I Had Sex With My Friend’s Mom [MF] Milf

I moved out to the coast after I graduated college. My family had lived on the west coast until we moved when I was 12 after my dad got a job out of state. But I had always felt like the coast was home, so I headed there to find a job and start my life as a full-fledged adult.

We still had a lot of family friends who lived out there so I had asked one of them if I could stay with them until I found my own place. I stayed with Jerry and Michelle at their home. Their daughter, Brie, was getting married in two weeks and was moving out and they said I could take her room.

Until then, I slept on the couch in the living room and had very little privacy. It was a small house and only had two bedrooms and one bathroom. Jerry came home from work every day and watched tv until midnight and Michelle woke up early every morning to cook and do housework. I had nowhere to be by myself.

I hadn’t gotten a chance to get my rocks off since I moved in. I was busy all day looking for a job and all night catching up with friends and even if I found a girl to stave off the ping of loneliness, I had nowhere to take her, and hooking up in the back seat of a 3 door Toyota Carola isn’t as romantic as it sounds. I didn’t even have enough time in the shower because there were so many people needing one bathroom.

I had tried to sneak into Brie’s room for privacy when she was at work, but Michelle was a homemaker and was around the house all day.

Michelle had always been like a cool aunt to me. She was probably 25 years older than me but had never talked down to me or treated me like I was stupid kid. She always engaged in conversation with me and cared what I had to say and what was going on in my life. Our ages were irrelevant.

She had been delighted when I asked to stay at their home and she had treated me like I was a part of the family from day one.

Michelle was around 5’8”, used to be chubby after having a child but had gotten back into relatively good shape. She always wore cool tone color frocks like blue or grey and tight blue jeans with the hems cut and frayed around her ankles. Her hair was dark brown and fell to her waist until she had recently gotten it cut and styled in a pixie cut. It was a different look, but it worked for her. Accentuating her sleek jaw line and long neck.

Not having a job, I had spent the first couples of weeks sitting on the couch and applying to any open position. Michelle would be around, doing housework or cooking or watching THE PRICE IS RIGHT.

We got to talking and quickly got know each other well. The barriers of “family friends” fell and we became real friends. Over the weeks we got to know a lot about each other and formed a fast bond. We spoke of our insecurities, our fears, our hopes and dreams, our mishaps and mistakes and our triumphs and break throughs.

On the second Friday afternoon of me staying there, Michelle and I shared a drink as 5:00pm hit. Jerry didn’t get home from work until 6:30. I had become her drinking buddy. (Or her excuse to not wait until Jerry got home to start drinking.)

The drinks and conversation were flowing, and the topic shifted to secrets.

I told her I secretly feared I wasn’t going to be able to find a job and I would have to return home to my family in failure.

She told me she secretly regrets that she never finished school.

I told her I was nervous I was never going to find the right person to marry.

She told me she was nervous for Brie’s wedding and wasn’t sure if she was marrying the right man.

I told her I only had one relationship in college, but I had a lot of experiences with classmates.

She told me she only had one relationship in college, with her husband. She regretted she didn’t experience more.

I tell her I’ve slept with a lot of people.

She tells me she’s only slept with one person.

I tell her I haven’t had sex in two months.

She tells me she hasn’t had sex in two years.

Our eyes lock and we acknowledge that this is privileged information that wasn’t supposed to be shared. I changed the subject quickly to my hopeful jobs prospects and we continue conversating as normal. But something is different. We’d been vulnerable with each other, and the dynamic had shifted.

Jerry arrived home shortly after, and Michelle got up to greet him and get dinner ready. I caught myself starting at her juicy ass in those tight jeans as she walked out of the living room to the kitchen.

Jerry walked in front of me and sat on the couch, blocking my view. He grabbed the remote, change the channel to ESPN, rested his feet on the coffee table and grabbed Michelle’s half drunken beer, finished it in one gulp and finished with a loud belch.

I stood up and went out to the courtyard. Thinking about the feelings that had just sprouted for Michelle and coming to the realization that I wanted her. Badly.

The Sunday after the wedding, Brie moved in with her new husband and I got her bedroom. Jerry left for work as Michelle, and I helped Brie and her husband move her stuff out of her room. Brie and her husband left as Michelle, and I went inside. Michelle said she was going to do laundry. I packed up my stuff from behind the couch and moved into Brie’s room and shut the door behind me. Finally, for the first time in three weeks, privacy.

Ever since our drunken confessions, I hadn’t been able to get Michelle off my mind.

I dropped my stuff, kicked my shoes off, jumped on the bed, pulled my pants down, and thought of Michelle’s sexy ass as I pleasured myself. I finished and felt satisfied as I heard Michelle’s footsteps walking down the hall. I hopped off the bed to grab some tissues and noticed that the door was ajar. It hadn’t clicked closed and had slightly swung open. I pulled my pants up and looked through the gap. Michelle came around the corner and smiled at me as she walked past my room to get to hers. I smiled back as I kept my body hidden behind the door.

If she had done that 30 seconds earlier, she would have caught me with my dick in my hand.

