Mothership Wilderness Chapter 27 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Previous Chapters:

Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Mothership Wilderness Chapter 19 [MF] [inc] [cheat] from eroticliterature

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25 [](

Chapter 26 [](

“Come on … Ezra.” Tabitha slammed her hips down on her husband. It had only been a few minutes, and he was already finishing his orgasm. “Not … yet … I didn’t even …”

“Whoa … slow down … dear.” Ezra pushed his wife’s jackhammering hips up so that he slid out. “You’re really … worked up.” He’d had a wild orgasm. Couldn’t she tell it was time for sleep? “We can do it … again … tomorrow … if you want.”

“Tomorrow?” Tabitha wanted her old life back. It was so much easier when she’d been happy with Ezra in bed. “Sure … tomorrow. I have to go … to the bathroom.” Naked, she padded across the floor, deftly snuck her toy out of the top drawer of her dresser, and left her husband to fall asleep as he always did after sex.

In the bathroom, Tabitha worked herself with the phallus. The little thing had become a more familiar lover than Ezra. She wondered if there was anything she could do to spice things up with her husband. But it was hard to teach an old dog new tricks. She needed a younger dog. Someone who was maybe nineteen, strong, and quite possibly endowed with an illegally engineered cock. Or maybe he was something greater. She worked her vagina hard, her mouth hanging open.

“Come on … Messiah … I want to learn … ugh … new tricks. Make me … yours …” She was already cumming. A couple minutes with a toy and her imagination was now better than a couple minutes with her husband. And she wasn’t close to being done. The bathroom smelled heavily of her excitement as she started working herself toward her own Second Coming.


“You wanna play, Mom?” Jacob asked Mary, as he threw the ball to Heather. His motion was loose and effortless. The ball zipped over the green grass, and Heather snatched it with her mitt. The stadium was all set for a game, but there were no players or fans. Only Jacob and Heather in their starched team uniforms, and a row of lawn chairs where Mary, Maureen, and Judy sat and sipped lemonade.

“You were always the athlete in our family. I think I better not.” Mary smiled at Maureen, glancing down at the adventurer’s bulging belly. She looked about ready to pop.

“I played baseball, too. For a while.” Pricilla walked in from the holopark’s entrance. She stopped next to her mother, and watched Jacob and Heather whip the ball back and forth. “But I suppose I never had his talent.”

“The Lord blesses us all in different ways.” Mary took another sip of lemonade.

Pricilla glanced away from her mother, pretending to take in the expanse of the stadium, so she could roll her eyes without Mary seeing her. “Will Gail’s sister be here soon?”

“We will welcome Zinnia into the fold in minutes. Her sister took her to change out of her Mormon clothes.” Mary set her lemonade in her cup holder and frowned. “Lovely setting for our ceremony, don’t you think?”

“I want to stay.” Pricilla stomped her foot.

“You cannot.” Mary gazed coolly at her daughter.

“Why do you get to be there for every important moment?” Pricilla’s face turned red. Her face twisted into a scowl.

“Because I am his mother. I just said we all have our own blessings. Well, we all have our vocations ascribed by him, too.” Mary spoke slowly and calmly.

“Ascribed by you, you mean.” Pricilla’s words came in a rush.

Maureen and Judy looked away, not wanting to be drawn into the squabble. They stared intently at Jacob and Heather, who were too far and too busy to notice the kerfuffle.

“I am the Messiah’s mother. As such, I am in direct line with God, Pricilla.” Mary’s soft tone thinned to something harsher.

“I am his sister. How is that not your equal?” Pricilla folded her arms tightly over her breasts.

“What do you really want, Pricilla?” Mary knew how to defuse the situation. It was all about triangulating away from the power struggle with her daughter. She had done this in one form or another for what seemed like an eternity.

“I want time with Jacob … you know … intimate time. And I want to see the sister … when she accepts him … for what he truly is.” Pricilla was ready for her mother to try and deny her these pleasures. Her nails dug into her sleeves.

