him and his brother hug and Sam joins us for a bit. Dave introduces us and I get a little gooey eyed when Sam smiles at me.

“Oh! The famous V,” he says. “I can’t tell if my brother is in love with you.”

“We’re just friends!” I say a little too quickly.

“Yeah, I figured he’s enough of an idiot not to ask you out. You’re gorgeous”.

*Cue high-pitched laughter.*

“Oh! I don’t… I don’t know about that!”

*Oh Jesus, V. What are you doing?*

We talk for a bit and I suddenly see why everyone is charmed by him. Dave offers to take us home. “V doesn’t want to hang with high schoolers,” he announces.

“It’s really ok!” I giggle. “We can do whatever.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Sam says. “I’m so sore I just want to chill at home and drink beer. What if we all just head back?”

I just smile and laugh with a nod. Dave rolls his eyes.

When we get in Dave’s car he turns to me. “Hey V?”


“Are you about to fuck my high school brother?”

“Omg. Shut up. I’m not as in love with him as everyone else in this town seems to be.”


Cut scene: the three of us are hanging with his parents on their porch. Their house is awesome. It’s cozy, artsy, and there is marijuana everywhere. We hang for hours and laugh harder than I have in years.

I cannot pinpoint the exact moment Sam starts flirting with me. He just keeps asking me questions about myself and seems genuinely interested by my life.

*He’s a little too fascinated by the amount I read. He probably shouldn’t be that enthralled by the thought of books.*

“It’s so cool you’re going to law school,” he says. “I’d love to do something like that.”

Dave snorts. “Graduate high school first.”

Idk, he’s uncomplicated but cute and fun. I am a bit too charmed.

His parents announce they’re going to bed, but tell me it’s been a lovely evening. Their mom turns to me, “We set you up in the guest bedroom by the way. Unless you’d rather stay in Sam’s room.”

My eyes get big. “What?”

“I can easily move you.” She is not kidding. I’m just not really used to this openness.

“No, I’m good.”

She shrugs and bids us goodnight.

I turn to Dave. “Your mom is just cool with y’all having girls in yall’s rooms?”

“Why wouldn’t she be? We should all probably head to bed anyway. Viola and I have to drive back in the morning.”

“Viola you should stay up! Have another drink!” Sam says a little too quickly.

*This is stupid. Say no. He’s in high school.*

I agree. Dave laughs as he tells me goodnight and shakes his head.

“You sure you don’t have a thing for my brother? Sam asks. “Would you if you were single?”

I eye him. “You’re trying to ask me if I’m single?”

“Oh no, if I was doing that I’d be much more smooth.”

“You’re in high school, kid.”

“Who cares?”

“I do! I’m a junior. In college. I’m an adult.”

“We’re the same age.”

“I think I’ll go to bed.”

“Yours or mine?”

“I thought you were smooth.”

“I usually am.” He sat back and smiled, “Maybe I’m a bit intimidated. That doesn’t happen often.”

“I’m… flattered but-“

He kissed me and it was really good. He put his hand to my face and then ran it through my hair. “You’re beautiful,” he said.

“Is that what you say to all the high school girls?”

“Come see my room.”

“I really can’t.”

He leaned over and kissed me again and this time things got a little more passionate. I let our legs touch and felt his hand in my thigh.

*God damn it. I can’t fuck a high schooler right?*

I pulled away a little flustered. I did not like how my body was reacting. Apparently my senses did not care he was in high school.

“Oh damn,” he smiled. “You actually do want me.”

“No I… are you always this confident?”

“I’m very good at sex.”

*I steal this line later when people ask me why I’m so confident.*

“I don’t really have random sex.”

“I would be happy with a quick make out session and cuddle.”


“Yeah,” he takes me hand and leads me to his room. And damn it, it’s actually a cool room, but so high school. He has a pet snake and a lava lamp.

A. Lava. Lamp.

He smiled and started kissing me. Our tender kiss quickly turned aggressive as he guided us back onto his bed. He got on top of me and put a hand around my face as he let his hips rub against me.

He bit my lip gently and then put a hand to my breast and pushed them up so he could bury his head at the top of them.

*Aren’t high schoolers supposed to be bad at this?*

“This theoretically wouldn’t be your first time right?” I asked him.

He reared his head back and laughed. “What? No.”

“You’re in high school.”

“I play football in a small town. I… do this a lot.”

*Fair point.*

He went back to kissing my neck and started moving his hand to my to unbutton my jeans.

I stopped him. “We can’t have sex.”

“Oh really? Ok, Miss V. What exactly can I do for you?” He moved his mouth down and kissed between my legs.

*Well fuck.*

“Not much I’m afraid.”

He continued kissing that general area and wouldn’t break eye contact.

*He did do this a lot. Did this kid fuck more than me?*

“That’s a shame,” he said. “There’s something I want to do.”

“No, no,” I breathed.

He let a hand creep up my shirt. “What about this? Is this ok?”

I nodded as he moved to take my shirt off. He threw it away and went back to kissing my chest. I reached to take his shirt off and he looked a little too smug as he pulled it over his head.

*Holy abs, Mr. Football. Is this a fucking Euphoria episode?*

I’m pretty sure my mouth fell open as I studied his body. He laughed at me.