I closed the door and leant against it as my heart started pounding, that was so risky. I hadn’t meant to but the fact that the door was open and that she could have caught me, got me excited. So much so that I was hard again in seconds. Why was the risk of getting caught such a turn on? Would getting caught be as exciting?

This thought danced around my mind for days. I found myself fantasizing about this situation any time my mind wandered. Michelle had transformed. She had always just been Brie’s mom. Now when I looked at her. I saw this mature, sexy, brunette goddess. I caught myself checking her out any time she walked by.

Now that I had privacy, I was jerking it any time the mood struck.

I found myself thinking only of Michelle and didn’t even need to look at porn to get turned on. The idea of her catching me had given me all the motivation I needed. Afterwards, I always came to my senses but within minutes, I would be fantasizing all over again.

I started testing the waters. I left my door open by an inch the next time I fooled around. It was exciting but there was no way she would be able to see into the bedroom or see what I was doing.

I tried more creative ways to try and get caught by Michelle. I started keeping the bathroom door unlocked when I showered. I started wearing sweatpants around the house so she would see the outline of my dick. I thought I caught her looking once but when I went to catch her eye, she was looking at her phone.

I wanted to know if she was feeling the same way I was, so I took a bigger risk.

One morning after Jerry had left and it was just me and Michelle in the house once more, I took a shower but didn’t lock the door. I washed up and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower and onto the bathmat, looking at myself in the mirror. I took my time drying myself off. Standing around naked for a few extra seconds before changing, looking to the bathroom door, hoping I it would swing open and for Michelle to walk in. I was getting hard just thinking about it.

I looked to the bathroom door…

…No luck.

I hung my head and dropped my towel. Distracted by my disappointment, I watched as the towel flicked my phone off the counter and on to the tiled floor. I heard a crack and quickly bent down to inspect the damage. My phone had hit the floor on the bottom right corner and a crack had covered the screen like a spiderweb.

“Arrggh!” I let out in angry frustration. How was I going to pay for this? I surveyed for more damage until a creaking noise pulled me out of my frustrated distraction.

“I heard you yell, are you o….”

I stood up with a shot. I looked up and locked eyes with a wide-eyed Michelle as she looked at the 23-year-old naked man with a 7-inch boner standing 5 feet in front of her. I was frozen in shock.

“Sorry!” she said as she backed out of the bathroom and pulled the door closed. Not before I saw her eyes flick down to my dick. I saw a smile grow across her face as she shut the door.

A few weeks later, I had gotten a job and found a new apartment and was moving out on Saturday. Nothing had happened with Michelle since the bathroom.

That Thursday night, I had stayed out late and slept in on Friday morning. I awoke to the vacuum cleaner running. I looked at my phone and it was after 2:00pm. I knew Jerry must already be at work and Michelle had waited to start the housework as long as she could to not wake me. I smiled in appreciation as I stretched in bed.

I looked up and noticed my door was open. Michelle must have poked her head in to check if I was still sleeping before vacuuming.

The door was about halfway open, enough to see down the hallway. I heard the echoes of the vacuum growing louder as Michelle made her way from the other side of the house.

This was my moment.

This was the last time I was going to be alone with Michelle and there was a chance she could catch me. What if she liked it? I was hard as a rock in seconds.

I threw my blanket off the bed and pulled my pants off. I was now naked, uncovered with my thick cock in my hand. I started to stroke it as I looked through the open door. The vacuum was getting louder. I knew I should jump up and shut the door before she came down the hallway, but the excitement was overwhelming and felt so good, I just kept going.

The vacuum continued to get louder, and I heard Michelle’s footsteps echoing down the hallway. I saw her shadow on the hallway wall grow larger as she continued to vacuum, coming closer and closer towards my bedroom. I was harder than I ever had been before. The thrill was sexual and exciting.

I began jerking faster as I saw her come into view. She was busy vacuuming and had her head down. She moved past my bedroom, but not before something caught her eye.

I watched as her eyes flicked up from the floor and into my room. My eyes went wide, and I slowed my hand to a nice sensual pace so she could get a good view. I watched her eyes flick up to my bed, then to my dick, then up to my face. Our eyes locked.

She looked stunned for a moment, taking in what she was witnessing. She didn’t look away or cover her eyes or shut the door. She just kept watching as the vacuum continued to hum. I smiled at her as I took her not protesting as license to keep going. I continued with my pace to let her know I was relaxed and okay with the situation.

She smiled back, looked over her shoulder to double check no one was home and swung my bedroom door all the way open.

She said something but I couldn’t hear her over the vacuum.

“What?” I asked as I continued to jerk off in front of her.

She bent over and turned the vacuum off.

“I said, want me to help with that?” she said with a wicked smile.

I stopped jerking and my mouth fell open in shock.

“Don’t stop now. Keep going.” She instructed as she walked into the room.

I did as I was told.

She smiled again and took another step into the room.

“What about Jerry?” I asked. Why did I ask that?

“We only stayed together for Brie. It’s been over for years.”

