Poolside Games – MF-(MF?) Teasing, Orgasm Control, Public.

She woke up to find the sun brightly shining through the window. She had awoken late after last night’s devious and energetic activities.

Laid out on the dresser were a white one-piece bathing suit, and a pink remote vibrator. On top of the bathing suit was a handwritten note “put it in, and join me by the pool.”

Dutifully, she donned the bathing suit and got a towel, put her hair up and located her sunglasses and paperback book. Before leaving, she walked to the bed and picked up the vibrator, wetting it with her mouth before pushing it past her peachfuzz covered pussy lips. It slipped in easily, lubricated by his cum from last night.

She strolled through the hotel hallways in her swimsuit and flip flops, and out to the pool. The Hawaiian sun shined down, and she found a lounge chair next to him. They were not alone today, the pool area was crowded with other couples of all ages.

After stretching out and putting on sunscreen, she opened her book to find another note:

“No matter what happens, enjoy yourself.”

She smiled to herself, they had played similar games in public before.

Daddy got up and walked to the bar. As he walked away, she thought she felt alittle life in the vibrator in her pussy, but it quickly went away and she dismissed it. Shortly after, he returned with tropical drinks for them both.

She opened her book and started to read, still curious what game he was playing. She looked around, and realized she was in the minority with her paperback book, almost everyone was on their phones.

As the sun crept across the sky, she nearly forgot the inactive vibrator inside her.

“I’m going to swim a few laps” Daddy said, taking off his sunglasses and walking towards the pool.

As she watched him wade into the water, she was suddenly surprised as a vibrator came to life. She kept her eyes glued to Daddy swimming, wondering how he could be controlling it when his phone was sitting on the chair next to her.

The vibrator’s stimulation intensified, like waves breaking on a beach. She gripped her book, confused but unable to deny that it felt amazing. She felt her nipples harden under the bathing suit until her arousal was obvious to any observant onlookers.

She bit her lip, struggling to maintain composure as Daddy swam…that is, until a realization hit her. Who was controlling it?

She looked around the pool, looking for clues and finding none. There were dozens of men and women, all on their phones, eyes hidden by dark sunglasses. Who was controlling it, who was watching her struggle to maintain composure?

She crossed her legs as the moisture built between her pussy lips, squeezing her thighs and stimulating her clit.

Her knuckles were bright white, clenching the book tightly as the pleasure increased inside her, like it was stimulating her entire being, every nerve tingling under the hot sun.

She watched Daddy swim back and forth, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of a total stranger teasing and tormenting her in public.

Suddenly, she felt the vibrator begin to intensify again, starting its slow throbbing progression up to the peak. Her cheeks flushed red, her skin felt like it was on fire, and she dropped her book and just gripped the chair, letting the orgasm overtake her. She bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood as she quivered and shook, trying and largely failing to maintain some semblance of composure.

She didn’t know who was watching, she didn’t know which of the other guests was her momentary master, but she let it happen.

For almost ninety seconds, she trembled and writhed, almost imperceptibly, in her lounge chair, her mind totally blank as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Finally, the vibrator’s power started to subside, and she slowly opened her eyes behind her sunglasses.

As she came down, she realized her face and chest were covered in sweat. Sipping her cocktail, she watched Daddy get out of the pool with a tiny smirk on his devilish face.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/skjewr/poolside_games_mfmf_teasing_orgasm_control_public