The time I found a glowstick in my bra [MF]

(*I’ve been a long time lurker of this sub and I know this story will be super tame compared to what else is shared. I was a late bloomer and actually didn’t lose my virginity until grad school about a year later after this story takes place. So just as a heads up, there’s no sex. But I was still open to other things :;))

I don’t think anyone is ever a grown up. We’re just faking it until we make it. And that’s what my experience in grad school was like. We tried to present ourselves as mature people seeking a higher education. But at our core we were just really high schoolers allowed to legally buy alcohol. This event happened over 10 years ago during my first year at grad school.

My friend Katie and her roommates threw a highlighter party at their house. For the young people out there, everyone would wear white t-shirts and throughout the night partygoers would write or draw on each other with different colored highlighters. Add in blacklights, glowsticks, etc. and you get our best impression of what a rave is like. As with all grad school parties, there were copious amounts of alcohol involved.

It was still fairly early on in the first semester but I had developed a crush on a boy named Kyle. Only light flirting had gone on between us since he had an on and off girlfriend in another state. Early on, we had all been roaming around the house. And at some point during the night, Kyle and I were briefly the only two people left in my friend’s room. He was sitting on the bed and he told me to come to sit down. I naively sat down next to him and then out of the blue he kissed me.

It was quick but I will still so happy. I remember his hand gently touching my neck. I remember how great it felt to have his lips on mine. I remember the electricity I felt when our tongues met. Everything felt like 3 seconds and 3 hours all in one. Soon we were called back to the party and continued on like nothing happened.

The party kept going and eventually the crowd dwindled quite a bit. At one point, I went into the kitchen and found my friend Anna in there. She was making out with the guy she had been crushing on for a couple of months. I apologized for interrupting and we gave each other knowing glances as I left the room. (Fun sidenote: A few years ago, I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. But you’re not here for a marriage story)

Later in the night I was hanging out in the living room and talking to different people. I met a friend of my classmate’s who was visiting from out of town. Even if I wasn’t using fake names for this story, I wouldn’t be able to tell you this guy’s name. At this point in the evening I was pretty tipsy. Fine, I was drunk. So for the sake of this story we’ll just call him Darren.

Darren and I talked for a little bit and soon we were making out on the couch. After a little bit of this I came to my senses and stopped to look around the room. There weren’t many people around in the living room but I realized there will still too many eyes around to feel comfortable continuing. So to get more privacy I had the brilliant idea to go outside to the back of the house and keep going there.

Once we were around back, he pushed me up against the wall. We were furiously making out at this point. I was grinding my hips and felt him getting hard in his jeans. I moaned into him as he slipped his hand under my shirt and groped my tits. After a few minutes, he moved his hand down and rubbed my pussy over my jeans. I could feel that I was insanely wet.

At one point when we came up for air I glanced around and saw there were people out back at the house next door. There were no fences so they could get a good a good look at us. I don’t know how long they had been out there. Once again, I got the brilliant idea to relocate.

We ended up going back inside the house and headed to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, we were all over each other again.

After awhile, there was a knock on the door. “Someone’s in here” I yelled. I heard footsteps walking away as the person left without saying a word. Then we were back at it. I pulled my shirt over my head and immediately he went to my chest. He pulled the cups of my bra down and my tits spilled out and were right in his face. I’m pretty busty so a smile crept across his face. He went straight to my nipples. While his tongue was on one, his hand was playing with the other at the same time. He went back and forth to give them both attention. Some minutes later, he looked up at me and said “I want to go down on you.” Then it was my turn to smile.

As we began to figure out the best position in this small bathroom there was another knock at the door. This time, the person spoke. “I’m sorry, but I really have to pee and this is the only bathroom in the house.” I knew the voice on the other side of the door. It was my friend Anna. I froze for a second as I contemplated my next steps. “Um…yeah” I stuttered. “Uh…just one minute.” Darren and I whispered to each other knowing our time in there was up. I put my shirt back on and tried to make myself look presentable.

Then I heard another voice speaking to my friend Anna outside the door. “I think she’s in there with someone.” Shit! I knew that voice. It was Kyle. The guy I was crushing on. The guy I had kissed earlier that night which now seemed like forever ago. I couldn’t walk out of the bathroom now. I’d be walking out with Darren after it was clear we fooled around and Kyle was gonna be right there. So in my drunken state I made the only choice I could think of and hid in the bathtub.

I quickly told Darren to leave and that I was staying behind to talk to my friend Anna. Naturally, he was a little bit confused but he got the hint and headed out. I then heard my friend come in. A few seconds later I popped my head out from behind the shower curtain to get her attention. “Anna!” I whispered. She was startled. “What are you doing?!?!” “Um…it’s a long story” I replied. “I didn’t want Kyle to see me coming out of here with that guy!”

A few minutes later we both just chatting in the bathtub as it was a normal thing. Just talking about how crazy and random this night ending up being. Soon there was another knock on the door from someone who also wanted to pee. It was Kyle.

He came in and I was basically able to cover up everything by saying that I was hiding from this other guy and Anna was there to support me. Kyle didn’t question this. Either he was too drunk or just really didn’t care.

After rejoining the remnants of the party, I found my way next to Kyle again. We were lazily touching/cuddling eachother because we really were both very drunk and tired. We eventually found a bed and dozed off spooning after a little bit of making out.

I woke up the next morning with a major headache and headed back home. I stripped to put on pajamas and recover on my couch. When I took off my bra, something fell out. See, at the beginning of the night I had been given a necklace with a glow stick on it at the party. I guess at some point in the night it fell down. I don’t know when it happened.

Around that same time, another friend of mine who didn’t go the party texted me to ask me how it was. My reply: Well, I just found a glowstick in my bra.



  1. I miss patty’s like that. Did you end up getting your self off the next day thinking about everything?

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