From the Ashes Chapter 1 [M/F]


TW: >!Sexual Assault, Abuse!<


From the outside looking in, her relationship is a complete and utter dumpster fire. [Christina]( (Christy) and Mikey has been together for a long time. A long time. 4 years, from 14 up until 18. I’m a year behind her, but we’ve been friends ever since I was a freshman and she a sophomore. Christy believes in waiting until marriage, so while Mikey tries to pressure her into giving it up, Christy held up a strong front and refused it.

Despite this, they were still together.

We have a small group of friends. [Whitney](, whose family owns a farm, [Kayla]( who lives to party, and [Angelina]( who is the school’s track star. I’m the designated tall and lanky nerd who became friends with these beautiful ladies because they didn’t see me as a threat, resulting in them being comfortable with me and we actually built a really good friendly relationship together. Mikey is the high school quarterback, and Christy is part of the school’s weightlifting team.

The girls are all beautiful, but I’ve been more attracted to Christy ever since I met her. She’s beautiful and funny, but at the same time I don’t want to rock the good boat that I am in. And so, I kept my romantic distance from her. I don’t talk to the other girls about my crush, fearing that they’d tattle on me, and at the same time I don’t any other friends in the school. So, I’ve kept a journal of my feelings.

When I asked her why weightlifting, she just flashed me her pearly whites and said, and I quote, “I have a passion of lifting stuff up and then putting it down.”

And I would laugh, because that shit is hilarious.

Christy is a fairly tall and leggy brunette with thick legs and ass, and tight, slightly muscular arms. Besides weightlifting, she also wrestles, and she and Whitney would often try to outdo one another. When she’s relaxed, Christy’s arms are smooth and soft. But when she flexes, all of her lines and tight chords of muscle shows up. She likes to keep her hair long, and I often find her brushing it. It’s her way of calming herself down, so before tests she would usually brush her hair a few times and then go at it.

Meanwhile, I’m the circle’s nerd. The one the girls ask for help booting up their computer or defragging it. I like computers, but it’s not my passion. I’ve always wanted to help people and I want to become a doctor when I get into college.

As time went on during high school, I’ve noticed that Christy has been pulling away from us more and more. She didn’t want to hang out when Angelina won her track meet, and she didn’t even want to come over when Kayla’s family killed off one of their cows and made A LOT of steaks. Christy loves steak! I noticed that her clothing has changed too. She used to wear cute t-shirts and spaghetti straps and tank tops, nowadays she’s wearing long sleeves with dull, solid color or jackets and sweaters. Even when the temperature is hot, she wears those things. That eventually graduated to her wearing mostly jeans. No longer did she wear shorts or leggings. She also smiled a little less than she did before.

I have my suspicions, but I need Kayla and the other to understand my concern. I think Cathy is being physically abused.

But the girls didn’t see what I saw. They didn’t notice the personality changes, how Christy was bubbly and lively to the now sullen and timid girl, nor did they see the clothes she wore didn’t reflect what she was. These three are supposed to be her best friend, they’ve known each other for ages, and they’re not picking up on what Christy is putting down. It’s kind of infuriating to be honest.

Now, Mikey is a jerk. The quarterback, the star of the school, and he has the body to show for it. I didn’t hate him or anything, but the more I look at him the more I’m beginning to. He’s big and wide, shorter than I and Christy even, but he has the audacity of a man many times his caliber. He thinks he’s put there by God to make the women squeal and swoon.

Mikey and I do not get along. We don’t spend time together, and I could feel my skin crawl if we’re even in the same room together. Now, he might be the quarterback, and I’m a nerd, but to his credit he didn’t pick on me or anything. It would probably sour the group, but that’s not to say I’m helpless or anything. Before I moved to this town, I was very interested in MMA. So, from when I was 11 up until we moved, I was in a class for preteens interested in MMA. I did the whole thing: Strikes, grapples, throws, holds and what not, and while we were preteens it was still a very real experience that transitioned well into my teenage years. Sadly, the town me and my family moved to didn’t have any good MMA gyms, so I’ve been stuck practicing on a weighted dummy.

I look at Christy and I see reservations and sadness. I want to break her free, I want to get the old Christy back, but at the same time what if I’m wrong? What if it’s all in my head? I’m not so sure anymore.

Well as it turns out I didn’t need to do much of anything.


