Parent Teacher Conference [MF] – Part 3

Part 3, for your approval.

I’m really thankful to the few of you who have reached out and messaged or chatted me. If this story turns you on, please let me know. Ladies especially, I’d love to hear from you 😘

[Part 1:](

[Part 2:](



Madison barely slept all night, but thankfully the next day was Saturday. She went over the text message again and again in her mind. She stalked Jasmine on social media all night. She knew that Jay’s wife had been a high powered executive in PR and marketing before having a child. But that she had made the decision to raise their child full-time, but also start vlogging and podcasting on the side which had now turned into a business in its own right.

“Thanks for watching Jasmine Lee In Real Life! Like and subscribe everyone!” Madison said overly cheerfully, she couldn’t help repeat Jasmine’s annoying YouTube hook to herself, it was stuck in her head.

She started watching the videos to learn about this woman, but couldn’t help but get sucked in. She was the perfect suburban wife. Perfectly manicured and had a body chiseled from stone on her own in-house Pilates reformer machine. She looked like the kind of woman who spent 4 hours a day on her hair and makeup and who never had glue stuck in her hair or paint on her pants.

“She’s probably a stiff in bed. Don’t touch me, dear. My hair is just so!” Madison said to herself in a mocking adaptation of Jasmine.

“He probably goes around fingering all of Sofia’s teachers because she’s such a cold fish at home.”

But Madison had to admit, there was also a little bit of jealousy. Jasmine’s life seemed as perfect as her abs and ass. She lived in a gorgeous house with more bedrooms than people. She was tall, like model tall, and had the body of a Victoria’s Secret model. And though she was definitely in her 30s, she somehow had better skin than Madison.

At one point in the night, Madison found herself watching a few of Jasmine’s workout videos on repeat. Watching Jasmine’s lithe body reaching and twisting. Madison found her thoughts wandering to the images she had in her mind of her laying under Leyla as their breasts touched. She found herself imagining Jasmine in that position.

In the delirium of a sleepless night, she found herself teasing herself with her fingers. Unsure of who she was fantasizing about anymore, she just knew that the wet folds of her labia were responding. She thought about Jay’s fingers in her mouth and in her pussy. She thought about Marc fucking Leyla doggy style. She imagined Jay fucking her doggy style. Then she thought about Leyla, with her finger in Marc’s asshole. And wondered what it would feel like to have a finger in her asshole. Maybe something bigger? She wondered if Jasmine ever let anyone touch her asshole. Madison imagined Jasmine’s asshole, which was probably bleached and picture perfect.

She drifted in and out of anxious sleep and aroused sleeplessness all night. Her fingers resting against her pussy, at times rubbing it and at other times just resting there.

Eventually the sun was at a point in the sky where the blinds couldn’t keep the light off her eyes. She checked the phone, it was already past noon. Madison peeled herself out of bed still wondering what to do about her situation. As she wandered to the kitchen and began making coffee she received another text.

“Shit, is this Jasmine?” she thought as she looked at her phone. But sadly, just another message from Marc. Which got her thinking, why not just text Jay instead? He came on to her after all, with his sexy broad shoulders and 6’5 frame. Isn’t he responsible for some of this?

“He’s the one that fingered me. Let him deal with this.” She thought defiantly.

Madison opened up the PDF with all the parent’s numbers, found Jay’s and sent him a text:

“Hi, it’s Madison (Sofia’s teacher). Can we talk?”

Madison hovered her finger over the ‘send’ button for a second to work up the courage and then sent the text.

Almost immediately, she received a response. “Come over to the house, I assume you have our address.”

Madison paused and thought over the dynamic of being in that huge house with Jasmine and her perfect tits and ass.

“Is your wife home?” Madison eventually texted back

“No, she’s away for the weekend. Come over in 1 hour.”

“One hour? Crap, I gotta shower.”

Madison found herself getting ready in a panic. She went through her closet pulling out every outfit. It seemed like every outfit was either too obviously sexy or something she’d wear in her Kindergarten class. There was no middle ground.

