The Education of Ashely Polk – Chapter 2-3 [Mf] [cheating] [foreplay] [lingerie] [slow burn]

Chapter 2 – The Start of Ashely’s Education

He didn’t answer right away. Wanting to think about it. At least that is what he told Ashley. It was a few days before he gave her a decision. He asked some questions over those days. Getting her background. Understanding more fully where she was coming from. What she wanted. What she needed. He wrestled with the moral ramifications. She was the one asking. She was the one initiating. He knew she was trying to convince him. Justify it. But a comment she made stuck in his head. “I could be a better wife if I knew more. I’d be happier. I could give what I learn to my husband.” He didn’t know if she meant it or not. If she was being truthful. She might not even know if she truly believes it or not.

But that Friday, knowing they would have weekend before he would see her again, he made his first move.

Ashley sat down at the kitchen table like she always does. Usually Greg is active. Moving around the house. But today he sat down across from her. His face serious. “I’m going to help you. I’ve thought a lot about it. We are going to take this slow. We are going to start doing some… things. I’ve sketched out a little… lesson plan. For you.” He pauses and reaches behind him. He slides a card across the table. “This is a debit card. There is $2000 on it. For your first lesson. I want you to spend some time this weekend to order your self some lingerie. Order it online and have it shipped to my house.” He stares at her. Smiling gently. “The first lesson… to be a good partner and to start to have fun in bed, you need to feel sexy. Feel empowered sexually. I want to start here. Order a bunch of outfits then we will have you try them on together.”

Ashley was excited. Greg knew her. Simple instructions. A set goal she could accomplish. She threw herself at the project. Exploring all of the different styles and types of lingerie. It was a new world for her. She spent the first part of the weekend just researching. Seeing what as out there. What she liked. What she thought would look good on her. What she thought Greg would like. By the end of Sunday night her outfits were ordered. Shipping to Greg’s house next door.

She felt a pang of guilt a few times over the weekend. Mark, at one point, asked her point plank what she was doing in her phone. She was distracted enough to not hear him the first time and he started to walk behind her. She pulled her phone to her chest. Hiding the half naked woman on the screen from him. She wasn’t a good liar, but quickly said she was shopping. He rolled his eyes and seemed satisfied. But Ashely walked around with a lump in her chest for a few hours afterward. She would have to be more careful. Hide it a little better going forward. Whatever this thing with Greg turned into.

It was a few days for the packages to arrive. Greg told her over their morning coffee thst tomorrow she shouldn’t bring coffee over. That she should come over in the afternoon. That he was going to stop working early. To spend extra time with her for their little private fashion show. He was dressed casually. In a tight fitting light blue shirt of some athletic material and dark jeans. The shirt made his eyes sparkle with a little bit different color than she was used to. She liked it.

He prepared the bathroom for her. All of the sets she purchased on hangers. He sat in the living room. In the middle of his couch. Sipping on a cocktail he whipped together. It was little things like this that made him seem so sophisticated. Little things that drew a spotlight to their age difference.m. He was so manly. In way that made her husband seem like a boy. He was kind of a boy.

She picked out a lot of different styles. She started with the most basic. A small red nighty that hugged her full perky breasts but fell floating over the rest of her body. A matching set of panties that peaked out from the bottom. It wasn’t her favorite, but she bought it as a warm up. She knew she could put this one on first. Not expose herself fully to Greg. She walked out of the bathroom. Her heart beating. The lump in her throat now is in excitement instead of guilt. She is incredibly nervous. It shows on her face. She smiles at Greg as she emerges and he smiles back. While she was gone he set up a tripod with a fancy looking camera on it. He admires her. Looking her up and down.

“Give me some poses.” He says open-endedly. Purposefully leading her to do what feels sexy and natural to her. He starts to snap pictures. The camera is louder than Ashley would have guessed. A mechanical sound that is a little jarring in her mostly digital world.

She starts to pose. Thinking back to the thousands of pictures she saw this weekend. The poses the women took. She pushes her chest out, then her ass. She gets on all fours. Letting the nighty slide up and expose more of her backside. Greg doesn’t say much. Other than a few soft encouraging words. Before telling her to change outfits with a soft

“let’s see the next one sweetie.”

The outfits she put on got periodically more revealing. A classic lingerie set. Garters, thong, push up bra. The whole classic look. In black. Then some strappier pieces thst outlined her body. Exposed her breasts and pussy to Greg. She got more and more comfortable. As she put in the last set. It was basically just a collar that ran straps down the side of her naked body. Clipped into matching red stockings. She is on full display for her older neighbor. He took more pictures. He took pictures of them. Must be close to 100. Or more. He took a lot.

She loved it. More than she thought she would. Being on display. Showing off. For him, and for the camera. In the back of her mind she wondered what he would use the pictures for. But she trusted him. It was curiosity not dread.

“Okay.” He says. In the one word she knows they are done

She changes quickly back into her normal clothes. Walks back out and the camera is gone. She glances around for it. Greg reads her mind. “I’m going to download the pictures and edit them. I’m going to edit them to crop out your face. But, I’m going to start posting them online. With your permission of course. I think you should see how much appreciation you are going to get. You need to feel sexy. Feel empowered. I want you to see how many people find you attractive.”

Ashley isn’t sure exactly what to say. She nods slowly at him. She trusts him. Inherently. Staring at him she doesn’t know exactly how to feel. He said he was going to take it slow. She figured there would be more contact between them. She was basically naked in front of him and he didn’t really react at all. He just took pictures of her. She wanted something from him. Validation. She tried not to cry but it started welling up a little. Greg saw and tried to say something but Ashley just left out the front door. She could feel the tears coming and didn’t want to cry in front of him. She was being childish. Needy. She didn’t want to be that. She wanted to be confident and sexy. Like he told her to be. Like she felt as he took pictures of her. She didn’t want to cry in front of him.