Our little friend group had a New Year’s Eve party. We rented a house for us to party in. We were going to do it in Kayla’s place, seeing as its fucking huge and all, but her parents had their own party. By this time, the girls and Mikey are all 18 and I’m still 17, so I’m the designated driver.

There is definitely drinking and me, being the straight arrow nerd that I am, brought ginger ale for myself. Mikey poked fun at me for drinking ginger ale instead of beer, but I just waved him away. Cathy is starting to loosen up a bit, and she danced with the other girls and finally let loose.

But when the night started to go deeper, and the girls snored and slept, I tucked them all in on the couch and the chairs. Mikey and Christy took one of the beds upstairs earlier, and I wanted to check in on them before I turn in.

But what I heard as I climbed the stairs are deep thuds, shouting and a flurry of cussing from Christy. Now, remember when I said that Mikey is one of the jocks and the quarterback. Well, that didn’t translate really well into what was happening when I opened the door.

Christy’s shirt is halfway down her torso, and her jeans are almost off. I can see her black panties and bra.

“Get off me!” Christy yelled as she’s trying to push him off, but Mikey grabbed at her shoulder and tried to get in between her leg. His pants are halfway down his thighs, and I can see his boxers.

“Come on, we’re both 18!” he said, trying to convince her but Christy is adamant. She pushed him off her, but he leaps back onto her, trying to rip off more of her clothes.

“Hey, Mikey what the fuck dude!” I shouted and Mikey turned to regard me. I rushed over and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back, and I succeeded with Christy pushing him off her. But then Mikey fell on top of me

“Fucking creep!” Christy shrieked as she started slapping his chest and face. I pushed Mikey off me, and the guy got his pants up and ran off. Then we hear the door opening and slamming shut, then the sound of his car peeling off.

“What the fuck!?” I hear from downstairs, and the three girls scampered up the stairs and into the room to find Christy hugging me, crying.

“Thank you, thank you!” she cried, and my shirt was soaked with tears.

“It’s alright, you’re fine now.”

“What the hell happened!?” Whitney demanded as she surveyed the chaos of the room. The sheets are all over the place, blankets are thrown aside, pillows everywhere. It looked like a fight happened, and there was a fight. For the most part, Christy fought off Mikey in his quest for her special place, and thanks to Christy’s strength, despite being inebriated, she was successful in fending him off.

However, she laid on top of me like I’m her knight in shining armor, while in reality all I did was pull him off her. I went downstairs and I made sure to lock the doors and I hear the girls trying to figure out if they should file a police report or not.

But ultimately, they decided not to. Mikey’s future will be ruined, and he’ll get ostracized by the school. Christy and Mikey are no more, however. I was hoping they’d file a report because that bastard might do this to another person.

But when we got back to school the next day, there weren’t any mention of Mikey or of Christy. No rumors, no hushed talks, there was nothing. We did see Mikey, but he looked at us, at Christy, and walked the other way.

That was that.

When they graduated, Christy and the girls were both happy and sad. Happy that their lives are finally going to start, but sad that they’re leaving me behind. I’ve become a bigger part of their lives after that fateful night, and I’ll be sad to not sit with them for lunch.

“Well, we still have the summer together,” I told them, and they agreed. We did have the entire summer together!

And what a fun summer that was.

They all decided to wait for me. To wait for me to graduate and that we’ll all apply for school together. I was shocked that they’re willing to do this for me, but the girls reasoned that it’s pretty normal. All four of them wanted to find a job where they can work together, and since we have a bunch of coffee shops it doesn’t seem a too farfetched idea.

Summer is a great season for us. The beach is nice and packed, and the girls like to take me along for some reason. My own senior year is about to start and, I guess, the girls wanted to make memories with me. Not *that* kind of memories, but just fun memories. They took many, many photos and many, many, MANY selfies. Then they took a bunch of group selfies with me in the middle, and each girl by my side. I know for most people they’d think I’m banging these girls, but no. I’m respectful towards them and, if they want to, sure I’ll give them the time of day. But I like having friends and I like having women friends who don’t make fun of me for being tall and lanky, though muscled as I am.

But Christy, she’s started drifting closer and closer to me. Ever since that night she likes to be next to me, shoulder to shoulder. She would casually brush my hand or rest her hand on my thigh for longer than a few second. She’d laugh at my jokes, and whenever I walk into the room she’d literally jump up, run up to me, and give me a hug. Not a platonic side hug, but a full-on breast-against-me really tight hug. She has a nice set herself, a smidge smaller than Whitney’s but they’re nice and ample.

