Maintenance Day, P.1 – Intro (M/F, Diapers, CNC, Age-play)

First chapter of a 5 part series I’m working on, comments and criticism welcome. The first part is a relatively light introduction with a hint of what is to come. Enjoy!

I was awake long before I was supposed to be. I hadn’t slept well. I never did on the night before a maintenance day. The anticipation made me restless, nervous, afraid. All of which made it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. I’d lie awake, running my behaviour over the week through my head and trying to decide whether I’d be judged a good girl or not. Tonight was no different. I’d worked myself into a state reliving past weekends spent as a pet, a toy, a slave or whatever else my owners dreamt up.

It was still dark outside and so it was even darker in my room with the curtains drawn. I was scared of the dark, so I hugged my teddy for comfort. I could smell his fur mixed in with the sweet bubble bath that Mummy had used for my bath time yesterday.

I sucked on my pacifier and wriggled my legs in an attempt to get more comfortable. My diaper was wet. Soaked, frankly. I’d drained my bottle in the night and wet myself twice since I’d been put to bed at seven-thirty the previous night, so between my legs was feeling itchy and I had to keep them apart to avoid spreading any of the now cold pee over myself any more than it already was. I gingerly reached down and checked my blankie wasn’t damp and that I hadn’t leaked on the mattress, and breathed a sigh of relief when I realised I was safe. All that was left now was to wait for Mummy or Daddy to arrive and get me out of my cot.

“Morning, sleepyhead!”

I must have dozed off, because I didn’t hear Daddy coming in. He flicked a switch and light flooded into the room, making me squeal and pull my blankie up to cover my eyes. I heard him approach my cot and felt him slip a hand under my blankie, snap open the buttons on my adult baby-gro and feel the crotch of my nappy.

“Phew! Someone needs changing! Another wet night, eh Smellie Ellie?”

I murmured an incoherent response into my pacifier. A second set of footsteps joined the first and I heard the curtains open while Daddy carried out the same checks I had earlier, feeling around the tops of my legs and under my butt to make sure nothing was wet.

Apparently satisfied, Daddy yanked the blankie away and reached down to lift me effortlessly out of the cot with one hand under each of my arms. I still had hold of my teddy, and I curled up my legs to avoid hitting them against the bars. I was consistently amazed by how strong Daddy was. Not that I was particularly heavy. I was short, very thin, so much so that despite being nearly twenty-one I reckoned I’d still get ID’d for cigarettes. A fact that my diapers and so on made even more apparent. Nevertheless, he picked me up and carried me like I was weightless and laid me down on the changing mat Mummy had just prepared.

Mummy took my teddy away and positioned herself at the top of my body. She leant forwards and worked the soft, pale coloured baby-gro over my hips and off after a brief pause while the material snagged on my breasts. Then, she took hold of both of my arms and trapped my wrists in her hand, pinning them above my head. Not that I would struggle. I never did. How could I? Both of them were much stronger than me, and I did need changing and I wasn’t allowed to do it myself, and this was much better than sitting in a dirty nappy for any longer than necessary. Plus, any sort of struggling would only earn me a spanking at least and especially on maintenance day I was going to be on my best behaviour. There wasn’t any point trying to explain this to Mummy, however. She still held my hands out of the way just to make sure.

Daddy waited for my onesie to have been fully stripped off before he started work. He began by grabbing my ankles and pulling me towards him, getting me into the position he wanted, before he spread my legs and undid the straps on the sides of my diaper. The material crinkled as he peeled it away from my bald pussy, completely hairless thanks to Mummy’s efforts the night before. She shaved me herself, every Friday, and she was very thorough. By the time she was done there wasn’t a hair on my body save for the long strands falling from my head nearly to my waist. Daddy took hold of my ankles again and this time lifted my legs up in the air, raising my bottom off the mat so he could slip my soiled nappy out from under me.

