[FM] I cheated on my boyfriend with a coworker at the bar and I don’t know how to feel…story below – sorry it’s long.

“I bet she’s chubbier then you think with her clothes off. Just imagine her little belly as you fuck her, jiggling all over”.

“On all fours I bet her tits hang like udders. Just ready to be slapped.”

This was the conversation I overheard from my two coworkers who didn’t know I was listening. My employees to be more specific. They had been talking about me for a few minutes. I hated it, but them talking about me like that turned me on. I couldn’t help if. I took a deep breath and walked around the corner, bumping into them. It was Adam and Jaron, just as I expected.

“Oh hey!” They both blushed as I walked by. I could hear them whispering as I walked away, then Adam called out.

“Hey boss, I know you always turn us down, but we’re getting drinks tonight if you want to join.”

“No thank you, I’ll be working.”

I did turn them down every time. I couldn’t imagine spending time with those two, especially after hearing them talk about my body like I was an object you could buy.

I thought about texting my boyfriend what I heard but decided against it. I sat at my desk and let the thoughts swirl in my head.

Feeling less then confident in my body I finally pulled the trigger and started my Reddit account, posting a photo of me butt naked. I just went for it, pulling the trigger.

Long story short – I got a few compliments and a number of fans right away who both complimented and degraded my body perfectly. I was horny and I texted Adam telling him I would be there. What’s the worst that could happen? Some light flirting?

I texted my boyfriend that I was going out with some coworkers and would be late. I was wearing a dress without panties already (I hate underwear unless I’m on my period) and as work ticked to a close I could barely concentrate during all my meetings.

Then work was over. I headed to the bar. I read the Reddit comments on the way to stay horny and as I pulled up to the bar I had a moment of panic. What was I doing? I thought about pulling a way and clicked my seatbelt back into place.

Knock knock. Adam was at my window. I got out of my car and suddenly felt very exposed without panties on as we walked into the bar where Jaron sat waiting.

“Just the two of you?” I asked.

“Some more people might join” Adam said. “What are you drinking?” They got me a stiff drink. This was the first time hanging out with these two outside of work and I felt so out of place. I kept adjusting my skirt, very aware of my lack of underwear.

Sensing my unease, a round of shots appeared at the table from Adam. Then another. And a third. Before I knew it, I was feeling really good. We cheered on the third shot and I requested more comfortable seating. We moved to a booth, me between the two guys. They sat a little close, both pressed against me.

My phone buzzed as my boyfriend texted me. I quietly flipped the phone over.

“Ohhhh ignoring the boyfriend are you?” Jaron said.

“No, it just can wait I’m sure. I don’t want to be rude” I said, indignant.

“Oh NOW you don’t want to be rude?” Adam said.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I said, indignant.

They explained a story to me of a time at work when I was very dismissive about a problem I didn’t realize was a problem. I profusely apologized. No wonder they thought I was a horrible boss.

“How can I make it up to you, I wish I had known.” I said.

They giggled.


“We have a super inappropriate question we’ve been wondering. If you answer it we can call it even.” Adam said.

“Ask me. Anything I said.”

The two full grown men giggled again.

“Does your boyfriend have a small penis?” Jaron blurted out.

I went bright red.

“The rumor has been going around the office for awhile, we just have to know. You just don’t seem like someone who would want that, whatever that means, like, you know, you’d want a bigger, uh…I mean”. Adam suddenly clamped his mouth shut.

I didn’t even have time to think. It just came out. “He does have a small penis.”

My hands flew to my mouth. “I mean, not that small. It does the job. But, like, it’s not huge”. I couldn’t blush more then I was.

“How many inches?” Adam asked.

“I don’t know…when he’s like…erect?” I asked. “Oh my god”. I buried my head in my hands. “This is so inappropriate…wait, why do you think I want bigger?”

“Well, your a strong, powerful, beautiful woman. And you’re thicker, a real woman. I don’t know, just seems like you would want a big dick in your life and your boyfriend doesn’t give off that vibe.”

“Is that a vibe you both give off?” I asked

“I mean, not to brag but I do have a big one so I hope I give off that vibe”. Adam said.

“No way, how big?” I asked.

Adam smirked. “As thick as your wrist”.

“Get out of here” I said laughing. “You’d be walking funny if you were that big.

We all laughed and when I looked down I realized Adams leg was on my thigh under the table. I locked eyes with him and his confident gaze locked my mouth shut. All thought of telling him to stop left my mind.

“You’re so cool outside of work” Jaron said, unaware of what was happening under the table.

I don’t know what else was said over the next twenty minutes. All I know is Adam’s big hand was on my bare thigh. As we drank and talked his hand slowly moved up my thigh. Then he was pushing my skirt up. The hand dropped down between my legs and froze as he discovered I wasn’t wearing any panties. Whatever I was saying caught in my mouth as his finger grazed my pussy lips.

Another man was touching me.

Jaron looked down and saw Adams hand between my legs and laughed. Adam leaned close to my ear, his breath on my neck. “We had another bet going…that you’re such a bossy bitch at work, we bet you’re a submissive slut in the bedroom…or in this case, the bar”.