But I’m not going to read too much into it. I don’t want to push her away, since she just got out of a bad relationship. She talked to us about how Mikey would hit and grab her from time to time, leaving bruises on her arms and thigh and, hence, the long-sleeve shirts, jackets, sweaters and jeans. Mikey would berate her and belittle her, how girls shouldn’t have muscles and she look like a freak. The more I listened the more I felt angry towards him.

Then summer ended and I have to go back to school the next Monday. I received a text from her, asking to meet up on a nearby park.

“Are you dense?” she asked. It’s midday, kids are playing amongst the grass, couples are having a picnic, and here is the girl of my dreams asking if I’m dense.

“Excuse me?” I asked, quite confused.

“I’m asking if you’re denser than a waterlogged stump,” she asked then her hands went to her thigh.

“I’m still not picking up what you’re putting down.”

She runs up to me and punches me on the shoulder. “Jesus, that hurts! What gives?”

“I’m giving you signals. I’m being very, very, VERY clear on what I want.”

I sighed. “Okay, let’s sit down for a second.” So, we sat down, side by side with me rubbing my eyes and slightly frustrated, and then I gave her a look. “Christy, look, you just got out of a relationship, in the worst possible way. I didn’t want to just swoop in and ask you out, I wanted you to heal from that and get better first, you know? I wanted you to figure out what you want in a guy.”

She scoffed. “It’s been a while since Mikey tried to rape me, Reed. I think I know what I want, alright, and that’s you! I’m serious, how much signal do I need to give you?”

I’m flabbergasted. The girl of my dreams, literally asking ME out, and here I am trying to decide if I should or should not go out with her. But the thing is, I still want her to heal from her assault, to process her feelings and know that it wasn’t her fault. But I guess me being silent for more than 2 seconds, caused her to puff her cheeks and literally pull me by my collar into an awkward kiss.

At first, I was hesitant in kissing her, but I guess it opened the floodgates because we’re full on making out in a damn park gazebo. I leaned into her, and she leaned back slightly, and our lips hugged and caressed one another. I think there’s even tongue action, but I was just so focused on the kissing part, to make it seem like this isn’t my first kiss. Because it is my first!

“Damn, you’re a good kisser,” she said as soon as we parted, “and I think I got my answer.” She gave me a wink and took my hand, and we walked away from that gazebo. It wasn’t until much later on in the day that I carved our initials on the bench, amongst many others who, I assume, had their first kiss here as well.

I guess we’re official? This just throws my entire plan into a loop! I need to get beefier, well not beefy but more shredded, because as it stands, she is much more cut than I am. Despite that, she’s still soft and she’s only rough and hard when she’s lifting a bench. Or me. It’s a little emasculating when she lifts me up if I’m being honest.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I barely ate dinner! My stomach was full of butterflies, and excitement ran in my bloodstream that, before I knew it, it was already morning. Not a minute soon after my phone buzzed, and I picked it up and looked at it.

“Good morning, handsome. Have a good day at school!” And it’s from Christy. She also sent me a pretty cute selfie, freshly awaken and she hadn’t even done her hair yet. Not that I’m complaining or anything, hers is the first selfie I’ve gotten beside the ones our group took during the summer. “Do you want to come over after school?”

Hell yeah, I thought and immediately relayed it as such. She gave me another selfie, now with her hair fixed and such a bright smile on her face too! This high is going to get me through the first day of senior high school, I just know it.

But by the time lunch came, I’m already so god damn sleepy. I should’ve tried to go to sleep!

But school kind of sucks when I have no friends. I talk to people, I’m quite social, but the people I sit with for lunch don’t really share a lot of things with me. So most of my time is spent with me just wishing for school to not be done, which is a stark contrast from before where I wish it didn’t end because I spent so much time with the girls.

I was ecstatic when the day ended, and as soon as I got home, I took a shower, changed my outfit, and told my mom I’m going over to Christy’s. She offered to drive me there, but I told her that’s too awkward. I think she’s beginning to suspect Christy and I are going out, but thankfully she held her tongue.

How did I know she suspects something? Her last words. “Don’t do anything I would.”

Now my mother was kind of promiscuous in her youth, her words not mine, so it instantly registered to me that she knew. But she’s kind, and she holds a roof over my age. Dad is still at work, and he won’t be home until much later.

