My girlfriend’s past and how I learned she cheated on me [MF]


This is the story of how I learned my girlfriend cheated on me, possibly several times. It contains a brief description of relevant people included (me, my girlfriend, and her BFF) and some memories before and after we started dating.

I was always into cuckold/cheating porn and several variations. I fantasized a lot about it but never considered I would like it if something similar happened to me. Recently, I learned that my girlfriend cheated on me 6 months after we started dating, and I suspect she still is cheating. After learning about it, I was confused. I got a bit drunk and decided to actively use my porn account on reddit, and post some stories about my girlfriend’s past. I posted some brief memories by changing some aspects (I don’t know why I did this).

To be honest, I started liking the idea of being cheated on, but I still don’t like the idea of explicitly knowing things. I rather like to know that something is possibly happening behind my back, but I am sure that I will not like it if I confront her about this and she learns that I know. That’s why I am not planning to confront my girlfriend about my fantasies and what is going on. However, I decided to compile some memories before and after we started dating. I feel like I have to get these off my chest to make peace with my fantasies. Every single one of these memories is 100% real, though I don’t remember the names of everyone involved. I am also excluding some aspects to maintain privacy.

While writing these down, I also realized that I left a lot of memories worth writing down, which I might do later if I have time and if I feel good about it.

**The story:**

Back in college, I was the quiet but social type. I was not good at initiating dialogues or friendships, but I was good at keeping them going once initiated. I also get along well with many people and was invited to most gatherings/parties. I was never the “party” type though. I mostly attended parties because I liked hanging out with people, and drunk conversations and activities are always entertaining. I have a very high tolerance for alcohol and because of that, I was barely tipsy while most people were drunk. Despite having an active social life, I was quite shy when it came to dating. I did not have a serious relationship during college.

One reason why I did not have a relationship was my lack of courage. The other reason was Kate. Kate and I met during an orientation gathering. As time went by, we became closer and closer. I always had a crush on her, but I never asked her out. Initially, I wanted to wait for the perfect time to ask her out. Later, I thought she was not interested in me and friendzoned me and did not express my feelings to her with the fear of losing her. I could only find the courage to ask her out right before graduation. It took a while, but we started dating after we both graduated. We have been dating ever since.

We also have a common friend, Eve, who is closer with Kate than she is with me. Eve has spent her college years as a “party girl” and had a reputation for having a very high body count. Eve and Kate are BFFs, but Eve and I are friends as well. She is a funny person to hang around with. However, Eve is also the reason why I thought Kate friendzoned me and was never interested in me. While Kate and I were not dating, one day a friend group of ours (14-15 people) were hanging out at a friend’s house. The friend group was something like the combination of two groups of friends who are close within themselves, but not too close with the other group. Eve was the exception as she was close with people from both groups. At some point, Eve and I were alone and she asked if I was interested in any of the single girls there and told me she can help me hook up with them. I said no (I was heavily in love with my Kate back then). She asked why and the topic revolved around my love life. I was a bit tipsy (we drank a lot that day), and said I liked Kate. I remember that Eve was a bit surprised. At some point, Eve said that she wants the best for me and asked me not to dwell too much on Kate as she only considers me as a friend. Eve said she and Kate talked about me before, and Kate said I am a good friend but she is not interested in anything more. I was devastated but got over it after some time.

