[FM] Late nights in the law school library [part 2]

Here’s [part 1!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sk6egn/fm_late_nights_in_the_law_school_library_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)

Once again, I know it’s kinda vanilla and slow-burning, but I know some of you dig it :)

I went home that night after studying, crawled into bed and gazed silently up at my ceiling – replaying it over and over again in my head. Was this wishful thinking? Maybe it’s arrogant of me to assume he was staring. And the smirk? Maybe that’s just his face. Maybe best to let it go – or maybe best to try and get some definitive proof. The plan was to meet up again at the library tomorrow night – so I had time to decide how to play this. I felt myself fall asleep, recounting again and again how it felt when his eyes landed on my tits; how my nipples reacted excitedly, and the potent mix of nerves, embarrassment, and desire that washed over me.

I spent the entire day trying to decide what to wear. I didn’t want to come on too strong, but I also didn’t want to risk losing the moment to subtlety. I decided on a thin little floral sundress that buttoned down the front. I undid the top button and stared at myself in the mirror. The tops of my tits were peeking out and if I moved my shoulders the right way, the black lace trim of my bra came into full view. Good, I thought to myself. This should get some answers.

I nervously made my way to the library and when my hand went for the door, I felt a new feeling: terror. I was suddenly mortified at myself for doing this. What if I *was* making it up? What if I learn tonight that he wasnt interested and I’m making a fool of myself? Oh well. Too late now – already a few minutes late. So I took a deep breath and braced myself and strolled into the library.

I saw him sitting at a table in the back of the library and made my way over. I sat down and tried to make some pleasant small talk. But instead all I could do was watch as the smirk on his face grew larger, staring hard now – no mistaking it. I felt myself blush and began to trip over my words and once again felt my desperate nipples beg and press against my bra and with a quick glance down, could see that they were pushing up through my unlined bra and were now pressing up against my dress. Yesterday I could feel him looking at me, today I can feel him undressing me with his eyes and can also feel that he knows I want him to.

My mind is racing. This guy is a smug jerk who, even when trying his hardest, can’t explain a legal concept without making me feel a little stupid for even asking. He wants to do big time corporate law and quietly and playfully scoffed when I told him I wanted to do public interest law. But maybe that’s it. Maybe I want to prove to him that despite my bleeding-heart tendencies and lack of contract law prowess I can still make him want something from me.

Ok, I thought: let’s do it.

We start talking through the chapter and practice problems, but now I have a new strategy. Whenever I ask him a question about something, before he can say anything, I shift my shoulders and let my dress slide down just a bit. I watch to make sure he’s looking, wait a moment, and then ask the question again to signal that I know he’s distracted and hasn’t answered me yet. He doesn’t fluster easily, but I catch glimpses of it. His signature smirk falters occasionally when I catch him staring – and that’s enough for me to keep at it.

About an hour into our session, I decide to up the ante. I reach down into my bag to ‘grab a pen’ and let the second button from the top (which was already on thin ice – 34Gs behind buttons are a dangerous game) catch on the table and pop open. I feel another flush rush over me, but I play it cool and pretend not to notice. My bra is on full display. It’s lacy and black and makes my cleavage look phenomenal. I glance up to see that he hasn’t noticed yet. So I ask a question and watch his head tilt up to look at me and freeze. For the first time I see him lose his cool. The smirk vanishes momentarily and for just an instant he’s putty in my hands: fully transfixed.

I figure this is the tipping point. My number one question is to see if he says anything. It’s possible he’ll tell me as a courtesy that my dress is undone, but I’m hoping otherwise. I want to watch him ogle me while he thinks I don’t know about the undone button. And amazingly, he does just that. His tone shifts a bit for the rest of the session as I watch him struggle to look away from me. I subtly press my arms against my tits and watch his eyes lock on and hear him fumble his words. Having this kind of power is brand new to me. Watching this guy who radiates smug confidence at every turn get weak over my goody-two-shoes bleeding-heart-liberal tits is the sexiest I have ever felt.

As the session wraps up, I make my final move of the evening. I make sure he’s looking at me and then I look down at my dress.

“Oh! I didn’t notice my button had failed!”

I look back up at him, hold his eye contact for a few seconds and then finally reach down to button my dress back up, making sure to graze my hands across my nipples and linger there for just a moment. He doesn’t say anything, his eyes are glued to me.

“Walk me back to my place?” I say.

He stutters but then composes himself:
“Oh yeah. I think it’s on my way home.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/skgk9f/fm_late_nights_in_the_law_school_library_part_2