Christy lives down the street from me. Whitney and Angelina are the ones that live further away, Whitney especially, while Kayla and Christy live nearby. I noticed that there’s no car in her driveway, so her parents aren’t home, and when I knocked, she opened the door and pulled me in.

“Hey,” she said with a smile, acting like she didn’t just pull me in with surprising strength.

“Uh, hey what’s up,” I replied, “you wanted to hang out?”

“Yup, do you want to help me cook?”

I help my mom cook all the time, but she takes the reign most of the time and I just hand her ingredients and utensils. I nodded and she held my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.

We talked while she did most of the cooking and I helped. I wasn’t much of some help, I’m not much of a cook anyway, but she turned up a really nice pasta dish. “I hope you’re hungry,” she said, and I of course said I was.

It’s delicious. Not the best pasta dish, but I think eating it with her made it even more delicious than it actually was. It needed a bit more salt and the pasta are kind of overcooked, but it’s fine. I’m not a professional chef.

We sat on the couch and watched some Hulu, specifically MasterChef. I’m not sure how long we watched but, eventually, everything went to black and the next thing I remember is waking up with her sleeping against me. I brushed her hair away from her face, marveling at how gorgeous she is, and then carried her to her room. Her parents aren’t back yet, and it struck me as kind of weird.

I carried her to her room, thanking God that her house is one-story. She didn’t even wake up at all, she slept the entire time I carried her, and man is she heavy!

She stirred as soon as I got her into her bed, then she hugged me. “Stay with me, please?” she murmured.

“Christy, come on. I got school tomorrow” I whispered.

“Yeah, but um… you can go from here, right? Just leave a little earlier. Stay with me, please?”

I sighed. “Alright, just let me tell my mom.”

She buried herself deeper into my chest. You would think my mother would be against the entire thing. You would think my father would come rushing in just to pick me up. But no.

“Okay, have fun 😘” was my mother’s reply.

“Did you bring condoms?” my dad texted.


“I’m just sleeping here!” I texted back and was met by “hahaha” from both sides.

“Sure, *sleeping*,” my dad replied, “that’s exactly how you were made, I *slept* next to your mom.”

“Dad!” I texted back furiously. I think they’re fine with me staying here, it’ll give them time for romance and for my mom to finally let loose. I’ve heard them having… relations at night, my mother isn’t really quiet. She’s told me plenty of times how dad pretty much makes her feel like a teenager whenever they’re together and I would just groan every time. I think my dad is pretty happy that his own son has a girlfriend, seeing as he’s been talking to me about “how to get a girl” ever since I was 13.

So, I’m lying there, on her bed, with her clinging tightly to me. What the fuck do I do!? What!?

The door swung open and her dad, peeked in. As soon as she saw her hugging me, with her legs sprawled over me his eyes went onto mine. We made eye contact, I tried to give him the ‘Help me’ look, he gave me a sympathetic smile and then closed the door.

“Are those two going out?” I hear from behind the door.

“Who? Reed and Christy?” her mom asked back.

“Yeah. Christy’s practically laying on top of him there,” her dad replied.

“Yeah, they’re going out. Christy told me about it.”

“You think he’ll do something?” the dad asked.

Mr. Christy’s Dad! You’ve known me for a while now, I would never!

“Reed? Nah, he’s harmless.”

Wow, thanks Mrs. Christy’s Mom! I’m slightly offended.


I haven’t tried anything with her. Not that I’m afraid to, well I’m a little afraid to, but mostly because I just like being with her. When we all get together, the four girls and I, it feels like we’re back in high school again. Kayla, Angelina and Christy did get a job, and Whitney worked in her parent’s farm. So the rare times when we could all get together is pure bliss.

When I finally turned 18 is when all the shit seems to hit the fan. The girls looked at me differently, like some predator eying a prey, but they each kept their distance. When we spend time together, the girls all seem to look at one another and shared a knowing look.

But Christy is by my side, every time. My 18th birthday party consisted of me, my parents, and the girls and we ate and told jokes and played board games. By the time it’s midnight, Kayla, Whitney and Angelina went off for home, and my parents turned on because they have work in the morning.

So it was just me and Christy. Alone.

“Happy 18th birthday,” she said again as she kissed my cheeks.

“Thanks,” I returned. She didn’t get me anything, and I’m slightly sad about that. I didn’t want anything to be honest, but the other girls all got me something. But Christy did not.

I’m not materialistic or anything, but I would’ve liked a little notebook, or maybe a nice pen. Something.

