GF takes [M]y fetish to the next level

I’ve always been pretty obsessed with handjobs. Yes this is a handjob story and if you’re thinking that’s pretty lame, I would strongly suggest to reconsider as they have been responsible for some of the wildest orgasms if done right. Sure, I would be the first to admit that the bad ones where the girl just moves her hand up and down rhythmically can be somewhat off putting especially for most of us where this was our first sexual experience. However if you can find someone willing to change it up, switch up with various techniques, edging and taking her time, it can truly be a spiritual experience. After all, hands offer the most control and specific spots can be focused on or ignored to give the best teasing experience which can be rewarded with the most explosive orgasms.

My current girlfriend, Liz was not too different from most. We do have sex regularly but during her time of the month, I’ve more than on one occasion requested a handjob from her and she has always been eager to follow my lead on how to do it the way I like it (this can vary from person to person). But I have been fortunate enough that over time, she has learnt to read signals from my body and became extremely adept at knowing just how to trigger my hot spots and prolong the climax.

Just last weekend, she surprised me with arguably my most memorable experiences. We had just returned from a tiring day out and were just cuddling in bed after dinner enjoying the brief respite. As our usual routine, we were half on our phones and half chatting. Most of my upper body was sitting up while my right arm was around her shoulder. Her head resting on my chest and her right leg curling over mine. After some time, she put down her phone and began her touching.

She started out on my stomach and slowly moved her hand down to my inner thighs careful to go pass my balls but never touching them. I was sporting a t-shirt and was in my boxers. This went on for several minutes without us exchanging any words. Slowly, I felt my member coming to life and it was slowly starting to peek between the folds in the fabric. She whispered to me to relax and that she was going to take care of me tonight. I loved hearing those words as it meant that I was going to be on the receiving end of a nice slow edging handjob. My absolute favorite. I strapped myself in for the ride.

As my bulge continued to grow with anticipation, it started to strain against my boxers yearning to be fully released. Liz stopped for a moment to help me out of it. She continued to lightly massage in and around my groin area careful to avoid touching my penis and balls. Her touches inched closer and slowly grazed the bottom of my ball sack as I let out a sigh. I was completely relaxed and took long deep breathes to savor the moment. The grazing slowly changed as she cupped her hands under my scrotum. Her fingers doing a light squeezing motion only encouraging my penis to start lifting off my chest.

This continued for a good while. Sometimes, going back to my massaging my thighs and stomach. At this stage, she was yet to touch my penis directly despite it being nearly at full mast. The first touch came soon after sending shivers down my body. One thing she was now very familiar with me was building anticipation. She knew the longer she ignored touching it only made the first touch more intense. It started with a single finger. Just her index finger very lightly made its way from the base halfway up before heading back down. She was sure to do this multiple times all around the shaft never venturing above the top half. Her touch was still amazingly light and was grazing the skin rather than moving it. Blood was beginning to rush in and I got fully hard very soon after.

Being uncircumsized, my foreskin started peeling back slowly revealing the sensitive glans. Thanks to a relatively loose foreskin, most of my glans were now exposed as the little guy stood at attention. Here, she started doing something she has never done before. Still only using her right index finger, she gradually increased the pressure just hard enough that instead of just grazing the skin, it was now very slowly pulling my foreskin back. It was a slow delicious process as she slowly inched her way towards the top half. She was doing it in such a delicate way that the pressure she was using on each downstroke would pull the foreskin down ever so slightly before the resistance overcame it and her finger would just graze over the rest of the shaft all the way to the base. On each downstroke, the pressure was increased ever so slightly until eventually my foreskin retracted all the way leaving my glans fully exposed. She did all of this with just one finger.

I always enjoy the sensation of my foreskin peeling back for the first time. It gives off a tingly feeling as the warmth of the blood mixes with the coolness of the ambient air. Not to mention the exposed vulnerability of having such a sensitive region be made avalible for skin to skin contact. I shivered in delight as the usually instant process was excruciatingly drawn out and just the the movement of a single finger drawing lines all around my shaft. My sensitive glans and ridge was now very ready to be abused after over 10 minutes of drawn out teasing. Even after being fully exposed by a single finger, Liz still did not immediately go for the sensitive areas. Instead, she continued to lightly carress the shaft and in time added a second finger. Her thumb and index finger now is unison finding various rhythms all along the shaft.