“I see.” Mary nodded thoughtfully. “Well, we continue to monitor for spies working for Marsden Cole or Tabitha Kensington. The crowd grows daily at the mess. And the portmaster needs watching. The Errand and all the others need your help. You are gifted at seeing to the needs of this ship.” Mary could see Pricilla was about to cut her off. “Hold on. Let me finish. I do have a solution for you. Go back to your tasks. When we are done here, I will relieve you of your duties and bring you Jacob. And as for witnessing Zinnia’s ascension, I will have the holopark record a vid for you. You may watch it and celebrate at your leisure. Good enough?”

Pricilla stood for a few seconds. Her gaze left her mother and traveled out to the couple playing catch. “Yes, Mother. That will do. Thank you.” She gave Mary a half-curtsy, turned, and walked out of the holopark.

When her daughter was gone, Mary leaned toward Maureen. “Motherhood is a most thorny labyrinth, don’t you think?”

“It is.” Maureen nodded and smiled.

“But it becomes less vexing, I hope, with His guidance.” Judy held up her glass in a salute, and the three women cheered that thought and sipped more lemonade.

They silently watched the Messiah and the First Chosen play catch until the door to the holopark opened and Gail announced her presence. “Zinnia and I are here. Just as the Lord leads the church and protects her in the tempest’s gale, I follow my shield.” The sisters stepped out of the dugout wearing matching outfits with long skirts and flowing blouses. Which Gail had told her sister was proper attire to attend a ballgame. The outfit billowed on Zinnia, but clung to Gail. The sisters had always had similarly petite bodies, but Gail’s bust, hips, and butt stretched the fabric.

“What did you just say?” Zinnia looked at her sister with her mouth hanging open. She couldn’t believe her younger sister had talked her into trying on this ridiculous outfit. And now she was spouting something that sounded very much like Fourth Wave zealotry. “You follow James and Sagittarius A, not some lord.” Zinnia’s body buzzed and her mind swam. She always felt so oddly relaxed aboard the Errand. “What’s going on, Gail?”

Gail bit her lip and looked away from her sister. Their outfits were modest. But even so, she had a hard time believing she had convinced Zinnia to put one on. The Errand’s magic was clearly already at work on her sister. “Isn’t the stadium beautiful? Did you ever think you’d see something so pretty?”

Zinnia looked around her. She could see the couple playing catch in the outfield. That was Jacob, the man who had led them from the mess hall away from their husbands. “It is beautiful, but I feel silly dressed like this. And Dale is waiting for me back in the mess. We should go.”

“Nonsense. You only just got here.” Mary stood. “We’re happy to have you here.”

“You look lovely, Zinnia.” Maureen smiled at the shy woman.

“Do you like baseball?” Judy tilted her head with interest. Neither of the Hendersons rose from their chairs. The advanced state of their pregnancies excused such pleasantries.

“I … um … don’t really know much about baseball.” Zinnia glanced at the women and then looked out toward Jacob. He was ending his game of catch. He ran toward his partner, took her in his arms, and gave her a deep kiss. Zinnia put her hand to her mouth. She knew Heather from her excellent service in the mess hall. Were they married? She was much too old for him, surely. And she had heard plenty about Jacob Winthrop from her sister, but didn’t think Gail had ever mentioned him being married. Zinnia knew she should look away, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the couple as they made out. “I don’t … understand.” She watched them break their kiss. Then, Jacob smacked the tall woman’s backside with his mitt, and they jogged in from the outfield.

“Hello, Zinnia.” Jacob was sweaty and smiling as he came in. He slowed to a walk and then stopped by Judy. He bent down and kissed her on the lips. A little peck turned into an extended play of tongues. He caressed her dark, curly hair.

“Um …” Zinnia was mortified. These people were polygamists like the heathens back on Earth. But she thought the Fourth Wave left Earth to escape polygamy. That’s what she’d read. She looked to Gail to share this moment of horror. But her sister was staring at Jacob with what looked like adoration. The wings of a million butterflies fluttered in Zinnia’s stomach. Her heart thundered in her chest. When she looked back at Jacob, he had moved on to Maureen Henderson. He was on his knees next to her lawn chair, kissing her deeply. And … groping her boob. This teenage zealot was groping the indomitable Maureen Henderson while she was pregnant with her husband’s baby. Where was her husband? Why wasn’t he stopping this? Why was it so compelling? A thought seeped into her mind like a cold fog, maybe that wasn’t her husband’s baby in there. What had these Fourth Wavers done?

