What if… My GF Didn’t Get Amnesia [M/F] Ch. 7

=== ***Chris*** ===

Raissa has been a joy to be with. She’s honest with me, and I can be honest with her, but I feel the need to be a little bit guarded. I think I’ll be like that for a while, seeing as the first times I’ve been with women have been a less than ideal experience. Isabella and Anna really stained my views of women, but maybe third time’s the charm.

Still, I can’t help but be a bit… suspicious at times.

Raissa has a couple of work friends, so naturally she goes out with them, usually on a Friday night. This is girls’ night out, so I’m excluded from it as is the norm. When she goes out, I am plagued with visions of her being with men, dancing with them and generally unsavory things.

Now she hasn’t given me any reason to doubt her, and I realize this is my problem. I should have taken time for myself; I should have tried to fix me before being in a relationship with her.

So, one night I sat her down to talk.

“Raissa, I need to be honest with you. I need to go to therapy again.”

“Therapy? Why? I thought you have worked it all out already,” she asked with concern written all over her face. She took my hand and held it tight, I guess she’s afraid of what she thinks might come next.

“I need to work on myself for a little bit. Every time you go out with your friends I just… I start to panic a little. I start thinking that you’re dancing with other guys, maybe drinking with strangers and then, well, you know.”

“But I do not do those things. I know how much it hurts to be betrayed, I do not do any of these things, amor!” she cried out, her grip tightening. Tears are starting to form on the lid of her eyes, I’m thinking she believes I’m about to break up with her.

“I know, I know you don’t. But my brain just can’t help it. Anna really screwed me up.”

“Are you going to break up with me?” she said softly, with tears accompanying each word. My heart breaks a little for her.

“No! No, no I’m not. I’m just letting you know I’m going to therapy again. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

She gave me a hug as she leapt on my lap. “I did not mean to make you worry. If you want, I can stop going with my friends.”

“Rais, you need friends. It’s not very good when it’s just you and me all the time, you need your friends.” I rubbed her back softly and I stroked her head.

“What about if you go with me? I am sure my friends would like to have you.”

I gave her a soft laugh. “Thank you, but I think me being there would screw up your fun. I’m just going to meet up with my therapist again, it’s three times a week and a couple of hours each. Don’t worry, alright?”

She gave me a huff. “When someone says, ‘do not worry’ that is usually a good time to worry, amor.” She didn’t release herself from me, she just kept herself attached to me. “Please, do not leave me,” she whispered softly against me as she dug herself deeper.

“I won’t,” I answered. “It won’t be until the next year, alright, so just relax.”

She looked at me with tear-streaked eyes, doubt written on her face. “You will not?”

I rubbed her back again, “I won’t, alright I really won’t.”

I didn’t know she would be so clingy. Isabella was aloof and Anna was an independent soul, so she’s different.

=== ***Raissa*** ===

Therapy. I think I would do well with it too. I never worked out Salazar and his cheating, and while it stopped bothering me after a while, I guess how I acted toward Anna shows that I held onto my anger.

I asked if I could join him, or to be clear to have therapy too. Having two men cheat on me has made me vindictive and loosing Victor because of it tells me that I need to clearly work on it.

As for Victor, I can safely say that his place in my heart had been occupied by Chris. Victor was a better lover than Salazar, but Chris is a much better lover than Victor. I did not realize that we have grown apart until Chris had started showing me affection that Victor used to show, like kisses and hugs. Victor used to do it, but it became less as time went on.

Chris had been stressing about the Christmas dinner with his parents. He said that the thanksgiving dinner was nice but seeing his sister-in-law and also his boss telling him that Anna had resigned put a sour taste in his mouth.

I am stressing myself out too! I do not know what to bring as far as presents go. This will be the first Christmas where I am to meet my boyfriend’s parents! I did not meet Salazar’s parents, or Victors. I do not care to mention my first boyfriend’s parents. Chris knows it, and while he did not agree with my method, he got a laugh out of it.

“I did not have a lot of choices, amor. I had to teach them to never mess with me,” I defended myself, but he just laughed as he kissed my cheeks.

“Were their dads at least good looking?” He probed and I nodded sheepishly, “were they any good?”

