[F/M] pervert stepdad and bratty teen

Daddy was fuming. He must have told Madison a million times before to put her dirty clothes in the laundry basket, what he believed was a simple enough task even for her. Instead he once again found them dismissively strewn across her bedroom floor and unmade bed. He couldn’t help but think it was now a deliberately stubborn act of rebellion. His once agreeable, lovable step daughter had become an untameable brat. She never made it through “sweet” sixteen. Instead, by nineteen, he had watched her regress to a foot stomping, bone idle, spoiled princess. The bomb site that was her room was only partial evidence of this.

He angrily swiped up her garments one by one, shaking his head and cursing under his breath at the sheer audacity of the girl. He also questioned, with a sinking despair, her countless transgressions reeling through his mind, where he had failed as a father figure. He hated that she made him ask such self deprecating questions.

But this boiling anger quickly translated into sexual heat, as it so often did. He always had a weakness for beautiful young women, and Madison subconsciously played on this weakness every time she was in his presence. He realised that the smell of her room, her unwashed sheets and days old dirty underwear, was seeping into his bloodstream.

He couldn’t resist inhaling the scent of her once moist panties. What harm could it do? It’s not like he’s violating her body to get off. He’s just “appreciating” her in one way he knows won’t incriminate him right now. The justifications were soon finished and he began touching his erection under his jeans, eyes closed, as if imagining some far away paradise, the crotch of her panties alternating between his nose and mouth.

He was so lost in his moment of lust he didn’t even hear Madison approach the bedroom door.

“Daddy!!! What…?? What the hell!!”

His already blushed face took on a whole deeper shade of red as he crashed back hard into reality. It felt like all the blood had instantly rushed from his penis to his head. He looked at Madison sheepishly, not a single coherent thought or excuse available to him. He had been caught, quite literally, red handed.

“Are those… are you sniffing my underwear?!”

He knew he couldn’t just sit in silence. The only doubt was what would come out…

“I’m sorry honey, I just… you know I haven’t been with a woman for…”

Far from being the worst thing he could have half uttered, it certainly wasn’t the tactful response he was hoping for.

“GET OUT!! PERVERT!!” Madison screamed, pointing at the door with her other hand firmly on hip.

He abandoned the dirty pile of laundry he had collected up before his moment of distraction and slipped out the room to avoid any further interrogation, Madison’s scent still lingering in his nostrils.

His racing thoughts were pierced with a sharp regret. How could he have been so careless? How is he going to look his step daughter in the eyes now? Would she now be super vigilant to his once (he thought) undetectable, admiring glances?

Later that evening, Madison returned from a dinner date. Daddy had lost count of the number of boys she had been meeting over the past months. But he often tortured himself for hours imagining all the ways in which they would be satisfying her, completely unrestricted. He acted as if nothing had happened – a defence mechanism that was sure to fail as soon as it had been devised.

“Hey sweety! How’s your night been?”

Madison glared at him like a piece of dirt she had scraped off her heel. She looked achingly beautiful nonetheless. Her body was perfect to him and he found himself restraining his own eye movements, this time with a far more conscious effort.

Madison’s scowl softened suddenly and in its place a subtle smirk arose out of the corner of her mouth.

“You been on the beer… again?” she asked in a mocking tone.

“…yep. Look, I’m still ashamed about earlier. I’m sorry about what happened and I don’t want you to think of me any differently because of it.”

She paused for a moment, still wearing a wry smile and a fresh boost of confidence from her date.

“Oh I don’t really think of you any differently, Daddy. I’ve always thought you’re a dirty old perv.”

A shock of dread pulsed through Daddy’s veins. Madison paused again to absorb his reaction, before strutting over to him, her heels clacking against the wood floor. She leaned over in front of him, her large squishy breasts threatening to spill out of her low cut top.

“But don’t worry, I can keep secrets. Just like I’ve kept all your lecherous glances at me a secret over the years.”

Daddy was both mesmerised and infuriated. She must have been drinking tonight.

“Well if you picked up your laundry like I asked, I wouldn’t have…” he spat out in an attempt to turn the tables.

“Wouldn’t have what, Daddy? Wouldn’t have jacked off to my panties? You’re telling me you haven’t done it in the laundry room too?”

Now he was in a whole new world of shame. He knew what was coming and his face showed it…

“Yes, I’ve seen you doing it in there too. I let you off so many times, because I figured what a horny mess you get over me, like so many guys do. But doing that in my room was the final straw.”

How had it come to this? His step daughter was talking down to him like HE was the child, caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He had to make one final attempt to assert his dominance. He rose to his feet sternly, now looking down at his five-feet-three step daughter.

“You know I hate spying in my own home. Don’t make this out to be some terrible crime that I should be made to feel any worse over. YOU have caused far more stress and frustration over the years with your behaviour. We’re going to put this behind us RIGHT NOW.”

For the moment, it seemed his assertiveness had paid off. Madison looked up at her once beloved step father with a faint look of submission.

“OK Daddy. I guess… I know you’re going through a rough time. I don’t actually care all that much about…”

Daddy seized the opportunity to reaffirm his dominance.

“Drop it Madison. I may have had a moment of weakness today but that still doesn’t excuse you from YOUR behaviour over the past three years. You need to do as I tell you when you’re under this roof. I’m not afraid to punish you.”

Madison couldn’t help but laugh inwardly, which she managed to contain – an art she had mastered over the years. She went into her little voice.

“I’ll try harder Dada, I promise. I love you.”

Little did he know she was playing him like a fiddle, his emotional strife clouding his judgement.

“Good girl, come here” he sighed, calming himself down.

They embraced with what felt like genuine affection. And most of it was. Madison loved the warm scent of her daddy, almost as much as daddy loved the intoxicating scent of Madison’s used panties. He knew it was an addiction of sorts, but silently vowed to be more cautious in future.

“Let me get you another beer. You’ve only had one tonight, right?” Madison said invitingly, once again noticing the single drained bottle on the counter.

“Thanks sweety, that’d be nice”. Daddy sank back into his armchair with a huff of relief. He quickly found himself lost in thought as he rested his eyes, tired from a day of working at his computer.



To be continued …

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rvwxpr/fm_pervert_stepdad_and_bratty_teen

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