“I don’t want him to think I’m coming over to hook up again. But…”

Madison knew there was a part of her that would be open to it. Watching Marc and Leyla fuck last night, it scared her almost being caught but it also turned her on. She enjoyed doing something in secret. Something a little dirty. But first, Madison would need to find just the right outfit.

“Why don’t I have anything to wear!”

Madison told herself she was stressing because she now knew that Jay woke up every morning to a pristine mannequin of a woman. But there was also a part of her that missed getting ready for a man. Putting on an outfit and being desired.

Madison ended up choosing a black braless halter mini dress. It accentuated her petite frame and in her mind seemed like something a mistress would wear to see her lover.

“I’m not a mistress, and he only fingered me. And maybe he’ll say it was a mistake” She found herself saying to herself.

Hopping into the shower, she found herself shaving her legs.

“Madison, what do you think is happening here? Don’t set yourself up for this. Just go and tell him that it was a mistake and it happened once.”

But Madison shaved anyways, and made sure her pussy was especially clean shaven.

Stepping out of the shower, she admired herself. It had been a rough year and a crazy past few days, and she realized she had not really looked at her naked body in a while. She was only 5’5’’ but she was more legs than torso, and it gave her the look of someone taller. And her frame was petite and her shoulders narrow, but she had a great posture from her childhood years of dancing and gymnastics. Her dark hair formed natural waves, though they were wet right now. And her tits, though just small, were perky and almost upturned. She loved her body. She affirmed herself.

“Girl, you are hot. I’d want to fuck me.”

Feeling a little less sad about her life, she got ready and headed out the door.

Madison had never been to this part of town before. It was way outside the normal shopping and commercial areas and on the opposite side of town from her and the school. The houses here were all set far back from the road with gates and trees lining the street. She pulled into a dead-end street with Jay and Jasmine’s house all the way at the very end.

She pulled up to the gate, rolled down her window and reached out to try and hit the keypad.

“Who the fuck are these people?”

The buzzer ran before she heard a click on the other side. A woman’s voice she didn’t recognize answered.

“Hello, are you Miss Reynolds?”

Dread filled Madison. She wondered if Jasmine was home and if she had been lured into some sort of trap.

“Uh, yes…Is this…”

The other line hung up and a buzz sounded as the gates retracted into the stone walls on either side.

“Fuck it.” Madison thought as she pulled into the driveway.

The house was somehow bigger than she pictured from Jasmine’s vlogs. It was one of those homes built by an architect who was trying to make a point of using as much glass as possible. It seemed impossibly light and she swore she could see through the entire house. Pulling up, the drive way opened up into a circle in front of the house which made it feel like pulling up to a country club or restaurant.

She parked off to the side and walked over to the front door. She tugged at her dress a little and was trying to check her make up when the door opened by itself. On the other side was a young woman, maybe her age or even younger. She had long straight black hair which went down to her lower back. She was really fair skinned and had a petite frame like Madison’s. She was wearing a black leather mini skirt with an oversized blazer. But surprisingly, it seemed like she wasn’t wearing anything under her blazer. Not even a bra. Madison raised an eyebrow and the thought.

“Hi Miss Reynolds, I’m Jay’s assistant Kassie. He’s just finishing up with another meeting.”

Madison followed Kassie into the house. She recognized it from the videos, but there were even more rooms than she expected. Kassie lead her to a room in the back that looked over their backyard and pool. It had floor to ceiling windows that gave an unbroken panorama of the woods behind their home.

“Please help yourself to anything at the bar.” Kassie motioned to the bar on the opposite wall which was as well stocked as any restaurant or hotel bar.

Kassie left, leaving Madison alone. She found herself perusing the art books on the coffee table and the various objects on display. Everything seemed perfectly staged.

“I’m sure there’s an episode on Jasmine’s YouTube channel about decorating this room.” She said to herself.

Eventually Madison found her way to the bar. It had been 10 minutes and she was getting restless.

“I gotta calm down.” She thought to herself as her eyes scanned the bottles of liquor and wine, resting on a bottle of Icelandic Vodka. She was normally a wine girl, but she wanted something quick and to the point.

She grabbed the bottle of Vodka, grabbed a glass from behind the counter and poured a double shot for herself.

