A week in the life of Jee-hee [M/F][noncon][inc]

*Reposting because I think last time I forgot my tags. :)*



Jee-hee lay on their bed and watched the clock tick ever slower while her brother moved inside of her; five more minutes and she would have to push him off and start getting ready for the day. She lay there while he thrust between her legs, in and out….three more minutes, two more minutes, one more minute…
“Jun! Jun?” she said to him. “Are you almost done, Jun? Have you had enough yet?”
He grunted in reply, and kept thrusting. She sighed; it was going to be one of *those* days.
“Jun? Jun, I do have to go to work now. Jun?” He made no move to get up. Great. “Jun! I have to go! You don’t want me get get in trouble, do you?”
He froze, then shook his head. He knew what it meant if she lost her job, she’d told him often enough. He didn’t want to be taken away from her and put back into the hospital. She felt him slide out of her with some relief; he went longer than usual today and she was starting to get a bit sore. Still, a smaller price to pay to keep him content; things got difficult when he got antsy.

He rolled off of her and lay beside her on the bed, idly playing with himself while he was still wet from her, stopping only when he started to chafe. Sitting up, she checked between her legs; good. This time, no come. That would make things easier when she was already running late. “Jun,” she said, taking her shirt from beside their bed and putting it on. “Jun, I have to get ready to go now, OK?”
“OK,” he said, agreeably. “Food?”
“Of course,” she said, putting on her pants. “Just give me a minute.”
She fried some vegetables with some of the rice from last night’s dinner, and set them in a bowl on the table for him. Reminding him not to leave the house, she opened the blinds on the window so he could watch the streets below. She barred the front door so he could not leave, cursing silently all the while the car accident that made her brother a hazard to himself and others (but after he got loose *last* time…), and went to work.

She clocked onto the factory floor with a minute to spare. Not early enough, as the foreman blocked her from heading to her station.
“Late, are you?”
“No, Mr. Park,” she said. “I’m right on time.”
“Talking back to me, are we?” he said lightly, “Tired of working here, then?”
“No, Mr. Park.”
“No, you *need* this job, don’t you Jee-hee?”
“Yes, Mr. Park.”
He cupped one breast. “You can’t afford to get fired, can you?” he said.
She looked down at the floor. “No, Mr. Park.”
He ran his hand down her front, then up between her legs. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” His fingers moved pushing up and along the seam of her pants. “You *like* this job, don’t you, Jee-hee?”
She looked away, towards her station. *No.* “Yes, Mr. Park.”
Mr. Park took his hand away and stepped to one side for her to pass. “Good to hear,” he told her. “Now get to work, and don’t be late again, you hear?”
“No, Mr. Park. Yes, Mr. Park,” she said, and – face flushed with embarrassment and resentment – went to her station to begin her shift.


Jee-hee lay on their bed and moved beneath her brother; the sooner he came the sooner she could get ready for work. She’d come home to him having a meltdown over it raining while she was out and him being bored watching the empty streets. Ice cream didn’t help, nor did his favorite ramen; only a promise that she would help him come next time they had sex would calm him. And now if he didn’t come *soon*, she was going to be cutting it close for work again.
“Jun?” she whispered, “Jun? Come on, Jun, come on, you have to hurry, OK?” He said nothing, and continued on. “Come on, Jun,” she said, “Come on. You can do it, come on, Jun, *come* on.” Still nothing. All right, then.
She pulled him closer still, bent her knees and raised her hips, and matched him stroke for stroke, making sure she rubbed him along the spot she knew he liked. “Come on, Jun, come on, you can do it, come on, come on, do it for me, do it for your big sister, OK?” She sped up slightly, knowing he’d do the same. “That’s it, you got it, you can do it…”
With a shudder, he came to a stop. As he pulled out, she felt the wet stickiness roll out and down along her butt crack, to fall onto the sheets. One more thing to take care of before she left, but in the meantime…”Good job, Jun,” she told him, “That was great, I loved it.”
“Yah?” he asked her, with a happy smile.
“Yeah, I did, Jun,” she told him. “I love it, love having you in me, love it when you come, OK?”
“Yah!” he said, happily.
“OK, I need to get to work now, OK? I’ll make your breakfast and leave lunch in the fridge, all right? You watch TV until I go, OK?”

Sitting him in front of the ancient TV they had, she quickly changed the sheets, showered and cleaned him off of her, made their meals, kissed him on the cheek, locked and barred the door (once again cursing the accident that meant she had to every day), and hurried off to work. With a bit of luck, she would be able to clock in and make it to her station before Mr. Park could tear himself away from his coffee and make her life miserable before the factory day began.


*Not the best start to the day,* she thought to herself, pushed up against the wall of the closet while Mr. Park’s fingers were so deep up in her that it was almost like he was looking for his wedding ring. From the sharp scratching along one side up there, she almost thought that might be the truth. Thank goodness, she thought, that he didn’t notice the crusted smear along her panties from where the last dregs of Jun dripped out on her way into work this morning. Or – from the sharp, almost pig-like grunts coming from the back of his throat as he fondled her – maybe he did.
“You like that, right, Jee-hee?” he grunted.
*God, no.* “Yes, Mr. Park,” she said.
He pushed another finger inside of her. “How much?”
*Lose the ring, you bastard! That rock* hurts! “I love it, Mr. Park.”
“I know you do. Feels good, don’t it?”
*Like getting fingered by a cactus.* “Yes, Mr. Park.”
“You like it full, don’t you?”
“Yes, Mr. Park.”
“I knew it,” and he pushed yet *another* finger inside, then his hand up to where his thumb joined his palm. “You like it big, you like it full.” In and out he slid his hand, out and in up to the thumb. Now she was getting scratched in a whole new place. “Well, since you like that so much, I guess I *can* find a replacement for your shift tomorrow. After all, you do me a favor and I do you a favor, that…” He pulled his hand out of her, and wiped the moisture along the front of her shirt, “…is the *grease* that keeps the world turning.”
Pinching her nipple, he left her in the closet to straighten her clothes and return to her station.


