One of my hard limits is a very common fantasy [FM]

This is going to be purely comical btw. I’ve been getting too deep lately and working on a couple of stories that get rough.

*Btw, if this is your kink, you get no shame or judgement from me. It’s just not personally my thing.*

So I get real weird in bed. Although I have hard limits, it’s actually been pretty rare a partner has suggested something I wasn’t down for.

Except this one thing…

The first dude I ever fucked once asked if he could spank me. I was all about it. I would soon learn I love getting spanked. He full on bent me over his knee (*hot*) and fondled my ass for a solid minute before he just reared his hand back and went for it. I was so fucking turned on. He asked me if I liked it and I said absolutely.

“Then say thank you, daddy.”

*Oh. Um…*

This was before I understood I could set boundaries and went to too great of lengths to please. So I awkwardly stumbled into possibly the least sexy sentence I have ever uttered during sex, “Oh ok, thanks dad.”

“Wait what?” He said. “No, say ‘thank you *daddy.*’”

*Side note: saying someone has daddy issues is a fucking sexist trope that needs to die. This fetish has NOTHING to do with parental figures. That being said, I’m super close to my dad and I cannot say “daddy” without thinking of him. This is the LAST place I want to do that. It KILLS it for me.*

Still, I am a trooper and want to make him happy so I grit my teeth and say, “Um ok, thank you daddy.”

Afterward he was like, “That was so hot!”

Whoa boy, I really avoided spanking with him after that. This is why communication is key.

Years later I was fucking my boyfriend in his office. Bro, he was looking powerful AF in that suit and he straight up fucked me on his desk. It was so hot and I was close to orgasm until he said, “Come for me baby, come for daddy.”

*Oh dear god. Can’t you just call me a whore? You can tell me I’m a worthless slut. Tell me you’re going to use every one of my holes for your pleasure. ANYTHING but that.*

Instead of saying this, I awkwardly try to change the subject. “You look so hot right now. I’ve wanted to fuck you all day.”

He brought us right back. “I bet you have. You like how daddy looks. Can you come for daddy?”

That is when mid-fuck I say, “The thing is I actually kind of can’t. Can I, um, not say that?”

He kind of laughs and just says, “Can I call you baby girl?”


*Again this man is inside of me while we’re having this convo.*

“…The thing is if ‘baby girl’ is in the context of ‘daddy’ I’d rather you not.”

We still finished, but had a talk after and he never did that again.

I once dated a guy who was obsessed with going down on me. He was EXCELLENT at it too. There was only ONE thing that could have ruined it.

We were in is car and he was bringing me to the edge. He was a magician with that damn tongue. He asked me to explain how good it feels and I told him how I was about to die from how my whole body was reacting.

“Daddy takes care of his baby girl.”

*Oh no…*

“I’m actually good,” I said.

“Wait, I want to make you come!” He looked shocked.

“I um… please just don’t call yourself daddy.”

“Oh cool.”

He continued.

When the man who would eventually become my husband and I started having rough sex I was explaining what I liked in bed. He was like, “All of that sounds doable… just like, you’re not going to call me daddy, right?”

*Thank god.*

This was absolutely not meant as a kink shame btw. If this is your thing, go daddy the hell out of your sex partner. I just CANNOT do it. Hard, hard limit.



  1. I’m into calling guys daddy, but I always ask them before I do, and I always ask BEFORE we have sex. If we’re already having sex, I wait until pillow talk after we’re done and take notes for next time.

  2. >“Oh ok, thanks dad.”

    I can literally hear this in my head lmao but props to any guy that can continue after hearing this, you guys are fucking built different!!!

  3. I thank my lucky stars every day that I’ve never had any of my partners call me daddy.

  4. As a father of 2 girls, getting called “daddy” during sex has NEVER been a turn on for me.

  5. I’m into it, but only because I call my dad something else, in a different language. If it were a term I actually used with a parent, I’d feel weird too. But I never use “daddy” in a non-sexual way, so to speak.

  6. Guy here. Being called daddy makes me soft. It’s definitely a no go for me

  7. Yup. My wife is the same way. She just thinks that’s weird and creepy. We’re kinky as fuck in our own way, but anything but that.

