The Accident Fairy 2: The Influencer [ENF] [Urban Fantasy] [embarrassed nude female] [Wardrobe Malfunction] [Unwilling Exhibitionist]

Somewhere within the Atlantic ocean, the fairy stirred awake to the sound of a seaworthy vessel’s air horn. She popped her head up, brushing the green and white hair out of her eyes, its natural curl being too stubborn to stay put. She glanced down at the piece of plastic she was adrift on, rocking in the ocean’s waves.

“Fuuuck, what a night,” she proclaimed to herself. What a night it was! The mythical being partied with gnomes, nymphs, satyrs, fellow fairies and the odd pixie or two. She held her head, which was throbbing from the liquor, or maybe drinking salt water, or both.

Cehic, the grand fairy of mischief and accidents; now reduced to a four inch, hungover mess of a creature. “What time is it even?” She summoned her wand and gave it a shake to reveal that it was already well past the afternoon. “Holy shit! I gotta get to work,” she blurted out hastily to herself.

The foul-mouthed fairy gave her surroundings a cursory glance: water in all directions, a ship, the sun getting ready to set, some clouds in the shape of a crude rabbit, a sailor pissing off the edge of the ship… Wait! “Clouds! Who says I can’t work from home? There’s a virus going around after all,” she chuckled as she dusted off her wings and started with a hover, which turned into a full on blast off towards the sky.

Approaching the cloud she had spied originally, she stretched out her pink legs and landed softly. She immediately got into a comfortable setting using her wand: she zapped off her tiny blue dress, which exposed her body for only a moment, it was subsequently replaced by a tiny tank top and baggy shorts. She waved her wand again and created a shelter from the cloud itself, complete with furnishings and a laptop.

Cehic strutted inside and sat on the cloud couch she had created and opened up her brand new laptop. She smirked “let’s see who’s streaming right now,” she proceeded to open up several pornographic streaming websites. One by one, in quick succession, she made every streamer’s identity and personal information open to the public, due to a ‘mass server error’. “That should pay off in a day or two, but I need some slightly more… Immediate gratification.”

The creature thumbed through several influencers on multiple live-streaming services before she found the perfect target: Natalie Pimm, also known as ‘TheNattyOne’. She had long, purple hair, green eyes, an innocent smile, wore dark clothing, which complimented her pale complexion. This girl was five foot, two inches and had a decent sized fanbase. Best of all? Today was her eighteenth birthday stream. The timer on the bottom left corner had shown that in less than two hours, she would be considered a full, legal adult. Cehic smiled menacingly, “and what a birthday it’s going to be.”

“Hey there, PinkFairyBitch,” Natalie said politely in regards to the person who had just entered her stream. She sat in an orange gaming chair, within well lit room, adorned in a black top that accentuated her large bust and showed off both of her shoulders. The clack of a controller was very present as she attempted to rack up kills in an online match of some generic first person shooter.

The fairy, already growing bored, gave her wand a swish through the air, causing a bottle if double malt whiskey to come tumbling out from the cabinet beside her.

The streamer jumped at the sound, startled for a moment. She squinted her eyes at the container before her lips curved into a surprised and excited smile. “Guys,” she said, lifting the bottle up to the camera, “look what just popped out from fucking nowhere!” Natty shook the bottle and it appeared to be full, and the chat exploded. “No, I didn’t buy it, I think my Brady hid it in here when we played together earlier,” she replied to a comment. “I don’t know dude,” she snickered while replying to another.

“Wait, wait, wait,” the streamer started, eyeing a comment from PinkFairyBitch, “take a shot every time you die?” The chat exploded even more this time, heavily insisting that she does it, since it’s her birthday stream. “I don’t know if Brady will be pissed about it, but I guess I can pay him back,” she shrugged. “Don’t expect me to die too often though,” she said while cranking off the lid and giving it a sniff, causing her to tremble and shake her head for a moment.

With a smirk, Cehic got to work putting herself in the lobby of the streamer to set her plan into action. “Let us see how good you are at this little game,” she muttered to herself as she began to annihilate the competition. With every movement of her fingers, another player would be sent to their spawn timer. Cehic, growing tired of this, whipped up a cocktail with a flick of her wrist and a gesture of her wand. Taking a sip, she felt the warmth of the drink wash over her. “I can do this all day.”

“Oh shit,” Natalie exclaimed with a hint of surprise, “we are getting our asses kicked!” She lets out a soft laugh as she brings the bottle to her lips and drinks deep from the whiskey within. Her body jolts for a brief moment, causing her bosom to jiggle for the camera. “Woah, calm the fuck down guys,” she says eyeing the chat, “I’m not legal for another hour!”

“Which reminds me,” the fairy says, seemingly in response to Nat, “I have to deal with all of the moderators and admins. I guess I better do that now.” With several swishes of her wand, hundreds of unlucky administrators and moderators had their computers and phones destroyed via accidents, misfortunes, and power outages. “That should allow this to go off without a hitch,” the ancient being said while rubbing her tiny hands together. “Oh, and one more thing for good measure…”

“Holy shit, dude,” Natty squealed, “guys we must’ve had a raid or something, because we’re at over two hundred fuckin’ thousand viewers!” The girl lifts the whiskey bottle again, “here’s to you guys! Thanks for coming to my birthday stream,” she cheered to her audience as she guzzled a fair portion of the beverage. Natalie, now gagging for a moment, musters up the ability to continue speaking, “twenty eight more minutes until the timer shoots its confetti load and I technically turn eighteen,” she slurs out, wiping her damp lips.

