Under the sheets…and into the mind. [F]

Posting this here as whilst it’s not erotic as such, it’s NSFW in the sense that it will appeal to a kink readership – Omo/ABDL. It will not be sexually explicit itself, but what you get off to is entirely your own business. ;)

1st chapter to test the water, the first dozen are written and ready to go.

Chapter 1

To the brash sounds of the latest guitar riff blaring from her phone, McKenzie Sumner awoke with something of a jolt, fumbling through still tired eyes as she tried in vain to silence the alarm for the third time that morning, before tossing it back onto her nightstand in frustration.

“Hey Siri” she mumbled gruffly “Snooze”, before laying back down and snuggling under the thick duvet that held the warmth in and shielded her from the start of her day, savouring a rare opportunity to lie in far longer than she should.

“Kenz, that’s the third time I’ve heard that damned song now! That means it’s now half an hour after you should have been up and getting ready for college.”

With a very melodramatic groan, McKenzie flipped back the covers and swung her legs around out of the bed, rubbing her eyes and running her hands through her bedhead as she did so…had anybody been watching, they’d have sworn they were watching the actions of a toddler, not a 19 year old.

“I’m up Mum, I’m up! Honestly, I NEVER get a chance to lie in, and the one time I do it’s just nag, nag, nag. Pffffft!”

The girl was frustrated at her disturbed slumber, but even that couldn’t cloud the otherwise perfect start to her day and, despite the teenage attitude showing through her return was still jovial. She knew all she needed was a hot shower and a strong coffee, and then she’d be smiling. Turning towards her desk with a stretch, grabbing once more at her flyaway frizz, she caught a glimpse in the mirror and couldn’t help chuckling. She’d always been the same since she was little, never a morning person, and the reflection which looked back at her made that very clear.

“Oi, less of the lip young lady.” The older woman replied from the landing, but with an unexpected twinkle to her own voice. Kenzie was right, it WAS very rare that she got to enjoy a lie in, and that in itself already meant the morning was off to a better start than 99% of their days. “Bathroom’s all yours, I’ll go and put the kettle on shall I? Coffee, I take it?”

Stretching again and struggling to stifle a yawn, Mckenzie was pleased her mum hadn’t taken the hump at her drowsy snipe.

“hraaaaaaaaarrhh….Ooh yeah, please Mum, thanks! Sorry, I’ll go and wake myself up properly and then I’ll be down. That extra snooze was lovely, I wish I could do that every morning”.

Having made two mugs of steaming coffee, sugar in Kenzie’s, Leslie Sumner popped a couple of rounds of toast in for each of them, and then took her place at the kitchen table, rolling her eyes a little as she heard the heavy rock music blasting out from the bathroom above and her daughter’s enthusiastic, if tuneless, attempts to harmonise with the band. At least she was finally out of her pit, and it really was good to hear her in a good mood at the start of the day for a change.

“Morning Mum!”

“Hey sweetie, you sound a bit more jolly now, haha”

“Yeah, sorry, you know I hate waking up. Well, usually at any rate. And when I can, I want to enjoy every moment of sleep. I was having an awesome dream…well, at least I think I was, I can never remember them! Pfft!”

The pair smiled at each other, nothing more needing to be said, as they sipped at their coffee, fortifying themselves for the day ahead.

Breakfast finished, and pots washed, Leslie busied herself gathering the papers she needed for her day at work whilst McKenzie took a few minutes to apply her makeup, and get her hair ‘just right’, pleased to see that the reflection looking back at her was now much more glamorous student than drowsy pre-teen as it had appeared earlier. “Phew, what a difference a shower, a coffee and a bit of lippy makes!” She giggled.

“You ready to go Kenz? I’ll drop you off on the ring road if you like, save you the bus ride to college, I’m heading that way anyway – but I’m leaving now.”

“Thanks Mum, Comiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rzucu7/under_the_sheetsand_into_the_mind_f

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  1. Chapter 2

    McKenzie’s buoyant mood stayed with her throughout the day, something her friends and even tutors picked up on. Like any teen, she’d always had a tendency to be a bit moody and sullen at times, and often over-tired was something the staff had picked up on, but they attributed this to late nights playing video games or chatting with friends of social media – she wasn’t the first, and certainly wouldn’t be the last, to try and burn the candle at both ends through college.

    She’d text her Mum at lunchtime, hoping for a lift home too but realising she was probably pushing her luck, and wasn’t in the least bit surprised to be told to make her own arrangements as it would be a late finish for Leslie, they had a lot of work on at the moment which wasn’t a bad thing, but put significant pressure on her work/life balance. Kenzie was secretly hoping that it may lead to a couple of weekend shifts for her as it had done over the summer, as she could use the extra cash, but she’d talk to her Mum about that over dinner and see if she could make herself useful in some way.

    “See you tomorrow Chyna” she called to her friend as she made a dash for the bus, determined not to land herself with an hour-long wait for the next one, or even worse an hour-long walk home. “Don’t forget to send me that video over”.

    “Ah yeah, catch ya in the morning Kenz, and will do, you’ll love it!”

    McKenzie often arrived home before her mum these days, and quite enjoyed having the house to herself for a while. She could crank up her music, and usually took the opportunity to lounge around doing very little, typically exhausted by that point after an early morning and a long day studying. Academia didn’t come easy to her, but she had her mum’s work ethic and always threw everything she had at every task she was set. Today was different though, a rare day where she arrived home still full of beans, she didn’t just blast her tunes enough to annoy the neighbours, she also busted a few moves and even set to preparing a tasty dinner for when her Mum got home.

    As the pasta sauce bubbled away merrily on the hob, a ting from her pocket alerted Kenzie to an incoming message, the video she’d been waiting for from Chyna. Deciding she’d been productive enough, and revelling in the fact she didn’t have the normal, rather gloomy post-college chores to take care of today, she grabbed herself a tall glass of ice cold juice and then flopped on the sofa, pausing just a moment to stop the music…well, a couple of moments, as it was one of her favourite songs…before firing up the video and giggling away for a solid 10 minutes. Chyna was right, it was right up her street, and she immediately shared it in her socials and in her group chats, looking forward to the reaction.

    After a short time, the young girl found herself fidgeting distractedly, realising that without her usual trip upstairs upon arriving home, she’d not paid the bathroom a visit either, and she really should, especially after all that juice! Hurrying off to relieve herself, she was sat on the loo flicking absentmindedly through Instagram on her phone when she heard a key in the door swiftly followed by the call of Lesley’s voice from the hallway.

    “Oooh, something smells delicious! Hey Kenz, good day?”

    “Oh, Hi Mum!” McKenzie hollered back “Yeah, great thanks. Dinner’s nearly done, I’ll be right down.”

    With a flush, and a quick adjustment of her clothes, she bounced back down the stairs and wrapped her surprised Mum up in a big bear hug, nearly knocking her flying as she tried to hang up her coat.

    “Blimey, you really are full of the joys of spring today aren’t you?! Thanks for sorting dinner, love, it’s been a long day and I can’t wait to put my feet up for a bit.”

    Grabbing the pile of mail from the hall table, Lesley made her way through to the kitchen to sort through the bills and circulars, whilst her daughter plated up their feast, even adding a couple of small glasses of white wine on the side, a real mid-week treat indeed!

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