Now, let me give you a bit of context about Kate, and our relationship. I liked Kate since the day I saw her. She is gorgeous, smart, and has the same sense of humour as me. We developed a nice friendship after we met. I liked her a lot, but I was too afraid to ask her out and we remained as “only friends” for a long time. During this time, I heard a lot of stories about Kate and witnessed a couple of events. I can’t say she was as slutty as Eve, but she made a name for herself as well. One night at a house party while Kate and I were not dating, I was chatting with a couple of guys. At some point, they started pointing out girls in the party that they slept with and made comments about them. All of them except for one said they slept with Eve. One of the guys, (I don’t remember his name but I will call him Matt), pointed out Kate and said she was “one of the best fucks he ever had”. He said “the bitch seemed like she can never be satisfied.” Later that night I saw Kate and him talking several times. Then, one time I looked around to see Kate, but I couldn’t see her. I also couldn’t see Matt either. After a while, I saw that Kate has returned and was chatting with Eve. Matt also returned and was chatting with his friends. I approached them and Matt was describing what he and Kate did. He said that they made out for a while, and then Kate gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. Someone else in the group asked if she swallowed, and he said yes (note: Kate never swallowed my load once and didn’t even let me cum on her face except for shower sex). Matt said they will take off shortly and head to his place. Ten to fifteen minutes later, Matt and Kate left the party. Back then I was attracted to Kate and was mildly into cuckold porn, and the thought of Kate fucking Matt excited me. But I was also upset because the girl I was attracted to was having sex with someone else than me. Also, this was a person who only saw her as “the fuck of the night” and will probably tell every detail to his friends the next day.

Kate also went to France as an exchange student. I know that she hooked up with several people there. First, I overheard from one of Kate’s friends that Kate slept with a random guy she met at a party while she was drunk, and told her friends that it was the best sex she ever had. In another instance, I learned that Kate used to flash bartenders and hosts to get free drinks. While we were at a friend’s house, someone was handing people beers. Then, Eve said to that person he shouldn’t give up Kate’s beer for free and should her to pay just like she did in France. She then told everyone about Kate (Eve was not there in person, but it seems like Kate told her about it). Luckily the beer guy was not a douche and did not expect anything from Kate there. Also, I learned that on one occasion Kate got drunk and passed out on a couch at a friend’s house. Then, two people started making out on top of her because there wasn’t too much space in the house. Eve told this as a “funny” story while we were trying to fit into a picnic table but had to sit extremely tight because there wasn’t enough space for everyone. One person had an even smaller space and the person next to him was practically on top of him. She connected this situation with Kate’s experience, and then said “but obviously he (the guy who is under) won’t have the same experience”. While saying that, she had this devilish grin on her face. At that time, I knew enough about Eve and how she reacts to certain events. Whenever she talked about something that is normal on the surface but has a sexual background, she makes this devilish grin. Based on her reaction, I suspect that something more happened there and it included Kate.

Aside from these, there are numerous other instances that I will not write down explicitly, but might do so later. For example, Eve once made Kate describe one of her sexual encounters very graphically during a truth or dare game (I have to admit, it was one of the hottest things I have ever witnessed). During the same game, she made Kate sit on a guy’s lap until the end of the game. Just a small note, more than just sitting happened even if they tried to hide, and it was not the last significant thing that happened that night, This was a time when we gathered at a friend’s house for the weekend because his parents were gone. There is also another night worth mentioning from this period: a night when we played seven minutes in heaven and never have I ever where Eve had the spotlight (note: Yes, this was a time where we liked playing stereotypical college student games). Both nights deserve to be mentioned thoroughly, but my memory is not as vivid as the other memories here. Maybe I can mention this weekend another time. I am also skipping various remarks I heard about Kate, and Kate and Eve jointly (a couple of cases similar to the case with Matt describing what he did with Kate, a lot of remarks in clubs about their looks and sometimes what they did, etc.), and several other memories. Some of these are memories/instances where I am not involved too much or do not remember vividly. Some other memories are very vivid and worth mentioning which I might do later.

Fast forward a couple of years and Kate and I started dating. We started dating very shortly after she broke up with her ex, who she dated for nearly a year (note: I will not write down her ex’s real name because it is a very unique name). Kate and her ex’s relationship was not a conventional BF/GF relationship. They were more like FWBs but one step further. They called themselves boyfriend/girlfriend, but their relationship dynamics were much closer to FWBs. They did not partake too much in regular couples activities and “did not connect emotionally” (Kate’s words). Kate did not explicitly say they were FWBs, but occasionally said it was more of a casual relationship. Kate (later) said they broke up because they were not a good match to begin with and she thought her ex was a bit dull. I can agree with the dull part as I met this guy several times and he was not the brightest person I talked with. He had a nice build (I guess he regularly worked out) and look, but that’s that. He was the type of guy that graduates college with the bare minimum. To be honest, back then I wondered what Kate saw in him except for his looks.