“The chat is moving too quick to read guys, but people are saying that if I lose this next game, I gotta finish the bottle,” the gamer says to her audience, “I created a poll so vote on if that’s what you think I should do!” The alcohol is already taking its effect, as Natalie has began spinning in her chair and gyrating her body in a poor attempt at dancing. “I’m gonna go pee, be right back my wonderful… Beauties!” She stands up revealing an almost comically short skirt, plaid with black and red squares, supported by her wide hips and decently sized rear.

“Welp, let’s see how that poll is fairing,” Cehic says as she clicks the link. It wasn’t even close; over ninety five percent were in favor of drinking the rest of the bottle. “This exceeds my greatest expectations, and I didn’t even need to rig it this time! Speaking of rigging, though,” she swished her wand once again. “With this, our streamer will very conveniently forget to pull up her panties, ultimately deciding that she doesn’t need them before kicking them off. One more thing at the right time, and this will be an unforgettable birthday memory… Oh, and I know I’m not the narrator this time, I figure the author just doesn’t want to write all of that happening.”

The camera displays a very tipsy Natalie sluggishly entering her room, closing the door behind her before she locks it and gives the handle a jiggle for good measure. She surveys her surroundings for a moment, taking in the walls covered in gaming posters and torn pages from mangas that she’s read. She sighs and approaches the desk, bending down to examine the poll, allowing her audience a peak down her shirt. Nineteen minutes are left on the clock. She sits down and adjusts her microphone, “okay, it looks like, um, if I lose I gotta chug the rest of this thing,” she says, lifting the half remaining bottle of alcohol into view. “Fuck it, let’s get wasted,” the streamer says through a groggy tone as she loads up another match.

Cehic does the same, with full intentions of defeating this foe. “I give this round eight minutes or less,” she says while cracking her knuckles. And what a battle it wasn’t! The fairy, as well as her team, heavily mopped the floor with the streamer, without her so much as even getting a single kill streak.

Natalie was droopy eyed and exhausted the whole time, not even commenting on her gameplay. When the loss screen appeared before her she simply raised her hands in surrender and said “well, I guess I lose!” Without another word, she popped the top off of the bottle and proceeded to guzzle the remaining half of it, giving the camera a side glance from time to time. When the last glug was heard exiting the bottle, you could see her visibly shutter for a moment as the warmth of it washed over her. Ten minutes remained. “Okay guys, I’m gonna doooo a Q and A for the remainder of this. Since chat is blowing up from the… Almost three hundred thousand of you, I’m gonna make questions available through donations,” she giggled out as she leaned back in her chair.

Five minutes into a mundane question and answer session and five minutes remained. “PinkFairyBitch asks… What’s your bra size? What the fuck,” she trailed off for a moment. “Well, I guess I’m five minutes from legal, so they’re 32 double D,” she says, letting the ‘D’ sound linger for a moment while she shook her breasts. “SomeHomie2424 asks why the timer is so specific,” she began, “well, because today was my actual birthday, but I popped out of my mom at exactly the, um, the fucking time that the timer will end on,” she clarifies.

“One minute left to go, bitches,” she slurs out with a heavy breath and a rocking forward of her head. Nat pulls her hair back and adjusts it poorly for a few seconds. “It’s the final countdooown,” the gamer starts to sing out half heartedly, “ten, nine, eight,” she chants while raising her arms up in the air. “Seven, six, five,” Cehic continues while vigorously swishing her wand. “Fo-” just then Natalie’s chair falls out from under her and she is seen disappearing off camera causing the desk to rumble with a thud. At two seconds the camera is seen falling for a moment, at one second it lands somewhere, showing a blurred figure for a moment, causing the camera to struggle to focus. The timer finishes and a confetti gun sound effect goes off, the timer itself turns into an image that says ‘Happy 18th Birthday, Natalie!’ and a brief show of animated fireworks go off.

Then the camera focuses and returns to 1080p resolution. It is about five inches away from Natty’s completely exposed crotch and her legs are spread enough to see her inner-most thighs. To the left side of her lips is a single freckle, her vulva is a perfect slit with a very small amount of her clitoris showing through the top. The pubic hair atop her mound of Venus appears to have been shaved recently, as there are only a few minor hairs within view. There is a chuckle heard from a completely unaware Natalie. “Goo night peoples,” she says as she passes out. the streamer’s chat is alight with nonstop comments about screenshots and recordings and just general disbelief. Hundreds of thousands of penises would be getting yanked tonight.

The gamer would remain still in her drunken slumber for the next five hours; she would let out a slight a giggle every once in a while. All this time, her viewer base would grow to almost five hundred thousand, all tuning in to witness the influencer’s genitals on full display.

The sound of a phone’s ringtone was audible all through the night and into the early morning. Everybody that she knew: friends, family, and even those who loosely knew her had seen and were trying to get in contact with the rising internet celebrity. One more ringtone sounded, only this time, it was accompanied by an answer. “H-hello? Who is-“. There was a pause. “What the fuck are you talking about Dylan? Are you for real,” Natalie is seen sitting up and scooting back, speaking in a frantic voice. She notices the camera and quickly covers her groin, realizing that her underwear were no longer on. Natty drops the phone and stands up, taking in the amount of viewers that had seen. Her feet shifted uncomfortably before the camera. The thought of everybody she had ever known and multitudes more had seen her most private of areas for several hours washed over her all at once. Her heart pounded as she could be heard crying aloud, seconds before the stream had finally been cut off.

Happy Birthday indeed.


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