Chapter 3 – Second Lesson

Greg texted Ashley and told her to wait a few days. Wait through the weekend. So it was Monday morning that she restarted her routine and walked into Greg’s house with coffees for them both. They chatted a little. Just small talk. The tension was palpable. Both of them knew.

Greg broke the tension. “I put a set of lingerie in the bathroom. I need you to put it on and meet me in my bed room. She smiled at him. Her heart beating. Excited again. He wanted her to be sexy for him. He wanted to see her dressed up again.

She put on the undergarments. Or what little of them there were. It was the skimpiest of the sets she bought. Basically nothing covering her. Her breasts exposed. Her pussy exposed. She put it on and looked into the mirror. She felt that nervous feeling again. Took a deep breath. I’m sexy. She said to her self. Trying to sound confident. She walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to his bed room.

He was sitting on the bed. It was a neatly made king bed. With a simple blue down comforter. Greg was leaning back against the pillows sitting on top of the comforter. He was wearing a pair of comfortable looking pants and a simple t shirt. A common outfit for him. He patted between his legs. “Sit here.”

He gestured for her to sit down. She did. Leaning back against him a little. He encouraged it. Sliding an arm around her waist. This was the closest they had ever been. Touching. She felt her nudity in a new way as she felt his hand run over her bare stomach. He was breathing a little harder. She knew that it was different for him too.
She could feel his hardness against her now. His erection. She nuzzled her ass against it. Letting him know she liked it.

“Now… let me be in control. Understand? Don’t fight me. Don’t try to take over. Okay.” She nodded. He could do anything to her in this moment. She was so aroused. Anxious to please. And anxious to see what he had planned.

Greg loved feeling her in his arms. Her tight young body against his. He spent the last few days posting pictures of Ashely. Spending time editing and choosing the pictures of her to post. She was so beautiful. He took his time to admire her body. Take it all in. Ever minute detail. He spent hours looking at it. Now he can feel it against him, her soft skin. He can feel her breath. It’s quick. He looks down at her smaller body pressed against. This was crossing a line. He knew it. She knew it. They both wanted it.

Ashely watched as he flicked on the tv screen in his bedroom. It was showing the screen of his laptop that was propped on the bed beside them. He a page of Reddit open. She had never been to the site, but occasionally heard about it on the news. She stared at a profile page. The bio stated “a sweet housewife from a conservative family. Learning to open up and explore my sexuality.”

He took his time. Letting her read. He ran his fingers over her thighs. Gently. She felt goosebumps spread over her bare skin.

“This is your new account. It’s become very popular In the last few days. You already have quite a following. And lots of people are commenting on your pictures.”

He clicks to a new screen. The tv fills with a stream of pictures of her. In her outfits. In different poses. Ashley gasps. Her body on display. On the screen. He whispers in her ear. “You look so beautiful in these pictures.” She can feel his breath in her neck. His hand is still on her inner thigh. Lazily caressing her back and forth. “You look so sexy. It turned me on a lot looking at these all week.”

She feels her arousal grow. Finally getting some reaction from Greg. His erection digging into her lower back.

“And I’m not the only one.” He clicks on a picture of her in the classic lingerie set. The picture goes full screen. She is laying on the ground. Her ass on full display. Two large round globes outlined in lace. The pose makes it look bigger than it actually is. It looked sexy. Ashley had to admit as she looked at her self… she was impressed. Greg had a very nice camera. And must have planned the lighting. Or is a good editor. Her mind was racing. All that matters is she looked good.

The screen changed to a long stream of comments on her picture. “267 comments. Upvoted by over 10,000 people.” Greg whispers. He starts to scroll reading some of the comments. Ashely’s chest starts to swell. She is overwhelmed. “Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.” “One of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen on here.” “I don’t know where you came from but please keep posting.” “You make me rock hard.”

As he reads all of the comments his hand slides up her thigh. He finds her wet folds. His fingers gently caressing her vulva then her labia. Fingering their outline gently.

“Does it turn you on? How much people appreciate you. How turned on they are by your body?”

Ashely gasps as his finger spreads her open. Running along the opening of her vagina but not penetrating. His fingers run up slowly. The length of her womanhood. Now on the inside of her folds. They find her clit. Gently rubbing as he keeps scrolling. Switching between posts. Reading the comments. Telling her. Showing her. Proving to her how sexy she is. She feels a mixture of empowerment and arousal that is foreign and welcome. His fingers adding to the pleasure that is coursing through her body. She starts to shake. Her body spasming into an orgasm. His fingers gently caressing her through it then leaving. He stops scrolling through the screen. He gently strokes her hair. “Did that feel good?”

Ashely was speechless. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She didn’t masturbate often. She always felt guilty about it. It was also an action that felt bad. The orgasms were muted. A ends to a mean. But this was magical. A full body experience of pleasure. Coursing through her body. A strong man with his hands around her. It was the first time a man was specifically focused on her pleasure. He was hard. But it didn’t seem like he wanted any reciprocal action. He just stroked her hair as she laid in post orgasmic bliss.

“You have a homework assignment. You will come back over after two days. Thursday morning. I want you to come with two videos to show me. You are going to tape your self masturbating. I want you to try hard to make your self cum as hard as you can. Do you understand.” She still didn’t want to speak. Her breathing still making her chest rise and fall. She laid almost limp in his arms. She looked up at him and nodded. He leaned down. Their lips met. It was gentle. A few gentle instances of interlayering their lips


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