“Cheers.” She said to herself as she downed the double shot.

“Cheers.” another voice responded from behind her, causing her to jump.

“Teaching must be more stressful than I thought.”

She turned around to find Jay crossing the room to her. Whatever effect the vodka was supposed to have was totally compromised by a feeling of being caught red handed. Like a little girl being caught raiding the liquor cabinet by her father, she felt her face turn red.

Jay came up close to her, and took the glass gently out of her hand.

“If we’re doing shots, you should have told me”

“No, I’m not doing shots.” Madison found herself saying

“Oh, you could have fooled me.”

Mark grabbed another glass from behind the counter, and some ice out of an ice bucket and poured himself a generous glass of the vodka and another pour for Madison. He gave the glass back to her.

He raised his glass and she instinctively touched her glass to his. They both had a sip but Madison kept her eyes on her glass, still embarrassed. Though she could feel his gaze upon her.

They were standing close. The room had to be three times the size of her own living room, and yet Jay stood next to her as if they were at a crowded bar.

Standing this close, she had to cock her head to eventually look up at his 6’5 frame standing a full foot taller than her. His chest took up her entire field of view from this angle and she couldn’t help but want to rest her head against his chest.

She took another sip from her glass and jumped a little when she felt Jay’s hand rest on her side. He pulled her just slightly towards him. She was nervous, but in a different way than before. She kept the glass up to her mouth, as if to hide behind it. She felt completely naked in front of him in this moment, but also safe. She raised her own free hand and let it rest on his broad chest. Not to stop him, but just to feel him.

Jay put his glass down on the counter, cocked his head to one side and asked.

“So, you wanted to talk?”

Madison was caught off guard, she completely forgot that she came here to talk to him. She pulled back and Jay’s hands released his grip on her.

“Oh right, yeah. Yes, I wanted to talk. To talk, you know, about…Sofia.”

“About Sofia? I thought we covered everything at the parent teacher conference.” Jay asked politely

“Well, not about Sofia. I mean, yes her too.”

Madison was looking down at her hands for help. She was stumbling over her words and thoughts. And it seemed Jay was content letting Madison take her time.

“About yesterday. I want you to know…”

Madison felt Jay’s hands again, but this time on her chin. He lifted up her face to his and leaned in with a gentle kiss on the lips. Madison felt her lips part for his. Her thoughts completely melted away into the feeling of his beard against her face, of his warm tongue sliding into her mouth.

She felt his hands wrap around her waist and pull her upwards so that she was standing on her tippy toes. As he wrapped her up, she felt so small in his arms.

They kissed and embraced like long lost lovers, not like two people who had just met briefly the day before. She let her arms rub his chest and his arms, and eventually found herself wrapping around his neck as Jay picked her up and pulled her up towards himself.

Now she was actually dangling in the air. Her arms wrapped around him, and her weight supported by Jay whose hands were underneath her thighs. Slowly their passionate slow kisses took on more fervor. Jay began kissing her neck and letting his tongue wander down to his neckline.

He carried them both over to the couch where he placed her on her back. Looking up at him, he seemed a giant towering over her. Madison felt Jay’s hands reach down and lift her braless dress up and over her. She had to arch her back to help him pull it off, but soon she was laying there with just her panties.

He came down and hungrily began kissing her neck, her collar bone, and found his way down to her tiny chest. Jay stopped, looking at them for a moment. Madison found herself getting self conscious, thinking now about Jasmine’s perfect C-cups and how her tiny breast compared. But Jay, almost sensing her insecurities, smiled and gently took her right nipple into his mouth.

He worshiped them with his mouth while massaging the other breast with his hands. Madison could feel his tongue swirling around her nipples, teasing and tugging, sucking and nibbling. As this was happening, she felt Jay’s body pressing down on her lower body. She moved her leg between his and could feel his cock, rock hard, through his pants.

Jay did not stop there, his kisses eventually left her breasts and worked their way down to her navel. He was kissing and licking all the way down to her panties. For a brief moment, she thought to her self “Are you really going to do this?” She placed her hand on his head to try and slow him down. And for a second expected him to stop and maybe check with her, but there was no hesitation on his part. Or maybe it was a confidence in knowing she would never say ‘no.’ Instead of slowing him down, she found herself pushing him down to her crotch, forcing his head against her skin.