    Being in the BDSM scene for a good 22 years now, I’ve seen quite a lot of that kind of thing where super common kinks are hard limits for some people, even the filthiest players you’ve ever met.

  8. Wish I’d met you when I was single, this kills stuff for me too. Especially now I’m a parent myself for real. Go you!

  9. I have a daughter, she calls me Dad….. still I cannot do the daddy thing… hell no , on the baby girl. I know it has a different meaning in ”popular” culture….. rule me out ….

  10. Good news for you in not into the whole daddy thing either 😉

    Jokes aside I think its weird (to hear, nor kink shaming) and I just don’t like it at all.

  11. I’m with you. It’s not a hard limit, but it’s certainly not my thing. I understand it’s (usually) not about actual incest but still.

    P.S. “thanks dad” must be the boner kill of the century!

  12. So THAT is when you figured that he was the one lol


    j/k I laughed out loud when you said “thanks dad”

  13. Communication is key, yeah. I’m in my mid forties and started over with everything about five years ago, when I met my now wife.

    Before we came together, I made sure we’d talked about everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. We had to go all in. She has a child, we lived 4 hours apart. We needed to move in together right away for ex-partner reasons. So we had every talk imaginable beforehand. We were brutally honest. It worked.

    Thus I know that I can tell her to come to Daddy. Or that she isn’t turned off when I threaten to fuck her ass or lick her like a dog would. It really helps to be open. And not being young anymore helped us with that.

  14. I’m sorta into it, but because that’s one of the hats we wear. Ask Daddy if it’s okay, what did Mommy say, Daddy did a good job didn’t he.. for us it’s not calling that person your dad and infantilising yourself, it’s more about that other part of who you are

  15. I like being called daddy, but would never ask her mid sex or call myself it. Rather discuss it before, then only do it, to avoid such awkwardness.

  16. On the same side for this one: I get the dynamic, and I’m down with that. But any parental references? Please no. Come up with *any other* male authority figure, and I’ll gladly roleplay for you. Teacher, boss, gym trainer, commanding businessman ordering a complicated latte from a hapless barista, whatever. Just not “daddy”.

  17. Great story. Thank you! And the thing is, I hate being called daddy during any interaction with a woman… except for this one time.

    I made a small pun joke in a LS-ish online group. Someone said something that caused me to say my super power is to make my wife roll her eyes and say “that’s not funny”. She said it sounded like dad jokes were my real super power. I responded “Ok, if you insist, you can call me daddy.”

    She never has. :)

  18. Gotta tell you ..while in the process, if a girl calls me daddy….lose my hard on….big turn off , just associate it with incest…not my cup of tea

  19. OMGGG thank you. This 100% is a thing for me too. And yeah it seems a bit out of place for kinky women who like all sorts of things to absolutely be horrified by saying or hearing “Daddy” during a sexual encounter. Hard limit.

  20. I once dated a girl who happens to be a wonderful person, a great masseuse and still a good friend, who, while in bed would refer to me as daddy. Yup, it’s weird to me too. It’s also hard for me to tolerate this type of kink in public. I was selling RV’s and a man came in with his baby girl. I heard him call her baby girl about 20 times before telling him to just stop. I DID wait until after we ran his credit. Ha! I read lots of daddy stuff here on Reddit as well so yeah, I realize it’s a big kink for some. We’re novice LS’ers and we ALWAYS pass up anyone even using the word “daddy” or “baby girl”. Maybe for different reasons….but I get it!

  21. Saying daddy during sex feels like a pretty new trend to me – doesn’t mean it’s a new thing to do but that is currently *much more popular than ever*. And I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.

    Now I see your italic text above but with apologies I have to disagree. This whole call me daddy thing seems to correlate with the deeply annoying trend of ‘step’ incest porn all over the place. I highly doubt that everyone the does it actually wants to have incestuous relations and really they mean daddy as ‘big strong men in charge’ but I do think that’s where the transgressive thrill of the fantasy/nomenclature comes from. We need to find new ways to get that rule breaking rush as more and more things become mundane.

