A Father’s Struggle 07 – Nanny (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I walked up to Lola to find Lola was sniffling and a tear falling down her face.

The moment she saw me she quickly wiping the tear from her eye and cheek and tried to fix herself.

I got to her table while she was still trying to fix whatever the gentleman before did.

I spoke with a smile, “Anyone in this seat?”

She smiled, “Just you.”

I smiled as I pulled the chair and sat down in front of Lola.

Lola sniffed, “So Max how have you been these last…” she tried to think how long it had been but I spoke, “I take it your wheeling and dealing didn’t go the way you want to?”

She sighed, “It’s that obvious?”

I nodded, “Yeah I kind of kept on eye on you since you had sat down with your….”

Lola finished the sentence for me, “Banker.”

Well at least that made sense.

I spoke, “I take it it wasn’t good news.”

She shook her head and waved at me, “It’s alright I’m a fighter. Let’s talk about something more….” she leaned forward and obviously unbuttoned a few buttons on her suit letting it open to show her cleavage….and the large tattoo across said cleavage, “enjoyable.”

Seeing that gave me mixed signals…and I was ok with the obvious signal.

I looked from her gravitation promise aka male lure to her eyes with a smile and spoke, “That is enjoyable but I have a question.”

She smiled, “Shoot.”

I pointed to the tattoo across her girls, “How much did that hurt?”

She looked down at her tattoo, “This?”

I wanted to say something more smartass but couldn’t really think of one so I went with a nod.

She shrugged, “Not as much as other one’s.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Is that an offer to see what all you have?”

She leaned forward, “Depends.”

I looked at her half smirking, “On?”

She smiled at me and leaned back, “If you can answer a question honestly.”

This time it was to say it, “Shoot.”

She smirked at me, “Was there ever once when I was your nanny that you ever thought of me sexually?”

I smiled, “You mean like ‘*did I ever want to rip your clothes off bend you in half and pound you until you couldn’t walk for a week*’?”

Lola’s eyes fluttered as she breathed in as I laid out a scenario causing her to hum before she opened her eyes and nodded, “Yes that.”

I shrugged, “Sure there was more than….”

I stopped and things started to click. All those times she showed up in outfits that begged to be torn off.

Like the one time she wore this see through dress.

Or when she wore a short skirt and barely there thong with the shirt tied to show off her young tits.

I looked at her squinting, “Is that why you wore those skimpy outfits when you came over.”

She looked at me and pretended to be innocent, “I would never do that.”

I leaned back, “Uh huh.”

She tried to continue to be innocent and shocked that I would accuse her of such a thing.

I just kept leaning back giving her a look before she finally faltered and chuckled, “Fine you got me.”

I looked at her flatly, “Thought so.”

She smiled, “So. Did you ever think about doing that?”

I shrugged, “Sure but I didn’t.”

She leaned forward whispering seductively, “But I did.”

I spoke, “How about we have lunch and catch up?”

Lola looked at me, “But I thought we *were* catching up?”

I looked at her with a smirk, “No You’re trying to find out if I still find you sexy and why I didn’t fuck you when you were my nanny.”

She smiled, “So you do still find me sexy?”

I sighed, “Lola, lunch?”

I added, “If you promise to be good we can go back to your place and we can fuck and see if we can’t make you paralyzed.”

She smiled, “Fine I’ll be good under one condition.”

I looked at her, “Ok.”

She smiled, “We go to your place.”

I sighed, “As long as you’re out the next morning I’m ok with that.”

She looked at me for a moment before she extended her hand, “I can handle that.”

I looked at her hand and relaxed as I shook her hand.

We ordered lunch….and a drink.

Lola talked about how much she actually loved helping me with my girl’s.

At first she looked at being my nanny as an actual job…at first being the key word.

She tried not falling for me but as time went on the harder it was for her to not notice me. Then came the wanting me.

And finally came the wardrobe hoping that one day I would punish her and eventually fuck her.

Eventually she started dating someone hoping her feeling’s for me was just some school girl crush though she was done with high school.

That didn’t help.

Then came the day I knocked up Stacey with twins. She was so hurt that I chose my wife and not her.

So she took the pregnancy as an opportunity to quit because she needed some away time to re-evaluate her life.

I vaguely remember that day as I remember we, Stacey and myself, were so happy and if I remembered correctly Lola told me this was an opportunity to expand herself and go back to school.

Lola then admitted that was a half truth as she had gone to college to expand herself until her first party she got drunk and was expanded in a different way….she got pregnant….by someone she hardly knew.

She continued attending college until she gave birth to her own baby girl that she name Maxine…after her first love…me.

With Maxine in her life she dived deeper into college because she wanted to build a life for her daughter and herself.