He pulled her panties down and put them into his pocket. She wondered if she would get those back, but just as the thought popped into her head, his tongue pushed up against her clit and her thoughts washed away in a wave of euphoria.

All of a sudden any remaining thoughts about where she was, who she was with, what the consequences might be, flew out of her mind. All she could focus on was his tongue and the motions it was making against her pussy.

She thought his fingers were good, but somehow his tongue was better. It worked its way up and down her labia, flicked and sucked at her clit, and even dove deep into her pussy. She had never experienced anything like this before. She had guys go down on her, but this was a new experience.

Just when she thought she couldn’t imagine any more sensation, she felt one of his fingers join in. She felt a finger slip into her pussy. At first it was just gently going in and out, but then she felt it curl up inside of her and begin pushing up. Making a motion inside of her which unlocked a wave of sensations. It felt like he was touching her brainstem directly through her vagina walls.

While this was happening, Jay was still licking her clit and flicking it with her tongue. She felt an orgasm coming. Her legs stretched out wide like she was being electrocuted and she eventually found them resting Jay’s wide shoulders. As the orgasm washed over her, she squeezed tight. Gripping his head between her thighs.

She was cumming and the sensation was too strong. There was pleasure but it seemed too much. She put her hands down to block his tongue, to push his head away, but she was also holding him there with her head. And his tongue didn’t stop.

“Yessss! Fuck! God! Yesssss!” She found herself screaming as the orgasm pulsed over her.

Finally she relaxed her legs, let go of Jay’s head, and watched him come up from between her legs. He came up to her as she lay half on the couch and half on the floor, and kissed her. Madison could taste herself on his lips and tongue.

Looking down his body, she could see his massive boner trying to break free out of his pants.

Even still recovering from the massive orgasm, there was a hunger for his cock. She got back up and positioned herself sitting on the couch facing him as he stood in front of her. She felt his hands brushing her hair and holding her head. She looked up at him and he looked back with a knowing smile.

Madison reached up and began to undo his belt and pants. Jay also removed the t-shirt he was wearing. He looked down at Madison as she undid his belt, and as she was pulling his pants and boxers down, Jay’s cock sprung free. She gasped audibly at the size.

It wasn’t the length, though it was about as long as Marc’s cock, which was itself pretty big, but Jay’s cock was thick. She hesitantly reached up and put her hand on it and was surprised that it made her hands look so small in comparison. It was thick and veins were visible. And the head was big and wide like a mushroom head. She found herself wondering if it would fit.

While Madison stared in amazement, Jay’s hands reached around and opened her mouth gently with his thumb. Madison obediently followed and parted her mouth. Jay moved in closer and she felt the head of his dick touch her parted lips.

“Wider.” Jay said calmly

Madison opened her mouth as wide as it could go, and Jay leaned in with his dick and filled her whole mouth hole. Madison felt his dick stretching her mouth wide. It was so big in her mouth she could barely move her tongue. All she could do was accept it and let it come in.

Jay pushed his dick as deeps it would go into Madison’s tiny mouth. She began to gag and her eyes closed up from the pressure but Jay held it there. And just as Madison thought she might have to push him out, he pulled his dick out. Madison coughed and looked up at Jay with watery eyes.

“Is it too big for you?” Jay asked

Madison knew it was, but to her own surprise, she just looked back up at Jay’s massive dick, and then up at his eyes. Without any word, she simply opened her mouth and put her tongue out.

“Good girl.” Jay said with a mischievous smile.

Jay put his left hand on the back of her head, just above the neck. He didn’t grip her tight expecting her to pull away, but just in an almost casual way that communicated that he knew she would do what he wanted. He pushed his cock back into her. And this time she was more prepared. She just let him slide his massive cock in and out of her mouth. She didn’t fight it or try to do anything fancy. She just let Jay use her mouth for his massive cock.

