A Father’s Struggle 05 – Clue (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

Well a few days went by after my little *flub* where I accidentally exposed myself to all of my daughter’s friend’s.

Then came the interrogation but instead of me being stealthy in trying to find my ‘*spy*’ I got the fifth degree from my daughter’s asking what the hell I was thinking.

I didn’t know my schlong was hanging out for everyone to see.  The clothing to air ratio was almost perfect so when it snaked out I really didn’t notice and the bottoms were really loose **and** I wasn’t exactly wearing underwear so it was a perfect mistake to happen.

After I received the fifth degree from my daughter’s they begrudgingly helped find my ‘*spy*’.

Mackenzie of course confronted her friends but they all came back saying that had no idea and didn’t know someone had ‘*spied*’ on me while I was taking care of business.  They said they were a little too inebriated to actually do anything.

Then there were Savanna’s friends…Arianna and Natalie.  

*IF* I was a betting man Arianna was my choice who ‘*spied*’ on me.  Everything added up with her.  She had the right outfit on.  **AND** she admitted during the games that she has a crush on me.

My bet is Arianna spied on me, knew enough about my system as she had been over quite a few times, avoided most of the cameras, grabbed Natalie and convinced her to change into the same outfit she was wearing.  Then they split up in front of the camera’s causing me to lose them.

And I was wrong….it wasn’t either Arianna and Natalie.

Arianna was in Savanna’s bathroom puking her guts out after having one too many.  Someone came and heard her puking her guts out and went and grabbed clothes for her to change into.  Arianna wasn’t sure who it was because they barely spoke.

*Well shit!!!*

Then who the **fuck** was watching me.

And the last person who could have admitted to it also came up blank….Nicole’s friend….Megan.

So now I was completely clueless as to *who* could have been watching me.

I sat around thinking about it and every scenario I could come up with just left me with more questions.  And those questions just led me down one path…..if my daughter’s friend’s each swore they didn’t *spy* on me while I was having my man to hand relationship….there only left one group who could have done it……my daughter’s.

If I didn’t have so many of them I could say without any problem who had done it.  But with six new *suspects* the jury was out on *who* could have done it.

And it’s not like I can go to my daughter’s after what happened and ask them point blank if they watched me or not.  Now can I?

But that didn’t stop them from beginning to suspect one another as each of them had started to act weird around one another speaking hushed tones and try to act normal when I entered the room.

Hell even the following game night was awkward as each of them were acting weird towards one another.

Eventually near the end of the night I spoke, “Ok girls”

They all looked at me, “I know you *ALL* told me that each of friend’s had denied that they didn’t spy on me though more than one of them professed their attraction while they had a few in them.”

That got them to nod though they refused to look at one another.

I continued, “And I know you all came to the same conclusion that I have **if** your friend’s denied the spying then that only leaves one of you.  Am I right?”

Nicole and Heather quickly spoke, “Yeah Savanna admit to it.”

I raised my eyebrow and looked over at Savanna but she quickly shot back, “Nuh huh like I said that night I was passed out on my fucking bed.”

Heather looked at her, “Then why did you say that dad has and I quote ‘A decent looking **cock**.'”

Savanna frantically yelled, “BECAUSE HE DOES!!!’

Savanna looked at me, “Tell them daddy I was laid out on my bed.”  She looked at Heather and Nicole, “BECAUSE I WAS A FUCKING SLEEP!!! LIKE I TOLD YOU!!!”

I yelled at the top of my lungs, “ENOUGH!!!!” letting my booming voice reverberate around the room instantly shutting up each of my girl’s.

I let the quiet show my daughter’s that I was done with this.  I looked at Heather and Nicole, “Savanna is right she was in her bed sleeping.”

I looked at Savanna, “There.”

I continued, “I’ve had enough of these silent accusations when my back is turned.  So what if someone ‘*spied*’ on me jerking it.  You all shouldn’t be fighting one another.  We **SHOULD** be a **family**.”

I looked around at the girl’s who had looked down, “So how about this.  WE **ALL** forget that **I** was spied on and move on.  All these accusations will only split us apart.”

I looked at Nicole, Savanna, and Mackenzie, “Apologize to your friend’s about the accusations and personally invite them for another gaming night or hell a movie night.  I don’t care.  What’s important is we don’t let this one incident cause a wedge between **US** or your friends.”

I looked around the room, “Am I understood?”

Mackenzie spoke softly, “Yes sir.”

I looked over at Savanna who nodded.

I looked at Nicole who was still pouting, “Well?”

Nicole looked at me and eventually sighed, “Fine!”

She looked at Savanna, “And I’m sorry I accused you of spying on dad.”

Savanna for her part smiled and held out her hand, “No worries.”

Nicole smiled and shook her hand.

Heather even spoke, “And I’m sorry too.”

I looked around the room, “Now can we get back to our card game and be a family?”

Nicole stretched, “Na I’ve had my fill and prefer sleep.”

Savanna got up, “And I need to jump online.  I have a stream at midnight I need to get ready for.”

And just like that, one by one each one went to their rooms.

The only one left was my bookworm sitting there reading.

I looked over at Abby, “How about you honey?  You ok?”

Abby didn’t say anything until she turned the page, “I’m fine.  Why?”

I looked at her, “Didn’t they accuse you?”

Abby scoffed but kept reading this time an obvious manga.  

I only knew that because she turned the page in the wrong direction.

I spoke, “How…”

Abby looked up at me, “No none of my friend’s were spying on you and no they didn’t accuse me of spying on you.”

It was then I saw Abby’s eyes……they were purple.

I spoke, “Uuummmmm honey?”

Abby sighed as she looked up at me, “Yes.”

I pointed to my eyes indicating her eyes.

Abby scoffed at me and said, “It’s this hentai mag dad not you.”

She stood up and walked off, “Get over yourself.”

I watched her go off confused for a moment.

And just like that I was alone….in my house.

I sighed and started to pick up the cards and push in chairs when I noticed something…..a wet spot.  In the chair.

Right where Abby was sitting.

At first I didn’t really didn’t think much of it. I just found the wet spot as odd because Abby was wearing a dress.  I shook my head and took a napkin off the table to wipe up the small spot before pushing in the chair.

Then after the clean up I simply went to my room too tired to do anything let alone have a repeat performance so soon after I had an audience of one.

I simply laid in my bed sprawled out trying to not really think of anything so I could sleep until eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I don’t know how long I was asleep but something clicked and I shot up wide eyed.

*The Wet spot!!!*

Just like the little bit of wet spots I had found outside my door.

I looked over at the door and jumped up not caring if I was making any noise or not.

I opened the door to look down at the spot like it was still there though it had been cleaned up already.  I turned my attention to the dining room where I noticed a similar wet spot….from Abby’s chair.

I looked at the ground again then towards the dining area then back down at the floor like that wet spot called to me.

I grunted out ‘*NO FUCKING WAY!!!* as the pieces in my head clicked.

But I had to tread carefully….I still needed confirmation that I was on the right track.

I smiled as I looked up at the camera and knew exactly what I was going to do.

But first I needed sleep.

Happy as I approached the bed and a plan began to form as I curled up and drifted back to sleep giggling.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sf2vcl/a_fathers_struggle_05_clue_fiction_family_bond_mf


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