“They were… better than him,” I said through red cheeks, and he laughed lightly. “Stop, no more questions Amor!”

“Alright, okay. Well, you already know my ex’s — “

“No, you barely spoke of the crazy one,” I said, and I swear I saw the color from his face go. His eyes kind of went a little wide, and his hands closed and open like he’s trying to squeeze some lemons or something. “Tell me about her.”

“Y-You want me to tell you abo-about Is-Isabella?”

He stuttered. Chris has not shown me fear since I’ve met him, but he is clearly afraid now. Should I not ask?

“Is-Is-Isabella w-was my first girlfriend. S-She — she didn’t like that I kissed her. She didn’t like that I hugged her. She only wanted two positions: cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. She never lets me be on top, or any position where I’m looking down on her.”

Chris went on about how they both met, how Isabella was stood up by a date and so he stepped in. Then he went on a vague detail about the various abuse he suffered under her, never physical until several months ago where she punched him in the face and broke his nose. He even showed me the notch where the bridge of his nose is.

I feel like Chris is holding himself back. I know, it is weird because he can be forceful, but because of his trauma I feel like he is holding himself back sexually. As if he can’t fully express himself. sexually at least.

So, I stopped him from continuing about his ex by planting my lips around his. His arms went around me, and he pulled me closer into the kiss.

“You really like kissing,” I said with a smile as I melt into his arms.

“I’m making up for all the times I couldn’t kiss my girlfriend.”

His girlfriend. I liked hearing that. I liked hearing him say that. I hugged him tightly as we sat on the couch, letting the television program just go on. We really did not watch or anything, it just served as a background noise for us.

“Victor, how was he?” I hear him say.

“Like how?”

“As a person, a lover, or what?”

“A person and a lover,” he said with a sigh. “I know he broke up with you, maybe you still love him.”

I laughed. “I might have, but our fight broke my love for him. He was hurtful, about how I handled Anna. I was wrong, I needed to let go, but I got so angry when I saw her with you. I did not want her to be happy, but I realized that that was very wrong of me.”

I sighed deeply, “he said he could not be with a person like me, full of hate, and he is correct in that. I still wanted him until you told me that he asked Anna to leave you for him. Then I thought what kind of person would do that? Destroy someone else’s relationship? Victor was not the man I thought him to be too, if he could do that without even a second thought.”

I sat up properly and looked at him, “then you showed up at my doorstep, for what reason I do not know, and here we are.”

“I actually wanted Victor’s number to tell him that he can have her,” he said with a small smile. “If she’s willing to do that, then he can have her. It makes me think if she’s been faithful this entire time with me, like if she and Victor has planned this all along.”

This brought some questions into my head. What if Victor has been cheating on me all along, but not physically. He could, he never did change his number and he has never said that he has blocked Anna. He could have, and that fight was his exit from our relationship to be with her. Now, I feel like a fool.

“So, amor, why me? Why choose me?”

This made him think for a second. “Why not?” was all he said, “I was wanting to talk to you, just to share in our misery. I wasn’t looking to sleep with you or get into a relationship. But then you said you haven’t been touched in more than a month, like you were giving me a signal, so I thought you’re beautiful, you’re obviously needing some affection.”

“I did not wish for sex that day too, and I did not mean to give off that signal. But I am glad that I did.”

I still wish I met Chris before Victor. Hell, even before Salazar although Chris would be in college at that time. Well, I am glad I am with him right now.

“Did you want to be in a relationship with me?” I asked while I rest my head against his chest. He started stroking my naked shoulder and rubbing the top of my hand.

“At first, when I first set foot here, that wasn’t my intention. Then we had sex. Then I felt drawn to you, like a magnet, and I couldn’t keep myself away from you.”

I took that answer well. I didn’t want to be in a relationship with him at first, but after we slept together, I felt a little closer to him. Well, we just kept fucking each other more and more and so I guess I just started falling for him.

It’s still midday, still about 1 PM, and so we went out for lunch. I did not want to go to my restaurant, but I wanted something else. We walked on the mall, and we even stopped by a boutique and Chris laughed when he saw a picture of his boss, Lanie, underneath the “BANNED” banner. According to him, she looked considerably younger, but he is positive that it is a picture of his boss.