After Kate broke up with her ex, I expressed my feelings to her and asked her out. Now, I knew a lot about Kate’s past, but I was in love with her. Actually, I found her past encounters hot, but I was never interested in them continuing if we started dating. Anyway, she said she needed some time before dating someone again, and asked for time to think about it. I took it as a no and thought that she tried to politely reject me without ruining our friendship. But it seems like she really needed time to think because she asked several of her friends about whether she should date me or not. One of our mutual friends told me that Kate is asking around about me. She also said that they were talking about this during a girls’ night, and Eve was trying to dissuade Kate from dating me (this mutual friend does not like Eve too much by the way). She had a couple of arguments, but they all sum up to me being not “man enough” for her. Our mutual friend said that Eve was trying to persuade Kate to remain single or return back to her ex and “continue having fun”.

Now, I really don’t know why Eve was strictly against Kate dating me in particular, but I can understand why she wanted Kate to remain single. Back in college, Eve loved partying and went to house parties/clubs whenever she could. As her BFF, Kate was frequently with her. This was especially the case while Kate was dating her ex. Since Kate and her ex were more like FWBs than a couple, Kate was not bound to spend too much time with her ex. This gave her a lot of space which she spent with Eve. From what they told, Kate acted as Eve’s wingman a lot during this time, and I think Eve wanted it to continue. But I suspect Kate was more than a wingman.

I will skip most things I heard and/or witnessed, and some stuff that got meaningful after a while, but will mention one particular instance. There was an occasion where I suspected Eve and Kate had a threesome with someone they met in a club while Kate was dating her ex. Sometime after we started dating, we were hanging out with a couple of friends in a bar. Then, one guy who knew Eve and Kate, I will call him Rob (I don’t remember his real name), came and greeted them. I could see that Kate was not too happy to see him as she looked panicked. He briefly chatted with them and later said “you ladies look amazing tonight just like last time.” Then he showed which table he is sitting at, and said they can join him later if they are “interested in picking up where they left off”. Then Eve responded they sure would in the future but not today as they have company, and introduced me to him as Kate’s boyfriend. Then he jokingly said he will be waiting if Kate can ditch me and left (Kate’s face was completely red at this point). To be honest, I was amazed by the nerves of the guy. I asked Kate and Eve what the fuck is that guy’s deal, but Eve immediately calmed me down saying that he didn’t mean anything and it is just the way he talks. Later that night, I saw Eve and Kate talking about something. I couldn’t hear the beginning of the conversation because they were at the other end of the table but it seemed like Eve was trying to convince Kate about something. I approached them and heard Eve saying “come on, you loved it”. They stopped chatting after I joined them, but Eve was visibly upset. She was not as cheerful and active as always. Especially when drunk, Eve never stops talking but she remained mostly silent for the rest of the night.