“He’s the true Messiah, Zinnia.” Gail put a hand on her sister’s back. “The things he’s shown me put to shame the plasma disk. He’ll show you, too. You just have to open up to him. Leave Sagittarius A behind.”

“Leave … the Good Word … behind?” Zinnia turned back toward her sister. The teenager, the hedonism, baseball, the Messiah. It all swirled in her mind. There was one clear truth she needed to see. She willed her brain to tell her what it was.

Jacob finished his greeting with Maureen, kissed his mother on the cheek, and stood before Zinnia. “So, here we are. I’m asking you to join our mission.” He slowly removed his baseball uniform, enjoying the look of awe on Zinnia’s face when his twisting cock came into view.

“No. No, no, no.” Zinnia shook all over. She was compelled to do two very different things. She knew she must take her sister and run. But just as surely, she knew she never wanted to take her eyes off that hideous penis moving toward her. Her body chose the latter. Her head buzzed like a loose bearing in a servo. She felt pressure from her sister’s hands on her shoulders. Zinnia sunk to her knees, absently wondering if her borrowed skirt would get grass stains from the holo-grass.

“Sagittarius A is just a black hole, Zinnia.” Gail could feel her sister’s shoulders tense as the penis came within inches of her face. “The real center of the galaxy is right here … right now. Open your mouth. Yes … that’s it. Taste him … it’s magic, right?” Gail knew well the electric feeling of Jacob’s cum on her tongue.

“Mmmppphhhhhhhh,” Zinnia hummed. Her eyelids fluttered. Air whistled through her nose. She had bowed so easily before another, false god. She was in supplication, and it felt magnificent. Tentatively, she reached out and touched the pulsing organ. Her fingers recoiled from the living thing, but she quickly got over her hesitancy. She gripped the penis and pumped it, trying her best to please this new deity. She had never been so proximate to power. God had always been impossibly far away, on the other side of an event horizon. Now, her sister claimed the Messiah was here, and she thought it was probably true. She bobbed her mouth on the fat, leaking head.

“That’s good … good … Zinnia.” Gail pulled her sister’s black hair from her face. She could see Zinnia sucking in earnest. It was almost over. Zinnia had only to discover the rapture of his semen. “He likes your work. You’re doing well.”

“I do … like it.” Jacob put his hands behind his head and smiled. “Could be deeper though. Help her out a little, Gail. Push on her head.”

“I don’t know, maybe …” Gail cupped the back of her sister’s head and paused.

“Nothing crazy, dear.” Mary sipped her lemonade and smiled. “Just help her get used to it.”

“Okay.” Gail could hear her sister murmuring on that giant thing. She pushed gently on the back of Zinnia’s head. Her sister’s soft sounds became rougher. Zinnia gagged and released her grip on the penis. Gail eased off, and Zinnia went back to her gentle murmuring and grasped Jacob again. They repeated this process several times as the sisters got used to their new tasks, Zinnia learning to suck cock, and Gail figuring out how to guide her. After a while, Zinnia could take about a third of Jacob’s penis with each bob of her head.

“Nice … work … Gail.” Jacob was seeing stars. Why were Mormons such naturals at giving blowjobs? “You can … ugh … let her … do it on her own … now.”

“Sure.” Gail stepped back. Right enough, her sister was now swiftly and eagerly pumping him with her hands and mouth. Gail could tell from the increasing rate of Jacob’s grunts that his pressure release valve was about to blow. She looked over at the ladies on their lawn chairs. Heather had pulled up another chair. All four faces were twisted in varying degrees of pleasure. They all had a hand between their legs, although the Hendersons had to hunch a little to reach around their giant bellies. Gail was suddenly awash in gratitude for being a part of something so special.