Curiosity took ahold of him as he asked the clerks.

“Her? I don’t know, but the manager once said that about 6 or 7 years ago this lady went into the dressing room with her husband and had sex there.”

Chris burst out laughing. “That’s Lanie, all right,” he said with a slap across his thigh, “I didn’t know she had a wild youth!”

“Oh, you know her sir? If you could, please tell her that her 5-year ban has been lifted and we’ll remove her photo from up there! She’ll need to have a meeting with the manager first.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.”

He looked around with my hand clasped around his. “Rais, you want to shop for clothes?”

I looked around and there are some really cute clothes, but for the moment I want something more. Something that will make his cock hard just by looking at me.

“Not at the moment, amor, I want something else.”

I wanted something exciting, something fun and heart racing, all for seducing my amor.

Well as we were walking out, some items caught my eye. I told Chris to walk on to the car, he wanted to go with me but I assured him to let me shop by myself and I’ll be out in 20 minutes.

=== ***Chris*** ===

Well, twenty minutes went by and she sent me a text saying she’s in front of the food court exit. So I went to pick her up and she has a couple of bags with her and a very wide grin on her face.

“What did you buy?” I inquired and she just gave me the biggest shit-eating grin I’ve seen.

“It is a surprise! Just drive us home, amor,” she squealed as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheeks. I just shrugged and drove us home.

I drove us home, or more specifically her house. I haven’t fully moved in yet, it’s a little weird because the house originally belonged to Victor but Raissa loved it and couldn’t find it in herself to leave it. I still have a couple of items in my apartment, but my lease is up at the end of the month anyway.

Raissa might be older than I am, but her beauty and complexion makes her look a lot younger. The first time I saw her, I thought she was in her early 20’s, maybe even late teens. But to find her to be nearly 30, and still looking as young as she does, well she’s blessed in that sense.

As soon as we got home she disappeared into the room and forbid me from entering. What am I to do? Well, I started cleaning the kitchen and putting away stuff from the dishwasher.

“Chris? Can you come up here please?” She called out and I shook my head because I wasn’t done emptying the dishwasher yet. But I didn’t want to make her wait so I jogged upstairs and into the room.

“Go and lay down baby,” she said from behind her walk in closet door. I just shrugged and laid down on the bed after taking my shirt, slacks and my shoes off and neatly putting them away.

Well her closet flew open and she’s wearing something that instantly got my heart thumping.

She’s wearing a school girl costume with a short, plaid skirt and a white blouse that’s tied up in the front. She had her hair in a pony tail pulled through the hoop of a red cap. Her lips are covered in a bubble-gum pink lipstick, and she had knee high socks on. I can clearly see her G-String strap pulled up over her waist while the skirt sits low on her hip.

“Oh… shit,” I muttered to myself as I tried to hide my growing boner.

“You like?” She said as she danced her way towards me, “I did not know if you would like this, but judging from your hands putting a pillow over your crotch, I would say you do.”

“Y-Y-You can’t wear that around me,” I said. I’m not attracted to school girls, let me get that out of the way, I’m attracted to women, grown women, wearing school girl outfit. Especially Raissa’s ass stick out from under the skirt! Holy shit, her meat is just glistening and teasing me, especially when she twirls around.

She crawled up to me and I couldn’t help but cup her ass while her arms went over my shoulder and her knees went to my side. “I have more,” she said, “if you want me to change.”

“Oh no, you’re not changing out of this,” I growled as I squeezed her ass and she gave me a shrill and happy squeal.

Already I’m going for her tits. I didn’t bother taking her top off, I want them on in fact, but I sucked on her blouse covered tit. I could feel the nipple with my tongue, so obviously I went for that part.

“A-Amor, let me take my top off, or at least undo it,” she moaned while she grinds herself against me. I didn’t want to let her beautiful asscheeks go so I used my teeth to pull on one of the ends. When it came undone, I sucked and licked her beautiful tits.

“You really like them,” she sighed with contentment and relief, “I thought you were only being nice, but you really do not care that they are so small.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Of course I like them, why wouldn’t I?” I reiterated what I told her before.

