What they don’t tell you about a threesome [FMF]

*This one is more emotional than usual. There’s some hot, dirty stuff toward the end if that’s what you’re here for. Or read any of my other stories.*

It’s been a weird year for me sexually. I got out of an almost decade long relationship filled with deviant, rough sex. That does weird things to you when you try to get back out there.

I fell in love with the first person I started dating, like an idiot. The sex is fine. Serviceable. We’re both getting off, we both have an idea of what the other likes.

But he never really gets into it, never really let’s go. I ask him why and he says it’s “because of who you are”. Whatever that means. He says that he can’t fuck me the way he wants to, that he respects me too much.

*Holy fucking red flag.* I almost don’t want to ask the follow up question, but I have to know.

“Do you… respect women less after you fuck them?”

“No, of course not!” He’s offended. “That’s the really weird part. I don’t think that at all.”

I believe him. He asks me if I remember the scene in the Sopranos where Tony is talking about cheating on his wife Carmela. They ask him why he has a girlfriend.

“I do things with her I can’t do with my wife.”
“Why can’t you do them with your wife?
“Hey, that’s the mouth she kisses my kids goodnight with! What are you, crazy?”

According to him, this is how most men feel about their girlfriends.

*God. How did men get so fucked up?*

I decide to hold my tongue on two things. One, I’m not your girlfriend. Two, that scene is actually from Analyze This.

I feel too sexual and not sexual enough all at once. Or like my sexuality is just wrong. The question of our sex becomes a bruise that won’t go away.

I fuck other people to forget about it. Their desire feels good. They tell me how much they love fucking me. Tell me all the things they like about my body, the things they like about how I am in bed. Each one is a small bandaid over the bruise. I can still see the outline of it though, bleeding beyond the nude-ish plastic. It’s shape is organic and real, and the bandaids are standard-issue square from the factory. I go around collecting them, all slightly different colors. All too small and too surface to really do anything at all.

I know what they like. Each of them different, but also the same. I submit to each of them differently, but also kind of the the same. How can I love him and not understand these things about him? How can I understand these things about other men while not loving them? It makes no sense. Sometimes I wonder if this is just me self-sabotaging, my favorite sport. Sometimes I wonder maybe it’s not that deep, maybe he just doesn’t like fucking me.

I think a threesome is a just another way to make sense of all of this. I can’t just keep fucking him without understanding. I can’t keep getting what I need from other people. Ironically, that means fucking someone else.

I’m sitting at a table with him and a chick he was dating previously. I know what she looks like from stalking her on IG. It’s surreal to see her in person, but also weirdly natural. I’ve wondered about her for a long time. What he liked about her, what I would like about her.

Her dark hair is cut in cool way that frames her pretty face. I see her small hands. I see the way her lips show her top teeth instead of her bottom teeth when she talks, a weird thing I’ve always thought is hot. I see her reticence. She’s all perception, no prescription. She continually surprises me during this conversation. We’re more similar than I thought we’d be. The conversation is deeper than I expected. I feel a kinship. And it turns me on.

It becomes more obvious that this is happening. We go back to his place. We’re all sitting on the couch. He kisses me, and then her. And then her and I kiss each other. She unbuttons my shirt and takes it off. She’s direct, which I like. I sense that we both have a similar enthusiasm for sex.

We move down to the floor with me ontop of her. It’s much softer than being with a man. I like it. A lot.

“Oh my god this is fucking amazing.” I say in between kissing her. “I can’t believe you get to be with women every time.” I say to him.

I’m not even sure where he is. This is so good that he has kind of ceased to exist. Every dude has ceased to exist. Swear to god, I might not go back.

Her and I move to his bed and we have the best 69 I have ever experienced. This feels so good. We’re both licking each other’s pussies and asses and it’s sending me into another dimension. I like the way she is- sexual, brave and shameless. I love the tattoos on her skin and how her body feels.

I tell her that she has such a nice pussy. Going down on her is amazing. I could do it for days. I can’t get enough of me inside her. Hands, tongue. I wish my mouth was bigger so I could devour more of her.

I am high on lust and dopamine.

The highlights come back to me later:

Licking my entire palm and slapping her ass, hard. The way her ass looks with my hands on it.

Him grabbing the back of my hair and holding my head above his cock so I have to beg to suck his dick. *Please let me. I want it in my mouth so bad. I need it.*

Both of us wrapping our mouths around his cock together. *Share, girls.*

Her asking me to fuck her ass while he’s fucking her. I put my fingers in her ass and I can feel his cock inside her. It’s so dirty and twisted together and hot.

Me riding him and her getting behind me. Her nipple rings pressing against my back. My hands reaching around, desperate for her to be closer to me. Putting my fingers in her ass and pulling her into my rhythm.

Her moaning for him to wrap his hands around her neck.

Her telling him to press her into the mattress harder.

Watching her come for the first time. She curls up on the bed while we just watch her orgasm.

Her whispering how hot it was to see me ontop of him. It makes me feel seen and understood somehow.