She earned her associate’s in one year and her bachelor’s in two more….in business.

With a fresh degree and no discernible money she had no idea what to do next.

Then came trying to find a job but with no luck so she found another career…being a masseuse.

She drifted from one parlor to another while trying to get a job with her degree.

Then she came across her first sleaze ball wanting a happy ending which she was accustomed to but always said no.

But this sleaze ball did something no one else had before him….he offered more money….a lot more money. He offered ten times than what the massage costed.

So she did the only thing she could think of….she opened her mouth and blew him.

That’s when she got the idea that up until now most of the people that got a massage may have ‘*joked*’ at wanting a happy ending but because of the parlor’s no ‘*happy endings policy*’ what was the harm.

So she applied for a loan….but failed.

Then she got a job at this here country club as a masseuse.

She offered ‘*personal at home massages*’ to the rich with an included ‘*happy ending*’.

At first she didn’t get many takers though the pay at the country club was good enough to get her first house.

Then her first caller for the ‘*private massage*’ called.

She negotiated for a hefty sum but they wanted the ‘*whole package*’ which normally she would have said no but a certain thing was released by Muschi….the pussy ball.

I blinked at hearing about the pussy ball not knowing what the fuck that was. So she of course explained what it was and what it did.

The only thing it made me realize is that I had been out of the game for *way* too long and that my dumb ass has been using a condom this entire damn time when a girl could simply pop a pussy ball and I could go raw in a girl?

Granted it’s been a minute since I’ve had pussy but the last time was when these pussy ball’s were a thing and not knowing I used a fucking condom.

Listening I lightly wondered what else Muschi had created.

She got herself a pussy ball and accepted.

After an extended ‘*private massage*’ and plenty of cum pumped into her she went and got herself checked out only to get a clean bill of health and no pregnancy.

Then because of how well she did and the ‘client’ bragging to his friend’s got her a different caller…and another….and another to where she had a decent client list that quickly became regulars.

Each client happily handing her more and more money as they pumped more and more cum into her but the pussy balls kept her STD free and pregnancy free.

Eventually she saved enough money to open her first parlor called….Plus Massage.

She found like minded soul’s willing to use their bodies to occupy her business while she continued hitting the high roller’s at the club….and her regular clients.

Eventually she steered enough clientele to her parlor and business picked up. But kept her high roller’s to herself.

Enough to where she built another parlor and another.

Then came her first contract to be exclusive at this club.

She never got married and never had another child.

Now she has seven parlor’s and her little Maxine is 19.

She *was* here in the hopes that the bank would give her a loan to open an eighth Plus Massage parlor but they didn’t feel the seven was making enough money to qualify the justification the risk for an eighth.

Then we moved onto me.

I told her about the twins, which she knew about.

I told her about my divorce, which she also knew about.

Apparently she checked up on me….often.

After I tried telling her about my house and all the work I’ve done but once again she knew.

She shrugged to me, “I’ve driven by more than once.”

I sighed with a smile, “So you’ve been my little stalker?”

Lola blushed but spoke, “A Stalker would have a shrine and all sorts of items about you.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Do you have that?”

She chuckled, “Of course not.”

She hung her head as she blushed, “I just never found the courage to ring your doorbell until I ran into you today.”

I laughed, “You know you could have always called my number it never changed.”

Lola blushed, “I know that but what would I have said.”

I smiled, “Hey max it’s Lola how have you been?”

Lola smiled, “Yeah I guess that could have worked.”

I smiled, “See I’m the fixer of ‘courage problems’.”

Lola smiled, “Just so you know though we have alcohol in our system’s I would still love to fuck you.”

I looked down at the table and saw that my glass was empty….and so was her’s. Granted she had mimosas while I switched from straight whiskey with George to old fashions with Lola. I could have sworn I babied my old fashion but there was one empty and another nearly empty.

I looked at her, “And I’ve had enough to where I shouldn’t drive.”

She smiled, “I’m in the same boat.”

I raised my eyebrow, “So how do you want to handle this?”

She shrugged, “Well we could call a taxi like service or we could call one of our children for a ride?”

I thought about the question and looked at the time….it was a little after three.

Jesus I’ve been here for almost six hours.

And seeing it was Monday I didn’t have many options.

Heather was at work so she was out….unless we wanted to wait until 5pm or later for our inebriated asses to be picked up. No she was out.

I could call Nicole but I wasn’t sure if she was at the gym or not. She was a viable candidate.

I also could call Savanna or Mackenzie they should be up by now. Another set of prime candidates.

Then there was Abby and Haley who should still be in school until at least 8pm….I think. So they were out.

Only problem should I really bring Lola around my girl’s though I promised we could go back to my place.


