Back To His Roots: Chapter 8

Haskill placed the phone receiver down calmly and took a deep breath before standing from his chair abruptly, flinging a stack of papers across the floor of the dank office. He paced the floor repeatedly, muttering to himself.
“Wiped off the map? Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouted.
Somewhere in his ramblings, his brain tweaked and an idea came to him. His plan would be a two pronged approach, but first he needed the manpower to do the job. He crossed the room and placed his pudgy hand on the phone receiver and speed dialled an unmarked number on his phone. It rang.
“Goulburn Correctional Facility.” the voice answered.
“It’s Haskill, Queanbeyan Country Racing.” he replied.
“Transferring you now.” they answered.
The phone beeped as the lines connected and it wasn’t long until Haskill heard a familiar voice.
“Special services. How can I help you.” the female answered.
“It’s Haskill. I need some bodies for a job.” he explained.
“Again? You only got one recently.” she replied.
“Yes and they uncovered some very important information for me. Now I need four more capable bodies to finish the job.” he said.
“FOUR!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, four. I want two for muscle, someone with a history in explosives, and a tech person.” he said.
She sighed down the phone line, the hairs on Haskill’s neck stood on end.
“Okay. I’ll make it happen. Wire the money and no more for the rest of the year.” she explained.
Haskill grinned like a chubby chipmunk, knowing that the end of the year was mere months away, but he dare not say a word.
“Okay. Send them to the usual location. Thank you.” he said, hanging the phone up.
He walked back to his chair and sat down, belting out a hearty laugh.
“See you soon Drew.” he chuckled.

The construction of the tunnel was completed in a matter of weeks while Andy and Jake worked hard with David and Roy to keep things ticking over on the race course. Basic duties continued to get done with little fuss and with Jakes help, tasks were being completed in a timely manner due to his superior organisational skills. After a few weeks of hard work, Jake decided to head into work at his scheduled time instead of his regular eary starts.
He awoke that morning from his slumber to a knocking at the front door of his new home. He crossed the polished wooden floor to the living room in his briefs and looked through the peephole to see Bree standing excitedly at the door.
“Open up!” she shouted, hearing Jake on the other side.
He obliged and opened the door.
“Hey Bree. Come in.” he said, holding the door for her.
She graciously accepted and walked into the living room.
“To what do I owe the honor of your prescence this morning?” he asked.
She stared, fixated on his package and Jake noticed her distraction, looking down at the glamorous morning glory that he presented her with.
“Oh sorry bout that. Sit down.” he said, staring at his woody.
It obediently began to recede to it’s normal, still very modest size and Bree looked on in awe.
“Well, I had something I wanted to run by you and thought that we could discuss it on the way to work, or….now?” she asked.
“Sure thing. How about I have a shower while you tell me?” he said.
Bree shook her head.
“Oh no, I couldn’t concentrate with you in there, naked, the soap suds, the….oh god I need to sit down.” she said, knees shaking.
Jake smiled and took her hand, assisting her to the nearby loveseat.
“Okay, well wait here then and I’ll be out in five.” he laughed, heading to the bathroom.
“Wait here? Like hell. I’m not missing this.” she thought.
Once she heard the water turn on, Bree stood from the lounge and stealthily crept down the hallway. The bathroom door was conveniently ajar and she peeked inside. Steam erupted from the shower and Bree could see his silhouette through the glass. She glanced at the bay of switches on the wall, noticing that the exhaust fan wasn’t turned on and she sneakily and silently flicked it on. The steam began to clear and Jake’s god-like stature came into full view. He washed under his arm pits and then gently caressed his abdomen as he washed it. Bree bit her bottom lip as she squatted in the doorway and hitched her skirt a little to gain access to her tingling pussy. She rubbed gently as she watched Jake spend an extremely long time washing his genitals and let out a silent gasp. He moved his hand around to his bottom, turning it towards her as soap suds ran down the cheeks and onto his legs. He turned once more, his penis swinging freely in the water.
“So should we discuss this now or once we are in the car?” Jake asked, pressing his penis against the glass jokingly.
Bree froze like a deer in headlights, her finger still on her tingling nub.
“Busted!” Jake laughed as he turned off the water.

