[MF] Less of a story, more of a question.

So recently an old friend of mine came back into my life from my college days.

Since we lost touch I have met a girl and gotten married to her! She’s awesome! But to me very prude I felt. Very vanilla.

However my old friend seems to have known her before I did. Meeting her at a party and told me (jokingly) about how a bunch of guys watched her ride a buddy of his while she was super drunk.

His quote was “she turned his dick white” and I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean but I didnt want to press him for more as it was more of a passing comment on a funny situation. But it’s been living rent free in my brain lol.

Any ideas?

(This was all spoken about while drinking and I dont think he meant to cause any harm by his comments. He is just one of those super outgoing guys who speaks first and thinks later.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rzlkdm/mf_less_of_a_story_more_of_a_question

1 comment

  1. Well I’m gonna make an assumption he was hyperbolically implying she rode him so much and so hard that she stripped the color off his dick.

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