Both of us laying on the bed making out while he stands above us, getting himself close.

Him coming in her mouth, then mine, then on our faces. The way I lick it off her face and then rub our faces together while I kiss her. Laughing together about it. Its a shame he didn’t stay around to see this. It’s so fucking hot. But part of me is glad it ended how it started, with both of us women just wrapped up together, enough for each other. I remember we laughed together at the beginning too.

We sleep together, we wake up together. He fucks both of us again, and comes inside me. We lay around for a little until he realizes he wants to fuck her again. He says it’s because he wants cum inside her too, but I know what it really is. He simply wants her.

He asks if he can fuck her. I say yes, partly out of curiosity, but mostly just out of love. If that’s what he wants, I want him to have it.

He always referred to some nebulous “kind of sex” he likes, but was never able to really explain to me what it was. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I was definitely not expecting to see something I recognized. He’s fucking her, well, the exact way I like to be fucked. Rough, but intimate. With interest and desire. It’s so strange to see him want someone, to enjoy sex as an act with someone else. I didn’t realize he was capable of having this kind of sex. He’s fucking her so hard, but they find pockets of tenderness together. She almost falls off the bed and he grabs and says *we’ve got you*.

He’s comfortable with her. Saying what he wants. Doing what he wants. It’s real sex. Not the shit they sell you on tv. There’s a real connection I can feel. He puts their faces together, for me. He tells her to look at me and turns her face toward me. He can tell I like watching their faces. Pushed together, one on top of the other, but contrasting emotions. Hers of surrender next to his of forcefulness. Like sex versions of the comedy and tragedy masks.

Our faces are so close to each other. I can feel their breaths. I thought watching would just be hot. I wasn’t prepared for how truly moving it would be. Its so incredible to watch people lost in that moment, especially if one of them is someone you love. It’s the first time I’ve actually felt connected with him during sex. It’s the first time I’ve felt my ego be completely annihilated through the act of sex with him.

I am high on love.

Afterward he tells me one of his favorite things during was just watching me watch them. The look of fascination on my face. What he doesn’t realize is that I’m not just really fascinated by watching them have sex. What I was fascinated by was him. I tell him all this one day, tears rolling down my cheeks. That’s the shit they don’t tell you about a threesome. That’s what they don’t tell you about real sex. How moving it is.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sfpnhj/what_they_dont_tell_you_about_a_threesome_fmf


  1. I think you are a very intelligent writer. He’s a lucky man.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Honestly this is beautiful and not at all how I expected it to turn out. Wonderfully written

  3. Came for the horny details, stayed for the genuine emotion. Great job, this SLAPS.

  4. Striving to achieve this with my close FWB (we have feelings just cannot do an official “relationship” right now for either of us). She wants us to find a girl to share. Not another guy at all though. She wants to start with the girl and have me come in by first fucking her then the other girl.

  5. I’ve read hundreds of Gonewildstories over the years, even written a few of my own.

    This one ranks in the top 1-2% of the content I’ve read on this sub.

    “Like sex versions of the comedy and tragedy masks“

    Very, very well done.

  6. Incredible writing and wonderful emotion. We all, ALL, want to be desired and cared-for. The best sex happens with emotion, not just friction.

  7. Usually, when it gets sexual and deep at the same time, the sex is the ‘bad guy’. The thing that pushes people apart. Especially unusual desires. But also just sex. It’s always … I dunno, kind of ‘the problem’.

    This us different. Even though it’s incredibly deep. The sex not only separates, but also brings together. Polarises everything. The sex is neither good nor bad in the ethical sense. Which is actually making me happy.

    Thank you. And best of luck with bringing your relationship to the best level it can be on. I hope he gets it eventually and it wirks out. I mught also hope she will become part of it for you abd him, but that’s at least partially the perv in me.

  8. So amazingly well written, it just drew me in. You should think about a writing career.

  9. I am so invested now! Are you still together? Did he get over how he feels about you and rough sex?

  10. Wow that’s super well written. DM me of you want to talk. I’m into deep and moving discussions, and why men are the way we are.

  11. This is really good. Maybe the best I’ve ever read on here. Seems like you are really paying attention. A blessing and a curse… Also, a very attractive quality. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. I found this a really enjoyable post, thank you for sharing your experiences. It’s interesting to have a nice dichotomy between the entirely erotic stories and the stories which explore more into the details of how and why sex is perceived differently by lots of different people, depending on the circumstances.

  13. Disappointed that I can’t up vote more than once. Love your work. Great raw and honest style. Bravo!

  14. This is exceptionally well written. I want to go read more of your work, but before I go do that, I just wanted to say you had some masterful turns of phrase, and poetic descriptions of the human experience.

  15. You are a wonderful writer – your words are poetry and I’d read a book you wrote even if it contained no sex scenes. Beautiful.

  16. This is wonderfully well written and the emotions you get from reading it are lovely. Thank you for sharing with us!❤️

  17. What a profound and thoughtful and still very sexy piece! One of the best I’ve read on here!

  18. This is a wonderful post. The writing is great. I have a lot to say but for now I’ll let this stew in the quiet of my mind.