My brain froze. I couldn’t process everything. Did he really just say that? It didn’t matter anyways. With that his finger slipped fully inside my already wet pussy. I gasped and then Jaron’s hand was on my other thigh, spreading my legs wide open at the table. With Adams hand where it was my skirt was almost up around my waist.

“Did you not wear panties just for us?” Jaron asked. “You naughty lady”. Suddenly two fingers were inside me from Adam. A small moan escaped my lips. What was I doing? My phone started ringing. I flipped it over. It was my boyfriend.

“Answer it.” Adam ordered as he curled his fingers up to rub my g spot. Things were happening so fast. I looked up and I saw a biker looking guy sitting across from us, a half eaten wing in his hand and his jaw on the floor staring right at my pussy under the table. My legs snapped closed.

“I’m so sorry, I need to use the bathroom”. I think I stuttered and almost fell over and wasn’t nearly as coherent.

Jaron quickly moved and I scooted out, almost running to the woman’s bathroom. I got inside, ran into the handicap stall, closed the door and dropped onto the toilet, pulling my dress up.

I relieved myself as I tried to process what was happening. Before I could the door swung open and a pair of dress shoes walked to my stall before stopping. My heart also stopped.

Knock knock.

On the stall door. With shaking hands hands I reached up and opened it. Adam stepped in. He locked the door behind him and towered over me.

I stared at him wide eyed.

“Finish peeing.” He ordered.

I kept going for what felt like forever, his eyes locked on me. Finally I finished.

“Clean yourself”. I grabbed toilet paper and quickly wiped myself clean.

“Take off your dress.”

Without hesitating I pulled it off in one smooth motion, leaving myself completely naked on the toilet. I didn’t even think about it. My dress was off and he held out his hand. I gave it to him. My arm covered my breasts and my legs were firmly closed.

“Sit back.”

I sat back on the toilet.

“Show me.”

I slowly opened my legs and dropped my hand, showing Adam my entire body. He gave me a once over.

“What do you think?” I asked. My voice almost breaking.

“About what I thought. You’ve got thick thighs, perfect for holding while you take a dick from behind, you’re a little chubbier then I imagined in the tummy, probably from all the cum you eat, your tits aren’t as big as I thought, you’ve been deceptive with the clothes you wear around the office…”

My brain clicked into a weird state of horny. I wasn’t listening anymore. I was outraged by what he was saying but I also was painfully turned on.

“I noticed a long time ago that you don’t wear panties to work. All the guys at the office know. We’re sure it’s because you slept your way to the top.”

What was wrong with me? Why was I so into this.

Adams finger trailed up my pussy, showing me his glistening finger. I was so wet.

“Now, do you want to prove you’re worth something? Pull out my cock.

It was like an out of body experience. My shaking hands undid his belt and pulled his pants down. Then I grabbed his boxers with two hands and pulled down. His cock popped out, fully erect.

He. Was. Huge. It was thick and long, the sheer weight could be felt without touching. It was easily the biggest cock I had ever seen. And I had once hooked up with a guy who couldn’t fit in my pussy past the head.

“Touch it.” Adam ordered.

I started to reach.

“With your mouth only.” He corrected.

I dropped my hands, looked my employee in the eye, and leaned forward to take his cock in my mouth. I opened and the head of his cock slid past my lips, widening my mouth.

The bathroom door swung open. Someone walked into the stall next to us. Adam put his hand on my head and held me on his cock, slowly pulling me towards him as his cock filled up more and more of my mouth.

The woman next to us peed forever.

His hands went to my tits, pulling up on my nipples until it hurt. I could barely stop from moaning.

Finally she got up and left. The second the door closed I jerked back, fully gagging on his cock and coughing for air.

Adam laughed, pulled up his pants and belted. He slowly helped me stand up so he still towered over me. “See you at work boss”. He turned me around suddenly, bent me over and spanked my ass so hard I cried out. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, his hot breath on my neck.

“Wear something slutty to work on Monday. Something you wouldn’t normally wear. I want to see your fat ass cheeks from a skirt that’s too short.”

He spanked me again and then was gone.

My whole body shaking I pulled my dress on and took a minute to control myself. Then I walked back out to the table where Jaron had a shit eating grin and Adam calmly drank his beer.

“I have to go.” I announced.

Jaron handed me my coat and phone. “Thank you for the good night.”

“Any time.” Jaron said. “By the way, I don’t know if that’s the style, but you obviously didn’t wear any underwear today”.

I looked down and saw I hadn’t pulled the dress all the way down and my vagina was fully exposed. Bright red I pulled it down and quickly left.

I could feel Adam’s eyes watch me go.

I got home and went right into the shower, bringing my dildo with me.

Later that night, I cuddled my boyfriend on the couch I wondered about the future. What had I done?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/s1oiy1/fm_i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_with_a_coworker_at


  1. I have mixed feelings here. On the one hand, your story turned me on. You’re obviously a very sexy young lady. On the other hand, I can’t get past the fact that you cheated on your boyfriend, which is definitely not OK. I’m not sure I’m able to deal with that.

  2. It’s unfair to your boyfriend. Brake up with him. It’s a real dick move if you keep cheating on him. No one deserves that

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