“You ok over there, college girl?”

“Shut up… You… Well… can I touch your abs.”

“No but you can lick them.”

*Oh fuck me. He was beautiful.*

I licked his abs slowly from bottom to top. He shuddered and played with my hair while I did it. “It’s a shame we can’t fuck, Viola. I’d really like you to see moan.”

*Shut up, high schooler. Not only did I not fuck in high school, I thought dirty talk was saying “Perhaps we should make love.”*

I let my hands run around his shoulder and down his chest. I circled his belly button and finally reached below to grab him through his jeans.

*Oh my…*

He let out one breath and then lunged at me, moving my legs around him and pinning me to the mattress.

“You sure I can’t fuck you?” He asked as his hand shot beneath my bra.

I tried to explain why he couldn’t, but as he squeezed and fondled me it came out more as a series of gasps.

He dry humped me like that for a while as he put his mouth to mine and let me moan into him.

“I wish I could,” I breathed. “I really do.”

“Let me go down on you.”

“I can’t-“

He put his head back between my legs and smiled as he rubbed me. “I’m really good at it.”

*Oh fuck.*


He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off in one motion. He pulled my underwear down and dove into me… like, actually dove.

I did not have high expectations.

First off, I had just generally not had many men do this at the time. I think I had only had two other guys even try it. Second, he was in fucking high school.

I laid back and prepared for disappointment as I studied the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling.

*Because high school.*

He smiled at me once before he kissed both my thighs and put a finger inside me. He licked me very, very slowly from bottom to top and made me whimper.

*Hot damn, what is happening?*

“I… You don’t have to…”

He stopped. “Should I stop? Why are you nervous?”

“I haven’t done this very much.”


I shrugged. “Not with men anyway.”

“I’ve done this a bunch,” he smiled. “Let me do this.”

He started licking me again. At first it was very slowly. He reached a hand up to play with my breast as he did it.

“Fuck,” I cried.

He kept going, fingering me as he sped up.

*Well this is a surprise.*

I was not expecting to orgasm. Really. I was planning on just chilling like this for a while. However, his tongue worked fucking wonders and caught me off guard. I heard myself moan and he threw a hand over my mouth.

“My mom is a light sleeper,” he whispered.

*Of course. Because we were in his home with his parents. Because he was in high school.*

This probably should have taken me out of the moment. In any other case it would have, but the boy had a gift.

The moment his tongue was back on me I went to the edge. Also, having to stay quiet only adds to the pleasure.

And so… I came.

Fuck, I came very slowly and had to put a pillow over my face to stop myself from screaming.

*That was unexpected.*

He came back up to kiss me. “Let me have sex with you,” he whispered as he put his hand back in between my legs. “I promise I’m really good at it.”

“I believe you,” I laughed.

*Side note: I didn’t really think so back in the day, but today I would say oral sex is sex. I had a warped view back then. At the time this would have been very odd for me though. I did not casually hookup often on any level.*

I pushed him back on the bed and let him pull his pants down.

*He had a very large penis. His confidence was making sense.*

When I took him in my mouth he put his hand in my hair but didn’t press me down. He was actually super tender and sweet.

I smiled at him before taking him all the way in my mouth and slowly bobbed up and down. He said my name as his breathing quickened and I watched his face change as he moaned.

“Where do you want me to come?” He asked as he lightly pulled my hair.

“I swallow.”

He did not last very long. One of the benefits of fucking at 19, I suppose.

I had every intention of going back to that guest room, but he insisted we cuddle for at least a while.

We fell asleep.

I woke him up early the next morning and told him I was going to sneak back to the guest room before his family woke up.

“We need to keep hanging out,” he said. “You’re like the coolest girl I’ve ever met.”

“I think you’re just in high school, love. You have many cool girls to meet.”

His mom caught me sneaking back from his room and I froze.

“Do you want coffee?” She asked.

“Um… yes,” I mumbled as I tried to get away before dying of embarrassment.

“I hope he was a gentleman,” she called. “I assume so based on the noises, but he better not have made it all about him.”

Oh fuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/skxm77/i_hooked_up_with_a_high_schooler_who_was_my_age_mf


  1. Alternate title:
    ~~My minds telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me yesssss! lmao

    But damn, your stories are so surreal, feel like I’m watching a movie. You have very strong Main Character energy! Another one for the books Ms. V kudos!

  2. You’ve said “I’m very good at sex” like a dozen times. It’s practically your catch phrase. And it’s not original? Tisk tisk

  3. You might possibly be the best writer on this sub, I have been addicted to your stories

  4. Are you still in touch with Sam? Or do you at least know what happened with him? Also based on what you’ve hinted at with your upbringing his parents must have thrown you for as much of a loop as the kid’s skill set.

  5. This was laugh out loud funny at some points! I can’t say I’ve had that happen on this sub before

  6. Am I the only one not turned on by the coercive nature of this escapade?

  7. Too many lines in this that tickled my fancy or warmed my heart. I think this story is about as wholesome as sexy gets.

    I wish I knew what books you have written, OP, so that I could indulge my literary side.

  8. Omg I’m fucking **DYING** this is easily funnier than the *“why is this working??”* guy

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