Rogues New Beginnings: Prologue

Name: Aria Voiceless

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Weight: 44 kg

Height: 152 cm

Crimes committed: Arson, degradation of a noble, decapitation of a noble, exposing herself in public, identity theft, rape, …

Aria sighed reading the list.

Despite trying to stay calm, her eyes were filled with panic. Even the slightest touch would be enough to give the poor girl a heart attack.

“Half of those are bullshit!”

She protested, slamming her hand against the paper. She was a petite girl who seemed to have no strength, but despite that, a loud thud echoed through the room. She was no little girl but a skilled rogue.

Across her was sitting a handsome man whose face looked somewhat concerned. He was wearing a simple dark cloak and a white shirt underneath. His shoulders were broad and despite not being able to see it, his build surely was muscular. All that and his shortly trimmed beard with shoulder-length, blond hair made for a pleasant sight.

His name was Lucas.

“That’s what you get for messing with nobles… Do you know what it all means?”

This time he was the one sighing.

“Public execution… right?”


The girl understandably had a sour expression on her face. Who wouldn’t?

“I have a proposition. You wouldn’t know it, but the guy you killed was a big pain in the ass to a certain family. Because of you, they didn’t have to get their hands dirty.”

Naturally, Aria listened to the man like her life depended on him. Because it did.

She nodded before a faint spark of hope appeared in her eyes.

“They have daughters who wanna try adventuring. You’re gonna be their companion and a bodyguard. You won’t get paid for it and you will act as their long-lost cousin. Are you in?”

The girl swiftly stood up, pushing away the chair she was sitting on, and slammed her hands against the table. Her expression was that of a child finding their lost teddy bear.

“Fuck yes! Whose cock do I need to suck for this? I’ll give him the best head of his life!”

The man giggled as his expression softened.

“That appears to be difficult. Your savior doesn’t have anything for you to suck, or at least not in their pants.”

It took a second for Aria to understand what Lucas meant, but when she did, she tilted her head. The gears in her head spun quickly as she scanned her memory. A noble family that’s run by a woman…

There was only one person she could think of, Elisabeth. A ginger beauty whose face and chest adorned numerous freckles. Her curvy body fuels the lust of everyone she’s around, men or women, family or not. They say it’s because of a Fertility Blessing although she never confirmed those rumors.

Besides being an object of lust, she’s also a queen of a small, neighboring country known for its chocolate and other sweets. As well as its progressive politics.

Another reason for suspecting she’s under a Blessing is her family’s lineage. Ever since the beginning of records, the Whitefox household had never given birth to a boy.

“Oh, that’s gonna be fun.”