After we parted ways with our friends and left the bar, I asked Kate what Rob was talking about. She said some time ago while we were not dating, she and Eve met Rob in a club and hanged out with him that night. They chatted, danced, and Eve ended up fucking Rob. But Kate said nothing in particular happened between her and him. Then I asked if Rob only slept with Eve, why did he ask if they were interested in picking up where they left off and why did he leave after Eve introduced me. She said he probably meant just chatting and having a good time, and probably left because he thought asking someone to spend time with him while her boyfriend is there is rude. Then I asked Kate about the part where he said they can join him if she can ditch me and why did he not only ask Eve, given that Kate was unavailable. She said she doesn’t know, but he might be referring to an inside joke because when they hung out, Eve joked about a threesome between the three of them. I asked if they had one and she said no. I dropped the topic there and did not ask about what Eve meant when she said “come on, you loved it” to her, (as it could be related to something else). Also, it was something that happened in the past and it would have been unfair to question Kate too much about it. I knew that she really does not like talking about the past aside from our mutual memories. I sensed she was getting uncomfortable and dropped the topic. Also, this is the first time where I thought Eve was upset because Kate and I were dating. I knew that she didn’t want Kate to date me, but I never sensed that she was against it after we started dating. That night, I knew she wished Kate was single. Initially, after this night, I thought of Eve as a threat against my relationship with Kate. But after a while, I realized that Kate is her own woman and will not be influenced by Eve, and stopped worrying about it.

Now, I will skip roughly two and a half years after Kate and I started dating. During this time, both of us found decent-paying jobs (our jobs are COVID-safe). We remained in the city where we attended college, We also moved in with each other and have been living together for more than a year. On the other hand, Eve moved out to another city with her husband. I did not mention this, but Eve had a long-distance boyfriend who she met during a holiday two years before graduation. To be honest, none of us (including Kate) initially thought that relationship would go anywhere. But they got married roughly a year after graduation. Eve’s husband has a job that requires a lot of traveling even in the middle of a pandemic. From what Kate told me, Eve is very unhappy about the city they are living in. Before they got married, her husband told Eve that he will get a position in our city within a year, but that did not happen because the company “used the pandemic as an excuse to stop promotions” (not my words, Kate told this). Then, she said he actually could move to our city if he accepted a position with a different title (a demotion) and without a pay increase and he would have to travel a bit more. Kate told that Eve pushed hard for him to move, but he insisted on waiting for a better position that will not require him to travel too much. Now I know that Eve is very angry at the guy and Kate hates him as well. Kate said Eve might consider a divorce if they don’t move cities soon. Kate also said that Eve has seen several other people and sometimes goes out while her husband is traveling. Kate thinks Eve is not doing anything wrong because her husband is a douche. I don’t have an opinion about Eve’s husband, but that’s what Kate thinks.

Even though we are still friends, Eve and I did not communicate too much after she moved cities. I only saw Eve face to face once after she moved and I chimed in to a couple of video chats she and Kate were having to say hi. Last week, Eve sent a message to me and asked me if I have time because she needs to talk with me. I was alone when she contacted me as Kate was with her family for holiday. I said sure, and she called me. We talked about life for a while. After some time, she said she must confess something to me. I was surprised because I had no idea what Eve can “confess” to me. Then she said if I remember the time when Kate asked me for a break. I said yes because I don’t think I can forget that time. It was roughly six months after we started dating. Kate said she will go on a vacation with her family at their house. She also said she will depart a couple of days earlier to see her friends in her hometown. One day after she departed, she texted me and asked for a break. I had no idea where that came from, and asked her if we can talk. She said she needs the break because she needs to make sure she made the correct choice by dating me instead of returning back to her ex. I did not mention this part in detail, but Kate was on the fence between returning to his ex and not. She eventually chose me, but it was a complicated process. She said she will talk with me in a day or two after making up her mind. Those were some of the worst days of my life. Three days after that, Kate and I talked and she said she resolved her issues and we went back to normal.