As the drool and saliva pooled up and down her chest, Madison thought about the words Leyla had used the other night “Use me like your little fuck doll.” And she smiled thinking about being Jay’s fuck doll. Or smiled as much as she could with something this thick in her mouth.

Madison looked up from the massive cock filling her mouth. Jay’s body was a sight to behold. It wasn’t cut like Marc’s, but Jay was big. Everything about his features was oversized and masculine in a raw sort of way. Looking further up she met Jay’s eyes which didn’t break eye contact with hers. He was fucking her, not only with his cock but with his eyes. He looked at her in a way that made her feel even more naked than she already was.

Without breaking that eye contact, Jay pulled his cock in and out of her mouth one last time and stretched out his hand to Madison. Madison took his hand and rose up to her feet and followed him to the couch. Jay sat down on the couch and motioned for her to climb on top. She crawled on the couch on her knees facing Jay, with his cock standing erect between them pushing up against her abdomen.

Lifting herself off his lap, she positioned herself over his cock. Having to adjust and put her feet up on the couch to get enough height to position herself over his cock and lowered herself onto him.

Her pussy resisted. The head of Jay’s cock was wide and it seemed to just press up against her lips not part them. She reached down and gripped the thick tree branch in her hand and angled it slightly to help it in. But no matter what she did, she just seemed too petite and his cock too thick. The best she could do was to get a bit of the head up against her lips.

Nervously she looked up at Jay who was leaning back with one hand behind his head. He was smiling and enjoying watching her struggle.

“Does this turn you on? Watching me trying to figure out what to do with this?” Madison said motioning to his dick

In response, Jay leaned in and pulled her close for a kiss. He kissed her so passionately that she forgot that just a few moments ago he was fucking that same mouth aggresively with his dick.

As she melted into his passionate kiss, Jay reached down with his hand and slipped his middle and ring finger into her pussy. Madison responded by grinding herself against his hand while also shoving her tongue down his throat.

Just when she thought that they may have to settle for another session of just fingering, Jay lifted her hip up over himself and positioned his cock at her pussy lip. Madison was sure it wasn’t going to work again, but this time she was too busy licking his neck and kissing his face.

Jay pushed down on her hips, and in turn her pussy pushed down on his dick’s wide head. And to her amazement, it began to penetrate her. It was tight. Tighter than she had ever felt. She was sure something would rip or that she would burst, but slowly but surely Jay’s cock spread her wide and filled her.

It felt like an eternity as he entered her. She swore she could feel every vein, every bump, every inch of his throbbing penis inside of her. And when it felt like she bottomed out, Jay coaxed her a bit deeper. She opened her mouth in pain. But Jay only looked at her in pleasure. And in that moment, though the pain was present, she was overcome with a wave of satisfaction. Of being allowed to use her body to please him. She looked at his expression, and felt a sense of ownership. She knew he was experiencing pleasure because of her.

Just as he filled her, Jay slowly lifted her up and drew his cock almost all the way out. And then began the process again. The first dozen thrusts were done slowly and tenderly, with the pain of being stretched so wide and deep giving way to ecstasy more and more. And soon Jay was leaning back, with one hand on Madison’s breasts squeezing her tiny tits and the other hand supporting her thighs as she bounced up and down on his giant cock.

Madison wasn’t sure if she was aroused at looking at Jay or at her own body for swallowing so much meat. She kept leaning forward to look down at herself, amazed at the sight of his dick disappearing inside of her. She wished there was a mirror or something, because it would be a sight to behold.

As Madison began to go faster and faster, Jay leaned forward and bent down to try to suck on her nipples. He was still so much bigger than her, and could only really suck on them when she was at the top of her stroke. But Madison smiled wide watching this huge man trying to lick and suck her tiny nipples.

“They’re small.” Madison commented on herself.

Jay looked at her, and smiled. His only response was to pick her up off his cock completely and pull her chest onto his face so he could properly suck on her tits. He was leaning back on the couch, and she was in turn leaning on him with her tits in his mouth and the rest of her upper body almost suspended in mid-air.