The doctor handed Jun a sucker and asked him to sit still while she talked to his sister.

“He’s about the same, as I’m sure you can tell,” she told Jee-Hee while Jun looked around the office. Jee-hee nodded. The doctor continued, “The brain injury the car accident left him with probably means he’ll need care for the rest of his life. You know, we can get him on a waiting list for a care facility down in Busan. Not a five-star hotel either, of course,but I hear it’s pretty nice.”
Jee-hee nodded. “I’m sure it is. But I don’t have much money.”
“Oh,” said the doctor, ” from what I understand it’s not too expensive…the government pays for most of it.”
Jee-hee perked up at that. “Really? How much?”
“Well,” the doctor said, “I don’t really know the details. And it’s at least a two year waiting list, *And* you’d need to move to Busan to be there; they don’t like families to be separated unless there’s no other family to separate. But,” she said, “we can at least get the process started. Shall we?”
“Oh, yes! Yes, please,” Jee-hee said. “I don’t care if we have to move. To get some help, in a nice place, and still be there for him? Please, put him on the list?”
“Certainly,” said the doctor. “I’ll submit a referral, then the organization that liaisons with the care facility will get in touch with all the details.”
“That’s wonderful!” said Jee-Hee. “You hear that, Jun? We’ll get some help soon!”
“Yay!” cheered Jun, then turned his attention back to his candy.


“Come on, Jun, come on. I have to go to work!”
“Come!” he said, making no move to get up.
She got on her elbows slightly so she could move her hips a little faster. “Jun, next time, I promise, OK?”
“Come!” he said, louder, and pressed down a little heavier on her, never slowing the motion of his hips.
“Jun…come on, I have to go. You can come next time. I don’t work tomorrow, so you can come and stay inside for awhile the way you like, all right? Maybe, if you’re quick, you can even come *twice* tomorrow, wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Nice!” he agreed happily, and pulled out of her. “Tomorrow!”
“Tomorrow, Jun,” she agreed, getting up off the bed. “You can come twice tomorrow. You can even stay inside me as long as you like, keep it warm, OK? I know you like to keep warm, I know that you like your sister to keep it warm, right?”
“Warm!” he nodded. “OK! Food?”
“Yes, let me get cleaned up and I’ll make our breakfast, OK?”

She showered and dressed, made their breakfast and lunches. She sat him by the window so he could watch outside, the locked and barred the door (cursing yet again the car accident that required her to do so), then went in to work. Clocked in, made it to her station. Started her shift.

Was relieved an hour into the day. Sent to Mr. Park’s office.

“You were away yesterday, Jee-hee,” he said.
“I know, Mr. Park. You gave me the day off, remember?”
“I did. But you were supposed to find a replacement for your shift, and you didn’t. So we were short staffed.” She stood there, silent. “You know what that means?”
“No, Mr. Park.”
“Means we missed our numbers. Means that I look bad. Means I have to fix the problem.”
She stood, silent.
“Usually, that means I have to fire unreliable staff who don’t show up to work.”
Still silent.
“Are you unreliable, Jee-hee?”
“No, Mr. Park.”
“Show me.”
She looked around. “I’m *here*, Mr. Park, and on time…”
“*No,* you stupid woman,” he said, making a pulling motion in front of his chest, “*show* me. Show me you’re not unreliable.”
Ah. Of course. The pig. Slowly, she unbuttoned her shirt and dropped it on the floor. Her pants and bra followed, then her panties. Naked, she stood in front of his desk.
“Good, I like to see that kind of initiative.” He patted the front of his desk. “Now, sit here.” She did, on the edge of the desk with her legs hanging down. “Good, open, open wide…good. Now, show me what you have.” She began to run her finger along her crack. “Good, good. Keep it going.” She fondled herself, letting herself get wet enough to slide a finger in. Once, twice, longer, she fingered herself while he watched, until he stood up from his chair.
“Yeah, that’s good. But I remember, you like it big. You like it *full*,” and he unbuckled his pants and let then fall to his feet. Grabbing her legs, he pulled himself up towards and *in* to her, wrapping her legs around his back. “Is this full enough for you?” he panted, thrusting hard between her legs.
“Yes, Mr. Park.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know it is, and you know what *else* is full?”
“What, Mr. Park?”
One more thrust, two, three, then one final push forward, *hard*, then the feel of him withdraw. “You are. Don’t drip on my desk!” he said, sharply. “If you stain that wood you’ll be out of here before you can blink!”
Desperately she moved to catch the thick paste that was oozing from within her. “Do you have a tissue, Mr. Park?”
“No. Why would I have any of those? Use your underwear if you have to use something.”
“No buts! In fact,” he said, a greasy grin stretching across his face, “*do* use your underwear. Keep me close, to remember me throughout the day.”
Face red, through clenched teeth, she said, “Yes, Mr. Park.”
“Good. Now get back to work. You’ve been here far past your break time and if you’re not on the floor in two minutes I’ll have to dock your pay. Now move.”

Back to her station she went, to finish up the day and home for the weekend, to start the week anew.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sfjbj6/a_week_in_the_life_of_jeehee_mfnonconinc