  19. Beautifully written, to help my understanding this was ur first threesome and you had a great time but the ending it sounds like while it was fun you feel broken because you had to share him but you were happy because you love him so much it made him happy? If so wow so selfless idt id be able to do that

  20. This is my favorite story on here in forever. I love the combination of frank discussion of your emotions and the hot details of the sex

  21. I got so lost and immersed in your story that for a moment I thought these memories were mine. We have similar sensitivity levels so it really felt like your thoughts were my thoughts. One of the best things I’ve read❤️ thank you

  22. What turned me on was how turned on you got. I could tell the moment was visceral for you. I’ve never had a threesome but I would want my partner to feel as you did.

  23. Thanks for a beautiful depiction of loving group sex; I’ve had this a few times and it’s so nice.

    Have you heard the term compersion? It sounds like this is what you’re experiencing when you watch the two others be with each other. This is different from how some people enjoy being cuckholded/cuckqueened. Hope this opens more good things for you ;)

  24. This was such a joy to read. I’ve never wanted to be in a threesome more 👀

  25. Sounds to me like he has a Madonna whore complex. He either sees women as pure or promiscuous and can’t separate the two. What I don’t get is why he’s so comfortable with his ex. Watching them have the kind of sex you want doesn’t make sense. He should do that with you and if he respects her more then that’s strange. Surely both of you are on the same level this guy doesn’t seem to know what he wants 🤷‍♀️

  26. I NEVER comment in this thread but this is written so well I had to come here and say this. I would read your book. Also, I welled up at the end of this story.

  27. My gf (now wife) used to get emotional every time after having 2 or 3 guys at once. If another girl joined us, there was no issue, nor was there ever an issue with another couple joining us. She slept with other couples without me and there were no problems either, but as soon as it was just guys, the emotions came out. Girl on girl was fine too. We were never quite sure what to make of it.

  28. I concur with the other commenter—this is among the best stories i’ve ever read on this sub. Kudos! Did this experience have any bearing on your sexual orientation going forward?

  29. This is my first time writing a comment on this sub, because I never expected to have an aesthetic experience from reading erotica. But this short story, right here, is (on my humble opinion) *art*. Midway through it I was already more moved by the writing than by the hornyness. Thank you so, so much for this and for expanding my conceptions of what erotica can be. I will definitely check your other stories and I look forward to reading more of your material.

  30. Ugh I’ve had a threesome experience once that was good but hampered by a night of to much partying. I often replay it wondering if it would’ve ever played out with the intensity you described . But you’ve described perfectly how it started

  31. This was poetic, to quite a degree. I’ll never have a threesome with my loved one like that, but I’m glad to have gone through this pilgrimage of enlightenment through you.

  32. This has been the most enjoyable post I have read on this sub. Your style of writing and voice is so honest. So much of what you described hit home with me. I’m going to read this to my wife tonight.

  33. This was so beautifully written. Similar situation but no threesome yet. Lol. Incredible post.

  34. “Like sex versions of the comedy and tragedy masks.”

    I love this turn of phrase so much.

  35. Wow its very relatable to my situation.. Did he overcome having too much respect for you after this experience, or was it the same when you two are alone??

  36. This was a beautiful read. I’m not sure if you write professionally, but if you don’t, you should highly consider it.

    This story really reminded me of a song called, “When Am I Gonna Lose You?” by Local Natives

  37. That was genuinely beautiful to read. You are gifted. Further you are helpful in your detailed description of sexual emotions.

  38. Came for the story, fell in love with the author and human being you are. Wondering if Hemingway could have ever conveyed so much in such a moving, entangling way.

  39. It’s so rare to find, but these intimate stories are what I always hope for when reading these posts.

    That was so fulfilling. I never knew a threesome could be like that. The part where you mentioned him fucking her roughly but holding her saying ‘we’ve got you’ made me reconsider what moments of intimacy look like to me.

    Thanks for this- one of the best posts I’ve ever read.

  40. What an awesome story. Made me feel like i wanted to be her. Like i WAS her.
    Amazing writing

  41. I coincidentally read this post a few days before my first FF experience and used your “show me on my palm” technique…. Feeling her tongue on my hand was one of the hottest moments of my life, so thank you.

  42. You made me cry from watching your story come to light and life. This soooooooo soooooooo beautiful. Please if possible; could your truthfulness in life be a teacher/of teachings for me?🥺❤

  43. Excellent story. A story well told. Like a haiku poem about a stream, or like noticing a tiny rogue flame dance in the fire.

    Elegant in its simplicity, authentic in its confliction. That is life personified.

    Good job!

  44. I think this alone represents why i have less respect for women now than ever, all they talk is about is respect and equality yet want to be bread like slaves, gets mad if u be decent. Many may cheer only because it lines with their fantasy but no one will respect this person after this.

  45. Love the details and honesty in your writing. Great story. Thanks for sharing.

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