    And anyway, even if I’m wrong (total conjecture on all our parts) man do I hate it. Anything even hinting at incest is a total boner killer for me. I really can’t wait for it to be over and I’m glad I’m married so I don’t need to worry about a one night stand blurting it out.

  22. Add me to the not into it group.

    Actually laughed out loud at thanks dad. Reading this on my phone at work. Good thing I’m the only one here this early.

  23. That’s completely your right, as a guy I’m not really into it either, just seems weird but it’s good to hear you come up with alternatives like whore slut etc LOL
    You do you and what makes you feel good my friend

  24. I wish this “daddy” stuff would go away fast. Men have no idea that when we say that,v we actually think of our real father and that personally is a huge turn off for me

  25. To me that’s a funky thing to not like, but if you imagine your dad whenever hearing that word, then I understand because that just makes things real weird lol. As long as your partner is cool with it (probably still wants to say it for some kind of dominance thing), then I’d don’t see an issue with not saying that word. Still think it’s funky to not like that. Have a nice day and keep up the sexy stories.

  26. >“Oh ok, thanks dad.”

    This is “You like that, you fucking retard?!”-level comedy 😂

  27. As a single guy that doesn’t have kids…

    yeah, don’t like being called “daddy.” Gets me into a panic honestly.

  28. I’m so with you on this. If it’s your kink then have at it. But I’d straight up lose wood if I got called daddy in the middle of sex.

  29. Communication is key. It’s too bad so many people have a problem having these conversations early on. Otherwise people just have to guess/assume what’s acceptable. Which can lead to some very embarrassing situations.

  30. How do the girls (and guys) get on with ‘Mummy’ or ‘Mumma’ being used in intimate communication?

  31. I am 100% aligned with you in this.

    If others dig it, go on as long as you ain’t hurting anyone.

    But this is a big nope for me personally.

  32. I am the same. I love all the kinks associated with this. Spanking, age play, rough sex, dubcon. But calling a man Daddy sets my teeth on edge even though I have my own father related issues

  33. Being called Daddy is such a turn off for me that it’s thr safewird my partner uses. Nothing stops me faster and knocks me out of the mood then that.

  34. I don’t have kids, I never want kids, and I LOVE being called Daddy. Go figure 🤷‍♂️ I don’t think I could do DDlg role play if I was a dad, it would be too creepy.

  35. I really like referring to my man as “daddy” and being told or telling him I’m his “good girl” (gets me wet just thinking about it). But I completely understand the aversion people have to it as well. My bf used to hate being called it too, but then one day a switch flipped and he’s loved it ever since. This was before we got together so idk how it happened for him but I’m glad it did.

    The way I see it is this. My father is my “dad”, but my man? He’s definitely daddy!😍

    Sounds like you have something great for you and that’s what’s important. Keep loving and communicating with each other well and I’m sure it’ll last ❤️

  36. Same. Total hard limit. You want to go down the power exchange road with titles? Call me “Mr. NewChoice.”

  37. I can relate to this so much!! I cannot use “daddy” or “papi”. That’s what I used to call my dad when I was younger and sometimes now that I am older too. And I hold that dear to my heart because it reminds me of the moments that I spend with my dad.

    I discussed it with my fiancé early in the relationship and we both agreed it wasn’t for us. He can call me whatever he wants but don’t refer to me as a child.

  38. It took me a really long time to become comfortable with integrating Daddy into my sexual dialogue. I had friends who love it and said it regularly and it just never took for me. If we’re being honest I thought it was kind of creepy.

    It wasn’t until my current partner made me comfortable enough to start exploring my kinks that the word started to feel less uncomfortable and align with my desires. I think this has a lot to do with compatibility and finding someone I could create an open and exploratory sexual dynamic with. I also think the power dynamic in our sexual relationship totally helped.

  39. Thank fuck someone said it out loud! Daddy is not sexy!! I can’t hear it, can’t say it… it just feels wrong!
    Thank you for posting this 🤍

  40. Honestly I’m into using it but *in the middle of sex like that?!* **HECK** no! I’m very firm on “if it hasn’t been discussed, you don’t do it” so yeah that’s a *nope! I’m going home* moment

  41. Timing is everything. Call me daddy once in a while, in the right moment and it’s sexy. Call me daddy everytime though? Nope.

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