That’s when Madison first noticed her. Kassie was in the room with them, sitting in the far corner with her legs spread wide open. She had her blazer unbuttoned to reveal a set of petite and perky breasts. And Kassie was sitting there looking directly at Madison and fingering herself!

“Uh, there’s someone…” Madison began to say

Jay barely acknowledged that Kassie was there, but only responded by twisted to lay down on the couch so that he was looking up at the ceiling. And then picked her up and rotated her so that now she was facing his cock and her legs were up by his head. Jay pulled Madison in and she felt his tongue begin working on her pussy.

She knew that if she looked up from Jay’s cock, she would see Kassie sitting there just over the edge of the couch. She dare not look up again, but thoughts began flying through her mind. “How long had Kassie been there? Does Jay care? Does Jasmine know? Do I care?”

But as soon as the thoughts entered her mind, Jay’s tongue seemed to enter her. And again, with his tongue on her clit, any hesitation and doubt seemed to melt away. There would surely be consequences for her action, but in the moment she was only concerned with action. Doing. Sucking. Fucking.

And what she wanted to do was to lick his cock. She leaned on one side and opened her mouth to take in Jay’s cock. It was covered in her own juice and still too large, but she managed the best she could. She ran her tongue up and down like it was an ice cream cone and used her hand to help as well. Soon she forgot all about Kassie sitting in the corner fingering herself, and just got lost in the two of them 69ing each other.

Madison was swirling her tongue around his cock when she heard Kassie moaning. She looked up to see that Kassie had moved closer, and was now sitting opposite from them with the coffee table between them. Madison kept licking but found herself looking at Kassie directly. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black but they were looking right back at her.

Her blazer was now wide open and her perky tits on full display. Her straight black hair was pushed to one side, coming down just over the left tit. Her mini skirt was pushed up so that it was more of a belt, and her hand was working furiously on her clit.

Their eyes were locked together. In that moment there could have been 3 more guys fucking her, and all she would be looking at were Kassie’s eyes. She could see that Kassie was furiously fucking herself with her fingers and that everything below Kassie’s waist was sweaty and wet. But her eyes remained perfectly still, locked onto her eyes.

And they kept their eyes locked as Jay got up and leaned Madison against the coffee table. Jay put a few cushions under her knees to get her hips a bit higher in the air, and then positioned himself behind her.

Madison felt her pussy stretch open to take Jay’s cock in. It was still tight, but her pussy was now a veteran of Jay’s cock and didn’t fight it at all. But while she felt Jay fucking her from behind and wrapping his hands around her wait. She just looked straight ahead at Kassie and it felt like her mind separated from her body. The more Jay fucked her, the more she looked at Kassie. The harder he grabbed her waist, the more she thought about Kassie’s fingers fucking her pussy. The harder Jay pounded his cock into her, the more she thought about Kassie. Her body was overcome with sensation and then suddenly it seemed so far away.

She felt herself falling upward. And for a moment she felt like she could look down at herself from above the room. She could see her tiny body propped up on the coffee table. It looked so small compared to Jay. Like a Chihuahua compared to a Great Dane. She could see Jay’s body angled behind her thrusting his cock in and out of her. Reaching his hand around to the front of her pussy to rub her clit while fucking her doggy style.

And she could see Kassie, sitting across from them finger herself with one hand and squeezing her nipples with her other hand. And she could see herself. Though she was hovering far above the action, she was sure she could also see her own eyes. Which were locked with Kassie’s. And though her eyes were calm, her body was exploding. She heard herself screaming like she had never screamed before. She was saying words she never says. She was in pure ecstasy!

Just as quickly as the out of body experience happened, she was back on the floor. If before she saw everything in the room. Suddenly she felt everything in the room. Behind her was pure and raw violence. Jay had her by the waist and was pounding her with all of his strength. She felt her flesh slap against his every time he thrust into her. She felt her bones hit his bones, and wondered if anyone ever broke a hip fucking. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to walk after this. And she felt his hands rubbing her clit. But she could also swear she felt Kassie’s hands on her clit, even while watching Kassie across the room touching herself.

Jay was talking to her she realized. And as hear ears focused in on his words, she heard him saying “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m gonna cum in your pussy.”