Bree fired up the engine of her Audi as Jake ate his yoghurt and granola breakfast in the passenger seat.
“So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” he asked, dipping his spoon into the creamy white substance and bringing it to his mouth.
“Well I have a proposal that I want to put forward to Steve this morning in a meeting and I would love it if you can could be there with me? Steve really likes you and I think your opinion would carry a lot of weight with him.” she explained.
Jake finished up the last mouthful of his breakfast and sat the container in his lap.
“Well I can’t agree until I know what it is you’re proposing Bree.” Jake remarked.
“Oh that’s right.” she said, flustered that she forgot to even mention her idea.
“Well remember a while ago I mentioned having functions outside of race days?” she asked.
Jake nodded in acknowledgment.
“Well I think that a rave party could be a good draw to bring the younger crowd to the track. We could book a DJ, it could be limited to one room upstairs and we could staff the event. What do you think?” she asked.
Jake nodded as he pondered the idea.
“You know, I think that could be a good idea. It could bring in money for the club, younger people who aren’t likely to ever set foot at the race course could get a bit of exposure to the club. There doesn’t really appear to be a down side.” Jake explained, now sitting in the meeting room beside Bree and Andy, across from Steve and Drew.
Steve rocked back in his chair, gauging the expressions of all his employees. Drew dropped his papers on the table and shook his head.
“I just can’t be in favour of this. We have important work going on and we can’t have a bunch of intoxicated people using the lift.” he said.
“Well we only need to use one room. We can just use the room on the northern end of the building. It has exterior steps directly to the room.” Jake countered.
“No, it just isn’t going to work. The High Stakes Bar takes priority and a ‘little rave party’ is only going to slow the work down.” Drew said with authority.
Drew’s words cut into Bree, her confidence waivered, a blow that Jake noticed. It was time for Jake to engage his secret weapon; Andy. All it would take is a little prodding at Drew to engage Andy.
“You keep saying that Drew, but I’ve counted hundreds of workers here every day and they work round the clock. The bar should have been completed by now if that was the case. What’s the hold up?” Jake smartly asked.
Drew squinted angrily.
“Listen new guy. That is none of your business. Why are we even entertaining the opinion of a ground worker?” Drew asked, appealing to Steve.
“Watch ya fuckin mouth cunt.” Andy retorted.
“I don’t come in here and put you down.” he added.
Drew held his hands out to his side.
“Yes you do! You do it every day! Multiple times.” He said.
“Yeah well…shut the fuck up.” Andy said.
Jake smirked as Steve looked about the room and took a nip of something from a silver flask before sitting forward once more.
“Bree. What type of people would attend this event?” Steve asked.
“Well umm, the younger crowd, pretty much the eighteen to twent-”
“DONE! The rave will go ahead. I’ll see to it personally that every single person has the time of their life.” he said standing from his chair and making his way to the door.
“Party, party, party. Hold my calls, Daddy’s going to get a massage!” Steve’s voice echoed as he left the office.
Drew shot an angry look to Bree and Jake and then stood up from his chair, leaving in a huff.
“Cunt must be on the rag.” Andy joked.
“I’m not on the rag!” echoed Drew from his office before the door slammed shut.
“We did it? It’s happening? Yiiiiiiiiii!” Bree squealed as she wrapped her arms around Jake and kissed him on the cheek.
Andy rolled his eyes at the display and made his way to the door.
“Can’t believe you let her kiss you. Sicko.” Andy scoffed, making his exit.

Haskill curiously turned up the volume on his pocket radio as he heard mention of Capital Racing Club.
“That’s right! This weekend, one night only. Come on over to Capital Racing Club for a night you won’t forget. Bring your glow sticks, bring your friends and bring your dr…..well, don’t tell us about those but bring them too. This weekend, the rave to end all raves.”
The radio fizzed out as Haskill slammed it on his table.
“A rave! Why didn’t we think of that?” he shouted.
“Barbera. Send Bruce in here!” he shouted down the phone line.
Moments later a well dressed, elderly man entered the room, clutching a cup of tea and biscuit.
“You wanted to see me Haskill?” Bruce asked.
“A rave! Capital Racing Club is holding a rave. Why don’t we have ideas like that coming out of here?” he asked.
Bruce stumbled a moment at the shock of being questioned on this.
“Well, I wouldn’t know about raves. That doesn’t strike me as something that the kids would want to do today. You sit tight, I’ll organise an event that will be sure to draw the crowds of young people. Their rave will fail.” he smirked.
Haskill took a deep breath and exhaled a tired sigh through his cracked lips.
“What do you propose?” he asked.
“How about a kite flying day? And we will finish it off with a marbles tournament, winner takes all.” Bruce suggested.
Haskill rolled his eyes.
“Bruce.” he said, grabbing his attention swiftly.
“You’re fired.”