“Yeah … here it comes … this won’t be the last time … bitch.” The word just slipped out of Jacob. He had spoken to Maureen that way and it had been good for both of them. And when he used it now, Zinnia didn’t miss a beat. He looked at Gail, and she had only hunger and love written on her face. He heard no admonition from his mother. So, he pressed on. “You came here … someone else’s wife … ugh … now you’re … my bitch … aaaahhhhhhhhhh.” The talk intensified what was already a massive orgasm. He threw his head back and screamed as he let Zinnia feed on his cum.

Zinnia’s belabored mind registered that the man she was pleasuring was ready for release. She had expected satisfaction at having the power to send such a creature over the edge. But the joy she received was on another plane entirely. The salty burst hit her throat, she choked, and then she entered Heaven itself.

Gail caught her sister as she fell sideways. Zinnia’s slender frame jerked and twitched in her arms. Gail was used to the absurd sounds women made when they encountered Jacob’s seed. But it was doubly strange to hear the demented cries in her sister’s voice. Jacob continued to spray. He hit Gail in the face with his sticky stuff. She opened her mouth and the next jet landed on her tongue. She convulsed and fell to the grass, still clutching her sister.

“They do have lovely singing voices.” Mary laughed. “Don’t you think?”

“It is the sound of revelation.” Maureen nodded. How odd that something that drove women to such heights would make them sound like they’d fallen a few rungs down the evolutionary ladder. “I don’t think Gail will be able to undress her sister. You’ll have to do it, Mary.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Mary rose from her lawn chair and separated the still-twitching sisters. She then hurriedly undressed Zinnia. “Jacob, sweetie?”

“Yes?” His cock had stopped spraying. He stood above his mother, panting.

“The first time with a new wife is always special. How do you want her?” Mary removed Zinnia’s bra and panties. She nodded approvingly. “You’re a little small, but you’ll grow into the role,” she whispered.

“Whhhhaaaaaa dddddiiiiissssss?” Zinnia blinked her eyes as the world around her slowly came into back focus.

“Shh.” Mary put a finger to Zinnia’s cum-splattered lips. “Jacob, honey, how do you want her?”

“I like her butt, Mom. From behind.” Jacob stepped behind her.

“Will you be able to take her butt before you take her womb?” Mary looked at his writhing penis, as if she were addressing the question to that magnificent thing. She turned Zinnia over and pulled her up so that she was waiting for him like a dog. The woman crawled away, so Mary pinned her to the turf and removed her breast from her unzipped uniform.

“I think I have to take her pussy first. But I didn’t mean that. I just meant from behind.” Jacob stood watching the women struggle. Zinnia’s movements were lethargic, which allowed Mary to hold her with one arm.

“Daaaaaaaaaallllllllle … Saaaggggittttaaaaarrrrrrr …” The part of her brain screaming flight had been unleashed after her fit of pleasure. She tried to squirm away from the tall, Fourth Wave matriarch. She kicked and was free. She got to her feet and staggered, naked, toward the dugout.

“Fiddlesticks.” Mary looked at Maureen and Judy. Maureen shrugged. “Some help, Heather?”

The dark-skinned woman was still in her baseball uniform, sitting casually and watching with interest. “I thought you’d never ask.” Heather jumped up from her chair, and jogged over to Zinnia, catching her around the waist before the Mormon wife could reach the foul line. “Calm down. Shhhh.” Heather found the small woman to be quite strong, but uncoordinated. “Ow. Watch the elbows.”

“Alrighty then.” Mary stood, released both her breasts, and walked toward the struggling women. “Are you able to help, Gail?”

“Yeeessshhhhhh.” Gail lurched to her feet and shuffled toward them.

The will to resist grew with each second for Zinnia. She pushed at Heather and broke free, but ran right into her sister, who held her fast. Her speech returned to her. “Gail … Gail … we have to get … out of here. They want to … change us. I saw it … I saw it … they tempted me with rapture. We have to warn Dale … and James. Gail?”

“Hurry, Mrs. Winthrop. I … can’t hold her much longer.” Gail locked her arms around Zinnia and soon Heather joined her.