I looked at Lola, “I think taxi is **my** best option.”

She smiled, “Or I could call my little Maxine.”

I looked at her, “Do you really want her to meet me?”

She thought about it for a moment.

I looked at her, “How much did you tell her about me?”

She blinked and thought before she sighed, “I see your point.”

Apparently Lola told Maxine something about me that probably was along the lines of *I named you after my love* or something like that.

So we called a taxi and 30 minutes later we were heading to my place while we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.

The driver told us more than once that if we didn’t stop they would stop and kick us out so we had to stop until we got to my place.

Forty minutes later we finally made it to my place as Lola looked at my house, “Gosh it looks bigger once you’re in the driveway.”

I smiled, “Never made it this far?”

She shook her head, “Not since the triplets were little.”

I chuckled, “Come on I’ll give you the dime tour.”

She grabbed me before I can make a step and whispered, “I want the penny tour where we go straight to your room.”

I nodded, “That’s what I meant to say.”

She let me go and we walked up my driveway and up my stairs until we got to the entrance.

We walked in as soon as in walked we were greeted by my warm heated house.

Then we pretty much bee lined it upstairs where no one was around to notice us and into my room where I closed the door.

I turned into my room to see Lola was already beginning to remove her business suit coat that she had worn and flung her heels across the room.

She crooked her finger at me as she stood next to my bed motioning for me to come here.

I followed her instruction’s as I kicked off my shoes as I walked up to her to stand in front of her as I towered over her.

She reached up wrapping her arms around my neck and pulled down so she could kiss me where I simply obliged as we fell onto the bed.

We kissed and kissed while our hands traveled along each other’s bodies helping each other remove our clothing.

Her blouse was easy to remove as was my buttoned shirt.

Her bra was a little bit of a challenge as I had been out of practice for a minute but eventually I got the fucker off. Just happy Lola wasn’t one of those ultra blessed individuals where she needed a million clasp fucking corset to keep her girl’s up.

After I freed her girl’s I slipped my hand onto one of her mounds and judged she must be at least a C cup because my hand slipped and formed the entire thing though her nipple did try to pierce my palm.

This caused our kissing to get loud as we tried to be more heated in the act….and help remove our lower clothing.

The skirt was once again easy to remove. Just one little zipper in the back and the rest was a cinch.

And Lola helped remove my pants and underwear freeing my erect member.

The only thing we had on now was my socks. Her underwear and her stockings.

I broke away from the kiss to stand up so I could help her remove her stockings and get a look at her underwear…and her pussy.

The moment I stood I saw in the corner of my eye my door was no longer closed but cracked.

Looks like I have an audience meaning one of my daughter’s was currently spying on me.

And because of the time which was….a little after five.

Ok it didn’t narrow it down much. But my guess was now wrong as my guess was still in school.

Without trying to figure out which one it was I decided to give them a show. My only hope is one of camera’s catches them.

If not I’ll have to wait until my new system is installed to catch the perpetrator.

I looked down at Lola to see she was wearing a nice set of black lace thong that was almost see through.

I pulled off her stockings then moved onto her panties. As I slowly peeled them off I secretly prayed that because of Lola’s confessed lifestyle her pussy didn’t look like a roast beef sandwich though I didn’t really care pussy was pussy.

When I pulled off her panties I was surprised to see that it looked like your regular tight hardly used pussy. If I didn’t know Lola’s past I could have sworn that her pussy looked like a virgin.

I smiled at Lola and got to see her nude form for the first time….and she was breath taking.

And true to her word Lola had plenty of tattoos all over her body to where she could compete with Mackenzie.

I stood there like a moron…honestly I was standing there thinking if she looked like this now what would she have looked like when I first met her.

I tried to imagine the what *if* thinking if I shrank her tits from a C to maybe a big A or small B that would be about right. And if I shrank her hips in. And thinner thighs. And a smaller stomach though not by much. And a younger face.

Jesus either version she was breath taking. And I was a moron for not doing anything when she turned 18.

But I was faithful…that was my only prize for what I have today.

I nearly dove in but my old habits came in as I started to move towards my end table next to my bed to retrieve a condom.

Lola huskily asked, “What are you doing?”

I spoke on reflex, “Grabbing a condom.”

She looked at me confused, “Why?”

I stopped and looked at her completely forgetting our earlier conversation and was about to say ‘*so I don’t get an STD due to your lifestyle….or I don’t get another fucking girl*’ but remembered her pussy ball confession.

I spoke, “Pussy ball?”

She nodded, “I popped it in while we were conversing earlier.”

She huskily smiled, “Plus I have an O Plug in me so you’re good.”

A huh?