She would move both fingers up and down in unison, her touch light enough so as not to pull the foreskin back over the head on the upstroke. She would perodically squeeze both fingers lightly in circles massage all around. Occasionally, both fingers would just move laterally backwards and forwards twisting the shaft without and up and down motion. All this did to me was to further build the anticipation of when her fingers would eventually make its way to the head. Edging was a great feeling and I was savouring every moment, making sure to keep my breathing consistent to relax my body. Sometimes, her change in technique would cause some irregularities in my breathing or an unexpected twitch which always delights her. On more than one occasion, she mentioned the satisfaction this brought her knowing she was causing it which was super hot to know.

Now, she stopped for a moment to reach for some oil. We always keep some coconut oil on the bedside table for this reason. Reaching in with two fingers and extracting a generous amount out, she now began to carefully paint it around my head. The first touch against my sensitive glans was intense and I involuntarily let out a soft moan. Touching just the tip always feels amazing to me and is something unique to a handjob. It feels completely different from penetration. For one, I was not the one doing any moving but rather in such a relaxed state. Secondly, during penetration the tip goes in first followed by the rest of the shaft which always feels the best at the tip as penetration begins. For this reason, focusing on just the head is like drawing out the sensation of first entering and prolonging it. Not to mention this was the area that has the most nerve endings and therefore feels the most sensitive.

Her light touches now massaging the glans was a feast to the nerves in my cockhead. At this stage, it is normal for any man to ache for a firm grip or just any sort of up and down motion but all I was getting was her two fingertips slowly melting the coconut oil against my head. I savoured the experience as years of edging taught me to be patient. It took a minute or two for all the coconut oil to melt and started trickling down the shaft. My entire crown was glistening as Liz made sure no area went untouched. She even made a few circles going around my cock ridge and the frenulum, the band just under the head which she knew as one of my most sensitive spots.

At this stage, the handjob had barely begun as any traditional up and down stimulation meant to achieve orgasm wall all but present. This was about to change big time and here Liz sprang another amazing surprise technique. She formed a ring with her finger and thumb and gently slid it over the very tip downwards opening the ring as it travelled downwards. Stopping at the bottom of the ridge, she changed direction and went back up. She kept this up for a few minutes with a gentle grip, occassionally giving her wrist a slight twist at the ridge. I groaned in pleasure. This was hitting all my sensitive spots at once. Ignoring my shaft now, this was almost at the point of being overbearing. However, the lightness of her touch kept me from being oversensitive and allow me to ride a wave on the edge. Her early teasing depriving my sensitive areas of any stimulation was now followed by stimulating just the head in abundance.

This had been her intent all along. She never sped up nor increased the pressure of her ring grip which allowed her to continue with this stroke. To anyone who has not experienced this before, it was borderline frustrating as your body will be yearning for a firmer grip with her whole hand and also for longer strokes to the base. However if you stick it out, you will be rewarded with an experience I can only describe as riding the edge of orgasm. Instead of a traditional steady buildup, this buildup will be much much slower allowing for a higher peak. The gentle touches also has the added advantage of keeping barely enough stimulation so I was rock hard the entire time. My arousal would occassionally subside for a short period but it will return very quickly with a vengeance. It was like climbing a mountain, going down a small valley only to reach a higher mountain. I was in heaven.

I reached greater peaks without orgasming that night. My hips bucked uncontrollably but yet her determination was unwavering. The persistent ring massaging my sensitive glans and ridge with only one inevitable outcome in mind. Every ridge bump was slowly bringing me closer to the edge and I found myself desperately trying to control my breathing to ride the edge just that little bit longer. My glans was now a deep purple colour due to my arousal as my breath involuntarily grew shorter and shorter. The point of no return was close but this was no time to race for the finish line.

I pretty much lost all notion of time, it must have been close to half an hour of soft slow stimulation on my glans. The final peak inevitable came and I squirted a few droplets of clear cum even before the point of no return. My muscles were not my own at this point and I simply surrendered my body to the natural course of events. The build up to the point of no return which ordinarily takes a few seconds dragged on for much longer than I have experienced. When the point of no return came, it hit me hard and I was out. Every muscle tensed up at the same time, more cum flowing out in a stream and then the orgasm came. The first shot blasted out like a blocked hose finally relieved of pressure. It shot clean over my head hitting the wall behind with a thud. The following few shots followed in very quick succession, at least 3 more shots flew over my left shoulder before covering my t-shirt and streaming down over her fingers. Throughout it all, she maintained the same grip and pressure on my head until I was completely drained. I was later told I was moaning throughout the entire orgasm while my abdonimal and thigh muscles convulsed in a way she never saw before. We continued laying there in the same position for an eternity softly whispering to each other.

For anyone who has not experienced this before, I would strongly recommend you give it a go as it is quite a different experience from actual intercourse. The first time, the frustration of touch will be quite intense but if you stick through it, I guarantee you a mind blowing experience of orgasm and a feeling of being cared for and loved.
