[MF] I let the professor go down on me after I nude modeled for his class

I basically spent my entire savings, with some help from my parents, on my undergraduate degree. After college, I had plans to go to grad school but came to the realization I had to work to save up before actually going.

Living in a new city after college was both exciting but also a little scary. I moved to a suburb of a big city with a local art scene that was really active and popular because of a well respected art school. I would use the gym there and one night after a workout I saw a billboard with a post seeking a female to nude model in front of a art class. Initially I laughed at the idea, but after seeing the post for a couple straight days I decided to email the processor and ask for more details.

The professor responded back almost immediately and was really respectful. He told me the role paid $150 for the hour class and it was only a class for 12 students. He told me to come in the next day for verification which I said I would.

Our meeting went very well. The Professor, was in his mid 40s and very professional. He worked as an artist in a prior life and was the head of a well respected gallery
I actually knew about. He wanted proof that I was 18 and made it clear if I wanted to stop at any time we could stop.

He asked me to stand and to walk around a bit, all the while looking carefully at my body. He showed me some examples of shots done at previous workshops. “Can you do this type of modeling?”

Truthfully I admitted this would be a first for me, but I told him I would learn. “Let’s schedule you for our next workshop which is a week.” He smiled and walked me out and just like I was going through with it.

His respectfulness gave me confidence I was doing the right thing in a protected environment.

I’ve never been one to flaunt my looks and I’ve always been told I’m more cute then hot. I’m proud of my body and the idea of standing nude in front of a class both turned me on and intimated me.

For the next week, I searched online for anything I could find about nude art modeling and I went through the links Professor Ryan showed me. I would practice in front of my mirror and critique my posture and what I could do differently. Eventually, I grew confidence.

Finally the day came. I took the familiar drive to campus, but instead of going to the gym I walked towards the arts building. Professor Ryan was in the middle of the room talking to some of the students were already there. I could feel their eyes on me as I entered the room and before he greeted me. He took me into a dressing room at the back.

Well, Emma, are you ready to do this?”

“Yes,” I said, the excitement growing in me.

“Great” he said as he closed the dressing room door and told me to get undressed and come out when I felt comfortable.

I took off my oversized sweatshirt off, unbuttoned my sports bra and took my leggings off until I was standing naked in the tiny dressing room. My excitement just kept building as I stared at myself and grabbed the robe that was hanging in the room.

“Class, I’d like you to meet our model for today, Emma. In the next 60 minutes Imagine painting and drawing her. Understand her body and look at her body. Sketch her and then focus on the details of what you see.”

I had a ton of butterflies inside me as I stood next to Professor Ryan in the robe. The students kept looking at me and I felt they were already undressing me and that made me horny and nervous at the same time.

“Okay, Emma. Please remove your robe”

I untied the sash, inhaled deeply, and took off my robe as it slowly fell to my feet.

I can’t tell you how excited I felt being on display. It was so much more than I had imagined and I knew then that I had done the right thing.

I felt like I blacked out for what felt like a minute before I realized Professor Ryan was still talking. “The first thing to do is to look at your model. Study her. Appreciate her. Understand her. Help her get used to you observing every part of her body.” I stared off into space, trying to control the sensations coursing through me.

“Note the shapes and curves that you see,” he said. As he spoke, he used his hands to point out the perkiness of my breasts, the shifting line of my hips, and the muscle definition of my thighs. He didn’t touch me but his hands were close enough that I could feel their warmth. I secretly wanted him to touch me.

He asked me rotate which I did. As I felt more comfortable, a few of the students asked me to pose and rotate in different directions. I didn’t mind and I did as I was told.

“Emma, you can put your robe back on and grab some water” Professor Ryan said. I couldn’t believe the class was over as I heard Professor Ryan give the class their instructions for next time and dismissed them.

I started walking towards the dressing room before Professor Ryan asked me come into his office.

“So, I think you were having fun out there, am I right?” he asked, as he closed the door behind him.

“I can’t believe how great it was!” I said, not trying to hide my excitement.