“B-Because Anna’s breast were big and so was your crazy ex,” she laughed softly. I chuckled as I went back to sucking her nipples, pulling at it until they were red and puffy.

I tied her blouse back together then she moved in for a kiss. I couldn’t help but be more hungry for her lips, so soft and plump, then I spun us around and made her lie on her back. I rose up and held her legs wide, revealing her nice pink G-String. I brushed at it, brushed at how little it tried to hide her tight, little pussy, or how her eager little clit is clearly that precocious little bump.

Lately I’ve been slacking on eating her out, mostly because she goes straight for my cock and “practices” on it. She’s been trying her best to get my cock down her throat, and so far she’s gotten close to the middle of it. This time I want my lips all over her pussy. I gently strum her clit through the fabric and she just moans and whines, and her hands reached for me. Then I pulled it up and grinds it against her pink slit and she yelps and cries out. Finally, I pull it aside and helped myself to her juicy, wet clam.

I pushed my tongue into her wet, silky insides and started running it up and down. She started huffing and moaning, and her hips were writhing. I held her legs open as she’s been trying to close it around my head, and no amount of scolding is making her stop.

“Amor, you are just so good,” she moaned lightly as she reached for me. I took her hand and I started sucking at her finger while mine went in and out of her little pink slit slowly. I dragged the pads of my finger against the roof of her vagina and it made her squirm even harder.

I still want to eat her out. I like eating pussy, and I guess I have Isabella to thank for that. She demanded for me to please her orally and she would scold and berate me whenever I couldn’t do it. So I tried researching better techniques. While I detest her for making me learn this, instead of me wanting to, I’m glad I know how to at it at least.

“Amor, please… I want it. I want that big dick inside of me,” she moans as she writhes against the sheets, gripping and twisting it within her palm. I wasn’t done, I’m still enjoying her little pink pussy.

I still haven’t done the little sucking technique I looked up earlier. So I pressed my lips around her clit and pushed and darted at it with my tongue. Then I sucked it and tightened my lips around it while flicking my tongue roughly against it. She bowled in ecstasy as I shifted the intensity of how much force I’m using.

“I’m cumming! You are making me cum so hard amor! Again, please do it again! Make me cum, please!”

So I kept my lips around her clit while my fingers worked her pussy. Her back arched and her legs threatened to close and crush my head. When I finally released her she was breathing hard and panting.

“Oh, that was the best one I have ever had,” she said softly, “please, amor, give me your cock. I want it inside of me.”

Her legs curled to her side and she spreads her pussy for me with her finger tips. I poised myself over her with my cock in hand and the head clearly at the entrance.

She moaned at me while I dipped the head in slowly, watching it spread her apart. She groaned and gasped, and she started huffing while moaning. Her hand went up to the back of my neck as she pulled me in to her lips again.

Then our hips joined and we sat there for a good minute, just soaking each other.

“Amor,” she started, “y-you are the best lover I have ever had.”

“Wow,” I replied, “well, you’re the best one I’ve had so far.”

“So far?” She said with a wicked grin, “oh no, no, no, there will be no ‘so far’, amor. I am it, okay, you are mine. I am not going to leave you.”

I’ll be honest, her saying those words sent a chill up my spine. She reminded me a little bit of Isabella, how possessive she is. But she’s shown me more affection than Isabella did in our two years together. Raissa might really be it.

“But I will admit you are more of a man for me. I do not know if I can satisfy you alone.”

“What are you saying?” I asked with a confused eyebrow raised up.

She looked at me, kind of defeated, “what I am saying is that I feel like I cannot satisfy you by myself. You wear me out, amor, my jaw is sore and my pussy aches. It feels so good, do not get me wrong, but when you can go for a long time it just wears me out!”

“I… I don’t understand what you’re saying,” I replied, obviously puzzled.

She pulled me in a little closer, “Amor. I love you, I know I have not said those words and I hope you love me as well, and I will only allow this once. We will go and find another lover for us, just one more woman to share your energy with.”

“O-One more woman? You’re saying…”

“You can have another girlfriend, amor, but I will be your wife. Understand?”