Zinnia could see Mary’s massive breasts move toward her, topped by dark nipples. She knew what they planned. “I will not drink. You can’t make me accept a false sacrament. You can’t … mmmmpppppphhhhhhh.” When the warm milk hit her tongue, the struggle left her.

“There now. Shhhhhh. It’s over.” Mary looked down at the woman’s tranquil face. She stroked Zinnia’s hair. “Yes … that’s a good girl … drink. I have more for you … drink.”

After a minute, Gail and Heather let go. Gail slumped to the turf. Heather went back to her lawn chair and sat down. Her hand moved between her legs.

“Now, sweetie. You wanted her from behind, right?” Mary looked over at her son. The Mormon hung in her arms, making happy gruntled sounds as she drank.

“Yeah.” Jacob nodded and moved toward them.

“Okay, that’s enough now.” With one finger, Mary tapped Zinnia’s cute, little nose and pulled her off her breast. She then carefully put Zinnia on her hands and knees, with a hand woven in her hair, just in case she decided to run again. But there was no more struggle in her.

“About what I said before, Mom. Can I call her that again?” Jacob got behind Zinnia, held her hips, and let his cock worm its way into her pussy. The mewling Zinnia cried out when he entered her. He slowly slid in, getting her used to her new life.

“The b-word? You can call her what you like, so long as she enjoys it. You are her husband now, and must shield her as you guide her through the tempest’s gale.” Mary shrugged. She gave him a sharp look as she stood up. “But I am your wife and mother.”

“Understood, Mom. I won’t call you that.” Jacob smiled. “Thanks.” He let his hips get into it. Pretty soon, he had a good rhythm. “You like that, bitch?”

“Oooooohhhhhhhh … yesssssssssss.” Zinnia dug her fingers into the grass, pushing her butt back at him. This was unlike any sex she had ever imagined. It was scarcely the same act she had with her husband in their little bed with the lights off. There was a penis and her vagina, but nothing else was the same. Actually, the penis part was entirely new. This was not Dale’s in any way, shape, or form. It searched for weak points inside her and exploited them. It was like she’d been coupled with a new species. Or a god. Or God. “Ugh … ugh … ugh … oooohhhhhhhhhhhh.” Even her vagina was not the same as with Dale. She could feel it stretching and changing to accept Jacob. This sex was an entirely novel act.

“I asked … uh … uh … you a question.” Jacob slipped a finger into her butthole and continued to pound her pussy. “Do … you … like … that … bitch?”

“It’s … ugh … ugh … ugh … good … so … good … oooohhhhhhhhh … mmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy.” Zinnia’s orgasm wasn’t like the one from before, but it still swept her mind away.

Gail sat up and watched her sister become a member of their new church. Jacob got his feet under him and squatted behind her, smashing into Zinnia with complete abandon. Gail wondered why he had never called her the b-word. At first, she was grateful. But then she saw how overcome they were by the joy of their act, and she grew jealous. If he wanted bitches, Gail would be the first to sign up. As she listened to Zinnia repeatedly call herself a “bitch” at Jacob’s insistence, Gail knew that maybe she would have to be the second to sign up.

It wasn’t the most formal twofold baptism, but Mary was happy with the results. Her son blessed the new woman with his seed in her womb not once but twice. He then took Gail and emptied himself inside her, too. The sisters left the holopark, clutching each other tightly, to clean and return to their bygone husbands. The other women pouted some, expressing their need in various ways, but they dispersed to their various tasks after Jacob thanked them for attending the baptism and promised them each some time with him very soon. Mary had her own promises to keep. She had to return Jacob to Pricilla and relieve her daughter of her duties.


“What’s the news, Deputy Inspector?” Tabitha slumped into the seat at her workstation. She was late again, her hair messy and her uniform creased with uncharacteristic wrinkles. She sipped her coffee and made a face at its bitterness.

“The Errand into the Wilderness began refueling this morning.” Deputy Pam Habenal eyed her superior with some concern.

“What?” Tabitha’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t let them leave without … arresting Jacob Winthrop. An image played in her mind of the young man completely shackled and at her mercy. For some reason, he was naked and she was reaching for his …

“Inspector General?” Pam furrowed her brow.