“For a beginner, you’re pretty good, Emma; very natural and very graceful.”

Professor Ryan looked at me and laughed. He said “Normally, I don’t tell the model what’s coming next. That heightens her excitement and usually makes for sexier shots. And I know that you’ve been excited from the moment you took off your clothes in here.”

“What do you mean?” I asked a little surprised.

“Your nipples have been hard since then and they’ve stayed hard, if I may be so blunt.”

He knew this was turning me on big time and I was glad that I didn’t have to hide it from him. He looked at me and walked over to the door again to make sure it was locked.

As he walks back towards me, he asks me to slowly turn around as his hands begin to roam my front from behind me. He lightly grazes my breasts then runs his hands over my stomach while opening my robe. He leans forward and starts kissing and licking the side of my neck as his hands explore.

Is this really happening crosses my mind as I let out a little moan as he kisses my neck.

It is sensual, tactile, and unbelievably hot.

He licks and sucks and nibbles on my mouth as his big hands wander my body, and I think I’ll die of pleasure. He’s already seen my body but exploring it with his hands and fingers is different.

He guided me up from my chair and moved me gently over to his desk.

“Lay down” he said as he placed his hands behind my head to not hit the desk hard. His lips met my lips again as he pulled away almost instantly and moved lower. He licks one breast, while caressing and pinching my already erect nipple.

My legs unconsciously spread apart to accommodate him and beg him to go lower. Starting at my thighs and working his way in he gently licks sucks and nibbles his way towards my hardening clit. I can feel my wetness already beginning to seep out, and I stroke and pinch my nipples through the lace as his tongue finds my sensitive little button. He flicks it slowly at first, and then as he sucks it into his mouth his thick finger sneaks its way inside me, causing my pussy to tingle and clamp down.

I can feel my orgasm building and my legs start to quiver as he fingers me deeper while nibbling on my clit. I grab the back of his head and motion it in a circular fashion and tell him I’m close.

That’s when he says it:

“Cum for me good girl”

I lose track of time and the amount of times he brought me over the top, focusing on nothing but his wonderful tongue and skilled fingers until I can’t take it anymore and push him away from my sensitive clit.

He looks up at me laughs before saying “so same time next time?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sg9zhg/mf_i_let_the_professor_go_down_on_me_after_i_nude


  1. Really hot, and I’m glad you had a good time. But the teacher is super unprofessional lol

  2. Ugh, I’m a former art model and know many other models of different genders and all attractiveness levels. And this is just not how it goes in any class lol

    “Now take off thy robe”

    Hahahaha like it’s some big moment lolol falling to your feet, like the class is gasping in awe lol

    Art modeling is more like you show up and you’re already nude and just chilling on that podium thing or whatever setup (gotta figure out where to stash your shit), then class begins. Even an intro class is like this. Instructors never get within 6 feet of you, and they don’t say “help the model get used to you appreciating them” or any shit like that. For intro classes maybe they might say, “Ok, some of you are new to drawing the nude. It’s a naked person, chill. Do NOT make the model UNcomfortable, we’re focusing on art.”

    It’s more like “pay attention to contrast, line, proportions” and other way more functionally art centered practices. You are still as a statue, it hurts, you ignore it, you have an itch on your nose (or leg or butt or three places at the same time) – ignore it until it burns, burns more, then finally inexplicable fades…

    Art modeling is hard ass work. Your model is either thinking of their next pose (depending on the class’s needs or instructor preferences based on their skill level) or fighting through / meditating through discomfort.

    For breaks maybe you throw your street clothes back on (again, robes? I literally laughed aloud here) and get a quick coffee or a bite from a nearby cafe, or if it’s winter or you don’t leave while the class breaks, you just chill.

    Sorry to cool the room. I’ve had erotic experiences, it’s not like that can’t or doesn’t happen, but the depiction of the “interview process” (there’s is none – no one needs to see you naked in advance) and the class here is just laughable.

    I get how this profession is fetishized, but it would be hard to be a carpenter and read a story where a character’s using a saw for a screwdriver, you know? It’s just dumb.

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