“Mmm, you might be wondering where your present is,” she said with a sort of wicked grin on her face.

“Is it late from Amazon?” I wondered, and she laughed aloud.

Then she got on top of my lap, “nope, I got you these!”

Then her top came off, and her breast came down and bounced. My eyes were instantly glued to them. “C-Christy!” I finally said and she giggled at me.

“What? Do you like them?” She said and she rubbed, groped, squeezed and lift them up. I was truly mesmerized by the sight, then shook my head of horny juice.

Then her attention went down south. “Someone’s waking up,” then she grinned at me as she started gyrating forward and backwards, rubbing her special place down against me. “Oooh, someone really likes what I’m doing. Ahhh, oh my…”

“C-C-Christy! W-what are you doing!?” I asked in futility but she just held my shoulder and kept going.

“Mmmm, you’re such a naughty boy!” She moaned, “oh, but we can’t. Not yet, but I got something else though.”

She got down on her knees and moved between my legs. “Let me see what your packing, mister,” she smiled as she pulled my pants down. The look of shock on her face, as her eyes widened and her mouth parted. As my cock sprang up to attention before her.

“Oh, my gosh!” She gasped as she grabbed ahold of it, “oh my, Reed! You naughty boy! What were you planning on doing with this?”

“I-I-I… I dunno!” I stammered as I covered my face in embarrassment.

“It’s so thick and long, oh my! You went swimming with us, all these years, and you’re packing this hog down there.”

“C-Christy, what happened to waiting!?”

“Hmph, I’m tired of waiting,” she pouted. “I gotta say, Reed, that you just made me waste $45,” she giggled.

“What do you mean?”

“I bought me a pack of condoms. They’re mediums,” she giggled again, “it’s clearly not going to fit you.”

Her lips parted and her tongue slithered out. Then she placed it on the root of my cock and she slowly traced it up my shaft and then her tongue broadly covered the bottoms of my penis head, culminating in her lips wrapping around it. She gives out a moan of deep satisfaction, and I moaned in pleasure as I felt her warm mouth closed in around my throbbing member.

“Nice taste, a little salty and bitter,” she remarked, “don’t be too hard on me now, this is my first time.”

“F-f-first time!?” I nearly shouted and she reached up and covered my mouth.

“Do you want your parents ruining your birthday present!?” She hissed at me, “just shut up and sit there!”

Then her phone started buzzing and she reached for it, with my cock still in her mouth. “Shut up, I need to take this baby.”

“Hello?” She began then her mouth became full with my cock. “Mmhm. Mmhm. Hmmm? Hmm…”

“Ahhh, Kayla, you know what I think? You need a boyfriend, a good one. No, Reed is taken!”

She winked at me, then she bathe my cockhead with her tongue, flicking it all over the underside of the head. “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we’re steady, I told you guys! I’m, ahhh… mmmm… busy right now. What? What am I doing at this time of night? If you have a boyfriend, then you’d know! I’m hanging up, we’ll talk tomorrow!”

Then she ended the call, and proceeded the wrap her big tits around my cock, causing me to exhale sharply.

“Oooh, your cock is hard and hot!”

“C-Christy, w-why are you acting like this” I groaned. I knew what they question is probing at. All the years I’ve known her, Christy is relaxed, sweet, caring, and, quite frankly, a prude. She wanted to wait for marriage, but the girl before me is throwing away all of her rules and acting out of character.

“Hmm? I’ve always been like this. Ever since I was 13 or so, when I saw my first porn. I wanted to imitate the stars. But, I had to tone it down, and I have to act like a good girl. But every night I would watch porn and touch myself down there.”

She then bent her head down low, rolled her tongue down, and took the head in all the while letting her soft tits rub me up and down. She started sucking tighter and tighter and she rubbed her tits all around me.

“You’re lasting pretty long,” she grinned at me, “did you jerk off earlier?”

“N-no, I don’t really masturbate often,” I confessed, “once a week, maybe.”

“Oooh, once a week? That means you got plenty of spent trapped in your big balls!?”

She then released me and sucked and kneaded my balls, taking one into her mouth and running her tongue all over it. “I’ve always wanted to give my boyfriend a titfuck, and now I did it. Now I’m satisfying my craving for sucking on his balls!”

She rubbed her lips all over it whilst stroking my cock. “Salty, delicious balls! C’mon Reed, let your sperm out!”