Then, Eve said something that struck me. She said: “It really hurts me to say this, but Kate cheated on you with her ex when she asked for that break.” I don’t remember how much I remained silent after this, but she then said she was sorry she didn’t tell me earlier, but Kate asked her not to and she couldn’t go against her wishes. Then I asked how she knows about it. Eve said Kate’s ex contacted Kate and asked if they can talk. Kate did not want to talk with him in public and asked Eve if they can talk at her house. They talked for some time until it was getting late at night. While he was preparing to leave, Kate and Eve asked him to stay and leave in the morning instead of taking a cab late. Then, all three of them chatted for a while, got a bit drunk, and then went to their separate rooms (Kate slept in a room with Eve, the ex slept in the adjacent room). Then, Eve said that she woke up to some banging noises. She realized that Kate was not there but obviously was in the next room fucking her ex. I was shocked and remained silent for a while. She interrupted the silence by asking me if I will say anything, and I said I don’t believe her. Then, she said she understands it is a lot to process but this happened. Then, she said Kate and her ex stayed in her house for two days, and neither one left the house within these days and fucked numerous times. She said she even walked in on them fucking in the living room once. Then I asked why she is telling this to me and again, why should I believe her. She said she initially agreed to keep it as a secret because Kate asked her to, but in time felt guilty because she has a history with me as well. Then she told me “look, I can get into more detail if you need to hear it, but it might hurt.” At that point, I didn’t know what to say and told her to go ahead. She exactly said Kate was “always a size queen”. Her ex has one of the biggest dick Kate ever had and Kate said to Eve numerous times that the sex is amazing. So, Kate always had him in the back of her mind while we started dating. Then, Eve said during the second night of Kate’s stay, Kate said to Eve she likes me but she will “dump my ass if she has to because she can never get away from her ex’s cock.” Two days later, after her ex left, Kate said she didn’t know what to do despite thinking about breaking up with me and needed some time to think about things. Then Eve said Kate decided to try things out with me a couple more weeks after her family vacation, and then make a decision (seems like she decided to stay with me because we have been dating for roughly two years after that break). Then I said this must be a prank or something, but I don’t believe her. After some talking, Eve said I am free to believe whatever I want, but she told the truth. She also said she will not tell Kate she told me about her and her ex and asked me not to tell either because it can ruin their friendship.

Now, I know Eve might be lying because she has reasons to do. Kate and I both think that Eve will get a divorce soon and will move back to our city. Kate has already told Eve that she can live with us for some time if she gets a divorce. If Eve is planning to get a divorce, she might be trying to break me and Kate up and hang out with Kate as in their college days. But after some thinking, I am convinced that Eve might be telling the truth. First, she got everything about the timing right. Second, after hearing about this, I remembered something one of Kate’s high school friends said roughly two months after our break. People were sending pictures to celebrate Kate’s friend’s birthday, and we sent a selfie as well. Then, in her response to that picture, she said it has been more than two years since she last saw Kate and hopes to see her soon. The thing is, Kate was supposed to meet with her friend before that family vacation. I asked her didn’t they meet recently. Kate said, “she is just joking to get me to travel there again soon.” I didn’t think of this too much back then, but it makes sense after what Eve said. Based on Eve’s timeline, Kate never had time to meet with her friends back then. Also, I started to suspect several times where Kate did not communicate with me for 1-2 days. She often travels to her hometown and spends weekends with her family and we always text while she is there. We don’t talk constantly, but she finds some time to complain about her family. However, there were several instances where she went to her family’s house for the weekend but did not talk to me. When I asked her how she was doing, she just said she is too tired but will talk with me tomorrow. When she returned, she said she was exhausted from all the work and mostly slept while she was there. The odd thing is she always finds something to complain about her family during her stay and after she is back, but I don’t recall anything in particular she said after these stays. I am starting to think that she did not go to her family’s house during these weekends, and was with someone else (possibly her ex). Given that Kate and her ex were more like FWBs, they might have become actual FWBs now. Or, she might be with someone else.

I was initially devastated, but now I am starting to find the whole situation hot. I think Kate is occasionally meeting with her ex, and the thought of them together is getting me hard. However, I decided not to confront her about it because I think it will end up with us breaking up. Also, I don’t think I like the idea of Kate explicitly letting me know about this stuff. She is still with her family now. After she returns, I will check her phone and computer just to see if something is really going on, but will not tell her about my conversation with Eve. If I have time later, I may write some other memories I have about Kate later. I may also write if I find anything in particular on her phone or laptop.
