Sex Is So Much Better as a Dad

The day I became a dad, I got better at fucking.

I can’t say exactly what time that day, but something shifted in me. It felt like I had paid my dues to mankind. I had kept my end of the bargain with God and evolution … no matter which you believe in, they both want you to be fruitful and multiply.

(At this point, you should know that my child’s mother and I aren’t together. Fortunately, this will not stop me from being a constant positive presence in my kid’s life. I have nothing but love and respect for the woman I am going to be parenting with … we just aren’t meant for one another.)

Before I became a dad, sex was wrapped up in pressure and anxiety and insecurity. I felt hollow after hookups, probably because I was so caught up in my own head that I was a selfish lover.

My only goal was to push my cock into warm, wet places and leave my cum behind. It felt animalistic. Natural and yet unnatural at the same time.

If you’re one of the women I used to simply make myself feel good, consider this a public apology. A few of you can expect private apologies in the near future.

I feel regret. But I also feel an incredible sense of hope.

The hookups I’ve had recently are different. I am present with the beautiful woman in my bed. With every thrust, my goal is to fill up her empty places, not some empty place inside myself.

When I cum inside or on her, I am doing it with my eyes wide open instead of retreading behind my eyelids to some fantasy. I want to see her experience my hot seed. To see her smile after she swallows or the shudder she feels when my balls empty into the small place between her legs.

I am sure of myself, whether I am fucking her face or her pussy or her asshole. By making her feel good, I am making myself feel good.

Sorry if this seems like a rant … I just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head.


1 comment

  1. It was a fascinating and beautiful to read about that transformation for you, thanks for sharing 😉🤤

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