We shared a smile as I continued to pleasure myself. She then reached down and pulled her top off over her head. Her massive double D sized breasts hung low in her black bra. She reached back, unhooked it, and let her impressive tits swing freely. For an older woman, she was in incredible shape, she had a little bit of a muffin top, and her boobs sagged a little bit, but for a 23-year-old me who had a MILF kink, she was perfect.

She sat down on the bed next to me and started rubbing her hands over my chest and abs. She grabbed my right hand and lifted it up to her left breast for me to massage it.

She licked her right hand and moved it down and started stroking my dick, letting me play with her huge tits and dark, hard nipples.

I had never gotten a hand job this good before, she had 20 years’ experience on all the girls my age I had hooked up with. I climaxed quickly. Quicker than I wanted to after experiencing what I had been fantasizing about for weeks. I came all over her hand. She stood up and headed to the bathroom to wash her hand off before returning to my room to pick up her clothes.

I pulled my pants on and sat up on the bed as she came back.

“It’s your last day with us so that was your goodbye present, okay?” she said as she put her bra back on.

“Okay” I said, my tone was a little sad. I was hoping this was the start of something.

“Don’t be disappointed. Anyone else would have screamed at you and kicked you out, young man.” She scolded jokingly.

“Then, why didn’t you?” I asked, being playfully defiant in this back and forth.

“I noticed the way you’ve been looking at me. And it felt good to feel wanted after so long.”

I watched as she began to put her bra back on, her tits were so big she had to pick them up to fit them inside her bra. I watched in awe as this woman “played with her tits.” Her nonchalant and calm nature in this very vulnerable situation made me horny and I was hard again in seconds.

Michelle saw my dick standing at attention as she reached back to reclip her bra.

“I forgot how quickly young men can bounce back” she said as she gestured to my dick trying to bust through my shorts.

“Only if someone really turns me on.” I said, trying to complement her.

She froze, her hands still behind her back, about to clasp her bra.

“I’m turning you on?” she asked.

“Uh.. yes, absolutely.” I said honestly.

“I thought you were just horny; I didn’t think you were actually attracted to me.” She replied quietly.

“Are you kidding? I think about you all the time. We’ve grown so close. You’re all I fantasize about.” I blurted out. My boner was raging as I stared at her deep cleavage with her bra half on and her sexy tummy exposed.

She looked at me for a moment before she brought her arms forward, letting her bra fall into her lap and letting her tits be free again.

“What do you fantasize about?” she asked as she looked at me with a hint of desire in her eyes.

“You walking in on me.” I responded as I started rubbing my cock over my shorts.

“That happened.” She laughed.

“And then we fuck” I said as sensually as I could.

Our eyes locked.

Without another word, she stood up, unbuttoned her tight blue jeans, turned around and peeled them off to reveal black skimpy panties that only covered half her juicy ass.

“Take off your pants” she instructed as she peeled her panties off. She turned back towards me as she showed off her small sexy bush.

I flicked my pants off and once again sat on the bed naked. Michelle knelt on the bed and swung her right leg over me, so she was now straddling me. I looked up at her and we kissed. As we made out, she reached down and grabbed my dick and guided me into her wet pussy.

She let out a sigh of pleasure as she lowered herself on my cock until I was balls deep. She began to slowly grind back and forth. My eyes were wide in awe as I watched her sexy tits sway from side to side as she continued to ride me slowly. She grabbed tufts of my hair as she pulled me face into her chest as she let out a cry of ecstasy. She let go of my head and lowered herself to be eye level with me. A look of lust and a hunger for more on her face.

We made love 3 more times that afternoon. Time and space disappeared. It was just Michelle and I and nothing else existed outside of the house.

I came back to reality after cumming for the fifth time. Michelle and I were lying on the kitchen floor. We had decided to make brownies and got distracted. Michelle was wearing an apron. And only an apron. We were covered in flower and cocoa powder as we lay together, wrapped in each other’s arms, catching out breath.

The oven chimed that it was ready. Michelle propped herself up with a deep breath and tapped me twice on the chest.

“Good job!” she said as she stood up and put the brownies in the oven. I watched in delight as she bent over. Giving me a glimpse of her sweet cunt. She looked so sexy, I had to get a photo of her.

I reached up to get my phone and took a photo. As I admired my photography, I saw the time. I sat up like a bolt.

“It’s 6:20! Shit! Jerry will be home in like, 10 minutes!” I exclaimed as I jumped up and frantically got dressed.

Michelle smiled as she undid her apron and took it off and dropped on the floor. She was now standing completely naked as she walked past me out of the kitchen.

“Better get dressed then.” She said as shook her booty at me and then proceeded down the hallway to her bedroom.

I moved out that weekend. Jerry and Michelle officially separated a few weeks later.

Michelle came over last week to check out my new place. She didn’t leave for three days.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/s46oc8/i_had_sex_with_my_friends_mom_mf_milf


  1. So beautifully written. Great style, perfect pacing. And very hot. Thank you for taking the time to share.

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