The realization that Jay was going to pour his semen into her pussy brought her to a new level of pleasure. She imagined his cock like a firehose unleashing a torrent of hot, sticky, cum into her waiting pussy. She pictured being filled to the brim with his seed, and feeling the warmth of his cum fill her. The image filled her mind as much as his cock filled her pussy. Suddenly the sensation of being fucked went from 10 to 11.

Without even thinking, she found herself also screaming. “I’m gonna fucking cum too. Yeah, fill my pussy. Oh make me cum! Make me cum! Fuck meeee.”

And with that her body began their second round of convulsions. Her arms no longer seemed to be able to support her and they splayed out and she collapsed forward. She was pushing herself into the coffee table as if to hide within it. And she felt her ankles go up in the air as her legs flexed and Jay’s body lean forward on hers.

She felt his final thrust as he came inside of her. She could feel the contractions in his cock as she was filled with his semen. She closed her eyes and pictured being filled with him, feeling the cool of the marble table against her skin and the weight of Jay’s body on her back. His weight was immense and it would soon become painful, but in that moment, feeling the afterglow of their mutual orgasm, she just accepted it.

And as soon as it happened, it seemed to end. Like being woken from a nap, her mind awoke as Jay shifted above her. She felt Jay pull out of her. She could also feel the drips of cum that followed the exit of his cock. She could feel them dripping down her thighs and on to the carpet and cushions. She opened her eyes to see Kassie still looking at her. She wasn’t sure how long ago she had orgasmed. Was it a second ago or was it an hour ago?

Kassie casually stood up and crossed over to Madison. She leaned down next to her. Kassie took the finger that had just been in her own pussy and put it to Madison’s mouth. Madison opened and sucked the finger clean.

Madison could hear Kassie stand up and say to Jay in a tone completely foreign to all the sex around them, “You have your zoom call with the investors in 15 minutes. Your clothes are laid out upstairs already.”

Without even a goodbye, Jay got up and left the room. Leaving just Kassie and Madison. Madison managed to turn over and sit down on the floor, her back on the couch. The once pristine room was a mess. Kassie returned, her skirt now back down over her pussy but her blouse still unbuttoned, with a glass of water. She handed it to Madison who took it.

“I can call you a car if you’re unable to drive home.”

Madison was completely thrown off by the professionalism in her voice.

“Uh, no. I think I’ll be okay.”

“Great, I need to go prepare for our next meeting. Do you think you can show yourself out?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Kassie smiled at Madison like a restaurant receptionist dropping the guests off at the table and left the room.

Madison found herself completely dumbfounded by the encounter. “What just happened?”

Eventually she picked up her clothes off the floor and got dressed. She looked for her panties for a minute before remembering that they were in Jay’s pocket. She was annoyed and turned on by that realization.

She made her way outside and into her car. Thankfully the gate opened up automatically when she left. She drove home in complete silence, just pondering what had happened. She had gone from a year long dry spell to the most sexually wild weekend of her life. And she didn’t even know how it all began.

The rest of the weekend went by without mention. She did her errands in a trance and nothing on Netflix seemed to grab her attention. She found herself on her couch on Sunday night, some trashy reality show playing in the background and most of a bottle of wine behind her. She was scrolling through Instagram but really thinking about all that had happened.

She thought about how it all began with her walking in late on a meeting with Jay.

“Was he always planning this?” She wondered to herself as she watched yet another Instagram story about someone’s engagement. “What if I said no?”

But she knew there was no situation where she would have said ‘no.’ She imagined that a man like Jay rarely heard ‘no’ from anyone. Well probably only from Jasmine, who she imagined was a bit of a cold bitch.

“No one can be that bubbly on YouTube and be normal in real life.” She justified to herself

Scrolling through her instagram feed she stopped on a post of a woman. It was an ad for some new online company selling some personalized vitamin or something, but what caused her to pause was the model. It looked just like Kassie.

Madison had put that part of her experience out of her mind. She told herself she didn’t understand Kassie, but she knew that maybe it was herself that she didn’t understand. The feelings she was beginning to have about women. She wasn’t a lesbian, she knew that. No, she definitely loved herself some dick. But she was beginning to think it’s okay to admit that it wasn’t that simple–just maybe.