“I asked if you wanted fact or supposition.” Pam leaned back in her chair and summoned her keyboard. It floated in the air before her.

“Both, please.”

“They’re paying in stellarcoin.” Pam typed in a command and waved her hand. A chart floated in the space between them. “But I don’t know the source. We suspect that they brought none, so as you instructed, I counted every guest visit and estimated money spent for food and holopark time. If that is their only source of income, they should have enough for about two-thirds their fuel needs. For a ship that size, the process takes … um …”

“About forty-two hours.” Tabitha had done the math.

“Right. So, maybe they’re starting with the first two-thirds, and then they’ll finish when they have the coin. Or maybe they have some other source. I’m not sure.” Pam shrugged.

“Go down to the portmaster and see what he’ll tell you.”

“I’ll need a warrant for that information.” Pam stood and collected her things.

“Ask him nicely, I’ll see about the warrant later.”

“If we have evidence that something illegal is going on, we could stop the refueling right now.” Pam was usually in the loop with her boss, but this time she could tell Tabitha was holding back.

“We don’t have any evidence yet.” That wasn’t true. Tabitha had witnessed some sort of genetic modification and maybe a new drug in use on the Errand. If so, it was a drug that made a woman masturbate multiple times a day. “Go. And report back to me as soon as you can.”

“Yes, Inspector General.” Pam nodded and left the room.

Tabitha grabbed her bag and headed for the bathroom. She needed to explore the fantasy where she had Jacob Winthrop at her mercy.


“There you are.” Pricilla set down her tray of empty glasses on a nearby table when Jacob and her mother returned. She practically skipped through the crowded room over to her brother, took his hand, and kissed him on the cheek.

“Everything good here?” Mary surveyed the room, looking for anything unusual. Her eyes fell on the Mormons.

“Where are our wives?” Dale called over to Jacob. He could not understand why Zinnia hadn’t returned with her guide.

“They’ll be arriving shortly.” Mary caught Penny’s eye as she raced by with a tray. “More milk for this table.” Penny nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen.

“Okay.” Dale relaxed and gave James a lazy smile. “They’ll be back shortly.”

“All normal in the mess.” Priscilla wanted to get the conversation over with and leave. “Although, we are a bit understaffed.” She smiled at Humility rushing by with fresh food.

“Okay, I’ll take over.” Mary nodded to her daughter. “Thank you for keeping an eye on things.”

“You’re welcome, Mother.” Pricilla curtsied. “Okay, come on Jacob, let’s get a room.” She smacked his butt and pulled him by the hand toward the exit. A couple nearby patrons turned their attention to the strange display of affection, but then shrugged and went back to their milk.

Out in the empty corridor, Jacob felt free to talk. “What’s the rush? We slept in the same bed all night.”

“It gets me worked up when you have one of those ceremonies. And to know you’re having one, while I’m doing something stupid like waiting on tables …” Pricilla squeezed his hand. “Aren’t you happy that I want you?”

“Yes. For sure.” Jacob had to quicken his step as she dragged him along. “I can tell you all about the baptism if you want.”

“I’ve got something better.” Pricilla turned a wicked smile toward her brother. “Mom recorded it. I want us to watch the vid while we’re doing it.”

Jacob laughed. “Okay. That sounds like fun.”

“But tell me, did the new wife try and run?”

“Yes, she did.” Jacob was now jogging to keep up with his sister.

“And did you catch her?”

“I let the ladies handle that.” Jacob laughed again. “Also, I called her a bad word, and Mom let me.”

It was Pricilla’s turn to laugh. “Mom didn’t ‘let’ you, Jacob. You’re the Messiah. You do as you please.”

They arrived at their quarters and raced inside.

As they undressed, Jacob thought about his sister’s words. She was right. He really could do as he pleased. And at the moment, it pleased him to hump his sister. While she was still removing her uniform, he grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed. He mounted her. They were both laughing wildly. But that abruptly ended when he entered her butt, and they both started grunting.

I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