Was she waiting for me to turn 18? Because that’s what it seems like! She’s 18 now, so she couldn’t have sex with me earlier on account on me being a minor. But now that I’m 18 and an adult, well, I guess it was just a matter of time.

Her devilish eyes looked at me, like a girl on a mission as she raised up and she pointed my cock straight up. She opened her mouth and I watched her try to deep throat me. I say try because, as she is just as inexperienced as I am despite all the aids she’s giving out, she started coughing and gagging as soon as she cleared the head

“Shut, motherfucker,” she cursed as she regarded my cock. She tried again and again, giving is the same result. “Mmmm, you’re a tough one.”

She looked at me as she laid her head down across from my cock. She laid my cock down across her cheeks and lips while softly licking it.

“Do you my blowjobs?” She asked in such an innocent tone.

“It’s…. You’re amazing,” was my reply and she smiled wide.

“What should I do with my medium condoms?” She asked again, her eyes big and full, and she gave my nuts a few licks.

“D-Donate them,” came my response, half of the words are groans.

“I’m shocked that you’re lasting a long time. I expected you to bust a nut as soon as you saw my tits,” she giggled as she licked my shaft from root to tip, “now I feel like an idiot for thinking like that.”

Something inside me woke up. I felt it, I felt something go “ka-chunk”. My left hand went under her jaw and my right went right behind her head. She gave me a quizzical “hmm?”.

Then, I held her in place and my hips went up and down. Fast. She had to widen her mouth. Her lips had to go over teeth and her tongue went over it and cradled my shaft.

*gawk gawk gawk gawk* she went and her eyes started to go red and tears started to rim the bottom of her eyes.

Then I held her down. Ten seconds turned into twenty and I could hear her cough and gag. After I let her go, she looked at me, red faced and redder eyes.

“Again,” she said and I just went slack jawed.

“W-What?” I whimpered a little.

“Did I stutter? I said, do it again!”

So I grabbed her jaw and the back of her head and began thrusting up into her throat. Strings and ropes of saliva began to collect around my crotch, and she coughed out more.

She gripped the cushion around me, and her eyes locked into mine. I’m really trying her, and I think she’s starting to get used to me. Then I felt a rap on my thighs and so I set her free again.

“Cum for me, Reed! Feed me, feed me your cum!”

She went back for more, her lips tight and her suction tighter. She went down my shaft even deeper than before, and she twist her wrapped hand around my cock while she rotated her head.

I’m groaning and moaning after all of this, wondering where my cute little girlfriend went. I wanted to hold hands while walking around on the mall, pick out ice-cream flavors and what movies to watch.

So I’m getting all of that and a cum hungry slut as well?

She latched onto my balls and gargled and sucked on both, then she went to town sucking and slurping up the saliva she’s collected all around my shaft. I’m wondering how I’m lasting this long too.

Then my hand, for some reason, went to the back of her head and pushed her down onto my cock.

The pressure that’s been building up, right over my bladder it feels, finally released and traveled down my crotch, then my shaft, and finally to the tip. She tightened her lips around my cock and kept the head right where her mouth is, and I felt that heat finally release. It’s possibly my biggest orgasm.

Her eyes widened and she gave muffled cries. I kept pumping more and more sperm into her mouth, grunting like some caveman. My primal instincts urged me to thrust into her mouth, and I shot the rest of my load deep down into her throat.

I fell back against the couch, panting hard. I felt the cool sweat run down the side of my face.

Her head is down low, her brunette locks spread down over her face. She threw her head back and I heard a very obvious *gulp ahhh* then she opened her mouth and showed an empty mouth.

“That was delicious, Reed,” she smiled as her lips went back to the glans. She dragged her tightened finger from the root and up to draw the rest out.

“W-Why? Why?”

“Why?” She said with a raised eyebrow. “Why not?”

“B-But you made… you made…”

“I made Mikey wait? Yeah, I did, because I wanted to wait for marriage. But I can’t wait any longer!”

She sat next to me and cuddled, and I raised my hips and slid my pants back up. My head is spinning from all of this, from this sudden change of events.

“Mmmmm, I think you’re an XL,” she said for some strange reason.

“XL? No, I’m a medium,” I said.

“No, silly! Condoms! You’re an XL,” she laughed, “did you forget?”


~ End of Part 1 ~



  1. So dope. Cannot wait to read about him returning the favour and giving her her first orgasm.. mm

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