Is she for real? Another girlfriend? I was going to say I’d let off on sex with her, but this is something I’ve never heard of. “A-And we’re going to find one? Together?”

“Oh yes, amor, yes we will.”

Her having said that gave me a burst of energy, but I didn’t lack any before.

“Another girlfriend!” I yelled in my head, “I’ve never been in this situation before! Think, you crazy jackass, think! Where should we go!?”

“I… I want someone like you. Someone who won’t overshadow you, someone just as beautiful!”

She nodded at me, “someone as beautiful as me? Oh you will have a hard time finding one!”

I had to laugh at her lightly. “Alright, someone not as beautiful as you.” She smiled at me and nodded.

This entire conversation we’re having, while our lips flapped, my cock hovered over her delicate pussy. She reached down and stroked it, her warm hands enveloping it tightly. I started to lower myself into her and she nodded in appreciation.

We looked at one another while I started to penetrate her. Her eyes widened and she gasped and sucked at her teeth. I groaned and leaned into her.

“So big! Mierda, I feel so full!” She said softly, “and you are not even all the way in! Oh my god, amor, you really can fill me up so much!”

“Rais, are you sure about taking in a third? Won’t you be jealous?” I asked the obvious. Raissa is the jealous type, not over her looks but over her man.

“Oh, baby you are more than I can handle. Do not worry, I will let you know if my feelings start to betray my choices.”

I won’t betray her. Even with a second girlfriend she’ll be the one for me to marry. Marry, that’s funny, I was ready to marry someone a few months ago.

I think I’ll hold off on that though. I’d like to get to know her a little better and spend time with her a little more.

I wonder if she has someone in mind. It’s possible, maybe she wanted to explore, and a girl caught her attention. But she doesn’t want to break up with me. So, this might be a way for her to get with a girl and not loose me.

All of a sudden, I started to slow down. She immediately caught on to my sudden change.

“What is wrong, amor?” She asked as she rubbed my back.

“Rais, be truthful with me. Did you want to experiment with a girl? Is me getting another girlfriend a ploy so you can sleep with a girl you chose?”

“What!? A-Amor, no! I would never!”

“I’ve never met anyone who is alright with sharing their boyfriend, but you’re willing to do just that. It feels like you want to sleep with a girl, but you don’t want to lose me.” I said sternly, trying to get my point across.

“Amor, I would never do that to you! Never!”

I leaned down against her and sighed in despair. Did I just get in a relationship with another cheater?

I couldn’t continue. Not with the way I feel right now. I got my dick out from her and I just kind of sat on the bed with my head held low. Raissa quickly made her way to me and hugged me.

“Amor, I would never. Please, believe me.”

“It’s a little hard to believe in people nowadays,” I replied as I held her forearm. “I… I’ll think about this.”

She held me for a little bit, and I enjoyed her warmth next to me.

“Do you still want to have sex?” I asked, trying to break the silence. I still wanted to have sex even though the mood soured for me. I am a simple man, after all.

“Yes, please,” she muffled because her face is buried on my shoulder, “I would like that very much.”

We began kissing again just to reestablish some sort of intimacy we’ve lost during my revelation. I believe her; I don’t think she’d cheat on me or break my heart since she suffered from those two things already. But I cannot help being a little bit suspicious. I pushed her softly to her back and my hand went to for her thighs and rubbed them softly.

“I will never break your heart, amor,” she repeated, “I know how it feels, and I do not wish that on anyone.”

“Okay, I believe you,” I said, and we continued kissing.

I started rubbing her clit in a circular motion and she started moaning softly while our lips danced together. Her right hand went down around my cock and she started rubbing and gently squeezing the head, while also using her thumb to gently rub the underside of the glans. That gave me this growing hot sensation that tickled my feet.

She looked at me with lust as she bit her lip. “Amor, please. I need your cock inside of me.”

I kissed her and kept her mouth on me while my hand took my cock and pressed and rubbed it against her pussy. She fussed and moaned while I moved the head into her hole, and when I penetrated her again she gasped.

“Oh, amor, I… I just love your big, white cock! Fuck me, fuck me hard, please!”

I pressed my body against her while my thighs kept her leg from closing. My arms went under hers.