“Wow, Smellie!” He exclaimed. “Good effort! I’m surprised it’s not leaked everywhere, you’ve made such a mess. Good job you weren’t wearing big girl knickers last night. You’d have woken up in a stinky swimming pool!”

Daddy laughed and I blushed, not only because of his degrading comments but because Mummy’s free hand had begun exploring my chest and settled on playing with my nipples. Her gentle and experienced touch, coupled with the humiliation of Daddy’s words and my current predicament, was having an effect. As Mummy poked and prodded, pinched and probed, twisted and squeezed, I bit down on my dummy and mewled as I tried my hardest to keep still.

“Something tells me it’s not all pee down there.” Mummy spoke up with a sneer..

“I think you’re right. Isn’t she, Smellie Ellie? Did baby girl have a cummie in her diapy?” I shook my head vigorously. Pleasuring myself and especially having an orgasm without permission were capital offenses and punishable by the worst pain and humiliation Mummy and Daddy could dream of inflicting upon me.

“I think she did. And I think if she’s careful, she’s going to do it again.” Mummy smiled down at me, more of a smirk than anything else. I looked at her, pleading with my eyes. This wasn’t a good start. A sudden sensation between my legs made me flinch and squeal, and I looked down to see Daddy with an equally superior smirk plastered across his face and a wet wipe in his hand.

“Definitely. I barely even touched her and she’s ready to go.”

I braced myself and did my best to ignore the butterflies Mummy’s attention on my boobs was creating in my tummy while Daddy cleaned me up. He was gentle, very delicate, and took plenty of time. Like he was daring me to enjoy myself. He kept brushing against my puffy pussy, even when he wasn’t cleaning it, and every touch sent waves of electricity shooting through my body. It took a particular effort to maintain my self control when he parted my lips and wiped directly in between my slit. I couldn’t keep still and squirmed under his touch, earning myself a sharp slap right between my wriggling legs which very nearly sent me over the edge. Finally, he was done. Clearly he’d decided I wasn’t going to cum this morning, at least not yet. I don’t know how they did it, but both Mummy and Daddy had such control over my body. They could dangle me over the precipice for what seemed like hours and it felt like it was never up to me whether I’d finish or not, even though I had to beg for it – it was up to them whether they pushed me over or not, and the moments of pleasure were rarely worth the pain that would follow if I hadn’t received permission first. With my pacifier still firmly in place I wasn’t even able to ask. I breathed a sigh of mixed relief and disappointment when he pulled away and Mummy stopped playing with my nipples.

Usually, I’d get another diaper to replace the one I’d been wearing, but I’d guessed that wasn’t going to be the plan for the day when I saw that they hadn’t prepared a fresh one for me. I was right. Mummy passed my hands over to Daddy who pulled my naked, slender form into a sitting position and then lifted me to my feet.

“Come on then, you. Let’s get you ready for the day!”

Mummy didn’t follow and I stared over my shoulder at my discarded teddy, sad that I was being separated from my favourite toy, as I was led away. Daddy had me under the crook of my arm and was marching me out of the room and down the stairs. We could only be going to one place. The butterflies in my tummy had been replaced by nervous tension that was making me feel slightly sick, and the closer we got to our destination the more Daddy had to pull me along. By the time we reached the basement door I was being practically dragged.

The basement was a strange room. The floor was made up of cold tiles that sloped slightly inwards with a drain in the centre, like a wet room. There was a tap at one end with a hose attached that could double as a shower, so I guess a wet room is the best way to describe it. There was a lot more to it than that, however. Various implements lined the walls – canes, whips, belts, clamps, toys, you name it. All things I’d become intimately familiar with over the years I’d been their… pet, slave, toy, play-thing, whatever you want to call it. There were chairs with parts missing and straps attached, tables with the same sort of enhancements. There were hooks in the ceiling, rings in the walls, cabinets with even more torturous implements contained within. I’d clocked countless hours screaming and crying and begging down here, being used and abused and violated by my owners. Today, I supposed, I was going to add to that terrible tally.


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