Looking at this model holding up a bottle of vitamins, she remembered being fucked. But not necessarily by Jay. Though she still felt a little sore from the pounding. She remembered Kassie’s eyes, looking at her while she was bent over the coffee table. Eyes which made her feel warm inside.

She quickly did some internet stalking, cross referencing the name ‘Kassie’ with Jay’s and his company’s name. And before long she found herself scrolling through Kassie’s instagram. There was nothing about her on her socials which seemed to indicate the kind of girl who would watch her boss fuck a stranger and sit across from them fingering herself.

Madison wondered what she would do if Kassie and her ever encountered each other. Looking through Kassie’s photo’s she found herself looking at one where Kassie was wearing a tight form fitting dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Kassie had an amazing body, but Madison wanted to see her eyes again. To see her eyes locked with hers.

She wondered if Kassie kept that eye contact during sex. Madison scrolled to a photo of Kassie looking directly at the camera and closed her eyes. She imagined Kassie’s eyes looking at her, she remembered her eyes while Jay was fucking her. She pictured those eyes looking up at her while buried in her pussy.

She had been with men, but wondered if women really were better. That made her wonder what sex with Kassie would be like. Would she be rough like Jay? She laughed off the idea, but then also found herself liking a few old photos on Kassie’s instagram. Madison knew this broke the cardinal sin of stalking, but there was a part of her that wanted to be caught.

She went to sleep that evening drifting between all her sexual memories. Thinking about Jay’s cock in her mouth. Thinking about Marc cumming in Leyla’s mouth. And finally, as she drifted off to sleep, about her sucking Keyla’s finger.

Waking up, her mind seemed to pick up where it had left off. Thinking about Kassie. And as if on cue, she saw that she had an instagram notification that Kassie had started following her. Madison was surprised at her own disappointment. There was a part of her that hoped that Kassie would…

“That she would what? DM me and ask me to come over and eat her pussy?” She asked herself incredulously.

Madison decided to put the weekend out of mind focus on getting to work. She knew it was another week and she’d need to focus if she was going to wrangle a classroom of kindergarteners into submission.

The day went by without comment, and when it came time for pick-up she found herself looking through that day’s pick-up roster. She scrolled to Sofia’s name and checked to see who would be picking her up. Would it be Jasmine? Would it be Jay? To her surprise, it listed Kassie’s name and number for Sofia.

That afternoon, she waited by the school doors for the parents and nannies to pick up the kids. A black SUV pulled up into the parking lot and out came that petite frame she now knew well. This time Kassie was wearing a matching legging and athletic top that showed off her abs.

Madison starred as Kassie came to meet them and waved to Sofia.

“Hi Sofie, can you wait for me in the car? I need to talk to your teacher.” Kassie said with the voice you use to coax little children.

Sofia ran to the car and got into the back seat. Kassie watched her get into the car and then turned to look at Madison.

“I like your pictures, they’re cute.” Kassie said

“I like yours too, they’re…umm…cute too.” Madison replied, kicking herself in the head mentally for the lame response.

“We should get drinks sometime. Give me your number. I’ll text you.”

Madison gave Kassie her number and watched her enter it into her phone. Kassie gave Madison a light friendly hug and turned around and headed back to the black SUV.

For a second Madison thought they might just be friends, regular friends.

“A regular friend who watched me blow a guy and then fingered herself in front of me.” Madison thought to herself while looking at the tinted windows of the black SUV. The driver side door was on the far side from her and she couldn’t see Kassie, but she could see that the door was still open.

She turned around ready to head back into the school when she got a text message from Kassie. She opened it up and it was a photo.

It was a photo of Kassie. Well not of Kassie, but just her ass and her pussy. She was bent over leaning against the driver’s side dor, standing next to the car, she had pulled her yoga pants down to her thighs and angled the camera behind her to take a selfie of her ass. And in asshole was a gold butt plug.

“Did she just take this?”

Madison spun around to look but the black SUV was already pulling out. Her phone vibrated.

“Your turn.”



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