Well I just started fucking her as fast and hard as I could. She hollered, she hooted, she begged me to slow down but I refused.

“Naughty school girls need to be punished,” I growled against her ears.

“Punish me! Punish me hard!” She yelled back.

“I didn’t know you’re such a slut,” I continued and she kind of stuttered, “sluts deserved to be taught a lesson.”

I rolled us over and grabbed her add while I pumped myself upwards. I slapped her fat ass with each deep thrusts and she cried in pain and pleasure.

“Slap my ass! Slap it as hard as you want!”

I slapped her ass until they my hands stung. She cried and hissed at me then I started pulling at her pig tails while her ass bounced on me. I started kissing her neck, sucking and biting at them.

“A-Amor, you will leave a mark!” She cried out but that only made me bite her shoulder. Not hard but enough for her to feel it.

“Good, that means you’re my woman. You belong to me, Raissa, and I want everyone to know.”

She just licked the side of my face as she leaned down, then she softly bit my ear lobe. I grabbed her ass and held her and started fucking her again, making her cry and moan loudly, even having her bite my shoulder too.

“Cum! Give it to me! I want it, my body needs it Amor!”

“Where do you want it?” I asked her and she just pointed into her open mouth with her tongue out.

“I want to taste it. I want your taste to fill my mouth.”

“You want me to just shoot it into your mouth?”

“No! No, fuck my mouth. Fuck my mouth, amor.”

We got down on the floor with Raissa squatting and resting against the bed and I’m standing in front of her. She’s rubbing her clit while sucking my cock, lapping up all the juices that she and I produced. She opened her mouth wide and took me in smoothly, and so I placed one hand behind her head while the other is on her cheek. She looked up at me, with her big, brown eyes, and the way her pink lips stretched across my dick really turned me on.

“Another fucking girlfriend,” I growled as I started thrusting. It started off slow and then I increased my tempo.

I haven’t been fully satisfied in a while, like scraping the bottom of the barrel, tapped out of cum kind of fun. Raissa, while a very generous lover, doesn’t last as long as I do, and she tries, bless her heart, does she try to.

I could only shove half of my dick into her before she starts gagging and coughing. She’s still practicing, still trying her best to go all the way and it will take time.

But I want more from her.

She kept her lips tight around me, and I kept growling and grunting until finally I reached that point of release. I put as much of my cock down her throat as I can and kept pumping more and more down her throat, splashing against the wall. She groaned and moaned, tears running down her cheeks, but after a handful of intense second I finally pulled myself free from her tight mouthZ

But I’m not done. “This slut needs to be punished,” I said as I pulled her up by the hair. I took her with me over to my dresser and pulled up a plastic bag.

“W-What? What is it, amor?” She asked in confusion.

I just looked at her with a sly grin as I turned her around. From the bag I got a small box, and from that is an anal plug. I held it before me, marveling at the crimson red design, and I poured some of the lubricant from the same bag all over it. I made sure to spill some on Raissa’s thick ass and she yelped from its cool touch.

“Chris! Amor, what are you doing!?”

I pulled her ass apart and slowly placed some of the lube into her nice, tight, barely used asshole. I spread it with my finger, inserting my index in and spreading it all over. She yelped and moaned, and she tried to look back but I slapped her juicy ass and ordered her to look forward.

Then I held the plug before her. “You’re going to wear this everywhere, alright?”

She nodded at me, and I can see a little bit of lust behind her eyes. “Yes, amor,” she said with a sly smile and she looked forward and swayed her ass for me. Oh, I love that ass! How thick, how soft and how smooth it is!

I gently pushed the plug into her and she moaned and cursed a bit. Once it’s in, I placed her G-String strap over it and slapped her ass again, eliciting a cute squeal from her.

“We’re gonna have some fun, love,” I told her and she melts in my arm.

“You called me love! Do you love me?” She inquired with a shine in her eyes.

I rubbed her cheeks and kissed her, “of course I love you! I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t.”

She hugged me tightly, softly crying a little bit. “Amor, I love you too!”

~ End of Ch. 7 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rvo2kf/what_if_my_gf_didnt_get_amnesia_mf_ch_7