Lola lightly chuckled and spoke, “You can fire in me all you want and I’ll never get pregnant.”


I must have had a comical look on my face because it made Lola laugh at my ignorance.

Like I said I’ve been out of the game too long.

As soon as Heather came back from college she pretty much handled all the feminine problems for all my girls so I was blissfully ignorant to things like Pussy Balls and now a fucking O Plug, whatever the fuck that was.

Still pissed I didn’t know about Pussy balls as they were a thing the last time I got pussy and my dumb ass used a fucking condom.


Ever since Stacey I hadn’t gone raw in a girl in a long long time. I just used condoms so I didn’t get another girl pregnant and knowing my luck thanks to Stacey I would blessed with more than one girl….again. Plus I didn’t want to get an STD.

Yes I’m old fashioned.

I smiled as I moved into Lola’s embrace and was easily able to slide my throbbing member into Lola’s succulent pussy.

I groaned in ecstasy as this was my first time in nearly 20 years since my dick went unprotected in a pussy.

And it was GLORIOUS!!!!

Sure as fuck beats the hell out of my toy as I felt every muscle in Lola’s pussy constrict along my dick as it made its way deeper and deeper into her pussy. Almost like it was milking my dick or creating a nice tightness that had to be overcome as it went deeper.

Jesus this felt so damn good and surprisingly if I didn’t know any better I could have sworn her pussy had so low dick-miles that it was nearly still at its virgin status.

And I wasn’t the only one enjoying themselves. Lola moaned out loudly as I plunged my dick in her as she loudly moaned a long, “YYYEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!”

Looks like we both enjoyed ourselves probably more Lola than me but not by much.

I looked at the cracked door and heard a faint muffled moan but I didn’t see an eye looking at me. And because the door swung into the master bedroom so whoever was hiding on the other side was perfectly hiding themselves watching us.

I thought about simply pounding Lola until I came which was very very tempting but I was already in Lola **AND** I had an observer might as well have fun.

I got up grabbing Lola’s legs and put them together and gave her a half fold.

I grabbed my dick and smacked it against Lola’s exposed pussy lips before angling my member and slid him back into her.

God that felt even better as if that made Lola even tighter.

I had to fight my temptations and hope my multiple slow sessions would pay off as I took my thrusts into Lola nice and slow.

God this felt good and I wasn’t the only one who was enjoying it. Lola was moaning just like the girls in those films I’ve watched on multiple occasions.

I heard my voyeur softly moan and smiled.

*Good my plan is working*

Now all I need to do is do my thing while I focused on the door to see if my voyeur would show me their eye.

If I saw the eye and it was purple maybe just maybe the way the purple showed I could know who was spying on me.

I’m not saying that their purple was distinct from each other as Heather’s purple showed one way because it was part of her brown eyes. And the triplets it was part of their blue eyes. But the twins that’s were the distinction was.

All I’m saying if there’s enough light when the eye poked through the crack and how the purple showed I might know which one of my daughters were spying on me.

I went back to focusing on Lola while I continued to slowly stroke my cock in and out of her while I kept her legs pinned together and half folding her.

We both moaned as Lola was getting more and more vocal with her pleasure of having me finally fuck her making her sound almost exactly like those girl’s in my video’s.

And I was **loving** it.

I was loving this on so many levels.

I was getting laid after being nearly celibate in almost eight years since the last time I got pussy.

My only pussy in eight years was a toy….ok toy’s. I’ve had to replace my ‘*toy*’….a few times. It’s continued usage made the material deteriorate fairly quickly.

I was fucking a pussy without a stupid condom in nearly 20 years since my wife and I conceived my twins.

Yeah I’m still mad no one told me about these pussy balls.

I decided to move Lola around on the bed so I could stop looking to the side to check on the door and see an eye though I heard increased muffled moaning coming from the door though it wasn’t loud enough to where Lola could hear it.

This time I switched to opening her legs and looping my arms in them so I could get a better force as I thrusted my unprotected dick into Lola’s sweet wet pussy.

Eventually Lola started begging me to fuck her harder and I could only oblige.

I moved on top of her forcing her body to be fully folded while I was pinned on top of her and started pounding her for all I was worth using both my body and gravity to slam my dick into Lola’s ample tight body as I felt her orgasm take hold causing her to scream.

I kept pounding and felt my climax was close as I decided to look up.

It was then I saw two different purple eyes in the crack.

Our eyes locked and I felt my orgasm begin as both my body and Lola’s body locked.

It was then I knew I didn’t have one spy but *two*.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sfxs3h/a_fathers_struggle_07_nanny_fiction_family_bond


  1. I feel like a fish, hooked and slowly being reeled in. Really enjoy your writing.

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